After all, for a famous mechanic, being bought by the company is only a matter of time.Even for a master at the level of Mechanical Sugar, buying it is only a matter of price.

It's just that he didn't expect that the other party went to the Capet Consortium, and he was not working as a mechanic, but...


So superb technology, was poached just to do this kind of work?

That's just atrocious... eh...?

His thoughts froze for a moment, and Standu looked at the little girl in the video, his expression gradually changed from frowning, to stretching eyebrows and eyes, to curling the corners of his mouth, and it took only 5 minutes.

It has to be said that Miss Mechanical Sugar is very talented in advertising.

In just 5 minutes, a little girl's smartness and fear are vividly expressed.

In his words, just stupid enough.

After watching the video posted by that netizen, Standu looked at the blacked-out screen in front of him, and replayed it again after a while.

- This video is really fun.


After the incident of the Yuanguang Group, the original enthusiasm was suppressed under the manipulation of people with serious intentions.

On the other hand, the popularity of advertisements for NASCAR's Victory Nucleon Drink has increased.

Of course, all of this was expected by Candice, and even arranged in advance.

With lessons learned from the past, those virtual network platforms dare not delete related videos about 'NASCAR Victory Nuka-Cola' anymore.

It is also true that this unlisted product has gradually entered the public's attention.

Coupled with the high quality of the original promotional video and the various promotional channels arranged by Candice, the name 'NASCAR Victory Nuka-Cola' broke into the center of traffic instantly like a comet.

This is the first unreleased product in the history of Ace that has not yet undergone a large-scale real-life publicity, but can still have this kind of enthusiasm.

It can be said that at least in terms of publicity, it has been won.

And just as Candice expected before, as long as the publicity is in place, it should not be difficult for NASCAR Beverage Company to gain a foothold in Ace by virtue of the quality of 'NASCAR Victory Nuka-Cola' itself.

Of course, some people are happy and others are sad.

It's not necessarily the beverage companies that compete with NASCAR, either.

At the very least, Miss Aphra, who is Candice's proud leader, can't wait to rush to the company to press Candice on the table and beat her hard.

Sitting up from the soft bed, Aphra looked at the images on the virtual projection screen.

The mechanic forum that I often visit is now full of my own emoticons made from screenshots of advertisements.

For example, "Afraid (Exclusive for Mechanical Candy).jpg", "Specify No Hello Juice.jpg", "Abaaabaaba.jpg" and so on.

Not only that, whether it's inside or outside, you can see that strange new force everywhere.

——Miss Sugar Mechanics Protection Association.

In name it is protection, but in fact it is a new type of organization that focuses on persecution.

And it took less than 24 hours for these things to appear, develop, and mature.

Miss Aphra felt like crying.

Obviously, he has been refraining from using a tuba, just to create an image of a taciturn and aloof god.

But now, it's all ruined!

Candice, damn you!


PS: Me who fishes during the day, and me who is at night, killing you a thousand times is not enough! !

Chapter 62 Chapter 58 Aphra Tries to Raise Her Salary

Candice, who was far away in the company, naturally didn't know what Afra was thinking.

At this time, she was watching the rising popularity of NASCAR on the Internet.He casually took an apple on the table and took a bite, his expression seemed a little indifferent.

Miss Candice is naturally clear about the effects of all these things.

Because of this, she felt a little lack of interest.

This task seems a bit too simple?

Whether it's the enemy's misoperation, or the resistance in the middle of fueling the flames, all factors make Candice's plan go smoothly.

In other words, without Bowen's troubles this time, the popularity of NASCAR may not have risen so fast.

But it happened that Bowen's self-defeating this time made the development of things easier.

Even the employees of NASCAR looked at themselves a little abnormally.

Especially Ke Ang, who looked at him even with a bit of fanaticism.

After all, with such a successful marketing case, no matter who it is placed on, the subordinates will feel that their boss is hiding everything.

What's more, my usual performance is to move closer to my original body, and it's not incomprehensible for those employees to change their views on me.

At this time, the reminder of the communication card came, and Candice glanced at the name of the caller in the upper right corner.

