Thinking of this, Sauron and the others couldn't care less, and quickly looked towards the dust center again.

Sol, who was blocked in one blow, had already withdrawn and retreated tens of meters away.

The burly body, the muscles all over the body, swelled like a rock, and turned into a huge monitor lizard of five or six meters.

Like a heavy falling, it slammed heavily on the ground, setting off a large cloud of sand and dust.

The moment the huge tail was wrapped around the axe, the scarlet eyes, with a bloodthirsty gaze, quickly looked in Luo Yu's direction.

However, as soon as this glance fell, the bloodthirsty in Sol's pupils instantly collapsed, and his eye sockets almost burst open.

Rao is standing behind him, the pupils of hundreds of pirates are also shrinking.

Among the dusty ruins, Luo Yu stood on one foot, with his right foot hovering in the air.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, he slowly put his palms together, revealing a devout prayer posture.

At this moment, the air circulating around seemed to have fallen into a stillness.

All the people on the deserted pier instantly felt as if they had fallen into a deep swamp.

A gilded Avalokitesvara, more than ten meters long, bloomed behind Luo Yu.

This scene, in the eyes of Zhan Guo and Garp, changed their expressions slightly.

If the thousand-handed Avalokitesvara that Luo Yu displayed just now is welcoming, the Thousand-handed Avalokitesvara that was transformed is an illusory existence.

So now behind Luo Yu, the tearful and extremely pitiful Guanyin is almost real.

With a hundred hands intertwined, the aura exuded is as suffocating as the top of Mount Tai.

Coupled with Luo Yu who stayed in place and stood in a strange posture, it only added a few points of inexplicable oppression.

Looking at the behemoths that appeared on the battlefield, that kind of pitiful bird's-eye view.

Sol, who was under the aura, suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of crisis in his heart.

It's just that he hasn't waited for his reaction.

Luo Yu still opened his eyes suddenly, and joined his right index finger and thumb together, forming an OK-like gesture.

Take a deep breath towards it!

"Avalokitesvara in Hundred Forms Zero Form!"


The huge Avalokitesvara's originally pitiful face suddenly opened his mouth.

Infusing it with crazily compressed Qi, at this moment, accompanied by Luo Yu's breath.

It exploded!


The white horses poured out like the Yellow River breaking its embankment.

There was a distance of [-] meters, but they were approaching in the blink of an eye.

The dazzling light instantly captured everyone's vision.

In an instant, there was a violent explosion, like a level [-] hurricane passing through.

The dust and debris all over the sky rolled back, giving people a feeling of doomsday.

Zoro and the others who insisted on staying to watch the battle, before they had time to react, were instantly overturned by the huge air wave.

One of them was smashed hundreds of meters away.

I don't know how long it took.

Wait for the dust to clear the sky.

Lying in the ruins, Sauron and the others were tingling all over, completely ignoring the injuries on their bodies, and hurriedly looked towards the pier.

However, the scene that caught their eye made their eye sockets crack to the extreme.

The pier that existed a moment ago had already disappeared at this moment.

Together with the pirate ship moored at the mouth of the sea, it also disappeared without a trace.

Looking around, the entire sea surface seemed to be divided into two by an invisible sharp blade, and a huge vacuum gully appeared.

The torn seabed is still bubbling with lava, telling the story of the inhuman high temperature just now.

Think back to everything that just happened.

They just vaguely remembered that Luo Yu just put on a strange pose.

He exhaled towards the big pirate Fei Liupo in their eyes!

Then, the pier disappeared.

The pirate ship is gone too!

Even the big pirate Flying Six Cells disappeared in one breath.

Breathing out is so terrifying!

If you don't see it with your own eyes.

They absolutely don't believe that, in their eyes, there is a reward of 7000 for the great pirate.

I can't even hold my breath!

Chapter 83

The sky was full of sand and dust, and the huge abandoned pier fell into an inexplicable silence.

Watching razed to the ground.

Do not!

The wharf that should have been turned into a scorched earth pit, and the seabed that was torn and poured with seawater, everyone became dumbfounded.

Recalling the scenes that happened just now, there is still a dreamlike feeling.

Just a moment ago, Sanji and Zoro, who strongly urged to stay and watch the battle, became a little parched now.

They finally understood why Bogart told them it was too late to stay.

It never occurred to them that there was a reward of 7000 million for the big pirate in their eyes.

would be so vulnerable.

The scene where they were hacked just now was nothing compared to this.

Let it go to sea!

"Sau... Sauron, the boat is here, let's run quickly!"

Nami's voice came from behind.

Not far away, there is a brand new pirate ship.

Compared with the stubbornness of the previous moment, they had little confidence in the end, and they were obviously defeated by the blow just now.

