Sure enough, when the door was opened, a cloud of flying dust rushed towards Wang Jin's face. Fortunately, it was only a faint burst, and soon dissipated with the ventilation.

After tidying up a bit, Wang Jin made a cup of tea, lay comfortably on the sofa and watched TV, smoking a cigarette while watching TV, and fell asleep unconsciously.

As for Wang Jin, he fell asleep until the next morning!

This sleep caused Wang Jin to be in a daze, and Wang Jin woke up in a state of ignorance.

After washing up, Wang Jin followed his old habits and subconsciously checked in the system every day.

But today is obviously a different day. As soon as Wang Jin finished signing in, the system's notification sound came.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you have completed four Bronze Treasure Chest check-ins, fulfilled the check-in requirements, and obtained the Silver Treasure Chest~"! "

"Do you want to open the silver treasure chest?"

The notification sound of the system made Wang Jin's whole spirit shake suddenly, and with the movement of his mind, a small treasure chest exuded a shining silver light.Appeared in front of Wang Jin.

"Silver treasure chest?"

This is the first time Wang Jin has come into contact with a silver treasure chest. Wang Jin is very satisfied with the items from such a high-level treasure chest and the bronze treasure chest.

It can even be said that the help to Wang Jin is very great!

If it weren't for the bronze treasure chest and the several good things that were opened in succession, it would be absolutely impossible for Wang Jin's strength to improve so quickly and reach the level in front of him.

And what kind of good things can this treasure chest, which is a higher level than the bronze treasure chest, produce!

Anyway, it shouldn't be lower than the bronze treasure box, and the things that are opened are right.

"I hope that the Emperor Ou possesses his body again, so that I can make a good deal this time!"

Wang Jin was still a little apprehensive about such a luxurious silver treasure chest on the opposite side. Don't give him such a high-end treasure chest.

Unavoidable during the Wang Jin period, he went to wash his hands nervously, and then burned a stick of incense to the Bodhisattva at home.

Luck is an illusory thing, although I don't know if it is useful to worship the Bodhisattva temporarily, but at least it can give Wang Jin a psychological comfort.

"Open the treasure chest!"

Wang Jin took a deep breath and let the system open the treasure chest.

I don't know if it's the high-level treasure chests that have special effects. I saw a burst of treasure chests suddenly opened, and a burst of white light pierced Wang Jin's eyes, causing Wang Jin to close his eyes subconsciously. He didn't see the inside of the treasure chest clearly. what.

However, the next moment!

The system beep will come.

"Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the legendary gun fighting technique!"

"Gun fighting?"

Hearing the system's notification sound, Wang Jin couldn't help but frowned. As a person from the era of great explosion of confidence, Wang Jin had naturally heard of the reputation of gun fighting, but such things as gun fighting, really Is it worth a silver treasure chest to open it?

Did he open the silver treasure chest and destroy it, Wang Jin doesn't know?

Almost subconsciously, Wang Jin began to check the system's introduction to gun fighting.

The legendary gun fighting technique comes from an unknown future world!

The gun fighting technique, after repeated shooting experiment analysis and statistical principles, the ballistic and enemy positions in the gun battle can be summarized by the statistical model.

So based on this, the gun fighting technique that combines physical skills and spear skills came into being, which is extremely terrifying!

Based on precise movement calculations, launch the attack with the greatest damage at the position with the least damage to yourself, and can shoot to any dead corner around you, increasing the power of the bullet by 20.00%.

With your own body as the center and the prototype geometry as the plane reference, all the positions around you that can be attacked will be calculated, and every possible attacking direction around the body will be shot, which can exist as both attack and defense.

Physical skills plus guns, combined with statistics, design a good shooting route.

Every changeable move can give the opponent a fatal blow in the largest killing range.

Can defeat the largest number of opponents.

In terms of defense, it can dodge [-]% of traditional ballistics.

With the flexible use of this kind of move, the shooting power of the weapon will be increased by at least 120%, and the fatality rate will increase by 63%, making "gun fighting" the strongest method of killing and fighting, and it will be popular in the future world.

The legendary gun fighting technique is the strongest combat technique known in the future world, it is enough to increase the shooting power of weapons to 150%, and the fatality rate increases by 87%.

It is rumored that there is an even more terrifying god-level spear fighting technique.

God-level gun fighting technique, in theory, can reach a god-like existence!

But so far, no one has broken through this realm!

After reading the introduction about the gun fighting technique, Wang Jin couldn't help but gasped. If he understood correctly, the ability of this gun fighting technique is really, very abnormal.

As long as he has gun fighting skills, one person is equivalent to a top special operations team, or even stronger.

The power of the weapon can also be increased by about 20%. Don't underestimate the 20% power. It is the 20% more power that increases the fatality rate by 63%.

That is to say, if you can't die by shooting a gun, if you use the gun fighting technique, your opponent will have a [-]% higher chance of dying.

This is still the most common gun fighting technique, and the legendary gun fighting technique developed by Wang Jin is a more powerful and comprehensive gun fighting technique.

These include, Quick Spear Fighting Technique, Gun Fighting Technique α, Gun Fighting Technique β, and Gun Fighting Technique γ!

Each gun fighting technique has its own characteristics.

Quick Spear Fighting Technique emphasizes the word "fast", which is so fast that it is difficult for people to react!

Gunfighting Art α emphasizes firepower suppression, using strong judgment to judge the enemy's movement, and then based on this, use one's own steps and positions to avoid the enemy's attack and retaliate.

The gun fighting technique β is characterized by its strangeness. Its users are good at close combat and integrate the use of firearms into the fighting.

