"Don't forget, this guy now represents the admiral of the Navy Headquarters."

"Why are the people who are generals more unreliable than the other!"

Kebi and Bellumebo looked helpless.


"Ain, are you speaking ill of me?"

The cabin door was opened in response, Luo Yu rubbed the tip of his nose and walked out, looked down at the pocket watch in his hand and said.

"There are still 2 minutes before work time, so if you come out early, if you let the Marshal of the Warring States know, I don't know if he will give me a hard work award!"

Participation award?

Ain's face was full of indifference, and he almost couldn't help it.

I have seen shameless people, but I never thought that someone could be so thick-skinned.

However, when he thought of the urgent document in his hand, Ain hurriedly said: "General Luo Yu, Colonel Tina, who was in charge of escorting Crocodile Crocodile just now, sent an urgent request for help. Task."

"People from Judicial Island grab the mission?" Luo Yu was a little surprised.

Judiciary Island and the Navy Headquarters, together with the Undersea Prison Propel City, are the three major forces under the World Government.

It has always been regarded as well water does not violate river water.

Suddenly intervened in his mission.

This is his first time!

"Colonel Ain, we were supposed to escort Crocodile to Chengda Prison for handover..." Luo Yu raised his golden glasses and smiled.

Kebi and Beru Meber were stunned for a moment, and immediately made up the second half of Luo Yu's sentence.

"Luo...General Luo Yu, are you planning to hand over the task to someone from Judiciary Island?" Ai En almost gritted his teeth, looking at Luo Yu, who was not paying attention, and was going to fish for the sake of justice, he gritted his teeth Said.

"The person who defeated Shichibukai is already a pirate, and made our Navy Headquarters lose face."

"In case people from Judiciary Island seize the mission, our Navy Headquarters will be deprived of even the last veil. In front of the world government, it will be difficult for our Navy Headquarters to hold its head up."

"General Luo Yu, are you listening to me?"

Looking at Luo Yu who was still looking at his pocket watch and going to work on the timeline, Ai En shouted angrily.

"The most important thing is that without the order of the Marshal of the Warring States Period, if the people from Judiciary Island preempt the task, your extra salary reward will also be gone."

"No performance?" Luo Yu frowned, half a silver treasure chest was missing.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host, as a general, you have completed five-day clock-in for the first time, and you will be rewarded with a mutation card!"

Variation card?

Luo Yu was a little surprised.

Five days ago, Luo Yu was still wondering that it was the first time he became a vice admiral to check in and get rewards.

Why after becoming a general, there is no harvest.

After five days, the check-in reward was completed.

Does it have a cooldown, or is it a bit high for a general?

However, Luo Yu was still interested in the sudden reward mutation card.

This is not a skill-type thing, but a one-time-use item like a clairvoyant.

"System, what is the function of this mutation card?"

"Ding Dong, host, this mutation card is a one-time use item. After use, it can cause the specified skill or object to undergo mutation. The degree of mutation decreases with the increase of difficulty."

Looking at the detailed explanation of the text that emerged in the space of consciousness, Luo Yu couldn't help frowning.

According to the system, this thing is like eating a devil fruit, or weirdo cells.

Before the result is obtained, no one knows what will be mutated.

It seems that this is a one-time item for gambling luck.

"General Luo Yu, are you listening to me?" Ai En was trembling with anger.

She began to regret a little that she had set sail with the ship.

"Colonel Ain, we have seen Colonel Tina's flag, behind their ships, there are ships from Judiciary Island chasing them, do we need to go there to meet them?"

On the watchtower of the mast, a navy soldier leaned out and said anxiously.

Ai En's expression froze, and he quickly looked at Luo Yu.

For this slacker general, Ain was indeed full of frustration, wishing he could pinch him.

However, the identity of General Luo Yu was placed here, but she couldn't allow her to think too much about it.

"Are they here? Then let's go over to meet them. I don't want to lose 50 performance." Luo Yu withdrew in the space of consciousness, took out a wine gourd and poured a mouthful of soil and said.

Ai En on the side, watching this scene, felt like he was petrified.

Sure enough, as Akainu said, whether it is the general's face, or the majesty of the Navy headquarters, in Luo Yu's eyes, they can't compare with hundreds of thousands of performance.

This is because performance is more important than face.

A few nautical miles away, a naval warship was rapidly advancing through the waves, followed by a warship flying the flag of Judicial Island of the World Government.

The distance between the two is only a few hundred meters.

Most importantly, the distance is still getting closer.

"Colonel Tina, we have already seen the headquarters warship that is connected, but for a while, we didn't see that the lieutenant general was in charge of responding."

A navy soldier rushed to report.

Tina glanced at the fast-approaching Judiciary Island warship behind her, with a livid face, and said anxiously.

"It doesn't matter, if we continue to entangle like this, we will be caught up soon. If the people of Judiciary Island transfer Crocodile, it will lose the face of our navy."

