After the voice fell, the pirates on the deck also drew their knives.

In an instant, the atmosphere in the arena became murderous.

However, before they could make a move, a trembling voice sounded.

"He... he seems to be really qualified to say this!"

Chapter 102 Isn't this slap too big?

The huge deck suddenly fell into dead silence.

Faced with this, the sudden words made everyone stunned, and subconsciously looked at the little boss beside Cavendish.

As a member of the Handsome Pirates, they are well aware of how much their captain values ​​honor.

At this juncture, say such words that aggravate others' ambitions and destroy one's own prestige.

I'm afraid it's not right!

Just wait for them to speak.

Cavendish, who was not far away, also had a more dignified face, subconsciously pressed Durandal on his waist, and said in a deep voice.

"Admiral Taotie Falling Feather?"


The scene was in an uproar, and the expressions of all the pirates changed instantly.

Recalling that not long ago, I got the front page of the news that shocked the sea.

They still have lingering fears.

The Straw Hat Pirates, who have never been breached on Judicial Island in the 800 years since the occupation.

But it was directly wiped out by a person sent by the navy.

It is rumored that if the Flying Six Cells of the Hundred Beasts Pirates hadn't stepped in, the Straw Hat Pirates would have found a chance to escape.

I'm afraid, the pirate supernova shining at this moment has fallen again, right?

And the person who caused all this has now appeared in front of them.

Where can they calm down?

For a moment, the nerve strings of all the pirates were stretched to the extreme.

He secretly clenched the weapon in his hand.

Facing the majestic admiral, there is also news that the Straw Hat Pirates were wiped out.

They know the odds are not high.

However, I also want to try to struggle.

"Are you the captain of the Handsome Pirates, Cavendish who offered a reward of 3000 million Baileys?" Luo Yu took a sip of his drink, and took a second look at the ruined G93 branch not far away.

"When addressing me, I still add the word new, so that I can do things with less psychological pressure."

"I came to you this time just to ask something."

"The new admiral?" Cavendish's expression froze slightly, he didn't understand why Luo Yu emphasized that he was a newcomer.

In the eyes of others, the title of a newcomer should be contempt and contempt.

Rao Cavendish is no exception to this title.

However, as soon as these thoughts flashed through his mind, Cavendish quickly suppressed them.

Facing this majestic general, Cavendish still said in a deep voice: "I don't know the new general, why did you suddenly visit?"

"Are you planning to hunt me down? If so, I'm going to strike first."

"No matter what I say, it is also a supernova with a reward of 3000 million. It would be a shame to catch it without a fight."

On the deck, hundreds of pirates tightened their weapons and even held their breath.

Facing an opponent of this level, it seems that even breathing becomes a bit of a luxury.

"Hunting you?" Luo Yu asked after drinking the liquor.

"Have you breached Judiciary Island? Robbed the Heavenly Gold? Attacked the Tianlong people? Or destroyed the Navy branch?"

"If you don't have these, you won't even be worth a bonus of 100 million Baileys. It's hard for me to raise a bonus to Warring States."

100 million is not worth it?

Cavendish looked stiff.

No matter what he said, he is also a supernova with 3000 million Baileys.

It never occurred to Luo Yu that even 100 million would not be worth it.

If it wasn't for his identity, if it were someone else, Cavendish would have already slashed someone with a knife.

"Okay, don't waste my time, I'm still in a hurry to get off work." Luo Yu didn't care about the change in Cavendish's expression, and raised his gold-rimmed glasses and said.

"Did you just say that the person who destroyed the G93 branch was Whitebeard II Edward Weibull? Where is he now?"

"Just tell me where he is, and I won't take action against you, after all, you are worthless!"

Cavendish's cheek muscles twitched slightly.

How many times this kind of thing needs to be emphasized, how many times it tramples on his heart, will it end.

However, looking at his rejoicing subordinates, Cavendish was deflated like a balloon, and said, "The person you are looking for is in Urs Island, which is adjacent to the G93 branch."

"The navy stationed in this branch seems to be in pursuit. Now rush over, I don't know if it's too late."

"Is Urs Island?" Luo Yu looked far away in the direction of the G93 branch, and soon found a blurry outline of an island, and immediately retracted his sight, waved his hands and turned to leave.


All the pirates couldn't react.

When the navy and the pirate meet, don't you kill the one first?

Why is this dignified admiral so easy to talk about.

Good temper, is it because they are worthless?

However, as soon as they thought of this, Cavendish on the side suddenly moved.

