"Luo Yu, you don't want to mention performance bonuses again, do you? As I said just now, if you let Zhan Guo know about the fact that you smashed the gate of justice, I'm afraid it will drive him to death."

"This time it's just an ordinary surveillance task, to ensure that there will be no conflict between the white beard and the red hair. If you mention performance again, it will be too much."

After seeing Luo Yu's behavior, they were already used to the meaning behind the smile.

Looking at the desolate square, Huan Chuan was already worried about being held accountable, and probably only Luo Yu could have the cheek to ask for it.

"Lieutenant General Crane, you're dispelling my enthusiasm for work." Luo Yu rolled her eyes helplessly, poured a mouthful of clay and said, "However, if I can figure out why the red-haired and white-bearded people met, This information should be enough to improve performance!"

"Can you figure out the reason for their contact?" Crane's expression froze, his face full of surprise.

For a long time, the Navy Headquarters has spared no effort to monitor the territory and movements of the Four Emperors.

However, no matter whether it was the major lieutenant generals, or Gion and the tea pig who were candidates for the general, or even the three generals personally acted.

This kind of intelligence detection and monitoring is limited to long-distance monitoring of movements.

For what happened, it was completely dark-eyed.

Now Luo Yu suddenly told them that they could figure out the reason why the Four Emperors met.

This kind of crazy behavior made them unable to bear an extremely absurd idea in their minds.

If the performance is in place, wouldn't Luo Yu even dare to smash the Four Emperors!

"Little ghost, now is not the time to joke, a white beard has already caused the Warring States to feel a headache, and now it is also related to the red hair of the newly promoted four emperors, you must not mess around, if something goes wrong, the old man can't help You." Garp said solemnly.

Crane also echoed: "General Luo Yu, Karp is right. The performance is certainly very good, but we don't want you to be in danger because of your performance."

"You're still young, you have a lot of room and potential to grow, it's not worth it!"

Smoker and the others were also silent.

Facing the four emperors who ruled the new world, the Navy Headquarters must be ready for any one of them alone.

Not to mention the threat posed by the meeting of the two four emperors now, but even the Navy Headquarters feels it is extremely difficult.

Otherwise, there is no need for the general to go to monitor in person.

What Luo Yu said now undoubtedly made them feel like they were dancing on the grave.

Feeling the gazes from all around, Luo Yu certainly wouldn't let go of this good opportunity to plan performance, raised his glasses and said.

"Don't worry, Lieutenant General He, I certainly won't be so stupid as to make fun of my own life."

"If I can figure out the content of the Four Emperors' meeting while protecting my own safety, and keep abreast of the Four Emperors' movements for the Navy Headquarters in advance, then it is not too much for me to ask for 1000 million performance?"

1000 million performance?

Crane couldn't help but froze, and said with a wry smile: "General Luo Yu, in fact, there are many pirates offering bounties in the new world. Isn't it better for you to hunt and kill some casually than worrying about performance?"

"Now for 1000 million performance, it's not worth it to take such a risk?"

After this period of time, He, as the chief staff officer, had already figured out Luo Yu's behavior and style.

This young man, who seems to regard money as his life, fell into Bailey's eyes, but chose the easiest way to make money.

Instead, he focused on the piecemeal performance and salary.

Undoubtedly, Crane, who is the general staff, also felt a headache.

"Lieutenant General Crane, the rewards offered by pirates are indeed very good, but this is the principle of beating workers. If you don't even value these, how can you maintain the principles of justice in the navy." Terrible.

For the New World Pirates, Luo Yu certainly felt good about offering a reward of hundreds of millions.

It's a pity that the system doesn't recognize it. Even if Luo Yu wiped out the entire new world, it's probably a mess.

Instead of wasting time in the sea, Luo Yu prefers to plan salary and performance with salty fish.

As for the proposed performance of 1000 million yuan, Luo Yu also obtained the result after reviewing the salary regulations of the navy.

Except for hunting pirates, or obtaining great merit, the rewards for completing tasks will not exceed double.

