The people present were stunned for a moment.

In their eyes, awakening two-color domineering is unattainable.

Not to mention, let the dignified general help.

Now when the CP9 spoke, Luo Yu immediately agreed.

Is this out of good intentions, or is it forced by the majesty of CP?

Spandam also looked stagnant, and soon laughed disdainfully.

"Hehe, I didn't expect the dignified fourth general of the navy to be so forthright. Is this going to make up for the fault of bumping into me, the highest official of Judiciary Island?"

"If this is the case, I may be able to forgive you a lot!"

"Forgive me?" Luo Yu raised his gold-rimmed glasses and said, "Forgive me for what?"

"Get off the boat later, don't forget to settle the money for the ride with the wind."

"As for, you want me to help awaken domineering, of course there is no problem."

"Here is an application form. First fill in the personal information, and then find our naval department, the marshal, the general staff, the chief instructor and other leaders at all levels for approval."

"As long as the leaders at all levels approve and seal it, and get their consent, wait another seven working days. Afterwards, I will consider the feasibility and give you an answer."

"By the way, don't forget to apply for meal allowance, overtime pay, and performance. I don't want to work for nothing."

"I think you should hear it clearly? If you don't hear it clearly, I don't want to repeat it a second time."

The expressions of the people present were suddenly stiff.

Not to mention Spandam and other CP9 members, even Ain and others are no exception.

Seeing the application form falling on the deck with the sea breeze, everyone couldn't react.

Apply for a stamp and wait seven working days?

Meal supplement, overtime pay, and performance plus commission!

Is this a joke?

This is the first time they have heard that there is such a procedure.

However, when thinking of Luo Yu's way of acting during this period, Ai En and the others couldn't help but look at each other with a wry smile, and they all had the same thought in their hearts.

This way of doing things is very stupid!

When they thought that Luo Yu had not been prostituted by the arrogant CP9, they felt secretly refreshed.

"You bastard, dare to tease me, don't forget that I am the highest officer of Judiciary Island." Spandam roared angrily.

"I've never heard of it. There are so many processes in your Navy Headquarters."

"Are you rejecting our offer?"

"Reject your kindness?" Luo Yu smiled and said, "I'm sorry, but I want to express my kindness."

"I always want to do the thing about beating Party A up."

"It's a pity, Mr. Warring States, he is still paying me for repairs, I can't bear to do it."

"Since you are at the same level as the Admiral of the Navy, then you, Party A, will be the one."


The overlord-like arrogance dormant in Luo Yu's body exploded under the precise control of his thoughts.

The scarlet air wave impacted, passing through the void like a bolt.

In the blink of an eye, he went straight to Spandam.

Watching the rapidly enlarged attack in the pupil.

Spandam was in a daze, and almost couldn't help but slapped himself with a backhand.

This guy really dared to beat up his boss.

It's a pity that Spandam was obviously unable to react to this attack that was so close at hand.

He was blasted head-on again.


There was a dull impact sound.

The invisible impact instantly blasted Spandam hundreds of meters away.

He bumped into the giant door of justice that he was about to drive into.

The huge impact caused the door to shudder.

The people who had been waiting for release for four weeks were immediately alarmed.

Luo Yu watched Spandam fall on the platform at the gate, and couldn't help but frown.

I didn't expect to encounter two familiar flags here!

Chapter 28 The World's Biggest Troublesome Body


The huge impact caused the closed door of justice to vibrate.

This is the world government, established between the three major institutions, an important facility used to change ocean currents.

Once you pass the gate of justice, you can take the correct current and reach your destination.

At the same time, it is also possible to use the Gate of Justice to cross the Red Earth Continent, greatly shortening the time to go to the new world.

According to the records of the Navy Headquarters, if you use the Gate of Justice to go to the new world, it will be dozens of times faster than crossing the deep sea in dozens of days.

"General Luo Yu, behind the Gate of Justice is the Red Earth Continent. It seems a bit inappropriate to knock the highest officer of CP9 into the air like this?"

Kirby said with a wry smile.

His current responsibilities are actually similar to those of Bogart on Garp's ship, mainly to fill in the gaps for Luo Yu.

To avoid any catastrophe that Luo Yu will cause.

However, with a stare, Spandam was directly knocked into the air.

Kebi didn't know whether it was because Spandam was too weak, or because his professional ability was too poor to stop him.

"Did you see me do it? I didn't do it." Luo Yu raised his gold-rimmed glasses and looked around the deck.

Wherever they looked, everyone turned their heads to avoid it.

Spandam's end was in sight.

They don't want to be blown away just by looking at them.

