The slender black hair reaches the waist, and the bright and clean face is mixed with a hint of arrogance. It is matched with a long skirt with a high fork and a curvy figure.

The posture of the most beautiful woman in the world is completely interpreted at this moment.

Especially the [-]-degree bend, the difficulty of the unprecedented appearance posture.

In an instant, the atmosphere and hormones in the arena skyrocketed.

" this the Empress Hancock? My God, this is too beautiful. She deserves to be the most beautiful woman in the world!"

"No, I feel like my heart is about to jump out. What's going on, Master Hancock, I love you very much!"

"Master Hancock, what you said is not wrong. This group of barbarians dare to lay hands on you. As long as you give an order, we will definitely attack directly regardless of anything!"


The scene suddenly exploded.

The appearance of Hancock immediately made the hormones in the field, regardless of men and women, boil immediately.

Even the naval soldiers guarding the Gate of Justice, and Charles Luo Sheng standing behind Luo Yu were no exception.

Seeing the sudden change, as if suppressed by charm, Tina, Smoker and the others turned livid.

It is not surprising if ordinary naval soldiers are affected at this moment.

However, even the admirals like them also felt an inexplicable heartbeat.

But it made them unacceptable.

"Damn it, this Empress Hancock, as expected, has a fatal attraction as rumored. I heard that even some lieutenant generals will fall for her when I meet her. It seems that my practice is not enough!" Smoker looked ugly clenched his fist and said.

"General Luo Yu doesn't know if he can resist!"

Luo Yu's strength is indeed not very strong, but his age is obvious here.

Facing the empress Hancock who is like a catastrophe, it is still unknown whether she can be completely immune.

Even the people from CP0 and the Nine Snake Pirates on the side couldn't help but look at Luo Yu.

However, as soon as this glance fell, they couldn't help but froze at the sight they saw.

Luo Yu looked down at the pocket watch in his hand, closed it and said at the same time.

"Sorry, I don't want to work overtime for nothing. There are still 2 minutes before the end of get off work. Have you finished everything you want to say?"

"Then it's over!"


The domineering aura dormant in Luo Yu's body suddenly exploded.

The violent bloody wave swept across the entire platform like a [-]th-level hurricane.

At the same time, after the air wave passed by, it was followed by a substantial impact of thought energy.

With Luo Yu as the center, with Wan Jun's posture in his arms, he tore apart the ground in all directions.

The platform under the feet, which was paved with a thick rock floor, was the first to be unable to bear it, and collapsed immediately.

The violent scene woke up everyone who had been fascinated.

He looked at Luo Yu who directly attacked Luo Yu in order to rush to get off work.

They instantly understood a truth.

Being pretty is more important than not being able to go to get off work, he really dares to go to get off work!

However, what made them feel even more unbelievable was the scene that followed, making everyone feel like a ghost!

Chapter 31 Didn't exclude them from the beginning


The berserk domineering domineering attitude rolled straight away in a destructive posture.

Everyone in the world felt a feeling of suffocation sweeping through their hearts, and their minds were even roaring.

Even Hancock standing on the Nine Snakes pirate ship is no exception.

For a long time, as one of the seven martial arts under the king, he is also a superman with the ability of sweet fruits.

No matter where Hancock goes, he always attracts attention.

Not to mention ordinary people, even high-level officials of the Navy Headquarters would be moved if they met her. They couldn't be completely immune to the sweet fruit, her charm from the bottom of her bones.

But now some people say that they can do it right away, without being affected in the slightest.

"You bastard arrogant guy, I'm the king's Shichibukai, you dare to attack me, it's just a mere domineering arrogance, but I'm stronger than you!" Hancock shouted angrily with a cold face.

The domineering arrogance dormant in her body was instantly detonated.

The pale golden domineering, like a hurricane, collided with Luo Yu's bloody domineering head on.


Large pieces of electric arc crackled and splashed out.

"Luo Yu, are you crazy? Using domineering arrogance on this occasion, don't you think Charles Luo Sheng doesn't exist?"

The roar of CP0 suddenly sounded.

The uproarious scene was completely beyond his expectations. Charles Luo Sheng, who had already been dazed, was already hugging him. After fleeing tens of meters, he roared completely uncontrollably.

