However, it never occurred to Luo Yu that there would be such a time when he did not speak martial arts.

Other people's trump card is to use one move.

He saved the trouble, and smashed it out all at once.

If you don't see it with your own eyes, who wants to believe that all this is true?

Even standing in the distance, Tina and the others, who were planning to help Luo Yu, suddenly became stiff. They never thought that Luo Yu would do this kind of operation.

Smoker, who was smoking a cigar, looked up at the violent power accumulated in the sky.

Let go of the ten hands that were tightly clenched, clenched the cigar in his mouth, and said in a deep voice.

"Wait a minute, no matter what happens, you must hold my hand tightly. I will try my best to run away, otherwise if I slow down half a beat and get caught in the attack, we will all die!"

"hurry up!"

Smoker roared angrily, and grabbed Ain and Tina without looking back.

At this moment, I felt that only a lunatic could come up with such a crazy way of fighting.

At this moment, Smoker discovered for the first time that his smoke fruit looked a little natural when he ran away.

Under the frantic pressure, the burst of power from the smoke injector made him jump a hundred meters away in an instant.

Feeling the piercing sound in his ears, Smoker couldn't help but look back.

When this glance fell, Smoker's pupils suddenly shrank.

The group of pirates who had gathered beside Urati, when they saw Smoker fleeing, quickly dispersed around as if a chain reaction had occurred.

When Urati saw this, the stiffness and calmness on his face had long since disappeared. After a panicky cry, he turned around and ran away.

"Master Jack, get away quickly, this guy doesn't talk about martial arts, this is not a trick!"


Transformed into a giant mammoth, Jack swung his nose like an iron whip.

The moment the jet-black armed domineering air covered his whole body, he turned around and ran away.

At this moment, the majestic ship king, the muscles of his brain are dominated by the sense of crisis engraved in his bones.

Run away by the ship king!

Even Luo Yu was surprised by this scene.

However, Jack cannot be blamed for this. In the original book, he won the title of Ship King without being beaten by the society.

Now he is under severe beating, the meanings of the two are completely different!

However, he just took seven or eight steps.

Originally, the Hundred Forms of Avalokitesvara formed behind Luo Yu stood in front of Jack like a ghost.

The big hand, which was as substantial as it was, quickly moved towards Jack's body.

The body that was running away from the charge was blocked in an instant.

At this moment, the benevolent Guanyin opened his bloody mouth.

The Type Zero, which had been frantically gathered in it for a long time, detonated loudly like the Yellow River breaking its embankment.

The domineering beasts accumulated in the sky, and the super-level magic - falling from the sky, are also echoing at this moment.

In an instant, whether it was Jack who was in it, or Smoker and others who fled to the distance.

At this moment, there is only one thought left in my mind.

The sky is falling!


Three huge impacts swept across the sea area with a radius of tens of thousands of meters like a hurricane.

The monstrous waves that were set off were like a tsunami of magnitude [-], and they were shot directly around.

The pirate ship that was originally moored at the pier collapsed abruptly under the impact.

Rao was the warship parked farther away, the huge and heavy hull was also overturned thousands of meters away by the impact.

The naval soldiers stationed on the deck could no longer stand.

If it hadn't caught something that could be supported in time, it might have been overturned, smashed into the sea, and swallowed by huge waves and sea kings.

"Smoke Throwers!"

Smoker roared, and under the spray of smoke with his right hand, he shattered the huge waves he had captured.

The splash of icy sea water made Smoker, who had just stood firm on the deck, shiver uncontrollably.

Looking back, he looked at Us Island, which was still covered by huge waves.

Smoker still had lingering fears, and the cigar in his mouth was bitten off at some point, leaving only half of it.

However, all of this is obviously not what Smoker wants to pay attention to now.

What he urgently wants to know now is the trio of ultimate moves against Luo Yu.

Whether Jack, who offered a reward of one billion for the drought, will come next.

The air waves all over the sky were rewinding, and the endless sea waves gradually calmed down under the impact.

On the warship that had just stabilized, Smoker and Ain, without caring too much, quickly boarded the ship's mast and looked towards Us Island.

The first thing that comes into view is still the scene of billowing dust.

With the passage of time, the battlefield where they were originally located has already been smashed to pieces.

Like broken porcelain, scattered on the sea.

On the largest fragment, the fallen feathers shrouded in dust gradually become clearly visible.

Seeing that unscathed posture made Ain and the others look ecstatic.

At the same time, without caring too much, he quickly looked around.

