Suddenly a knife appeared.

Still different from ordinary people's long knives.

Is this a display?

"You know me?" Luffy asked in a daze.

Sauron on the side was also stunned for a moment, obviously not thinking about it.

"I'm Keby, and this is Bellumebo. We've become the navy with Vice Admiral Garp!" Keby explained hastily.

Bellumebo on the side didn't speak, but silently nodded in agreement.

"Belumeb? Kebi? I think of you. By the way, you went to sea with my grandfather as a navy? Is this true?" Luffy suddenly realized.

Nami and the others on the side couldn't help but froze in place.

And Luffy's focus, they obviously still focus on the latter.

"Lu... Luffy, he, the Lieutenant General Garp he was talking about, is the naval hero Garp? Is he your grandfather?" Nami said in a broken voice.

"If the naval hero is your grandfather, then we don't have to escape, do we?"

The people present were also shocked.

This kind of thing shocked them even more than the capture of Judicial Island.

The prestige of the naval hero Garp has already spread across the sea.

Many people think that the tiger father has no dogs.

I have always speculated about Karp's descendants, and they can definitely be called the generation with outstanding strength.

It never occurred to me that the grandfather would be an official and the grandson would be a thief.

This gap is too big!

"Grandpa Garp is indeed his grandfather, and I am also a soldier brought out by Mr. Garp." Luo Yu swallowed a mouthful of earth burning and said with a smile.

"However, can relationships be more fragrant than bonuses?"

"I'm a soldier and you are thieves. The time to get together is over. I want to try to get the bonus before I get off work!"

"Did you come one by one, or together?"

Kebi and Bellumebo turned pale all of a sudden, also showing bitterness on their faces.

Sure enough, General Luo Yu was ruthless and selfless when it came to salary performance bonuses.

Even Nami and the others were stunned, and the joy that had just appeared on their faces disappeared in an instant.

Originally, I fantasized about being able to build a relationship and escape the pursuit of the admiral.

Now it seems that everything is overthinking.

However, for the bonus, what the hell is this?

"Hehe, as expected of the just navy, I was still worried and had no chance to make a move." Sauron tied the scarf on his arm to his forehead, and clenched his saber with both hands, and said in a deep voice.

"Next, I want to see how powerful the general's swordsmanship is."

"Miss Nami, Miss Robin, don't worry, Chlorella is indeed unreliable, but I'm still here, we will stop him, you can run away without worry." Sanji kicked He took off his leather shoes and walked to Sauron's side.

"Luffy, it's time for us to make a move. If we solve it early, we can leave early."

With the gathering of the three of them, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly became tense.

Luo Yu lightly took a sip of his drink and said, "It seems that the newcomers still cannot escape the fate of being looked down upon."

"This makes me a general, which is a bit embarrassing."

"As for me, I'm not some kind of swordsman. This knife is just a decoration, right?"

"It's just used to add a bit of force to me as a general, hoping to achieve the effect of deterring the enemy without using hands?"

"Aren't you a swordsman?" Sauron was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "No wonder, even the sword is strange."

"Before, I met an opponent who also used a long knife. His sword skills are so high. I was in his hands, but I lasted ten moves."

"I originally planned to use you to test how far my strength has improved."

"Now it seems that I can only practice my hands. I hope you don't let me down!"

Chapter 76 He cut the air, but the air cut me


This is probably ignorance, right?

Luo Yu looked at Sauron, who was full of fighting spirit, and remembered the scene in the original book, where the old ape fights against the supernova.

The expressions of those supernovas at that time were like the scene in front of them.

"As expected, youth is the capital of madness!" Luo Yu said after taking a sip of his drink.

"Originally this thing is just a decoration, but if you want to use me to practice, then I can only be a little more serious. After all, you are all bonuses."

As soon as the voice fell, an invisible Qi machine diffused around Luo Yu as the center.

Everyone in the room instantly felt an inexplicable suffocation.

Facing Shang Luoyu's plain, water-like eyes, it seemed as if a pair of invisible hands were gripping the hearts of the people.

Sauron's face also tensed up slightly. If the young man in front of him just now gave the impression that he was harmless to humans and animals.