However, as soon as the words were said, Spandam, who fled hundreds of meters ahead of time and suppressed his discomfort, cried out in surprise.

"CP0, hurry up, run away! This guy's domineering look is weird!"


Hancock and CP0 were stunned first

The next moment, Hancock's face changed drastically.


Just released, the arrogance that should have been invisible like the wind collided with the bloody arrogance of falling feathers, unable to hold even half a breath, and was torn to pieces like paper paste.

The weird scene caused an extremely ridiculous thought to flash through Hancock's mind.

The domineering arrogance released by the fourth general of the navy in front of him was completely different from hers.

Wherever it passes, it feels like a real shock wave.

Especially looking at the earth being torn apart along the way.

If this can be regarded as a mere domineering look!

So what exactly is her?

CP0 was also instantly confused.

At this moment, he finally understood why Luo Yu had repeatedly emphasized that he had to protect Charles Luo Sheng, who was a Celestial Dragon.

From the very beginning, Luo Yu's attack probably didn't rule them out at all!

"Luo Yu, how dare you!"

CP0 roared with a distorted expression.

Leaving aside Charles Luo Sheng, he was already dizzy after the domineering attack, even if he remained awake.

Facing the overwhelming impact like a tsunami.

I'm afraid I'm already scared out of my wits.

Looking at the domineering and domineering impact that was overwhelming like a tsunami, the only thing he could do was to take a step ahead and stand in front of Charles Luo Sheng.

Intended to block the impact.

"The whole body is armed and domineering!"

"Armed Color Domineering Fragrant Feet!!"

Hancock was also full of shock, and it was too late to think about taking the first shot.

The domineering, jet-black armed color instantly covered the slender thighs.

Like a black spear, the head-on and domineering impact collided together.


The violent explosion wave rolled around like a hurricane.

The two figures were sent flying out like cannonballs.

At this moment, whether it is Hancock or CP0, there is a feeling of colliding with the giant steel mountain head-on.

Accompanied by a deafening roar came out.

CP0 and Charles Luo Sheng, who is a Celestial Dragon, directly hit the door of justice.

Hancock was thrown out of the pirate ship in an instant, and fell straight into the sea.

If they were in normal times, they would never be so embarrassed.

It's a pity that Luo Yu's domineering arrogance completely overturned their cognition, and they were caught off guard.

"My lord, be careful of the sea!"

Boya Marigoldou, who just stood firm on the pirate ship that rushed out, urgently reminded.

Boyasang Dasoria, who was on the side, didn't care too much, and rushed to save people.

However, they obviously ignored that all three of them are devil fruit capable users.

In this piece of sea, it is completely like a landlubber.

In normal times, the other fighters on the ship would have already rescued them.

It's a pity that the domineering confrontation just now was also a thunderbolt that was caught off guard for those fighters!

Most of them fell to the ground and passed out.

Only a handful of people can barely maintain their sobriety.

Facing the sudden scene in front of him, it was obviously too late to react, and he could only watch the three of them fall directly into the water.


A huge black shadow rushed out as if shaking its head.

Xuepen opened his mouth wide, and went straight to the three of them.

Looking at this huge sea king lurking in the sea, also affected by domineering.

Everyone's face changed dramatically.

Luo Yu frowned, obviously not expecting so many twists and turns.

Taking another look at the pocket watch in his hand, he sighed faintly.

"You Neptune, you are really unlucky. You have 20 seconds to get off work, and you still have to hit the muzzle."

"Forget it, so that the old man of the Warring States Period won't talk too much."


With a big stride, Luo Yu disappeared out of thin air like a ghost.

Within a few blinks, it reappeared and came to the Sea Kings one step ahead.

Looking at the huge sea kings with a size of tens of meters.

Luo Yu slowly lifted his right hand up!


The sea breeze was violent, like a wave rewinding.

The huge Neptune let out a sharp scream.

The next moment, bloodstains spread rapidly across the huge body.

The torso, which was tens of meters long, was directly cut into dozens of pieces and smashed heavily on the sea surface.

Dapeng's blood splashed down, completely dyeing the sea red.

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