Others will be turned into military exploits.

This approach is also to maintain the Navy headquarters, so that it can have enough working capital under the frequent fights.

Otherwise, turning all pirate rewards into Baileys may be detrimental to the development of the Navy Headquarters.

Chapter 50 You don't want a second Drago, do you?

Looking at Luo Yu with a serious face, the faces of those present were filled with bitterness.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he directly pointed out Bailey's performance, and instantly let them understand that as a general, Luo Yu had already figured out the navy's salary system.

I'm afraid he has been coveting this tens of millions of performance for a long time.

"You kid, to be able to become a general, you really have a quality that ordinary people don't have. I finally know why you call yourself a glutton. This special greed is not comparable to ordinary people." He Youyou sighed road.

"However, it will be very dangerous to go to monitor the Four Emperors this time. If you are not careful, you may have conflicts with the Four Emperors. So besides you, I will let Gion and Chafu follow you."

"As for the tens of millions of performance you proposed, I will mention it to Warring States. If you can really figure out the reason why the white beard and red hair met, the tens of millions of performance should not be difficult."

"However, it's still the same old saying. Everything is based on your own safety. Garp, I, and Zhan Guo don't want to see something wrong with your good seed."

"Lieutenant General He, don't worry, if I can make an exception and get a top performance, I will definitely come back alive." Luo Yu couldn't help laughing.

After struggling for so long, I was finally able to make a good appearance and talk about tens of millions of performance.

If at such a juncture, he would be slipped away helplessly.

I'm afraid that Luo Yu's awareness of being a worker in his previous life is a living dog.

Now that the performance has been negotiated, Luo Yu already knows what White Beard and Red Hair are talking about.

Right now, Luo Yu had only one thing to do.

How to convince Sengoku and Naval Headquarters that what they say is true.

You can't just say that the meeting between the red hair and the white beard is because of the fire fist Ace chasing the black beard.

Even if this matter is said, before there is no absolute convincing force, I am afraid it is dubious. To obtain the performance of 1000 million Baileys, it may not be possible!

"It seems that we can only take risks." Luo Yu took a sip of Tuyao, a bold idea flashed in his mind, and he said with a smile.

"Lieutenant General Crane, thank you for your fulfillment."

"Originally, today is a day off, so I should have a good rest, but the weather is good, and sea vacation is also good."

"Tell me the old man of the Warring States period, remember to prepare the performance for me, and I will send the news back soon, so that he will not renege on his debt."

After leaving these words, Luo Yu turned and left.

Seeing this unrestrained vigor, the people present couldn't react.

When Luo Yu's figure completely disappeared from sight, He Cai sighed helplessly and said with a wry smile.

"Karp, why do I feel like I'm on a thief ship."

"This kid always claims to be a worker, but with this kind of almost pathological persistence, I really doubt that as long as the performance bonus is in place, this kid may even dare to do it to the Four Emperors."

"If you let the Warring States know about this, I'm afraid it will definitely explode."

"Tch, I don't know how angry that guy from the Warring States period is. However, I only know that if his performance is not in place, that brat might be more willing to spare his life than anyone else against the Four Emperors." Karp said with a blank look.

"So, you don't have to worry about the performance of 1000 million yuan, the little devil will go to the four emperors to desperately."

"If you want him to risk his life and fight the Four Emperors, I'm afraid it will cost more!"

"You still don't have to worry about his safety. What you have to worry about now is how to tell the things here to the Warring States."

"I'll leave the matter here to you, I'll escort Crocodile to Advance City!"

"You!" He suddenly became angry, looking at the ruined Justice Square, He suddenly found out.

Compared with Luo Yu, the former Karp seems to have a better butt wipe!

On the other hand, in the Red Earth Continent, in the Holy Land Mary Joa's Supreme Palace.

Five figures were standing on the high platform, looking at the Warring States below, showing indifference on their faces.

On the desktop, there were also reports related to the fourth general of the navy, Taotie Luoyu these days.

