"Also, we are very valuable, at least worth a million bonus!"

Kalifa scrambled and rushed over quickly, and Bruno and others behind him also followed quickly.

After witnessing the killer move that fell from the sky just now.

Fortunately, the three of Gabra did not leave even after all kinds of persuasion just now.

Otherwise, waiting for them now, I am afraid that the same style of Pika will end up!

Looking at Pika, whose life and death are unknown, half of his body is buried in the ruins.

They still have lingering fears.

Such agility stunned Spandine and other CP0 who were hiding in the dark.

Is this really the strongest CP800 in the past 9 years?

Just a moment ago, the bones of Kalifa and others were all taken away by dogs?

No matter how he turned around, he knelt down and surrendered, and directly nailed himself on the pillar of shame with a million bonus.

Spandain believes that if CP9 really falls into the hands of other forces, the secrets they have mastered about the world government over the years alone will be enough to exchange for billions of dollars.

Now in Luo Yu's eyes, it was just a few million bonuses.

This gap is too big, right?

However, when he thought of this, a hint of urgency flashed in Spandain's eyes.

If things go well, it might be possible to take CP9 away.

"Spandyne, now that CP9 has fallen into the hands of the new admiral, what shall we do next?" Iga couldn't help but ask.

This time, the brothers came to assist Spandain in dealing with CP9, and they had already taken great risks.

Especially recalling the blow that fell from the sky just now, his palms are still sweating.

Of course they wanted the benefits that Spandain offered.

However, life is still at the top.

"I have an inexplicable feeling of uneasiness. This kid does things completely out of common sense. Why don't you just forget about it and go back and report it to the five adults." , and couldn't help but lock on Luo Yu's body.

Compared with others, he encountered Luo Yu twice in just two or three days, which was unreasonable.

Every shot gives people the feeling of brushing shoulders with death.

From the beginning to the end, Luo Yu was still standing on the ruins, as if he had never really made a move.

Yihe didn't want to really have a collision with the god of death.

"Ihe, Yihe, don't worry, I have a way to make him hand over the person, I believe no one can resist the charm of that thing." Spandain smiled playfully.

"What's more, don't forget that we still have the status of CP0. The Navy Headquarters is only assisting us in hunting down CP9. In the end, it will be handed over to us."

"When we go out now, we just want to get the man in advance. He can get benefits and military merits. Why not do it!"

"Let's go, let's go out and talk to the new admiral of the navy, don't forget the reward I gave you, this is a rare opportunity!"

After leaving these words, Spandain walked out first.

Iga pondered for a while, but followed quickly.

The rest of Yihe looked at the two figures going away, and indeed retreated in his heart, but he still gritted his teeth and followed quickly.

After hearing what Spandain said, Yihe still felt a little bit of rivalry in his heart.

"These people, we want CP0!"

Chapter 95 You Are Really Fake CP0

"These people, we want CP0!"

The figures of Spandine and Iga flickered, and they quickly appeared in the ruins with the help of shaving.

Yihe, who was originally following behind, was shaken in an instant by the rivalry that had just sprouted in his heart.

However, when he saw Luo Yu turn his head and his gaze fell on him, Yihe's face turned pale.

It's a pity that the arrow is on the string and has to be fired. Yihe is indeed retreating in his heart, but when he thinks of the identity of CP0, he has to grit his teeth and keep up.

"General Luo Yu, this is CP0!" Just as Ai En came to Luo Yu's side with the phone bug, his expression changed slightly.

As Zefa's lover, Ain knows the origin of CP0 very well.

If CP9 is the strongest espionage organization on Judicial Island.

Then CP0 is above the strongest, directly belonging to the five old stars, the elite among the elites.

The power he possesses is so great that even the top navy officials are afraid of it.

I'm afraid it's not a good thing for a dignitary to appear suddenly, right?

The expressions of Kalifa and the others suddenly changed.

They have people who have thought about CP0, and inquiries will arrive soon.

However, it never occurred to them that they had been waiting here from the very beginning.

Originally, in the eyes of Kalifa and others, even if it fell into the hands of the navy, they would be brought back to Marlin Vandor first, leaving them enough time to deal with it.

However, once it falls into the hands of CP0, I am afraid that there is not only no room for maneuver.

I'm afraid it will be a dead end, right?

As for running away!

Of course they had thought about it, but they looked at the scorched earth around them, and Pika whose life and death were unknown.

Can they escape?

Thinking of this, Kalifa and the others could only turn their begging eyes to Luo Yu.

Hope to see a turnaround.

"You want to take someone away?" Luo Yu raised his gold-rimmed glasses and said calmly.

"Hehe, General Luo Yu, you heard right just now, CP9 betrayed Judiciary Island, causing the world government to suffer a shame that has never been seen in 800 years. In order to clarify this matter, we CP0 must take them back to see Wulaoxing .” Spandain was the first to say with a smile.

"However, General Luo Yu, don't worry, you have put in a lot of effort to catch CP9 so smoothly this time."

