Gion's expression froze, looking at the phone bug that was still vibrating, there was indeed a lot of reluctance in his heart, but he still gritted his teeth and connected.

"Crane, Lieutenant General Crane, I am Gion, General Fallen Feather..."

"What is he!"

"Gion, you and the teafish agreed to watch Luo Yu and not let him mess around."

"This guy even dares to blackmail Kaido of Beasts. You stop him quickly and let him not interfere with this mission. I am worried about him. For 1000 million Baileys, I directly smashed the sky!"

Warring States grabbed the phone bug and roared hysterically.

A group of naval generals gathered in the meeting hall couldn't help shrinking their necks. In order to avoid becoming a punching bag, they all acted as little transparent.

Only Garp, who was on the side, laughed loudly and said: "Shan Guo, you promised me that even if that kid gives up the mission, he must give 1000 million Baileys for his performance, otherwise it will be difficult for me to convince that brat in the future. "

"Karp, shut up, you can take the position of marshal." Zhan Guo turned his head and gave a fierce look, and once again clenched the phone bug in his hand, roaring.

"Gion, hurry up and get that brat to answer the phone, it's already past [-]:[-]pm tea time, and it's not yet [-]:[-]pm to get off work, what the old man said is still an order!"

An exasperated voice came from the phone bug.

Only now did Gion realize that the phone bug would sometimes be hot to the touch, and after taking a look, he saw that the tea pig had already exited three to five meters away, so Gion could only bite the bullet and speak bitterly.

"Marshal of the Warring States Period, this call is a step late. We can't stop General Luo Yu. He defeated the captain of the Whitebeard [-]th Division Buffalo Atsmo not long ago, and followed him aboard the Moby Dick."

"Now we are only one nautical mile away from the meeting place of White Beard and Red-haired Shanks, Sengoku Marshal, we can't stop it!"


The phone bug in Zhan Guo's hand dropped on the table, his heart was aching.

The huge meeting hall fell into an audible dead silence, and everyone showed a hellish expression.

A moment ago, they had thought about what Luo Yu would do for 1000 million performance.

But he never thought that Luo Yu would be so crazy that he went straight to find White Beard to prove it.

This is definitely for performance, isn't it to die in vain?

Garp also looked confused, noticed Zhan Guo's murderous gaze, and quickly coughed dryly: "Ahem, Zhan Guo, you see that Luo Yu dared to face two four emperors alone, he really looks like a general! "

"I remembered that there was soup in the dormitory, and I forgot to turn off the fire, so I went back first."

After leaving these words, Garp quickly turned around and fled.

The hysterical roar of the Warring States Period, accompanied by a huge shock wave, has already come from behind.

"Garp, your sister, General!"

On the other end of the phone bug, Gion, Chafu and the others fell silent.

After looking at each other, they finally understood that following this boat first helped them develop their nerves.

"Vice Admiral Gion, on the Moby Dick, Whitebeard has moved!"

On the watchtower of the mast, Ain held a binoculars, keeping an eye on everything that happened on the Moby Dick a mile away.

Facing Luo Yu who had just boarded the ship, all the pirates on the ship finally came to their senses.

Sitting upright on a chair, with a white beard covered in infusion sets all over his body, he turned his gaze to Luo Yu who was not far away, and said with a big laugh.

"Heck, not long ago, I regarded you as Ace, a stepping stone to become the sole overlord of the sea. I didn't expect you to be so unbearable that you were defeated and captured by Atsmo."

"It seems that the Warring States, known as the wise general, is really old and confused."

"You kid just dared to point fingers at Ace's affairs, but you lack the awareness of being a prisoner!"

Roaring laughter echoed on the deck.

When the four emperors meet, there is nothing more icing on the cake than a captive and an admiral, right?

"Hey, Captain Atsmo, did your father call you a prisoner one bite at a time?"

Luo Yu took a mouthful of Soil Burn, and glanced back at Atsmo behind him, who was full of embarrassment.

White Beard smiled all over his face, and instantly switched to a constipated face!

Chapter 65 The red hair is a bit embarrassing now

The small voice echoed on the huge deck.

Marco and the others, who had just climbed up with smiles all over their faces, instantly stiffened to the extreme.

The originally cheerful atmosphere suddenly fell into an inexplicable dead silence and depression.

All eyes fell on Atsmo in unison.

Even the red-haired Shanks and the others showed shock on their faces.

On such occasions where the four emperors meet, it is not a big deal for the admiral to be escorted here by captives.

It can only be said that the skills are not as good as people.

However, he came over abruptly.

This isn't death, what is it?

The most important thing is to get this matter out at this juncture.

If it's true, isn't that equivalent to stretching out your neck and letting Whitebeard cut it?

"Atsmo, tell me quickly, what's going on!" Whitebeard's face darkened, and he flew into a rage.

Atsmo had a good-natured personality, and for the first time, he felt that the feeling of being so much-anticipated would also feel like walking on thin ice.

However, at this juncture, Atsmo didn't care too much, so he could only bite the bullet and say: "Old... Dad, it's because I'm not as skilled as others. into the sea."

"My father always talked about benevolence and righteousness. He was the one who saved my life. In order to repay his kindness, I had no choice but to bring him here."

