"However, this is just a person from Qiwuhai, not the real Qiwuhai, so what are you afraid of?"

"I kill people, you save people, no problem!"


As soon as the words fell, the people present were startled.

It's a pity that before they could react, the domineering arrogance dormant in Luo Yu's body exploded like a raging wave.


The huge air wave is like a real shock wave.

The speed was so fast that it crashed into the chaotic rapeseed dock in an instant.

Wherever they passed along the way, the pirate ships moored on the pier were shredded like paper.

The violent scene caused everyone's expressions to change dramatically.

They really wanted to know if Luo Yu would make a move in the face of Wang Qiwuhai.

But it never occurred to him that Luo Yu would directly strike at the slightest disagreement.

Most importantly, Luo Yu's shots were almost indiscriminate, leaving no chance for them to react.

"General Luo Yu, you asked us to save people, and you also gave us some time to prepare, now we can't catch up at all."

Dole's face was also slightly livid.

I regretted it a little at the beginning, I hoped that Luo Yu would make a move just now.

She had indeed guessed that Luo Yu was doing things, and she liked to play cards out of common sense.

It's just that this is not in a common sense way, and it's too unexpected.

Smoker, who was on the side, also had a bitter face.

His smoke fruit, in the direction of escape, is indeed getting farther and farther.

However, looking at the domineering domineering look that seemed to be substantial, it had already crashed into the pier in a destructive posture.

Even if he uses his milking strength now, he can't catch up.

The only thing to do is to stare helplessly.

However, as soon as this idea was born, an indescribable oppressive force surged on the pier.


The pirates who were making trouble on the outside were instantly overthrown by the domineering arrogance that seemed to be real.

With the huge impact force, it slapped the naval soldiers and Kingdom Guards on the shore unabated.

Seeing the violent blow, they were indeed very happy that Wangxia Qiwuhai's dog legs were thrown out in an instant.

However, the thought that they will be targeted next.

They couldn't laugh anymore.

"Worthy of being the new admiral of the navy. I thought that these kings Qibuhai would be allowed to make trouble, and I could only leave it to me to solve it. I didn't expect this way of doing things, but it was really unexpected."

"However, I still like saving people!"

A figure shrouded in a black robe stepped out behind the navy soldiers.

Behind him was an old man wearing a sheepskin hat, with silver hair and unkempt, smoking a pipe.

It's just that this old man, seeing the overwhelming impact, just hugged the torn sheepskin clothes on his body tightly, and still shrunk in the crowd, and did not come out.

A group of naval soldiers and kingdom guards looked anxious when they saw the figure suddenly standing in front of them.

They really didn't dare to attack the people of Qiwuhai under the king.

However, you also don't want to watch innocent people die.

However, as soon as this idea sprouted in his mind, the figure shrouded in black robe suddenly made a move.

"Gravity Knife Tiger!"


The impact of purple collided with the rushing overlord-colored arrogance.

The moment when the huge air wave rolled back.

The huge pier directly rolled up a large amount of sand and dust.

Originally, those pirates who were lucky enough to escape the impact of the domineering look thought they could save their lives.

The next moment, it was instantly overwhelmed by the aftermath of the two collisions.

The violent scene made Dole, Smoker and others' pupils shrink suddenly.

Originally, they thought that Luo Yu's words just now, I kill you and save others, were just for them.

It never occurred to him that on the pier, there is a strong man who can withstand the impact of the domineering look.

At this moment, the people present suddenly remembered that Luo Yu had mentioned it just now.

On the Rapeseed Flower Dock, there seemed to be a target on the list of special forces.

"General Luo Yu, is the person who shot just now a target on the list of special forces you mentioned?" Tina asked hastily.

"No, he has already rejected the old man of the Warring States Period, so he can only be counted as half. My goal is someone else." Luo Yu took a sip of his drink and landed on the pier.

Dole and the others were stunned for a moment.

Faced with Luo Yu's reply, they instantly thought that the person who made the move just now might be one of the two special combat forces invited by the Marshal of the Warring States Period.

However, in the face of Luo Yu's mouth, the special combat power target was someone else, but he couldn't see the slightest clue.

At least they looked around just now, but they didn't find half of the outstanding people.

The monstrous dust that had enveloped the pier gradually dissipated.

Dole and the others didn't care too much, and quickly jumped to follow the coast.

Looking at the wharf that had been reduced to ruins, and the corpses of pirates strewn about, the muscles in his cheeks twitched slightly for Luo Yu's inconsistent behavior.

Instead, all the attention was instantly attracted by the figure shrouded in the black robe.

