The idea just popped up.

A deafening explosion followed.

It's just that Sharon at this moment has already lost consciousness.


Uh, my head hurts.

It was like falling asleep for days after getting drunk.

The tearing sensation in her head made Sharon unable to think normally.

He shook his head, trying to make himself more awake.

Sharon looked at the surrounding environment, a little confused.

In the extremely dark room, the line of sight gradually adapted.

The smell of humidity in the air is a bit uncomfortable.

After about 3 minutes, Sharon gradually realized the current situation.

My car ran over a booby trap...and then I lost consciousness.

So now he is being arrested by someone?


On the side, there seemed to be some noise.

Then there was a click, and his vision instantly brightened.

The eyes turned into pure white, and Sharon subconsciously wanted to raise her hand to block it, but found that her hand was tied to the chair.

After recovering for a while, she squinted her eyes and looked ahead.

Originally, there was no one there, but for some reason, a white-haired girl sat there.

Sharon was a little stunned, and then heard the porcelain doll-like girl in front of her speak softly:

"Miss Sharon Ricard..."

"Before the conversation begins, I think it is necessary for me to introduce myself."

"My name is Candice Cape, the owner of the thing Miss Sharron stole."

"Next, I will be in charge of the interrogation of Miss Sharron."

Having said that, she tilted her head:

"Or, torture?"


PS: The first update.

In fact, every time I talk about how many times, it is to set a goal for myself and make myself more motivated.

If I don't say it, I will really be four thousand words long live...

Chapter 92 Chapter 85 Demon Interrogator Candice

It's my favorite interrogation time again!

Ahem, don't be too obvious.

Candice slightly suppressed the smile on her face, and looked at Sharon in front of her with a serious expression.

In the game, how did the group of protagonists who did not yet have strength grow up step by step through five stages and six generals?

The answer is that there is an inner ghost among the group.

Well, that's right, this ghost is Miss Sharon in front of me.

As a member of the protagonist group in the later stage, Sharon provides funds, technology, and personnel for the protagonist group.In the end, the riot was successfully planned, turning Ace into a real free city.

Of course, Miss Sharon, the scavenger, naturally doesn't have so many things to support a team of rebels.And the one who actually provided these materials was Miss Sharon, the heir of Ricard Company.

Hmm... Miss Heir went off to have fun as a scavenger, although it may sound unbelievable, but it is true.

Most of the epoch-making technologies of the Resistance Army were discovered by Miss Sharron from the wilderness.

Candice looked at Miss Sharon who was a little dazed in front of her, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but curl up again.

Slender waist, fair skin, good face.

Coupled with the fusion of the temperament cultivated since childhood and the wild beauty brought about by the experience of scavengers, this is an unbridled and intellectual feeling.

"Although I don't know why the eldest lady of the Rika company wants to rob us, but before that..."

Candice said, squinting and laughing:

"Miss Sharon, can you tell me why you appeared in the wilderness?"

Sharon looked at the white-haired girl in front of her and forced herself to calm down a bit.

Candice Cape, no matter from the rumors heard among the scavengers or from the news from the company, this is an extremely difficult character,

Originally, I felt that I had a back hand, and there would be nothing out of my control.Now it seems that all this will be marked with a question mark.

It fell into the hands of this Candice, and what needs to be worried about is not just her own safety.

"There's no reason, I don't want to stay in Exley anymore."

Sharon sighed, and asked as if resigned to her fate:

"So, what does Miss Candice want to do..."

Since the other party directly pointed out her identity, it means that the other party came prepared.

He didn't directly execute her in the wilderness, which meant that he had something the other party wanted.

Under such preconditions, Candice's purpose became obvious.

It wasn't Sharon the scavenger who wanted to talk, but Sharon Ricard.

"Before we begin the formal conversation..."

Candice paused, and said with a half-smile:

"Miss Sharon, can I have my things back?"

Obviously, this 'thing' refers to the thing that Sharon took away from Candice.

Sharon's expression froze for a moment, and then she asked in a puzzled way:

"That thing should be in the car. You caught me, so that thing should be in your hands now."

The source of the signal was on the car. Since the other party caught her, there was no reason why they couldn't find that thing.

Of course, Sharon would not have thought of it, there is a word called "self-directed and self-acted",

Candice looked at her with a cold expression.

"It seems that Miss Sharron doesn't have the idea to talk about it properly."

"Uh, no..." Sharon didn't know how to explain.

But Candice didn't give her a chance to explain.

"Well, let's talk about it later."

The words fell, and the surroundings fell into darkness again.

Sharon opened her mouth and wanted to say something when she heard a click.

The door lock was locked again.


Almost two hours or so passed.

The surroundings are still pitch black, including the sound is quiet, and no sound can be heard at all.

Sharon couldn't bear it anymore, and started to shout:

"Miss Candice, are you still there?"

No one responded to her.

Ding ding ding ding.

The sound of the chains colliding in his hands seemed to be mocking her.

"Miss Candice, is this your sincerity?!"

Still no one responded to her.

Finally, as if she couldn't bear it anymore, Sharon suppressed her anger and said:

"Candice, do you think this method is useful for me?"


"Candice! Fuck you!"

As soon as the words fell, Sharon felt that her chair automatically tilted back for a while.

She subconsciously became a little happy, thinking that Candice had finally returned.

Then, she sensed something was wrong.

The chair was tilted back about thirty degrees, and the whole person reclined.


This posture of being restrained by the chair made Sharron feel a little uncomfortable. The single ponytail hung in the air, and the tip of her hair slightly touched the ground.

"Candice, what the hell are you trying to do?"

Sharon said, but there was a hint of fear in her tone.

Then, something she didn't expect happened.

As if fulfilling her bad premonition, a mechanical device gradually protruded from the end of the chair, firmly fixing her feet.

Then, two extremely thin feathers.Emerged from the mechanical arm.

Then, it gradually approached the soles of her feet.


An extremely uncomfortable feeling came from the soles of her feet. The thin fluff scratched the soles of her feet, and the unbearable itchiness gradually began to spread.

"Don't, Candice, you fucking, I, uh, lol—"

"Fuck, Candice, if I go out, I must, haha, uh..."


"Candice, don't, I was wrong hahahaha, I really don't know hahaha——"


The girl's voice changed from angry, to begging for mercy, to weak at last, and only an hour had passed.

When Candice entered the room again, Sharon couldn't even make a sound.

Seemingly aware of someone coming in, Sharon raised her eyelids, a look of begging for mercy flashed in her eyes.

Her face was flushed, her whole body exuded whiteness, and the beads of sweat hanging from her neck made her look extremely charming at this moment.

"It seems that Miss Sharron is enjoying it?"

Candice said with a half-smile.

"I really do not know..."

Sharon said a little weakly.

"Of course I know you don't know, after all, that thing is in my hands now."

A devilish smile appeared on Candice's face:

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