Subconsciously, I wanted to quickly open the portal and escape from this 【Shiyuan Realm】.

However, based on her trust in Natsume, she barely resisted the impulse.

"What exactly is the situation?"

Hui Ye hurriedly asked.

In this regard, Natsume no longer concealed it.

He narrated his guesses and plans.


From the very beginning, Natsume was clear.

With my own means, the chance of being able to fool those old monsters in the upper echelons of Otsutsuki may not even be one percent, one thousandth...

As long as I meet Otsutsuki Japanese Style, I will be exposed in all likelihood.

Therefore, Natsume didn't think about how to hide it perfectly from the beginning.

Instead, they are planning how to cleverly use the other party and mislead the other ensure their own safety!And achieve the main goal!

Retreat to advance and expose some secrets.

It's much smarter than blindly hiding it.

Therefore, Natsume stored fragments of memory about the evil god in the third piece of jade.

Obviously, only the first and second fastest memory fragments are needed, which is enough to prove that the indigenous humans and monsters on the earth are very powerful.

But why did Natsume add the third paragraph as the icing on the cake?

Because he is sure.

Otsutsuki Japanese Style will definitely be interested in unknown powers!

As such.

Whether it's true or not, it doesn't matter.

None of that matters.

Even, even if Otsutsuki Japanese style noticed the abnormality of 'Yishiki'.

To catch big fish...

In order to find out the truth about the evil god...

In order to murder Kaguya again and suppress the royal family...

He will also suppress the information with a high probability, pretending not to know; and then send people to the earth to check to find out all the truth!

At that time, before returning to Earth again.

The safety of himself and Kaguya can basically be guaranteed...

to be honest.

Natsume just took advantage of the opponent's absolute confidence.

Utilizing the Otsutsuki Japanese style, he has absolute confidence in the power of the entire Otsutsuki clan, and also has absolute confidence in his own strength!

If you are so confident, you will see through the conspiracy.

I also firmly believe in my own strength, and can eat the opponent without fear of traps!


On Natsume's side, she is also very confident in herself and the power of the ninja world, or the power of the system!

Therefore, whether it is intrigue or conspiracy.

In the end, it still depends on who is stronger, who can eat the opponent and have the last laugh...


After listening to this.

Hui Ye only felt that his whole body was in a daze.

What is Natsume's judgment of the Japanese style?The Japanese style predicted the prediction of Natsume's prediction again?Natsume predicted the prediction of the prediction of the prediction...

Who of them predicted to the end?

Who actually won?

How many hearts do they have?


There is only one thing that Kaguya still understands.

That is, there is still a fight in the end to decide the outcome!


"Okay! Don't let your mind go."

"It's okay if you don't understand it."

"You just need to know that in the next period of time; as long as we don't take the initiative to cause trouble, we should be safe."

Natsume emphasized it again, and gave up the plan to explain clearly with Kaguya.

It really is too difficult to [play the piano to the rabbit]!


Kaguya also gave up understanding, just prepared to follow orders.

Things have come to this, and she has no other choice but to trust Natsume.

"By the way, Otsutsuki Japanese style told me to go to that [gene pool] to repair [white eyes]?"

"What kind of place is that?"

Natsume asked curiously.

Kaguya paused, and gave an answer:

"That is a place similar to [medical hospital] created by our family relying on advanced genetic technology."

"Almost all the genetic data of Datongmu were recorded there in advance."

"Anyone who is injured, just needs to go in for a soak, and then he can use the gene to reproduce and repair the missing parts."

"Limbs, internal organs, eyes, head... can be instantly repaired there!"

"It's quite similar to [Wedge] 100% duplication..."

Natsume was startled and became more and more curious:

"In other words, my lost [white eye] can also be repaired instantly?"

Kaguya: "Yes!"

Natsume was overjoyed:


"Nice place!"

I seem to smell the scent of whoring again!


Chapter 435

[Shiyuan World] The main continent.

It is located at the entrance of the [Gene Pool] outside the [Wangcheng].

Natsume, who is in charge of the 'one type clone', is standing here, ready to enter.

Kaguya did not come with him.

A cadre of Otsutsuki's main family; a branch princess.

It is understandable that the two were forcibly arranged together because of their mission.

But if they still stay together, then there is a big problem!


You nobles and the royal family are about to join forces, and you are going to openly declare rebellion against the royal family?

Therefore, only Natsume came here alone.

Fortunately, Kaguya has already informed Natsume of the basic process, so there shouldn't be any accidents.


The [gene pool] of the Otsutsuki clan is different from the original, big puddle that Natsume mistakenly thought at first.

On the contrary, it looks very advanced.

It is a circular base constructed of gray-brown unknown metal, which is very textured.

Its interior is divided into hundreds of [repair rooms].

When you need to use it, just enter one of them and use it.

As a higher civilization, the Otsutsuki clan also know how to wear clothes, and also have the right to privacy and shame.

It's impossible for everyone to take off their clothes and repair them together!

What's more, for some fighting type Datongmu people.

Your body is your most powerful weapon!

Why are you willing to expose it to others so easily?

For this reason, the [Gene Pool] was repaired into the shape of an independent private room to ensure the privacy of each Datongmu tribe.

Because of this, it greatly facilitated Natsume's operation.

So that when you repair [White Eyes], you don't have to worry about exposing the problem.


Soon, after being checked by the guards.

Natsume came to a high-end [restoration room].

It has to be said that the status of Datongmu Yishi is not low!

When he came in, the guards who guarded the gate were also respectful to him.

This is not surprising.

How to put it, 'Datongmu Yishi' can also be regarded as a cadre of the family, second only to the senior management of the family.

It is even higher than Princess Kaguya of the Bijia family.

Come to this kind of place to 'do big health care', naturally the treatment is generous!

After entering the [Repair Room].

Natsume locked the door, and then began to observe.

The interior is simple, with white walls and smooth floors.

Nothing but a circular bath in the center of the room.

According to Kaguya's instructions, he just needs to take off his clothes and lie down in the bath, and wait for a while.

The missing part of yourself will be automatically repaired.

Very concise and efficient.

Natsume, who had originally planned to come to prostitute [White Eyes] for nothing, naturally had no reason to hesitate.

Immediately controlled the 'one-style clone' and lay down in the bath.

The bath is filled with a milky white liquid, which resembles milk, but is thicker and thicker.

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