"Smog, aren't you in good health yet, hurry up and stop those guys who don't understand the rules."

Standing in front of the bow, Smoker was wrapped in bandages, smoking a cigar with a sullen face, and holding the newspaper he got not long ago.

Of course, Smoker knew about the exceptional admission of the fourth general of the navy that had already spread throughout the sea.

However, after experiencing these turmoil, Smoker became more aware of the military rank.

"What's the matter, you navy, don't you plan to hand over people to our CP9? I will definitely repay you well.”

A soft voice suddenly came from the deck.

Chapter 17 The Domineering Mutation

"By the way, I forgot to tell you that I am Spandam, the supreme officer of CP9 and Judiciary Island. I am equivalent to the Marshal in the position of your Navy headquarters!"

"So, what I said was an order!"

A figure with a wretched face landed on the deck of the ship surrounded by three CP9s.

The expressions of Tina and Smoker suddenly changed.

The identities of this group of uninvited guests were obviously beyond their expectations.

The surrounding naval soldiers showed even more fear on their faces.

There were rumors in the sea that any prisoner who walked into Judicial Island was definitely a guilty person.

No one has ever come out innocent!

As long as Spandam nodded, with CP's unscrupulous means, it might not be difficult to convict a person, right?

"Hehe, sure enough, the navy is nothing, and even the military achievements that are easily obtained will be intercepted by others."

In the cabin, Crocodile, who was handcuffed by Hailoushi, smiled disdainfully.

"If I hadn't been carelessly defeated by that brat, how could I have fallen into the hands of your navy."

"Once I get serious, your so-called generals won't even try to take me down."


Tina suddenly became angry.

Spandam on the side smiled even more.

His father, Spandain, the previous commander of CP9, also picked up the credit of Sakaski and Qingzhi Kuzan, who were then lieutenant admirals of the navy, in O'Hara.

It was only then that he successfully entered the position of CP0.

Right now, if you can meet Qiwuhai's defeated military exploits, as long as he rubs a little bit, it can be regarded as gold-plated.

"Colonel Tina, the navy from the headquarters has arrived, no... But, the person who came is not a lieutenant general, but an admiral!"

The naval soldier in charge of the lookout suddenly shouted anxiously.

Is it the admiral?

The faces of the people present suddenly changed drastically.

Rao Crocodile, the sand crocodile who kept clamoring not to pay attention to the general just now, also showed a trace of solemnity on his face.

As a great pirate who has been famous for a long time, Crocodile has of course fought against the three admirals of the navy.

Clearly know how terrifying their strength is.

Originally, Crocodile felt dissatisfied with the two colonels in charge of the escort, thinking that they were underestimated.

Now that an admiral of the navy can come to take care of the escort, it really makes him feel a little bit balanced.

It's just that he has to be cautious about it.

"Sir Spandham, what shall we do?"

Gabra, who was standing behind Spandam, spoke first.

If other people were responsible for the escort, they would of course be able to intercept military merits without any scruples.

However, in the face of the three most powerful forces in the navy, they have to be treated seriously.

Spandam's face became gloomy, but the next moment, his eyes lit up and he said, "Look at who the general is!"

"Who is it?"

The people present couldn't help being taken aback.

A general is a general, is there any difference?

"It seems to be the new admiral Taotie Luoyu."

As a newcomer in CP9, Nairo jumped down on the mast of the ship.

The smile on Spandam's face became even wider, and he said, "I thought it was the general Akainu Aokiji and his ilk, but I didn't expect it to be the fourth general, Taotie Luoyu, who has made a lot of noise in the sea during this period of time."

"It seems that we have to say hello to the fourth general."

"Are you belittling the new Admiral Luo Yu of our Navy Headquarters? Tina is very angry!" Tina's face turned cold, and she couldn't hold back.

They are not familiar with the admiral who was suddenly admitted in an exceptional way.

However, this is about the face of their navy headquarters, and Tina can't hold back.

"Hehe, Colonel Tina, you are being serious." Spandam said with a strange smile.

"It's widely rumored that the new admiral of the navy is very powerful. He is said to be able to overwhelm the strongest Rob Lucci in our CP9. Our CP9 is just a little curious about how strong he is."

"Of course, if other generals came, we would have left long ago."

After saying this, Gabra and the three standing behind Spandim also showed expressions of interest.

For the ranking of strength, their CP9 has been competing for the first place, and it is of course very good to be able to find a sense of presence in the new general.

As the warship approached quickly.

Luo Yu raised his glasses and was a little surprised to see the gradually clear figure.

I didn't expect to meet a CP9 chief with a power value of only 9, who claims to be incomparable to ordinary people.

However, I finally understand why some people are so crazy that even the navy's military exploits dare to make up their minds.

"Keby, if there was one thing that could instantly strengthen your three-color arrogance and body skills, what would you choose to use it on?" Luo Yu asked Keby who was standing behind him after taking a mouthful of earth burning.

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