"Don't talk nonsense, it's not from the ICAC. I saw it just now. The leader is the famous Wang sir of Xiangjiang!"

"Sir Wang? Isn't he from the anti-mafia group? Why did you arrest Sir Zhang? Could it be that Sir Zhang is involved in some kind of corporate crime?"

"Who knows! Wait for the news! It won't be long before this explosive news will shake Xiangjiang, and we will know it then!"

"That's true! It's impossible to hide such a big news. When the time comes, pay attention to the newspapers and news, there must be reports!".

Chapter 130 [-] Surpassing the Fear of Death, the Completely Collapsed Zhang Wenyao! (I beg you guys to subscribe more and give a reward!)

Leaving aside the headquarters, there are rumors and discussions about this matter.

After arresting Zhang Wenyao here, Wang Jin quickly brought him back to the Wanchai Police Station.

"Arrange him the smallest and darkest interrogation room!"

Wang Jin greeted Ma Jun and gave him a few instructions in a low voice.

"The smallest and darkest interrogation room?"

Ma Jun was a little unclear about Wang Jin's order, so he didn't know what Wang Jin meant.


"You don't need to understand, just do as I say, and you will know when the time comes!"

Wang Jin smiled mysteriously, and made a deal with Ma Jun. This was a secret project specially prepared for Zhang Wenyao.

Seeing that Wang Jin didn't say anything, Ma Jun had no choice but to follow what Wang Jin said.

Soon, Ma Jun arranged for Zhang Wenyao to a dark and small interrogation room.

"Go in! Come on!"

Ma Jun and Chen Jin pushed Zhang Wenyao into the interrogation room.

As soon as he entered the interrogation room, Zhang Wenyao took a look at the surrounding environment. It was pitch black, except for a small desk lamp, there was nothing, and the environment was also very small.

"Why, you actually arranged such a small interrogation room for me?"

"Are you going to give me Mawei?"

"Don't be delusional, I don't like this, you just wait for me, when I go out, I will definitely sue you for abuse of power!"

At this time, Zhang Wenyao still didn't understand what kind of set meal Wang Jin had prepared for him, and his mouth was still stiff, and he was also very angry and arrogant.

Although Wang Jin got him here, he didn't think Wang Jin could get anything out of his mouth, as long as he killed him and refused to admit it, unless the evidence in Wang Jin's hands could directly prove his guilt.

Otherwise, according to the procedures of the police force, he wouldn't be detained for long. As a police officer, he understands all of this.

"Look at you for a while, is your mouth still fierce!"

Chen Jin couldn't understand Zhang Wenyao's style, so he couldn't help scolding Zhang Wenyao.

This made Zhang Wenyao laugh instead, staring at Chen Jindao with fierce eyes.

"Okay! Let's wait and see!"

Soon, the interrogation officially began!

As for the matter of the interrogation, then don't ask Wang Jin to intervene. If Wang Jin should intervene on such a trivial matter, then he is not exhausted.

He will only act unless the real interrogation has reached a stalemate.

trial room!

Ma Jun and Chen Jin sat across from Zhang Wenyao, looked at each other, and Chen Jin asked.


"You have to ask this, don't you know my name?"

"If you don't know my name, why arrest me!"

Zhang Wenyao's tone was not very good. He was also a policeman, so he was naturally familiar with interrogation and extortion of confessions, so he naturally knew how to deal with it.

"Okay! We know the name, so you don't need to say it!"

Chen Jin has a headache for this kind of old fried dough sticks, especially the old fried dough sticks who still know the rules. It is even more troublesome to pry his mouth open.

"Sex~"! "Chen Jin continued to ask.


"You can't even see this. I wonder how you became a poor man. This observation is not up to standard!"

"If you put it under my command, you won't even be able to graduate! Now the quality level of poor guys is really getting worse and worse!"

It can be said that Zhang Wenyao was unusually uncooperative, and he didn't talk to Chen Jin about the topic at all. Instead, he talked about other things with Chen Jin, and even doubted Chen Jin's professional quality.

Chen Jin felt very annoyed, this was the first time he faced such a difficult person.

In the past, even if he encountered the same situation, Chen Jin would just go up and clean it up. They are all bad people anyway, and no one would care.

The present one is different, not only the senior officers of the police force, but also proficient in the police force regulations, this method will not work for Zhang Wenyao.

That's why Zhang Wenyao is so confident.

Even Chen Jin felt like he was on fire, let alone Ma Jun, who had a hotter temper.

Seeing such a scene, Ma Jun was about to punch Zhang Wenyao, but fortunately he was stopped by Chen Jin.

Chen Jin tightly hugged Ma Jun's body, not letting him approach Zhang Wenyao, and then tried hard to persuade him.

"Brother Jun, Brother Jun, don't do it!"

"For this kind of person, it's really not worth it!"

After being firmly stopped and persuaded by Chen Jin, Ma Jun also calmed down.

If Zhang Wenyao was beaten, although Wang Jin would protect him, it would definitely lower his status in Wang Jin's heart.