"Admiral, supernovas are also strong and weak."

"I don't believe it, I can't even resist a slap!"

"Beautiful Sword Round Table!"

Cavendish made a dodge and appeared in the sky above Luo Yu.

Durandal in his hand, following himself 360 degrees, flipped and slashed towards Luoyu.

The violent scene instantly frightened the pirates in the field.

This kind of sudden challenge like a convulsion is not asking for a dead end, what is it?

However, as far as this is concerned, looking at Luo Yu who stopped and turned around without any intention of making a move.

The pirates present, on the contrary, eagerly wanted to see the scene where Cavendish justified himself.

However, just as this idea sprouted in their minds, the scene that followed made their pupils shrink to the extreme.

Dazzling golden light bloomed on Luo Yu's body.

The moment the Hundred Styles of Avalokitesvara unfolded, it was seven or eight meters tall, like a real palm knife, slashing down head-on.

Cavendish just appeared in front of Luo Yu.

Look at this big hand that fell from the sky.

That kind of attacking posture that seems to be slow, but is as fast as a thunderbolt.

He just felt a flash in front of his eyes, the attack had already appeared in front of him, and the only thing he could do was to raise Durand in his hand to block.


The huge power was vented, and Cavendish couldn't even hold Durand in his hand tightly. He opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood, which flew out like a shell.

After penetrating the cabin at one end, it finally stopped.

The air wave that was raised swept across the entire deck like a gust of wind.

Originally, the pirate who was planning to watch Cavendish's attack to rectify his name suddenly became stiff and his face became as pale as paper.

The dignified supernova, their captain, was really slapped away.

But, this slap is too big, right?

Seeing Cavendish lying in the ruins, struggling and unable to get up, Luo Yu sighed helplessly, turned and left.

Sure enough, today is another day of hard work.

If next, there is not another Whitebeard II, Edward Weible.

Luo Yu couldn't tell if he would really find some compensation on Cavendish.

Chapter 103 Justice Is Much Heavier Than Your Knife

"Captain, are you alright?"

Seeing Luo Yu's departure, all the pirates expressed their happiness as if they had survived a catastrophe, and immediately rushed to Cavendish.

"Captain, I just checked on the watchtower. There is no trace of the admiral in the sea. I'm afraid he went to Urs Island. Let's take this opportunity to leave quickly."

"In case that guy changes his mind, we're afraid we won't be able to afford it."

The pirates present fell silent.

If it were in the past, Cavendish, who offered a reward of 3000 million, would still carry it when the sky fell.

It's a pity that now that Cavendish has collapsed, who else can carry it?

Most importantly, the new admiral of the navy seems to have never really done anything, right?

"No, I still have to go to Urs Island." Cavendish wiped the blood remaining at the corner of his mouth, and finally calmed down the tumbling blood in his body, struggling to get up.

Looking at the direction in which Luo Yu left, he gritted his teeth and said, "I was only careless just now, so that he succeeded in sneak attack."

"Don't forget that I still have the strongest trump card. I want to challenge him again to let him understand that supernovas are not vulnerable."

"I also want to see if he can still be as crazy as before if he meets the monster who was chosen by the world government to become the king's Qiwuhai!"

Looking at Cavendish with a stubborn face and made up his mind.

All the pirates present were full of bitterness.

However, recalling Luo Yu's noble hands just now, and the destroyed G93 branch, Edward Weibull, who was as strong as a monster, many people also felt a little curious.

How will this new general deal with the unreasonable White Beard II.

After half an hour.

In Urs Island, in the broken town, many injured villagers fled in all directions.

Looking back from time to time, there was a burly figure behind him with unusually slender legs, holding a giant naginata, but with a snot-nosed figure, showing a face full of horror.

Do not!

It should be said that what they were more afraid of was the old woman standing behind Weibull.

"Mom, why haven't those guys appeared yet?" Weibull sniffled, raised the naginata in his hand, and said angrily.

"Hehe, Weibull, my good son, those marines are stupid people, as long as you slowly slaughter the people here one by one, they will get out and die as good people."

Miss Ba Jin, who was short in stature and had a skinny face like bark, laughed ferociously.

"Weibull, in order for you to gain the approval of your father, Whitebeard, we need to make more sensational events."

"As long as Whitebeard knows that his own son is much better than his so-called sons, he will understand who is the son who has inherited his true blood."

"Do it, kill them all!"

"Mom, I know!" Weibull sniffled, holding a giant naginata, kicked his feet suddenly, and the rocky ground under his feet collapsed.

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