is to see...

What the hell!

What is everyone talking about in the group!

[No. [-]: I have to say that although those three birds don’t look very good, they still have strength. It took me a full week to collect all his skin tissues. ]

[Analyze for a while in the organization, there should be a chance to capture them. ]

[Just pity the giant gold monster on our side, the injury is not light! ]

[Number [-]: Sure, it is a god anyway, how can it be so easy to handle?Last time I almost got Suicune, it didn't mean it exploded and ran away. ]


The chatter seemed to be two members of the organization, but what they said was quite exciting.

One seems to be the token that Lin Mo got earlier, the source of the feathers of the three holy birds. This No. [-] is working with the organization to find a way to capture the three holy birds.

And what Number Five said was even more outrageous, almost catching Suicune?

God-level Pokémon.

This is not a weak chicken that can be caught with just a net in the anime!But a god with the power to destroy cities!

Lin Mo was slightly confused.

So the main job of this organization is to hunt down gods?

No wonder, it is necessary to gather the best trainers from all over the world...

Ordinary Heavenly King Champions simply cannot reach such a level!

Seeing these big guys having fun chatting, Lin Mo felt shivering just holding the communicator...

Finally, between the 4th and 5th, he weakly typed out his self-introduction.

[Number Nine: That... Hello everyone, I am the new member Nine. ].

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

What Lin Mo didn't expect was that he was quite popular in this so-called organization full of big shots...

[Number Five: Nine?oh oh!You are the doctor who researched MEGA evolution!Let's help each other. ]

[Number Six: Welcome newcomers! ]

[Number Eight: Doctor Nine!When can you help us get the mega evolution stone too! ]


All the members are quite enthusiastic gestures.

It's normal.

As an organization strong enough to hunt down gods, most of its members are arrogant.

If "Number Zero" was the founder of the organization before, Lin Mo's talent was appointed to the extreme, and he was invited to join the secret party.

While other members will also recognize the...

But is a gym-level junior worthy of their enthusiasm!

These people are invincible trainers in their respective attribute fields!

Who is not a genius yet.

What this group of people respect is the identity of Dr. Lin Mo's Elf! Finder of Mega Evolution! !

This is indeed no less than a champion!

Doctors are even more important than powerhouses in promoting the development of the entire elf.

And Lin Mo, "This secret party organization is quite friendly..."

He didn't think about it.

I am used to being treated warmly and kindly no matter where I am.

After all, Lin Mo's way is not the protagonist of a novel pretending to slap his face all the way, but he has been a genius from the beginning, valued by the alliance, the university, the country, and even more so by this organization at this time!


If it were an ordinary doctor of elves, they wouldn't be so popular in the "Secret Party".

But mega evolution is different, who wouldn't want their ace elf to go one step further?

And Lin Mo felt a little helpless when he saw the familiar tone of the people in the organization.

It is a good thing to be welcomed, but everyone in the organization is very familiar with me, but I don't know anyone...

Lin Mo was also speechless.

Of course, there are not many people in the world who don't know him who has been frantically reported by Huaguo and even the whole world.

As for the other members of the organization, many of them may be hiding their true strength like Han Ling...

The ghost knows what the status of these god-hunting people is in the outside world!

At this moment, after Lin Mo saw the welcome and greetings, the topic of hunting divine beasts came up again on the communicator.

[No. 31: Plan [-] will continue in the future. We have clues about the traces of Lei Gong here. Is there anyone in Shiva Country? ]

[Number [-]: I don’t really want to go there, the food is too clean and hygienic, I’ll just keep squatting in Sakura Country to guard the tornado cloud…]

[Number [-]: I can go to the country of Shiva, just to verify the information obtained by the peripheral organization. It is said that what is it... the special elf that turned the wasteland into a green swamp appeared...]


But Lin Mo could only watch while feeling helpless.

He really can't participate in the chat today!

No way, the strength is too weak!

What can I say about beast-level things!

In the secret party organization, I am afraid that it is not the champion per capita except myself, number 9, and it is the kind of terrifying character with special talents! !


You have to get stronger fast!

Lin Mo was even inspired to fight.

"try hard!"

He slapped his thigh hard.


Originally curled up on the trainer, Ibrahimovic, who was on a lunch break, looked dazed, you say work hard, work hard!

Why are you shooting me?

Still using such a lot of energy!


Ibrahimovic played rogue directly on Lin Mo, rolling over, expressing that he would not get up unless he comforted himself.


Lin Mo spent a lot of effort to coax Ibrahimovic...

When he wanted to get the phone again, he found...

After leaving for a while, someone in the group @自己.

No. 3, who had been diving before, suddenly spoke.

"Number Nine, do you have any mega evolutionary stones related to charizards?"

"I am willing to take out the best secret treasure in exchange."


Hearing this, Lin Mo was taken aback for a moment, and then showed a look of surprise.

Of course he has the evolution stone of the fire-breathing dragon.

It is stored in the warehouse of Tongbao Company.

Lin Mo holds 7% of the evolutionary stone share, and there is no problem in taking it out.

What's more, this No. 3 is to be exchanged for the best secret treasure!

Although the judgment of Tongbao Company is very accurate, the mega evolution stone should be of the same grade as the top secret treasure.

But the number of top-grade secret treasures is really limited!

It's one thing to be worth the price, another to be able to make a deal.

Lin Mo's [-]% evolutionary stone is indeed ridiculously high wealth, but if he wants to realize it... the time is ridiculously long!

He can only be regarded as a low-level and intermediate-level secret treasure at best,

achieved freedom,

As long as it is available in the market, it can be purchased.

However, there are not many high-level and top-grade secret treasures produced in the world. Most of them were used up by the discoverers as soon as they were brought out of the secret realm, and exchanged away.

There are not many strong people in the world who can exchange mega stones in a short period of time...

Secret treasure is still missing!

As soon as number three opened his mouth, this person enthusiastically said, yes!Can be changed!

Soon Lin Mo reached an agreement with No. 3. The old member of this organization would use a top-grade secret dragon scale to exchange for the super evolution stone of the fire-breathing dragon.

An extra top-grade secret treasure super gemstone was also taken out in exchange for the keystone worn by the trainer.

And Lin Mo was even more excited!

This deal seems fair, but it is actually a dragon scale!

Can dragon-type secret treasures compare with ordinary top-grade secret treasures?

This thing is twice as expensive as the top secret treasures with the attributes of the bad streets, so No. 3 offered this unfair deal without hesitation!

Lin Mo can only sigh with emotion...

What Han Ling said is true!

The organization really is helping each other.

But in the next second, Lin Mo lost the idea.

On the 3rd, we agreed that tomorrow we will send elves to exchange resources.

I even asked.

"Come on on the 9th, this year's league, we Huaguo will depend on you."


Lin Mo was stunned when Han Ling said this...

Number 3 in the secret party also told himself...

Is this first global college league so important?

Lin Mo seemed to vaguely recall something,

Today, when the world war has subsided, this college league will be the best way to prove the strength of Huaguo's trainers!

The younger generation in the college league,

It will be the backbone and high-level force of Huaguo in the next few years or even decades!

If this battle is won, it will be of great significance! !

However, other people in the organization tacitly chose not to answer.

The secret party is an organization that recruits talents from all over the world, and it is impossible for all of them to be Chinese...

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