The gun fighting technique γ is the last one. It is good at ultra-long-range strikes and not good at melee combat, but it can cultivate the ability of mobile combat, such as some footsteps or the ability to keep life from a distance. (The last one should be a modern sniper)

Mastering one of these four spear fighting techniques is enough to become a master.

Wang Jin's legendary spear fighting technique is the top-notch spear fighting technique after he has practiced these four kinds of spear fighting techniques to perfection. Even in that future world, anyone who can master the legendary gun fighting technique People can't surpass one hand!

If you master the gun fighting technique, you will have the guarantee of fighting against the sea of ​​​​people. No matter how many enemies and guns there are, they are no longer a threat.

In the hail of bullets, strolling in the courtyard, alone, can destroy many enemies!

The handsomeness and practicality of the gun fighting technique is the most important reason why the gun fighting technique can become popular in the unknown future world!

No one can refuse a handsome and practical super fighting skill, not even Wang Jin.

"¨~Host, do you need to instill legendary gun fighting skills!"

The system's prompt sounded in Wang Jin's (Zhao Wang's) ear.

"Indoctrinate me!" Wang Jin said to the system.

How could Wang Jin not learn such a pretentious and handsome gun fighting technique? Now he never mentions that the opening of the silver treasure chest is abolished.

Not to mention the silver treasure chest, even the gold treasure chest, Wang Jin would think it was worth it if he opened such a handsome gun fighting technique.

Whether it is strong or not is just a matter of time, even if it is weak now, it will become stronger in the future.

Handsome or not, that is a matter of life!

With the gun fighting technique in hand, I have it in the world, absolutely handsome!

The indoctrination of Wang Jin by the system began, and the memories and application methods of gun fighting skills remained in Wang Jin's mind like a fleeting glance.

At the same time, the system also made some minor adjustments to Wang Jin's body, such as physical memory, body instinct and so on.

Gun fighting is a skill that requires the use of physical skills and coordination. In many cases, dodging bullets is not based on subconscious reactions, but on the body's instincts.

After many years of cultivation, the physical memory has long formed an instinct, and the body will instinctively dodge according to the ballistic trajectory without even using the brain to respond.

This is also the core essence of gun fighting technique!

Without this, gun fighting is not gun fighting, but just ordinary fighting techniques.

If you don't practice gun fighting skills, you can't do anything, avoid bullets.

After all, people are faster than bullets, unless the opponent's marksmanship is really bad, and he is a master of human body strokes!

If you want to dodge bullets in front of top gunmen, you can only do it with gun fighting skills.

Soon, the legendary gun fighting technique was instilled, and Wang Jin had a lot more knowledge about gun modification, human body and ballistic trajectory calculation in Wang Jin's mind, and his body also had a completely different feeling.

Can't tell, can't tell!

Anyway, it's amazing! .

Chapter 120 Five Trouble Come! (I beg you guys to subscribe more and give a reward!)

Opened the treasure chest and found the legendary gun fighting technique.

This proves that Wang Jin's luck is very good today, and his mood is naturally quite good.

After breakfast, Wang Jin drove slowly to the police station.

After greeting many colleagues, Wang Jin came to his office.

Although it is to prepare the daily salted fish until after get off work, I still have to come to work.

What's more, it's not that Wang Jin doesn't do anything. If the director finds out, it's not good-looking for anyone.

The essence of Xianyu is that Wang Jin is leisurely and his subordinates are busy, so that's fine.

If Wang Jin has to do everything by himself, then he still needs subordinates, why?

It's not taking off your pants and farting, is it superfluous?

In this way, even if the director knows about it, he won't say anything.

Now, Wang Jin is also a leader, and it makes sense to sit in the office and let his subordinates busy.

You can't say that Wang Jin is not working when he is sitting in the office.

If this is the real calculation, then the most inactive person in the police station is almost the director.

Except for commuting, meetings, meals, and certain necessary emergencies, the Director rarely leaves his office.

Sitting in the office, Wang Jin had just made a cup of tea and lit a cigarette when several subordinates knocked on his office door.

"Come in!"

Wang Jin leaned on the chair, with his feet up on the table, looking lazy, and shouted towards the door.

The next moment, the door was pushed open!

A few people came in, the leader was Ma Jun, wearing a black jacket, jeans, and anti-riot shoes, looking energetic.

The next one is Chen Jin!

With a stern demeanor, expressionless face, and a denim outfit, there was an aura that strangers should not enter.

Wei Jinghao and Wang Jin are the most familiar, so after entering, he smiled at Wang Jin as a greeting.

The last person to walk in was Song Zijie. He was wearing a white hooded sweater and matching white pants.

I don't know, I thought he came to work just after running, wearing casual sportswear!

In this era, it is between openness and non-openness, and many people still wear formal clothes.

Song Zijie dressed like this, in Wang Jin's view, there is nothing wrong with it.

In Wang Jin's era, it was very common to dress like this, but in the eyes of other people in this era, Song Zijie dressed a little too avant-garde.

760 Fortunately, the people in the office are all Wang Jin's subordinates, and no one will say anything.

"Sit everyone!"

Song Zijie, who was waiting to come in, closed the door of the office, and Wang Jin immediately invited several people to sit down.

Over the past few days, Wang Jin's office has undergone considerable changes.

At least there are chairs and a small tea table that should be there. Using a sofa is still too high-profile for Wang Jin.

After calling them to sit down, Wang Jin looked at them and said.

"This time calling you over is because the Director has given me a special task!"

"This mission, don't force it! If you quit now, you can tell me directly!"

"If you all choose not to quit, then I will sign a verbal agreement with you next. The content of the agreement is that this task cannot be disclosed to anyone!"

"Whether it's relatives, friends, girlfriends, or wives, no one can reveal anything. Once you break this agreement, don't blame me for being merciless!"

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