"Warring States, I didn't expect you to come here so rarely. I usually invite you, but I can't invite you. Now, for a newcomer, I let you move here. It seems that you have high hopes for this brat!"

Wearing a straight suit, short and fat, with a mustache, Wu Laoxing spoke first while leaning on a cane.

"However, you should be very clear that the Tianlong people represent the face of the world government. The brat didn't take action directly, but he also indirectly slapped the face of our world government. You asked us to erase this matter directly. It is possible. ?"

"According to CP's information, since this kid arrived at the Marine Headquarters, he has not only committed crimes, challenged the authority of the general, but also destroyed most of the Navy Headquarters building."

"During the escort mission, there was even a conflict between CP9 and the supreme commander in charge, Spandam, and they were seriously injured in the end."

"Then arrived at the Gate of Justice, and not only clashed with Hancock, the Empress of the Seven Martial Seas, but also severely damaged CP0 and Tianlongren."

"It took only five days to get into the position of the new general, and he was able to cause so many catastrophes. With his ability to cause trouble, the title of general alone may be difficult to keep him, right?"

"What's more, our five old stars haven't officially recognized his nomination as a general, right?"

Having said that, Wu Laoxing clenched the crutch in his hand and looked indifferently at Zhan Guodao.

"I really want to know why you came to negotiate with us."

The rolling voice echoed in the hall, giving people a feeling of eternity.

The Warring States who was standing below had a somewhat unnatural expression on his face. Hearing this series of calamities revealed like countless treasures, the muscles of his cheeks couldn't help twitching.

However, echoing Karp's words, Zhan Guo took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Iss, you don't want a second Dorag!"

"The privileges of the Tianlong people have long been rotten. Excessive favoritism will only make more and more moths."

"Luo Yu seems to have gone too far this time, but it's because your CP0 is too weak that you can't even save anyone."

"Of course, you can also say that Luo Yu is too strong. It is for this reason that, as the marshal, I must protect him."

"If you think that you can't save this brat based on these words alone, then my position as Marshal should be enough!"


Wu Laoxing's complexion couldn't help but slightly changed, and a trace of coldness flashed across his eyes.

Of course, they can clearly remember this old event that has been covered in dust for more than ten years.

At the same time, it was also the thing they regretted most at the time.

Regret not using the greatest strength to stifle the unprecedented crisis in its cradle.

Now the Warring States period compares Luoyu to the second Dorag.

Is this sarcasm?

Chapter 51

"Warring States, are you satirizing the ignorance of our five old stars? Don't forget, your navy headquarters is just a cover for our world government. So what if there is one more Dorag? Do you think that a mere brat can Shake the behemoth that has dominated the sea for 800 years?"

Wearing glasses, wearing a kimono and holding a samurai sword, Yamamoto said with a cold face: "You are underestimating the power behind the world government."

"Warring States, I really doubt whether you are still qualified to sit in this position."

The huge palace instantly added a few points of oppression.

Seeing the aggressive Yamamoto, Zhan Guo's face turned cold, he snorted coldly, and said: "Then I will let you be the marshal, I will not accompany you!"

After the words fell, Zhan Guo suddenly turned around and strode away.

As the wise general of the navy, in the Warring States Period, he was the only general who possessed both wisdom and courage, and at the same time possessed three colors of domineering aura.

It has also experienced the darkest age of the sea.

If Sengoku now resigns from the position of Admiral of the Navy, it will definitely be a sensation for the sea.

To find a new replacement at such a time, I am afraid that even the current three generals will find it difficult to be short and tall.

"Sengoku, you're rebelling!" Yamamoto roared angrily.

However, he was quickly stopped by Yi Si's hand, and said: "Yamamoto is fine, I thought you have been the marshal of the Warring States Period for so many years, and you have smoothed your glory."

"It seems that we still underestimated you."

"The things that kid committed are indeed unprecedented, but you also underestimated the importance of the Admiral of the Navy. Since you want to protect him, then these things should be changed."

"But only this time!"

Zhan Guo took a step back and took a deep breath of relief.

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