"However, I have told him in advance that life and death are at your own risk!"

Two strokes defeated?

The faces of the people present couldn't help but change.

Atsmo is indeed a good-natured man, and looks a little dull.

It was for this reason, though, that they did not suspect that Atsmo was joking.

As the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates and the Thirteenth Division, he was defeated by two moves in a head-to-head confrontation, and was rescued as a prisoner.

If they hadn't heard it with their own ears, they would never believe it was true.

Is this the paper tiger general they despised just now?

"You let people save Atsmo?" Whitebeard's face was extremely gloomy, and the domineering arrogance dormant in his body suddenly exploded.


The violent domineering swept the audience like a hurricane.

Instantly washed over Luo Yu's body.

Originally avoiding the domineering appearance of the red-haired pirate, who was already [-] meters away, was instantly stunned.

Only some experienced pirates with relatively strong strength can stay awake and stand still.

Looking at the imposing manner like a rainbow, full of arrogance, the white beard sitting on the chair, and the pirates present all had a sense of pride on their faces.

"As expected of Dad, this domineering aura is slightly inferior to the red-haired pervert who can cause substantial damage, but this level of arrogance is enough to deter many young people and let them understand that the emperor is the king. What exactly does it mean?"

Foil Vista took the lead and couldn't help but speak.

In the face of Atsmo's defeat, the captain of the same Whitebeard.

He is absolutely unwilling to let go of any chance to save face.

Looking at Luo Yu who seemed to be stunned in the domineering storm, Bista couldn't help but sneered again.

"Little ghost, you are not scared to death. It is rumored that you also have the domineering look and arrogance of one in a million, but there is still a gap like a gap between kings and kings. You can't accept it."

"I'm afraid that in this sea, except for the red hair, no one dares to fight with an ax in front of Dad!"

"A gap like a chasm? A slap in the face?" Luo Yu raised his gold-rimmed glasses, nodded and said, "Vista, you are right. I have seen a lot of ordinary domineering colors."

"However, mine should be considered a little bit unusual!"

"Domineering and domineering, I will too!"


As soon as the words fell, the domineering arrogance dormant in Luo Yu's body suddenly exploded.

The huge momentum is like a volcanic eruption.

As soon as he got out of his body, he directly collided with White Beard's domineering look, forming a collision like an air current.

With the help of mind control, under the precise control of Overlord Color.

If it is said that White Beard's control over the overlord's arrogance can only reach five!

Then Luo Yu's control at the moment, but directly to ten.

Perhaps, in terms of the amount of domineering, there is still a big difference between Luo Yu's tempering and White Beard's.

However, when good steel is used on a good knife, with the help of mind power to control it, Luo Yu's domineering impact is like overwhelming mountains and seas.

Forcibly tearing apart Whitebeard's overbearing arrogance.

Bang bang bang bang!

With Luo Yu as the center, the domineering moment of rewinding.

The thick deck couldn't bear the heavy impact, and it shattered inch by inch under the watchful eyes of everyone.

Wherever it passed, it seemed as if an invisible big hand forcibly tore the deck of the ship, creating a huge gully, and went straight to the white beard not far away.

The strange scene, huge and suffocating domineering, caused substantial damage visible to the naked eye.

It made everyone's pupils shrink suddenly, and their eye sockets almost burst open.

This completely overturned their perception of domineering look!

A moment ago, Vista, who was still running the train with his mouth full, wanted to slap himself twice with his backhand.

It's so awesome that you don't brag about it, but when you blow it, you smash your feet.

Seeing the arrogance tearing up the deck and rushing towards Whitebeard quickly, Atsmo didn't care too much, and reminded urgently.

"Father, be careful, this guy's domineering look can cause a substantial impact like a shock wave. I just underestimated this, and I capsized in the gutter."

Substantial impact?

Marco and the others froze, and they had just seen the clues. Now that they were reminded, they instantly understood how special the domineering look in front of them was.

A moment ago, Bista was bragging that, except for the red hair, everyone else's domineering looks were in front of White Beard, and they were all tricks.

But now, as soon as Luo Yu made a move, he displayed a domineering arrogance with a substantial impact, and the destructive power it caused undoubtedly surpassed that of Hongfa!

Think back to the flattering talk just now.

The red hair is a little embarrassing at this time, isn't it?

"Special domineering color? Has a substantial impact?"

The white-bearded man sat on the chair with a golden sword, and there was a hint of shock in the depths of his round eyes. He only remembered that this kind of method had appeared on one person.

It never occurred to me that in my lifetime, I would be able to see it for the second time.

Looking at Luo Yu who was still standing there, Whitebeard showed a hint of interest for the first time, and the moment his muscles bulged, he grabbed the naginata placed next to him with his backhand and snorted coldly.

"Little devil, let me see, what confidence do you have, board my Moby Dick, stand in front of me and talk to me!"


Whitebeard suddenly stood up, and the syringes stuck in his body were instantly torn apart under the tug of his huge body.

Taking a big step, holding a giant naginata, he slashed towards Luo Yu who was tens of meters away.

Whitebeard Edward Newgate, known as the strongest man among the Four Emperors, took the initiative to attack at this moment!

Chapter 66


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