"Oh, you can't say that. The first time you are born, the second time you are acquainted."

The voice spoke in a slightly weird tone, which made Candice feel the urge to hit someone.

——Why don't we change to the scavengers group.

As if sensing Candice's emotions, the other end coughed twice, and her voice became serious.

"Ahem, Miss Candice, please believe that we will deal with this matter seriously."

"The specific compensation will be discussed in detail after we meet."


The Clown Club is one of the two largest gang organizations in the Clarence District.

The influence of the company in this subsidiary area is far less than that of the gang. Firstly, it is because of the disorder and chaos here. Secondly, as a third-level area, the Clarence area does not have the value for the company to make great efforts to invest. .

Of course, on the surface, gangs divide this entire area, but in fact, behind every big gang there is more or less the shadow of a company.

With the support of different companies, different gangs began to fight each other, carve up the territory and control the economy.Among them, countless small gangs were annexed, and few survived in the end, and they also received the company's help and a certain degree of autonomy as a matter of course.

The Clown Society and the Tiger Gang are the two most powerful of these forces.

What is very surprising is that there is no trace of any company behind the Clown Club, and this force seems to have emerged out of thin air.And its performance in the original game is also very suspicious.

Like many other games, the game is uniquely designed in terms of details and easter eggs.When Candice came into contact with this game for the first time, she cited the "Clown Society" as an organization. It helped the protagonist overcome a major hurdle in the plot, provided a large amount of supplies and weapons, and disappeared at the end of the game.

It's like the mask merchant in the Zelda series, the hooded merchant in Resident Evil, and Thomas Zane in Mind Killer.

These characters or organizations that help players in the game but have an extremely mysterious identity background can always leave a deep impression on people.The Clown Society has also caused discussions on the forum for a period of time.

Based on various speculations on it, combined with Candice's own data, she decided to take the initiative to draw such a line to see if she could lead to the hidden things behind this organization.

Of course, if you want to build such a line, you must cooperate, and cooperation requires reasons.

So poor Mr. Carleon can only be a victim at the end of the plan, offering a reason for sacrifice for this upcoming cooperation.

Candice sat on the expensive sofa. In the resplendent reception hall, the crystal pendant gave people a sense of confusion and dream.

Candice looked at the surrounding scene in silence, but a strange feeling appeared in her heart.

Obviously, this kind of decoration is indeed a bit extravagant for a group of scavengers.

The reception halls in many cruise ships do not necessarily have the luxury here.

The decoration of the cruise ship that Miss Carroll was so proud of was dried up and crumbled.

"We know what Miss Candice said."

The man in front of him has strange makeup on his face, and he can't see his original appearance clearly. In this scene, the conversation between the two seems a bit weird,

"So, what can Miss Candice give us?"

Candice looked at the table in front of her. In front of her was a bottle of chilled lychee juice.

The other party has obviously inquired about her preferences in advance, and this level of preparation is obviously beyond the imagination of an ordinary group of scavengers.

Of course, Candice also knew this in advance, so she chose to come to discuss with the other party in person.

Candice embraced her hands, leaned gently on the sofa, raised one foot slightly, looked at the other party and said:

"I don't think Mr. Ross should ask me this kind of question. After all, strictly speaking, how much you get depends on the clown itself."

"But the cooperation proposed by Miss Candice, we have to understand clearly."

The man named Ross said pretending to be crazy.

"Before I came here, I heard that the members of the Clown Club have two unique skills. One is that they don't recognize their relatives when they fight, and the other is that they are the best in Ace in their ability to pretend to be stupid."

Candice said, her eyes narrowed, and she said with a smile on her face:

"Mr. Ross really embodies the second point vividly,"


Ross smiled awkwardly, and then said:

"After all, only fools can get better in Ace."

Or rather, a fool.

After all, not many people who can survive in Ace are idiots.

Seeing that the other party has decided to play dumb to the end, Candice has no intention of continuing the scene with the other party.

She directly picked up the topic and said:

"After Karion falls into your hands, NASCAR will not touch any of his property."

"But everything else, including equipment, will be acquired by NASCAR."


As if he didn't expect the other party to give such favorable conditions directly, Ross was stunned for a moment.

