She clearly remembered that it was this voice, like a nightmare, that sent her to hell and heaven countless times in the darkness.

That seductive voice was like a devil, if she hadn't bit her tongue fiercely every time she was unconscious, she would probably have fallen by now.

Those provocations that trampled on her dignity time and time again, like ants biting her, tormented her spirit again and again in the darkness.

"In the past few years, I have been thinking about how to kill you almost all the time."

As she spoke, the sword in her hand became looser.


"All of this, too, is time to understand."

Let this demon, along with the dirty self, disappear in the flames.

She slowly raised the heat sword, just like what was said in the Cyber ​​Bible.

The angel held up the sword of judgment, and in the filthy land, the flames were stained on the demon's body.

In the end, let everything be purified by the holy fire.

The sword fell with flames and strong winds. The girl could only watch helplessly, but could do nothing.

It was as if hallucinations appeared in her mind, and the electronic sound from nowhere allowed her to temporarily regain control of her body from the fear.

[It is detected that you already have a subordinate, do you want to enter it? 】

Ignoring the voice that came from nowhere, she gritted her teeth and threw herself to the side with all her strength.

The thermal energy sword fell to the ground, and the mimic floor flickered twice, from the original gray to the broken screen, the arc flickered, and the flame spread from the sword body to the floor.

It seemed that she was a little surprised that the girl was able to dodge the sword. A look of surprise flashed in Winnie's eyes, but she didn't hesitate. She pulled out the sword again, stood on one foot, and slashed at the girl again.

[It is detected that you already have a subordinate, do you want to enter it? 】

The voice sounded again in her mind, indicating that the voice was not Candice's hallucination.

Like a broken can, the girl shouted loudly in her heart, yes!

The next moment, Wei Ni, who was originally smooth, froze, then staggered, and the sword slashed in the air.

[The role has been entered

Name: North Winnie

Rarity: V

Loyalty to host: distrust]

Wei Ni barely stabilized her figure. At this time, she also noticed something strange, but before she could react, she heard the voice of the girl in front of her.

"Squat down!"

Almost as soon as the sound came out, the body lost control of the master, and with a bang, the heat sword fell to the ground.

Miss Wei Ni squatted on the ground in an extremely awkward posture, her hands clenched together, like an obedient puppy raising its hands under the command of its master.

"Do you really think that you are out of my control?"

Although the girl who survived the catastrophe still felt some lingering fears, under the influence of the original body, Miss Candice spoke words that did not belong to her own style.

Memories from the past surged up, and the body seemed to remember what happened, Miss Wei Ni's face flushed.

At this moment, in Winnie's eyes, the nightmare that was separated from the original overlapped with the girl in front of her again.

Then, the body began to tremble uncontrollably


PS: Time post is back!

Chapter 3 Miss Candice Is a Powerful Person

Looking at the girl in front of her who seemed to want to break free, Candice breathed a sigh of relief.

With the other party's appearance, there should be no way to threaten her.

She looked at the system that appeared at a critical moment, and the girl's information was marked on the light blue panel.

【Name: North Winnie

Specialties: Fighting, Soldier Attack, Shooting

The direction recommended by subordinates: combat specialization.

Special Abilities: None for now. 】

Looking away calmly, Candice's expression was indifferent and elegant, as if what happened just now had never happened at all.

She walked up to Winnie, lifted the latter's chin, and forced her to look directly into her eyes.

With a posture of a superior, he calmly said:

"North Winnie...I think you've made up your mind."

Hearing this, the black-haired girl let out a breath, relief and unwillingness intertwined in her eyes, as if she had already guessed what was going to happen next.

As early as the day she took out the enslavement chip, she was ready to die, assassinating the heir of the Capet Consortium, this kind of thing, no matter whether it was a success or a failure, she could not escape death.

But, after all, nothing was done.

Even at the end, she was still afraid.

Winnie looked at the girl in front of her like a nightmare, and the darkness continued to expand in front of her eyes.

"Kill me."

She spoke, smiling self-deprecatingly.

Now this funny look looks like a clown.

In the eyes of the other party, the well-planned assassination may be just a drama performance in the afternoon.

Even at the end of his life, he still did not get rid of the shadow of the other party.

Her shadow gradually became gray, intertwined with the light in her sight, mixed and dim, and finally devoured everything in front of her eyes.

- The chip shield has failed and is being re-implanted.

