A 2000 million Pele?

Luo Yu couldn't help raising his brows, and immediately raised the wine gourd in his hand with a smile, and said with a smile: "Marshal of the Warring States Period, I thought you only gave me 1000 million Baileys, but I didn't expect to start with 2000 million Baileys. This is a rare arrogance lofty."

"It's late now, so I'll leave this kind of boring meeting to you guys. I'll go find someone first."

After leaving these words, Luo Yu did not continue to linger in the arena, and turned around and left.

Seeing Luo Yu's unrestrained vigor, all the admirals present couldn't help being stunned.

After looking at each other, they didn't see the slightest uneasiness.

From beginning to end, Luo Yu did not say who he was looking for.

However, as the Warring States period said, as long as General Taotie calls for more money.

This thing is ready!

"Marshal of the Warring States Period, can he really find eight or nine special forces?" Dole sat on the chair and couldn't help but speak.

At the same time, the highest mobilization meeting was held with the Navy Headquarters.

Some of the eyeliners of the Four Emperors buried in the navy headquarters used various methods to spread the first-hand breaking news they got, and they didn't care even if they risked their lives.

They can be placed in the Navy headquarters as pawns, all for this moment.

New World, Beehive Island.

As the base camp of the Whitebeard Pirates, in the new world, it has always been regarded as a forbidden place.

At this moment, the huge Moby Dick was mooring at the pier.

Looking at the information he just got in his hands, Whitebeard's face became extremely gloomy.

"Father, what did you say in the newspaper, did Ace really lose to Tiki?" Diamond Jozi was the first to be unable to hold back, and everyone's faces showed a hint of urgency.


Whitebeard crushed the ship's guardrail, his white hair fluttering without wind, and roared angrily.

"You bastard Tiki, not only failed my heart, killed my partner on the boat, but now also sent Ace to the world government, and carried out the transaction of Shichibukai under the king. This is simply a challenge. Our white beard sea The bottom line of the thieves."

"I will definitely kill him with my own hands!"


In the end, the domineering arrogance in White Beard's body exploded like a raging wave, and rushed straight to the sky.

All the people present were ashen-faced, and they couldn't say a word.

After Luo Yu left that day, they thought about the worst.

It's just that they never imagined that the final result was worse than they imagined.

If Ace falls into the hands of Blackbeard, they can now directly attack Blackbeard.

However, now Blackbeard is using Ace as a bargaining chip and handing it over to the World Government.

This means that if they want to save people, they will probably declare war on the Navy headquarters.

The difficulty is so great that the entire Whitebeard Pirates must be gambled.

What's more, the Navy Headquarters has been able to confront the Four Emperors Chamber for so long, and the combat power it possesses is not their Whitebeard Pirates, who can challenge it if they say it is a challenge.

"Father, what should we do now." Yizang's deep voice broke the deadlock.

Everyone's nerves were pried again, and Qiao Zi hurriedly said: "Father, as long as you nod, all of us here can risk their lives, even if we declare war on the Navy Headquarters, we will not groan."

After these words fell, everyone silently agreed in an instant.

On the contrary, Whitebeard's face was ashen, and he became hesitant.

As a father, Ace's life is his life, and everyone here is his life.

They said no regrets.

However, White Beard still couldn't calm down for a while.

"Father, we can fight the Navy Headquarters."

Marco, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke.

"Do you still remember the last time the Navy's fourth admiral, Taotie Luoyu, boarded the ship?"

"This time he was not only in charge of making a deal with Blackbeard, but also on the way, defeated Drought Jack of the Beasts Pirates, and sent him, along with Ace, to the City University Prison."

"I think with Kaido's temperament, he will never give up. If our Whitebeard Pirates declare war with the Navy Headquarters, Kaido will definitely follow, and will not let go of this opportunity."

"At that time, the Navy Headquarters will face the pressure of the two four emperors. For our Whitebeard Pirates, it will become a good thing."

"However, according to the intelligence, Admiral Sengoku has decided to open two major battlefields to fight at the same time, and will not only launch the Royal Qiwuhai Recruitment Order."

"At the same time, the new admiral of the navy, Taotie, will also be sent down to recruit special combat forces from the sea to deal with the two four emperors."

"It's just that the report did not explain what this special combat power is. Otherwise, our Whitebeard Pirates can follow suit."

A series of words echoed on the deck.

Everyone was shocked.

Originally, in their eyes, it was crazy enough for the Navy Headquarters to fight against their Whitebeard Pirates.

Now it is even more threatening to open up two major battlefields at the same time and declare war on the two Four Emperors.

That's not crazy What's that?

If they hadn't heard it with their own ears, they would absolutely not want to believe that all this was true.

"Declaring war on the two four emperors at the same time?" White Beard's eyes flickered, and finally he laughed loudly.

"Hehehe, as expected of the Warring States Period, it's as crazy as before!"

"However, he should be thankful that there is that arrogant brat in the Navy Headquarters, otherwise he might not have the confidence to declare war."

"Since the Warring States Period is so crazy and declared war on the two Four Emperors at the same time, then our Whitebeard Pirates can't be ashamed at sea."

"Then let's have a big fight!"

"Give me an order. The Whitebeard Pirates declare war on the Navy Headquarters. Ask Kaido if he dares to follow suit."