"In order to repay your efforts, this thing is dozens of times stronger than the bonus you said!"

"I want General Luo Yu, and I really want to see it first!"

While speaking, Spandain took out a metal box from under the cloak, instantly attracting everyone's attention.

The moment the metal box was opened, the pupils of many people shrank suddenly.

This is a devil fruit lying quietly, with mysterious patterns all over its body, known as the secret treasure of the sea, and it is enough for everyone to fight for their heads!

There was once a saying in the sea!

From mediocre to strong, only one devil fruit is owed.

Looking at the Four Emperors of the Sea, three of them are devil fruit capable users.

This alone is enough to make people desperately pursue devil fruits.

Even the most common animal-type devil fruit, on the auction house, the starting price is hundreds of millions.

It's definitely not comparable to Luo Yu's million-dollar bonus!

"General Luo Yu, I have seen this fruit in Teacher Zefa's Devil Fruit Illustration." Ai En hastily dug out the small book he had hidden, quickly turned to the end, and finally said with a face full of surprise.

"This is the shape of a saber-toothed lion from the fruit of an ancient breed of cat from the animal department. It is worth at least one billion Baileys on the black market!"

Looking at the extremely scribbled pictures and texts on it, Spandain couldn't help laughing.

Good goods are most afraid of meeting people who don't know the goods.

Right now, if someone sees it right away, at least you don't need to waste your words!

However, Spandain's heart was still bleeding when he saw the ancient seed that he got by accident.

Not long ago, in order to strengthen Spandam's team in CP9, he obtained the animal-type devil fruit. Spandam made a heavy copy and gave it to Kaku and others directly.

He just kept this rare ancient seed, in the hope that his precious son would wake up that day and be able to use it to become stronger and counterattack.

Unfortunately, Judiciary Island was breached, which completely disrupted Spandine's plan.

In order for the Spanda family to survive, they can only reluctantly part with each other.

Originally, seeing Luo Yu's indifferent face from beginning to end, Spandain was still planning to explain.

Now that there is Ain, the megaphone, to help speak out, that's enough.

"Hehe, as expected of Zefa's master apprentice, he can tell the origin of this devil fruit at a glance." Spandain suppressed the pain in his flesh, and after a dry laugh, he immediately gave Ihe and Yihe a look Afterwards.

"This ancient devil fruit is worth at least one billion in the auction house of the Chambord Islands, which is much better than the several million bonuses."

"General Luo Yu, don't be strangers, there are still many opportunities for us to cooperate in the future, so I will take these people away."

Spandain put the lid on the iron box containing the devil fruit in his hand, endured the pain in his body, and sent it to Luo Yu.

At the same time, it has already been calculated that after the event, it is absolutely necessary to give Spandam a life education while preserving the function of inheriting the family.

Otherwise, none of this can make up for his distress at this moment.

Seeing this, Iga hurriedly followed. At the same time, he also took out the CP0 dedicated contact phone bug, intending to ask for support.

"Excuse me, did I tell you to take people away?"

Luo Yu took a mouthful of earth burning, and spoke lightly.

Everyone's movements froze all of a sudden.

Looking at the iron box that Spandain handed over.

Isn't devil fruit more fragrant than bonus?

"General Luo Yu, are you joking?" Spandain's face darkened, and there was a feeling that there was no place to put his hands out.

At this moment, I don't know whether it is better to continue to stick out, or to draw it back.

Looking at Luo Yu who was still indifferent, Spandain's expression gradually twisted, and he shouted angrily.

"Admiral Luo Yu, are you toasting and not drinking, are you drinking fine wine?"

"Others are afraid of your title of admiral, but we are CP0 directly under the Five Old Stars."

"It is indeed a great credit for you to capture CP9, but don't forget that you are only assisting our CP0 hunt."

"I took out this ancient devil fruit worth a billion Baileys in exchange, and I have already given you a lot of face. If you continue to be stubborn, don't blame us for grabbing it!"

Yihe, who had been standing at the back, couldn't help but froze.

The uneasiness that had been suppressed with all his strength was like a blowout at this moment.

Seeing Spandain, who has always maintained a little power in CP0, and then ran amok, his head suddenly became hot, and he said such words.

The uneasiness in Yihe's heart was instantly magnified infinitely.

"Did you just say grab it by hand?" Luo Yu couldn't help raising his brows, and said with a faint smile.

"It seems that you are really fake CP0!"

Chapter 96 Don't Reason With Unreasonable People

The small voice was infinitely amplified at this moment.

The nerve strings of the people who were still eating melons were suddenly stretched to the extreme.

The absurd thoughts that appeared in their minds made them unable to bear doubts.

Did this admiral play too much?

"You...what are you talking about!" Spandain's face suddenly changed.

"Say what?" Luo Yu glanced lightly and said.

"Nothing to say."

"Ai En, by the way, I would like to ask the old man of the Warring States period how much a prisoner who pretends to be CP0 and forcibly snatches someone from the admiral's hands is worth."

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