After finally following a promising big shot, it is just around the corner to climb to a high position. It is really not worth it for someone like Zhang Wenyao.

"Let go! I'm fine!"

After calming down, Ma Jun felt a little relaxed, and at the same time asked with a headache.

"Then what do you say now?"

"This guy doesn't eat oil and salt, he doesn't eat soft and hard!"

Seeing that Ma Jun had regained his composure, Chen Jin immediately let go of Ma Jun. The question raised by Ma Jun also gave him a headache. Anyway, he couldn't think of any way to deal with Zhang Wenyao.

"How about, let's ask Sir Wang!" Chen Jin suggested.

The so-called, always ask the boss, this truth will never be wrong, and it will never become outdated.

In the end, both of them agreed to this method. Chen Jin watched Zhang Wenyao in the interrogation room, while Ma Jun went to Wang Jin's office to ask Wang Jin's opinion.

Wang Jin's office.

Ma Jun came across to Wang Jin and poured bitter water on Wang Jin.

"Wang sir, Zhang Wenyao is obviously an old fried dough stick. He doesn't eat hard or soft sticks. What should we do?"

When it comes to fighting, Ma Jun certainly won't give in, but when it comes to using his brain, this is really not his specialty.

"It's simple! Remember I want you to arrange a dark and narrow interrogation room for Zhang Wenyao, have you arranged it yet?"

Wang Jin flicked the ash in the ashtray, and saw Ma Jun said.

"already arranged!"

Ma Jun immediately said that he had followed Wang Jin's order to complete this point to the letter.

"Then you just take away all the tables and lamps in the interrogation room, and lock him in there!"

Wang Jin gave instructions to Ma Jun.

"It's that simple? Will this work?"

Ma Jun was very puzzled. Locking people in the interrogation room will solve the problem?

Is this too childish?

In this way, Zhang Wenyao will be able to plead guilty and obey the law!

"It's okay, just do as I tell you! You will see the effect soon!"

Wang Jin didn't explain to Ma Jun why he did this, because it would be too troublesome to explain.

It will involve an experiment called sensory deprivation!

In the small and dark environment, it was quiet, dead silent, and dark, and one could even hear the sound of one's own breathing and heartbeat.

The extremely dark environment can also cause fear and tension in people's hearts, making it impossible to maintain normal sleep.

Even if you fall asleep, you will wake up soon.

This fear in the heart is not terrible at the beginning, but as time goes by, this fear will gradually intensify until it finally makes people completely collapse.

Wang Jin didn't even use lynching, but his arrangement was more terrifying than lynching. Having lived in the age of information explosion, he knew that this was a terrible torture that no one could survive.

Very few people can survive 24 hours!

"¨~Okay! I'll go!"

Although Ma Jun didn't quite understand the reason why Wang Jin did this, he returned to the interrogation room. According to what Wang Jin said, he and Chen Jin moved out the table and lights from the interrogation room, leaving only Zhang Wenyao a chair.

In an instant, the entire interrogation room, without lights, fell into dead darkness.

Regardless of courage, as long as you are a human being, you will yearn for light and hate darkness. This is a feeling engraved in your genes and bones.

Especially when you have just come from a place with light and fell into darkness, the sense of insecurity will instantly envelop a person.

"What are you doing, are you not interrogating?"

Falling into the dead darkness, Zhang Wenyao was a little uneasy, not knowing what Ma Jun and Chen Jin were going to do, so he asked quickly.

"Just stay there!"

Ma Jun gave Zhang Wenyao a word, and closed the door of the interrogation room.


With a sound of the door, the entire interrogation room was completely sealed, and the entire interrogation room was completely dark, and you couldn't see your fingers.

He was so quiet that he couldn't even hear a single sound. Of course Zhang Wenyao was unwilling to hear a single sound. He took a deep breath to calm himself down and listened carefully, but there was still no sound coming from outside.

Everything is too dead silent!

(of Zhao Wang) 10 minutes!

half an hour!

One hour!

There is still no sound coming, Zhang Wenyao has gradually lost the concept of time, and does not know the passage of time.

In his perception, time seems to have passed for a long time.

A feeling of fear of loneliness and darkness gradually hit his heart.

In order to alleviate this fear and to embolden himself, Zhang Wenyao began to curse people without restraint.

All kinds of vulgar words came out of Zhang Wenyao's mouth, which alleviated Zhang Wenyao's fear to a certain extent, but after not singing for a long time, Zhang Wenyao soon became tired of cursing, his throat was dry, and he was seriously dehydrated, but No matter how much he shouted, no one responded to him, which made him a little desperate.

In order to save energy and reduce water loss, Zhang Wenyao quickly shut up.

However, with her shutting up, the fear caused by the darkness and silence around her returned.

And so on and on!

Hunger, lack of water, darkness, hole spacing, surrounded Zhang Wenyao.

After an unknown amount of time, Zhang Wenyao finally collapsed completely.


Zhang Wenyao hurriedly knocked on the door of the interrogation room while still shouting.

"Come on! Come on! I'm willing to say it!"

"I recruit them all!"

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