Looking at the purple robe and closed eyes, Dole instantly recognized the person's identity.

"This is really the special combat power Fujitora Issho mentioned by Marshal Sengoku. How could he appear here?"

Smoker and the others couldn't help being taken aback.

Finally understood why the opponent was able to block Luo Yu's attack.

After all, at the highest meeting held that day, Warring States mentioned that these two special combat powers are comparable to generals.

If you can join the Navy Headquarters, it will definitely be like adding wings to a tiger.

However, apart from Fujitora Yixiao, is there really anyone in the field who can bear the title of special combat power?

Chapter 150 The Existence of One Piece Who Challenged the One Piece in the Past

"Is it the Navy?"

Wearing a black robe, Fujitora sheathed the stick knife in his hand, and raised his eyes and asked, "Is the person who can attack Shichibukai so reckless, the fourth general of the navy, Taotie Luoyu?"

"Sure enough, young and promising, courage is extraordinary."

"However, don't you worry that Qi Wuhai will be dissatisfied?"

"Dissatisfied?" Luo Yu smiled and took out the wine gourd, took a mouthful of earth burning and said, "I just know it's a result of promotion and salary increase."

"There is no concept of Shichibukai."

"If the old man of the Warring States period gives me more money, the five old stars can do it too!"

After these words fell, the scalps of everyone in the field exploded.

For these real power holders who are hidden behind the world government.

Who is not shunned.

Being able to talk about it like Luo Yu, even the five old stars dared to cut it for the bonus.

I'm afraid it's really the only one.

As for doubting whether Luo Yu would really chop it off.

I am afraid that only by letting the Warring States increase money will we know.

"You dare to cut even the five old stars?" Fujitora was stunned for a moment, and then laughed loudly: "Haha, no wonder the sea said that the new admiral is a strange person. I didn't expect that in your eyes, the five old The authority of a star is only worth the bonus."

"However, Admiral Luo Yu, you should be very clear that I have already rejected the invitation of your Admiral Sengoku, and I will not accept if you come here in person."

Regarding Luo Yu's appearance, the first thing Fujitora thought of was obviously the invitation to a special combat force not long ago.

"No, Your Excellency Fujitora, General Luo Yu just said that the person he is looking for is not you." Dole couldn't help but speak.

Taking advantage of the slight breathing opportunity just now, Dole has passed the people in the field three or four times.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard she polished her eyes, she still couldn't find the second target of special combat power that Luo Yu was talking about.

Fujitora couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, he was full of confidence, but it made him a little bit uneasy.

"General Luo Yu, is what the navy said just now true?"

"You don't intend to use this method to attract my attention so that I can get on the boat."

Fujitora has also heard of the special combat power target countermeasures proposed by the Navy Headquarters.

At the same time, as an invited list, he certainly knew that the weight in it must be able to participate in the top battle.

It can be said that this is not a bad street.

Now Luo Yu told him that there would be two special forces on a rapeseed dock.

Is this really treating special combat power as cabbage on the street?

"Your Excellency Fujitora, I only have active and passive ways to invite, and I don't have the way to play tricks like this." Luo Yu smiled and shook his head, looked into the crowd, and said.

"I said, Your Excellency Nagle, you should understand what I mean."


The people present couldn't help but froze for a moment.

For them, this name is extremely unfamiliar, compared with Fujitora Yixiao, who is well-known in the sea, they are simply at a loss.

However, when the name fell into Fujitora's ear, his face changed suddenly.

The moment the stick knife in his hand was slightly unsheathed, the whole person disappeared on the spot like a ghost.

Appearing again, Fujitora had come to an old figure curled up and hiding in the crowd.

The stick knife in his hand came out of its sheath in response.

Everyone's expression changed suddenly.

They didn't expect Fujitora to shoot at the slightest disagreement.

At the same time, he started to attack a slovenly old man in a worn sheepskin jacket.

Seeing the blade swirled by gravity, slashing at the old man like lightning, Dole said anxiously.

"General Luo Yu, hurry up and act, it will kill you if you admit the wrong person!"


The dull collision sound suddenly sounded.

The strong wind that was blown up directly forced the people around them back seven or eight meters away.

The moment everyone saw the scene in front of them clearly again, their pupils shrank suddenly.


In their eyes, the sheepskin old man, who was unkempt and could be easily killed by Fujitora, now blocked the stick knife in Fujitora's hand.

The jet-black armed domineering spirit quickly surged away in Nagli's hands.

Facing Fujitora who shot violently, Nagli was also shocked.

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