They are eager to know whether Jack the Drought, known as one of the three disasters with a bounty of one billion Baileys, can still stand and fight.

"Master Jack, you are fine!"

On the ruins farther away, Urati, who was covered in dust and mixed with blood, struggled to crawl out of the ruins.

Ignoring the makeup on his face and the tingling pain from all over his body, Urati hurriedly looked at the broken battlefield in the distance.

The dust all over the sky dispersed with the sea breeze.

A body as huge as a hill quickly became clear in the eager eyes.

The fur he was wearing had already become scorched black, and under the trio of ultimate moves, his skin was ripped apart, and scarlet blood gushed out like a bank bursting.

Chapter 118 Encountered a fake CP0 again?

The shocking tragedy caused everyone's pupils to shrink suddenly.

A chill gushed out from Urati's spine.

Over the years, she has been lurking in the Hundred Beasts Pirates, purely to collect intelligence information within the Hundred Beasts Pirates.

For the strength of the three disasters, they already have a general understanding.

Among the three disasters, Jack is indeed the youngest and the weakest existence.

However, its own defense is extremely good.

Otherwise, in a new world full of powerful people, he would not have the title of Drought Jack.

But he was hit hard by the new admiral.

This blow is indeed not about Wude!

However, it is too fierce, right?

If the blow just now fell directly on her body.

I'm afraid I'm going to find some scum now, and it doesn't exist anymore, right?

However, as soon as this idea came to mind, Urati became ecstatic.


"Little devil, I'm Drought Jack of the Hundred Beasts Pirates, the big pirate with a bounty of one billion, I'm going to kill you!"

Jack, who was covered in blood, looked up to the sky and roared.

The scorched wounds all over the body erupted with a little blood, and the blood that had flowed out like a bank burst was quickly stopped at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The scorched place is also healing the scar.

Even the three of Tina, who came back in a hurry, were dumbfounded at this scene.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never have believed that there would be such a heaven-defying healing ability after encountering such a fatal injury.

"Does the animal have the ability to awaken Devil Fruits?" Luo Yu frowned, looking a little surprised.

The abilities of a Devil Fruit after awakening are divided into three types.

One is the powerful vitality, an ability unique to the animal system.

Possess strong healing ability and tenacious vitality.

It's just called blood lock.

Kaido's fish-fish-fruit dragon form was awakened, which gave him the confidence to roam around.

The second is awakening and assimilation. In the original book, Doflamingo and Katakuri have obviously reached this point.

The third is the awakening endowment. Among them, the aunt Charlotte Lingling and Kidd have reached this level, and can bestow the devil fruit ability on other objects.

In the Beast Pirates known as the zoo, Luo Yu was not surprised that Jack was able to open the blood lock.

"As expected of Master Jack!" Urati said anxiously with a face full of excitement.

"Admiral, that blow just now should be your strongest trump card."

"Now, Mr. Jack, just stand where you are, and let me see what else you can do!"

The faces of Smoker and the others turned ashen. Looking at Jack, who had recovered from the original except for the hair shed, and stared at the angry eyes, he secretly clenched the weapon in his hand.

The trio of big moves that Luo Yu performed just now really made people feel like the sky is falling apart.

However, they didn't know whether Luo Yu could cast it a second time.

If the blow just now was Luo Yu's full strength, then I'm afraid they can only rely on them to sweep the formation.

"Don't look at me, that blow just now has already hollowed me out." Luo Yu took out the wine gourd, poured a mouthful of soil and said after burning it.

"If he can still fight, then I'll just admit defeat."

"However, do you have handcuffs on Hailoushi? Go and handcuff him first."

"Otherwise, he will stand up and snore!"

Snoring standing up?

Smoker and the three froze in place for a while.

Urati, who was standing not far away, instantly became stiff with ecstasy on his face.

Seeing Jack, who was glaring, murderous a moment ago, and about to roar, Urati was stunned and said anxiously.

"Master Jack, don't lie here, how can a mere blow defeat you, respond to me quickly!"

The urgent call echoed on the ruins.

It's a pity that no matter how Urati yelled, he stared at Jack angrily, and stood there like a statue.

Originally, the gleam of happiness that had just sprouted turned into extravagant hope in an instant.

Is this being held back by awakening?

The three of Smoker were also dumbfounded.

However, seeing that Jack didn't move at all, Smoker took the first step and rushed out with the help of the smoke fruit ability.

"Ai En, let the fleet support quickly, and send the Hailoushi handcuffs. This is a big pirate with a reward of one billion. This time, General Luo Yu has made a great contribution."

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