"It's just that, is this the ritual of obtaining an 'immortal body'?"

"Collect the vitality of hundreds of people into one person?"

"Using the extreme method to reverse the activity of cells into inertness?"

"It's just that, how can it be possible with just a sacrificial ceremony?"

Natsume was secretly puzzled.

Even if it's him who has become a god now, or [Goddess of Mao] Kaguya Otsutsuki.

Can't even bestow immortality on others?

What's more, what about a [Cthulite Cult] that can't get on the stage?

Unless, there is another stronger force?

at this time.

The sacrificial ceremony, which lasted nearly 10 minutes, finally came to an end.

Fei Duan in the center of the altar sucked the blood and vitality of 200 people;

And he himself, because of the severe pain and struggle, twisted his whole body out of shape; he didn't know how many bones were broken, and he was already like a mass of rotten meat.

But it is still full of vitality, and there is no sign of dying.

Seeing this, the two cult priests under the altar were overjoyed.

And began to chant the sacrificial incantation, further activating the altar incantation pattern.

next moment.

The entire altar was filled with black light, and Fei Duan on the altar also stopped struggling and breathing in an instant.

As if really dead.

At the same time, a hidden spiritual wave spread out from the altar.

It seems to be penetrating space, trying to communicate with some mysterious existence.


"Is this praying to that [evil god]? Or praying?"

"Let me see, what exactly is this goddamn god?"

In the distance, Natsume, who was full of interest, also shot suddenly.

Exercise your authority.

I quietly connected part of my spiritual consciousness to that mental fluctuation.

Directly came a wave of peaches and plums replacing stiffs and impostors.

Of course, it is not easy to pretend to be an imposter.

Even if it is Senshouzhujian, it may not be possible to do it here.

Only Natsume, who has absorbed the [God Tree Fruit] and whose soul state has undergone a qualitative change, can barely do it.

Just like 【Pure Land】.

Unless it reaches the Six Paths level, and the research and attainment of the soul are extremely high.

Otherwise, no matter how strong you are, it is impossible to perceive the existence of [Pure Land]...


next moment.

Following the power of the altar, part of Natsume's consciousness was separated.

I just feel that I am rising rapidly, as if I have passed through layers of obstacles.

Then came another chaotic space.

It's similar to sneaking your consciousness into the system, but it feels more ethereal and colder.

After all, no matter how bad the system is, its exchange mall and lottery guarantee can still make people feel a little bit warm.

And here, it is pure nothingness and coldness.

A coldness that seemed to freeze the soul.

Just when Natsume felt very bored and was about to retreat.

In the endless chaos...

I don't know how far it is.

An indescribable will and vast power suddenly struck.

Natsume's consciousness was instantly overwhelmed.

That power seemed to carry endless evil, extremely filthy, eroding Natsume's soul in every pervasive way.

Sometimes raving, sometimes roaring, sometimes charming.

Step by step, Natsume was pushed to the edge of the cliff.

Even now, his spiritual will, which is comparable to a false god, seems irresistible.

That feeling.

It was as if I had fallen into layer after layer of [Unlimited Monthly Reading].

And still in every illusion, constantly experiencing extreme motion sickness, seasickness, alcohol sickness, etc... disgusting feeling.

It seemed that he would be drawn into the endless abyss vortex at any time.

Forever suffering the twisted torture of hell.

Just when Natsume was almost unbearable and was about to fall.

A gentle force of resistance came from behind.

Protected around Natsume's consciousness, blocking the invasion of layers of filthy will.

Natsume instantly understood that it was the resistance increase brought by her [Legendary Seal Pendant]!

This allowed Natsume's mental resistance to skyrocket, thus blocking the erosion.

After ten seconds.

The power from the distant void gradually faded and became invisible.

Seems to have run out of strength?

Or is this just an unconscious temptation by the other party?

Like an automatic reply to an email?


Waited another half minute.

Still motionless.

Natsume was basically sure that the other party might not be online.

Most likely, it was just an automatic reply just now.

"Is that the evil god?"

"That is the will and erosion of that evil god?"

"So powerful! So terrifying!"

"I almost couldn't take it anymore..."

Natsume breathed a sigh of relief.

He secretly guessed in his heart.

In all likelihood, that power and erosion originated from that [evil god]!

After all, this sacrificial ceremony was originally to pray to that [evil god].

"Fortunately, the 100% increase in mental resistance is really useful!"

"If it weren't for this prop pendant, my consciousness would have collapsed just now, right?"

if that's the case.

Even if it doesn't bring any life threat to the main body.

However, losing part of the soul in an instant is enough to cause serious damage to the body!

It was really dangerous just now!

"I have advanced to Six Paths by myself, easily defeating the Queen of One Style."

"It's really floating!"

"To touch such a weird sacrificial ceremony rashly; knowing that there is danger, but still make a move."

"It's really time to check it out!"

Natsume thought inwardly.

The crisis just now sounded a wake-up call for himself again.

Arrogance is one of the original sins of human nature!



Although the process is very dangerous.

However, it is not without gain.

Although that evil will has receded, its power to stay in this chaotic space is still there!

Moreover, they quickly gathered together.

A group of gray-black energy balls formed.

Natsume felt it for a while, and this energy was completely different from the Chakra system.

Chakra is the combination of life force and spiritual power; the stronger the chakra, the stronger the life force and the more active and powerful the life body.

But this power is full of inertia and death; it is exactly the opposite of Chakra's nature.

"Is this the power of that evil god?"

"The source of power that constitutes [Evil God Body]?"

"It seems to be stronger than the evil god body I exchanged before?"

"This can be put to good use!"

"It's just that you have to verify it carefully first, so as not to be polluted by that 'Lord Evil God'..."

Natsume controlled his consciousness and pulled the energy to his side.

And began to think about how to verify?

How to use it?

Looking at the surrounding chaotic space, looking at the remaining energy of the evil god in front of him.

Soon, a bold idea gradually rose in Natsume's heart.


Chapter 353 Evil God and Oracle (2)

In fact.

A long time ago, Natsume had vaguely guessed about the identity of the evil god.

Already thought.

The so-called evil god is most likely not from the ninja world.

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