——Virus implantation failed, has been intercepted, chip deciphering is in progress, chip deciphering failed

- The virus has been removed, and the program will delete itself after ten seconds.

The world fell into a night without stars, moonlight, or any ray of light.


Lower floor of the Cape Seitan Street building.

The employees were in panic and anxiety.

The building has been cordoned off, in which case not even a fly can escape.

But what they were worried about was not their own safety, but the safety of the heir to the Capet Consortium on the top floor.

If anything happened to that guy, everyone in this building couldn't get rid of the relationship.

Among the spare stairs, a woman in a shirt and a black suit moved up quickly.

If there are street gangsters from Ace here, they will definitely recognize who the woman in front of them is.

The Hound of the Capet Group, Carl Perniss.

Whether it was dealing with conflicts between the company and its employees, or solving those street gangsters who came to the company to make troubles, this Miss Petunice was not procrastinating, and her methods were extremely sharp.

Because she grew up in a poor street, coupled with her merciless style towards her own people, she has the slightly insulting title of "Capet Hound" over time.

But now, the Miss Hound is not as imposing as the rumors, she looks a little anxious and embarrassed.

The reason was that what happened just now was so unexpected that even she had to panic.

——Damn it, the eldest lady didn't come sooner or later, but she came at this time!

She cursed secretly in her heart.

If she wasn't in charge of being on duty at the Seitan Street building today, then even if that Candice died, it would have nothing to do with her, but it is a coincidence that Candice chose this building for the [-] buildings of the Capet Consortium. one building.

Petunia had no doubt that when she went up, what she saw would be the kidnapped girl, or just a corpse.

After all, the heirs of this kind of big consortium, let alone an attack, have never even seen a chicken killed, let alone think about any means of self-protection.

Although she is working for a consortium, she doesn't think highly of the heirs of this kind of consortium, or she has a sense of contempt. After all, most of the heirs of the consortium are nothing more than a living bag in her opinion.

But if you don't look down on it, you don't look down on it, and you have to guarantee the safety of the other party no matter what, not to mention that this matter itself has her responsibility.

If something really happened to Miss Candice, the first thing the Capet Foundation would do would probably be to pour her, who was suspected of dereliction of duty, into a cement bucket.

There was another explosion sound from upstairs. She pressed her temple while rushing upwards, and roared in a depressing voice:

"The medical team is on the top floor ready to pick up people, and the windows can be broken if necessary!"

There are still [-] floors left to reach the top floor, but the closer it gets, the more despair Penis feels in her heart.

These few minutes were enough for the attackers to kill the eldest lady dozens of times.

Looking at the number of floors approaching, she seemed to be able to foresee her miserable future.

——I just hope that after catching the attacker, the Capet Foundation can choose a slightly less tragic way of death for the sake of my hard work for so long.

Miss Petunice thought so pessimistically.

The other party chose to blast the top floor directly, and made such a big noise, the purpose was obviously not to hijack, but to attack and kill.

Under such circumstances, the possibility of the eldest lady surviving is no more than one in a thousand.

At least she thought so.

It didn't even take two seconds for the girl who had no power of resistance to face the fully armed attacker to determine the outcome.

In the tens of seconds that her brain was running at high speed, the floor had already reached the top floor.

The original elevator was hacked by the raiders, so the alternate stairs had to be used to get up.

As for the spare stairs, there is a combination lock.

Perniss kicked open the alloy door, and rushed to Miss Candice's office before she had time to think about it.

The dim environment became brighter. The flames and the strong wind made Petunice subconsciously block it with her hands.

Then the scene in front of her made her a little short-circuited.

The white-haired girl stood in the firelight, and the broken mimic floor flashed arcs from time to time. With her back to the door, she seemed to be looking at the bustling crowd downstairs through the glass.

The assailant lay on the floor, either dead or unconscious.

Seemingly noticing herself, the white-haired girl said lightly:

"You are late, one month's salary will be deducted, pay attention next time."

After the words fell, the medical rescue plane had reached the top floor of the building on Seitan Street. Looking through the window, the rescuers inside seemed to be ready to break the window at any time.

The strong wind blew her hair, and the whistling sound rang in her ears.

Only then did Petunia regain her senses.

Looking at Candice's indifferent face, she suddenly remembered what her colleague had said to her not long ago.

——Miss Candice from the Capet Foundation is a powerful person.

——Be careful not to offend her.


PS: little knowledge

Voting to speed up chapter output.

Ask for a ticket

Chapter 4 Interested in learning about medical costs?

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