Looking at Luffy and the others who were smearing oil on the soles of their feet and ignoring their injuries, Bogart just watched all this quietly.

In his eyes, this may be a nightmare.

However, for these chicks who grew up in the cradle of the world.

This is without a doubt the best bang ever.

As long as you come out of the nightmare, maybe you can become stronger.

"Kar...Karp, hurry up and hold on to the phone bug, what happened just now, tell me."

Inside the phone bug, Sengoku's exasperated voice came out.

When Karp straightened the phone bug, what he could see made Sengoku sit on the chair and said.

"It's gone, it's all gone!"

"Haha, Sengoku, if there is no more, there will be no more. The big deal is that Kaido will come to the headquarters to commit suicide again. This is not the first time this kind of thing has happened." Garp laughed loudly, not paying attention to the matter at all.

Garp, who has come all the way in the old era and is known as a naval hero, even Lockes dared to carry it.

Garp really didn't pay much attention to Kaido's junior.

"No, Karp, I'm just worried that the five elders proposed not long ago that the backlog of plans will be restarted, and I'm afraid it will cause a sensation."

Zhan Guo said in a deep voice.

Backlog of projects?

Garp's face couldn't help but change, obviously thinking about what the Warring States was alluding to.

If this plan is really brought to trial, it will probably be a sensation for the Navy headquarters.

"Warring States, this matter must not let him appear, otherwise you should be very clear about the consequences!"

"Don't worry, I will try my best to suppress this proposal, and I hope Wu Laoxing will not do stupid things for his own selfish desire!" Zhan Guo said in a deep voice.

"By the way, where did Straw Hat Luffy go?"



Zhan Guo grabbed the phone bug tightly, and roared hysterically again: "You bastard, I already knew that you would play tricks, so hurry up and chase me, if you can't catch me, don't come back to see me in the headquarters .”

"Also, the World Government asked our Navy Headquarters to assist in the hunt for the betrayed CP9, you ask Luo Yu to prepare."

"Haha, I got it!" Karp responded with a big smile.

As an old buddy for many years, Warring States is very aware of Garp's behavior style, and Garp also understands Warring States very well.

Right now the Warring States asked him to hunt down Luffy instead of letting Luo Yu go, which already showed that he would turn a blind eye by default.

After all, Warring States is the admiral of the navy headquarters, not the five old stars of the world government.

The starting point is not to maintain the highest interests of the world government, but to focus on the Navy headquarters.

If the Five Old Stars proposal is passed, then Garp will be pushed to a dead end.

The Warring States Period clearly knew that the strength of the Navy Headquarters would be greatly depleted by then.

As the admiral of the Navy, Sengoku knew very well that in the eyes of the world government, whether it was the Navy Headquarters, Judiciary Island, or Advance City University Prison, they were just appearances to maintain world domination.

Their real attempt is the absolutely obedient special forces that still exist in the SSG plan that is still under study.

"Forget it, these things are really a headache, I hope there will be no major changes!" Zhan Guo hung up the phone bug, rubbed his swollen temples, and fell into deep thought.

On the ruins, Luo Yu scattered the Hundred Forms of Avalokitesvara behind her.

Looking at the scorched earth in front of him, he was also full of surprises.

This hundred-style Avalokitesvara comes from the world of full-time hunters, the famous stunt of Nitero, the president of the hunter guild.

Throwing punches tens of thousands of times in an hour, and finally evolved into the stunt of praying.

It can burst out the fastest and strongest attack with the slowest movement, instantly defeating the enemy.

The zero form that Luo Yu displayed just now is the strongest trump card among the hundred forms of Avalokitesvara.

It can extract and compress the caster's power in an instant, unleashing the most fierce and unparalleled blow.

In the original book, Nitro used this trick to put an end to his strongest career.

It's a pity that Nitro lived to be 120 years old, and he has already passed the peak of his life.

His old body greatly reduced his strength, and when he finally fought against the Ant King, he only had five or six layers of strength left.

In the end, he was defeated in the hands of the Ant King.

Not long ago, when Luo Yu obtained this move, he was still thinking about how powerful the Hundred Forms of Avalokitesvara Zero Form could reach.

Looking at it now, it was beyond Luo Yu's expectations.

Of course, the blow just now was also due to Luo Yu's forced overtime and passive burning of performance.

Otherwise, it would be quite difficult to blow the Fei Liubao out of sight with one blow.

"Fortunately, it took 58 seconds, not more than 1 minute. Otherwise, the hard-earned 750 million performance, but a loss of one-third." Luo Yu took a look, and the performance balance of the system was still at 650 million Baileys. I breathed a sigh of relief.

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