So now, Sauron felt as if he was being stared at by a bloodthirsty beast, and the pores all over his body were enlarged.

Added a creepy feeling.

How is this going?

Kebi and Belumebo also felt the change in the atmosphere in the field, and their nerves were tense to the extreme, and they said anxiously: "Zoro, Luffy, don't mess around, General Luoyu, please wait a little longer, Kakashi!" Lieutenant General Pu will be here soon."

Lieutenant General Karp?

Sauron tightened his grip on the knife in his hand, and there was an inexplicable hope in his heart.

However, as soon as this glimmer of hope sprouted in his heart, Sauron quickly suppressed it.

Intuition told him that this knife must be used.

Otherwise, in the future, his sword may not be able to direct the sword in the direction of the heart!

The person in front of you will become the biggest obstacle!


Sauron clenched his hands and ten fingers suddenly, breaking through the demonic barrier in his heart in an instant, and under heavy strides, he attacked Luo Yu head-on like a tiger or a leopard.

The short distance of more than ten meters, but approached in the blink of an eye.

"Two swords style Tiger!"


The two knives slashed out, and the awe-inspiring sound of piercing the air was like a tiger roaring.

Seeing Zoro violently attacking, Sanji and Luffy did not immediately snipe, but instead focused all their attention on Luo Yu.

They are very confident in Sauron's strength.

At the same time, they also want to use Sauron to make a move to test how powerful this new admiral of the same age as them is.

In an instant, everyone stared at Luo Yu.

Luo Yu, who was under the attack, felt the oncoming air waves, and didn't have the slightest intention of dodging. He clasped his right hand on the dry pole behind his back.

This famous knife, which was almost reduced to a fishing rod, came out of its sheath in an instant.

Anti-human magic sword!


The sound of the sharp knife cry suddenly sounded.

At the moment when he held the Wugan pole, Sasaki Kojiro's comprehension of kendo came to mind in an instant.

The so-called skills have a feeling of being imprinted on the soul.

The knife moves with the knife, and the body follows the knife!

The long and narrow blade, like a Milky Way spur, slashed towards Sauron's side.


Those present were not mistaken.

Luo Yu's knife didn't seem to be attacking at all, but it felt like cutting the air.

This is dizziness, unable to react, did not see the target clearly?

Otherwise, why, even Sauron's huge body couldn't hit it.

Could it be that this knife is really a display?

Is it inaccurate to dance with a 1.5-meter knife?

Many thoughts flashed through Sauron's mind, and suddenly the hairs all over his body stood on end.

An indescribable shadow of death swept across his body.

Sauron didn't care too much, the life-and-death training and combat experience he had experienced over the years made his body turn involuntarily.

The Hedaoyi character in his hand and the third generation of ghosts hurried forward to block.


The dry pole in Luo Yu's hand pointed at the ground obliquely.

The aura that Sauron erupted instantly dissipated.

He looked down at his chest in disbelief.


A bloody mouth opened along the shoulder to the abdomen.

Scarlet blood, blooming like fireworks.

In an instant, everyone's pupils shrank suddenly, revealing a look of hell.

In their eyes, Luo Yu's saber just now was obviously chopping against the air on Sauron's side.

Now on Sauron's body, a shocking bloody mouth suddenly bloomed.

This weird scene caught everyone off guard.

Could it be that this is the legend about slashing people across the mountain?

He cut the air, but the air cut me?

The entire hall suddenly fell into dead silence, and everyone's eyes subconsciously turned to Luo Yu.

He remembered what Luo Yu said a moment ago.

This method of beheading the enemy invisible, if it is really a display.

So Sauron's double swords, didn't they become jugglers?

Rao, Kebi and Bellumebo, who were on the side, also froze in place.

They had indeed seen Luo Yu learn swordsmanship from Bogart.

However, Luo Yu was more likely to be exercising physical skills.

From Bogart's mouth, they had also heard that Falling Feather Swordsmanship was only mediocre in talent compared to physical skills.

Now the power of the sword is so terrifying.

And if that counts as average?

So do other people learn from dogs?

"Zoro, get out of the way!"

Sanji roared angrily, violently.

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