"Who, who is it, dare to frighten Lord Charles Rose!"

On the platform, the ship that was originally moored here, waiting for the door of justice to open, suddenly heard the sound of killing a pig.

The expressions of Kebi and the others suddenly changed, and they hurriedly followed the voice.

"Yes, it's the flag of the world's aristocratic Tianlong people, why are they here!" Tina suddenly became nervous.

From the first day of joining the navy, the naval academy has a special lesson about the existence of the world's noble dragons.

This is the formation of the world government 800 years ago. Among the 20 kings, 19 are descendants. They claim to be descendants of the creator and enjoy great privileges.

Once offended, the admiral and even CP0 must be dispatched to protect.

It can be said that if ordinary people encounter Tianlong people, it will be a nightmare.

Just now, Luo Yu directly blasted Spandam into the air. At this juncture, he might be provoked by the Tianlongren, right?

Slamming heavily on the platform, Spandam, who was covered in tingling pain, showed ecstasy on his face.

Originally, he was still thinking about how to get back the scene.

The appearance of Tianlong people now is simply God helping me.

"Come on, tie up Spandam, let him find someone to solve the matter of him colliding with the Tianlongren!" Luo Yu patted the dust on his body and stood up.

The people in the field were instantly confused.

Even Spandam was no exception.

He is a victim!

He was still thinking about how to beat him back, but he didn't expect Luo Yu to come when he opened his mouth.

The most important thing is that after witnessing Luo Yu's strength with his own eyes, Rao Gabra and others in CP9 didn't even dare to hum at this juncture.

He could only stare aside helplessly.

"Are you the new fourth general of the Navy?"

A sound of urgency in the urn suddenly came out.

Soon, everyone saw a Tianlong figure walking out of the crowd gathered on the platform, dragging a lump of snot and wearing a fish tank helmet.

Luo Yu remembered correctly, this guy should be Charles Luo Sheng, the Celestial Dragon who was educated by Wang Lufei in the original book.

Did not expect to meet here.

This is the biggest troublesome body in the world!

"Lord Charles Luo Sheng, he is indeed the fourth admiral of the navy who has been raging about in the sea during this period of time."

A slightly short figure in a white robe and a mask walked out behind Charles Rosaint.

Looking at this attire, Luo Yu was surprised again.

Sure enough, beside these idiots, there will still be bigger idiots.

Unexpectedly, the travel of the Tianlong people will also be accompanied by CP0.

"Spandam, hurry up and get over here." CP0 glanced back.

As the top of CP9, it is known as the strongest intelligence organization, and at the same time it directly obeys the orders of CP0 of the Five Old Stars.

Rao Spandam, the highest official of CP9, will also be overwhelmed.

Spandam's face also turned pale, and he never expected to meet the most mysterious CP0 here.

However, when he thought that his father Spandam was also one of them, Spandam didn't care too much at all, he got up with the pain, and quickly came to CP0's side.

"My lord, I'm sorry. It's the fourth general who is arrogant. He not only destroyed our warships on Judiciary Island, but also attacked me many times. You must uphold justice." Spandam lowered his voice, his face full of grief and indignation said.

CP0 looked at Luo Yu silently, and snorted coldly: "Spandam, you are really ignorant, not only disgraced yourself, but also disgraced our CP."

"However, the fourth general of the navy is as defiant as the legend says, and he likes to do things in his own way."

"If Master Charles Luo Sheng is not here, I can't make things difficult for him. Now that there are Tianlong people, I'm afraid I can't let him."

Spandam couldn't help but froze, apparently confused about what kind of medicine was sold in CP0's gourd.

However, as CP0 walked quickly to Charles Rosanne's side and whispered in a low voice, Spandam's face was full of ecstasy.

"General Luo Yu, this CP0 doesn't pay attention, does he?"

Ain said with an ugly face.

"Why do I feel bad intentions?"

After saying this, Tina and the others also nodded in agreement, showing seriousness on their faces.

Tianlong people, that is the existence that they can't avoid.

Now they are being targeted with malicious intent, they feel like they are walking on thin ice.

"They don't seem to have malicious intentions, but they are clearly carved on their foreheads." Luo Yu said lightly after taking a mouthful of earth burning.

"However, don't worry, the soldiers will cover the water and soil, let's go ashore first to replenish one or two."

Luo Yu dropped those words and landed on the platform first.

There are still many passing merchant ships around, waiting here after paying the toll.

However, in the face of the rare Tianlong people, they had already avoided it and dared not go ashore.

I would rather miss the release time than be targeted by the Tianlong people.

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