Originally, he wanted to bargain for a price, but the psychological expectation was around four or six, but the other party directly gave up Karion's property.

The hidden meaning behind this made Ross a little creepy.

Candice didn't want to annex Karion's company, but simply wanted to see the end of the other's family.

This behavior pattern not driven by profit made Ross directly put Candice on the list of dangerous persons.

This kind of person is either a lunatic or a fool.

Judging from Candice's previous events, she is obviously a lunatic.

A "madman" who can thrive in Ace.

There is nothing scarier than this adjective.


PS: The first update

Recommend a friend's book, female respect, if you are interested, you can go and read it.


Xu Nuo is a time traveler who has come to the world of female venerables and obtained a system of [Dear Sister].

As the name suggests, you only need to appease the injured sister to get high rewards.

Although the promise was rejected at the beginning, it was different when he became proficient in the process.

Facing the president of the company: "Sister President, I'm sitting in your luxury car, your secretary won't be angry~"

Facing Fairy Dujie: "Fairy Fairy, other disciples won't be jealous if they know that I'm double cultivating with you~"

Facing the prince of another country: "My lord, if outsiders know about our relationship, they won't start a war~"

They are really scary, unlike me, I only feel sorry for jie~jie~

[Female quickly wears text, doesn't like to spray lightly]

Group 60⑥7 3

"Indeed, I only feel sorry for my sister"

[Extraction group] 606793406

[Stay Mao Wang warmly reminds you, please support the genuine version! 】

[Hedgehog cat link: wap.ciweimao.com]

Chapter 98 Chapter 91 The Fish Can Bite Itself

A powerful lunatic is scary.

A capable lunatic is even more terrifying.

The combination of the two creates a deterrent effect that is no less than that of passers-by wearing nuclear radiation and chemical protection suits walking on the street with inexplicable jars on their backs.

Ross has already made a decision in his heart, it is best not to offend Candice if he offends anyone.

This one is really not easy to mess with.

"Then, I wish our cooperation success."

Candice said, raising the glass of lychee juice in front of her.

Ross withdrew his thoughts, looked at Candice in front of him, and added a smile that couldn't be more fake:

"Good luck with your cooperation."


The sound of glasses clinking.

Candice took a sip, then frowned slightly.

Why is this lychee juice tasteless?

Seemingly noticing Candice's expression, Ross asked cautiously:

"Is Miss Candice dissatisfied with the drinks we prepared?"


Candice said with some disgust:

"I suggest you don't waste lychee juice in the future,"


"Adding ice cubes directly to lychee juice is the most stupid thing you have done in this cooperation!"

Juice fascists choose to crusade against heresy directly.


The cooperation between Candice and the Clown Society was quickly negotiated.

The two also signed a very well-established contract for ancillary sales of Nuka-Cola.

Although not many people in the Clarence District buy functional drinks, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat.

For the goal of monthly sales of 5000 million, Miss Candice has worked hard.

Everything that needs to be arranged has been almost arranged, and then there is only waiting time to ferment.

Regarding the 5000 million turnover, after designing a whole set of plans, Candice is still confident to achieve it.

As for the follow-up incident, Candice decided to give herself a good vacation and think about it later.

Of course, now is not the time to rest.

There are still many things waiting for her to solve.

The first thing that needs to be solved is this thing dug up from the wilderness.

Candice looked at the slightly larger chip in the metal box, and hesitated to check it with the system's functions.

Before she could make a decision, a system notification sounded in her mind.

[Trigger a temporary task.

Task Type: Research

Mission description: What exactly was dug out of the wilderness?How will it change Ace?Who invented the cross-age technology?All this needs to be uncovered by Ace's future controller.

Task content: research chips, and develop a next-generation virtual reality system.

Due to the limitation of the temporary mission, one-third of the contents of the chip have been deciphered, and the specific data will be copied to the attached file.

Task reward: none]

Candice looked at a large paragraph of text that suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, and muttered to herself.

"Virtual reality system..."

To be honest, this kind of technology is relatively mature in Ace. The technology of communicating nerves through the skin is enough to support users in virtual reality to experience a feeling that is almost the same as the real world, except that the senses are slightly blurred. Besides, there are basically no other shortcomings.

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