Chapter 142 The First Special Combat Target

Wano Country, Oni Island.

Kaido looked at the information in his hand, his face gradually distorted, and the next moment, his five fingers suddenly exerted force.


The phone bug was crushed along with the fax.

"Bastard, it's a big bastard, how dare someone be so arrogant, attack my beast Kaido, not only kill my Fei Liupo, but also defeat Jack, and send him to the prison of Jincheng University .”

"Now, he is even planning to declare war with our Beast Pirates. Could it be that he really thinks that Kaido, like Whitebeard, likes to be a turtle?"

Kaido roared angrily, grabbed the giant mace, and swept away at the men next to him.


The pirate standing aside, before he recovered his senses, turned into a human-shaped baseball in an instant, tearing the sea apart and piercing it towards the horizon.

The speed was so fast that it disappeared without a trace after just a few breaths.

The violent scene immediately caused the pirates stationed around to move and retreat.

Only Quinn and Jhin, who had already gotten used to all this, remained standing aside.

"Hehe, Brother Kaidou, Jack is our little brother, of course we can't let him be sent to Jincheng University Prison without saving him."

With a cigarette in his mouth, Quinn said with a gloomy face.

"We, the Beasts Pirates, are not comparable to those villains like Whitebeard."

"Don't forget, Mi Tian is dead, and Whitebeard doesn't even have half a fart."

"No, I just received the news that Whitebeard has declared war, and he even threatened to ask our Beasts Pirates if they dare." Jhin said suddenly.

"Whitebeard has declared war?" Quinn and Kaido's expressions changed slightly.

He never thought that White Beard, who had been cowarded for so many years, would have a hard day.

However, thinking of Jhin's last words, the mace in Kaido's hand hit the ground again, roaring angrily.

"Okay, what a white beard, he still doesn't forget to tease me, so I'll see who can have the last laugh."

"Jin, send me a message to tell the Navy Headquarters to remember to prepare stronger troops to deal with me. I am no match for those old and weak soldiers with white beard."

"Tell this sea that our Beast Pirates accept the declaration of war."

The rolling voice echoed on the island of ghosts like thunder.

All the pirates who had been waiting for a long time all around shouted loudly.

Unlike the Whitebeard Pirates, the Hundred Beasts Pirates have been participating in various fights and battles.

Compared to this boring life of staying on the island of ghosts.

They prefer this unprecedented war.

Accompanied by the declaration of war by the two emperors, there was also a general mobilization order issued by the Navy Headquarters.

For a while, not to mention the new world, the whole sea felt like a storm was about to come and the mountains were full of buildings.

Especially the Hundred Beasts Pirates issued various conscription orders on the sea.

As long as any pirate group joins the Hundred Beasts Pirates for a battle, they will definitely be able to become official members of the Four Emperors Pirates if they win afterwards.

Faced with this formerly very tempting entry threshold.

The whole sea became boiling like never before.

If only the Beasts Pirates were fighting against the Navy Headquarters alone, they certainly wouldn't run to be cannon fodder.

It's just that when I think of the Navy Headquarters being crazy enough to declare war on the two Four Emperors at the same time.

This kind of approach, as if seeking a dead end, undoubtedly made them see a glimmer of victory.

In case the Navy Headquarters declares war on the two Four Emperors at the same time, it will be directly abolished.

In the future, there will be no such executor who plays the role of justice in the sea.

This will mean that they will be able to reap greater territory and reputation status.

According to the information obtained from the intelligence system of the Navy Headquarters, in just three to five days, the Hundred Beasts Pirates received [-] or [-] pirates with a reward of over [-] million yuan.

Facing the Hundred Beasts Pirates, Crane, Sengoku and others, who seemed to have used the Explosive Talisman, they couldn't help showing a hint of worry.

In their eyes, a mere drought Jack is certainly not as important as Fire Fist Ace.

The two battlefields opened up at the same time will also be dominated by Fire Fist Ace.

The remaining troops will be divided, and the battlefield forces against Kaido will also be reduced.

It can be said that it is just a simple match, unless Luo Yu really has the ability to recruit special combat power in the sea.

Otherwise, I'm afraid Kaido will step down.

The first half of the Great Channel of the New World.

A huge warship passed through the Gate of Justice of the Red Earth Continent, riding a special ocean current, and advancing quickly through the waves.

After the warship was gone, the naval soldiers stationed in front of the gate couldn't help but speak.

"Commander General Kibin, is that the new Navy Admiral Taotie Luoyu? It's unimaginable that he can sit in this position at such a young age."

"However, it is rumored that he has an important mission this time. He wants to find special combat forces on the sea. Will there be a suitable candidate for the first half of this great channel?"

Ji Bin shook his head solemnly and said, "We are not in charge of these things. I hope General Luo Yu can really do it."

A day later, the huge warship was still advancing through the waves. On the watchtower of the mast, Tina, who was in charge of acting as a navigator, smoked a cigarette.

"General Luo Yu, the island you are looking for has not been found yet. Is the location on the record pointer really correct?"

"I checked in the Navy's record pointer library, but I didn't find it."

After saying this, the nerves of everyone on board couldn't help but tense up to the extreme.

They knew clearly that the mission Luo Yu was shouldering this time was related to the Navy Headquarters, the key to whether they could fight against the two Four Emperors at the same time.

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