—Aphra Pegg

Although the communication has not been connected yet, Candice has already guessed what the other party wants to do with her.

Sure enough, after connecting, Miss Aphra's first words were:

"Boss, I ask for a salary increase!" Afra's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"What's the reason?" Candice replied calmly.

This sentence made the other party choke, and then Aphra's voice sounded again.

"In disregard of my wishes, the company arbitrarily pulled me into the promotional video of the new product, seriously infringing on my personal rights."

"Do you know how much inconvenience this has brought to my life?!"

"But these were mentioned in the previous contract." Candice kindly reminded.

Aphra froze for a moment, and then drew out the contract that Candice forced her to sign when she first joined the company.

Above it, on page 45, in a large block of densely packed words, a line of small words is particularly conspicuous.

——Every employee of the company has the obligation to publicize the company's image. If the image of an employee appears in the company's product promotional video, no legal responsibility will be pursued.

Seeing this, Aphra was silent for a while.

Then started to play a rogue

"I don't care! I have to be judged when I go out now. For the benefit of the company, I will never go back to my previous life."

"So, I want a raise!"

On the other end of the communication card, Miss Afra said confidently.

"But don't you usually go out?"

Candice pointed out the loophole in Miss Aphra's salary increase reason in one sentence.

"Although I don't go out, this is not a reason to deprive me of the right to go out!"

Now that she has come to Candice to ask for a raise, Miss Aphra decided to stalk to the end.

Miss Candice thought it was a little funny, but then she thought about it again. The smooth progress of the whole plan was actually due to Miss Aphra.

Thinking this way, Candice finally asked:

"How much do you want a raise?"

"Five thousand credits."

"Is it okay to give you an extra pack of real juice jelly every month?"

Hearing this, Aphra was taken aback for a moment, and then she realized that her veins were popping out.

What about sending beggars?

"Three thousand and five hundred credit points, don't give me no..."

Before I finished speaking, I heard a mechanical electronic female voice on the other end of the phone:

"In view of Miss Aphra's misappropriation of research funds to buy snacks last month, the company has decided..."

Miss Afra resolutely confessed:

"Can you add two more packs of jelly?"


The mechanical electronic female voice disappeared, and Miss Candice's voice reappeared.

Miss Afra heard that the other party agreed so simply, she just felt her heart suffocate for a while.

As a result, this time I was looking for the boss specifically, not to mention the salary increase, and almost deducted the salary.

This made her a little unacceptable.

"Then... can I get reimbursed for the glass money in the mechanical room?"

After a while, Aphra spoke hesitantly.

"What glass money?" Candice was a little puzzled.

"It was the glass that was smashed by the people who broke in during the commercial shoot."

Aphra said with a distressed tone:

"Those are high-end bulletproof items, rated at YT-4."

If she had to pay for all the glass money, it would be a considerable expense.

"Well, it's on the company account." Candice said with a chuckle.

Candice's words made Afra breathe a sigh of relief.

She didn't realize that the purpose of her initial visit had been gradually lowered by the other party.

From [-] credits, to [-] credits, to two packs of jelly.

In the end, everything will be fine without losing money.

The girl's goal dropped again and again.

It is still very good to earn two packs of jelly.

she thought so.


Although Miss Candice said she would only give two packs of jelly, after the communication was over, she still contacted the finance department and added [-] credit points to Miss Aphra's salary card every month.

I have to say that Miss Candice has always treated this person very well.In other words, Candice treats most of the talents she likes very well.

Even if it is compared to the whole of Ace, Candice's salary is higher than that of others, at least this situation is relatively rare in Ace.

Since today is a working day, Ms. Candice decided to give herself overtime in the last few days before the product is officially launched.

She took Miss Ariel, who was gradually getting used to the company life, and was going to various places in Ace to discuss cooperation on product launch.

Miss Ariel, who was still in the idle state, was still a little confused when she was suddenly approached.

"Miss Candice, where are we going?"

On the black armored car, Ariel asked cautiously.

"Take you shopping, are you happy?"

Candice tilted her head and said with a smile.


PS: small theater

Ariel: Miss Candice, you take me out alone, Miss Winnie won't be angry if she finds out?

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