These big men have sharp eyes and fierce eyes. They look like they have killed people and seen blood.

Regarding this, Wang Jin also secretly raised his mind, the so-called intention of harming others is not to be had, but the heart of prevention is indispensable.

After all, it is better to be cautious if you are on someone else's territory.

The blond Billy led the way, Gao Jin walked in the middle, and Wang Jin walked in the end carrying his things.

Soon the three of them walked into the cabin along a passage.

The entire space 24 also became suddenly enlightened.

A huge living room appeared in front of Wang Jin and Gao Jin, and the lights made the living room transparent and bright.

A few big men in black suits guarded the surrounding bodyguards.

There are many high-end sofas around, as well as a wine cabinet and a bar.

But the most obvious one is a gambling table and a pool table, because at this time, a large sum of dollars is stacked squarely on these two tables.

Taking Wang Jin and Gao Jin to the gambling table and pool table, Billy pointed to the dollars on the table.

"There is 7000 million US dollars in it, and all of them are not consecutive numbers. You can inspect the goods!"

The rule on the road is that both parties should send people to inspect the goods together, but Billy seems to think that he is in his own territory, so he is not in a hurry to inspect Wang Jin's US dollars, but invites Wang Jin and the others to inspect the goods for him first. dollars, a priori.

Since Billy invited him, Wang Jin would naturally not be polite.

He went straight up and inspected the piles of dollars piled on the table.

Before coming here, Wang Jin had already made up for it. The method of verifying the authenticity of US dollars is not so embarrassing that he can't even distinguish the authenticity of US dollars during transactions.

Wang Jin walked up to these dollars, picked up a stack, and swiped it with his fingers. Suddenly, the stack of dollars made a clattering sound.

Wang Jin randomly picked out a few of them, and after careful observation and verification, he found that they were all real.

But there is a lot of money on the table, which is no small task.

Fortunately, Wang Jin was not in a hurry, so he took his time to test it.

While Wang Jin was inspecting the banknotes, Billy had already invited Gao to go in and have a drink on the sofa.

As an old acquaintance, he naturally knew Gao Jin's habits, and arranged for someone to fetch Gao Jin's favorite wine, and also brought Gao Jin's favorite brand of chocolate.

"Billy, you really know how to do business. You even have my favorite brand of chocolate ready!"

Sitting on the sofa, Gao Jin took a piece of chocolate from the chocolate box, tore off the wrapping paper, stuffed it directly into his mouth, and said with emotion.

"Oh! Of course, you are my friend, so of course I want to entertain you well! The so-called friends come with good wine, and enemies with shotguns! Come, try your favorite wine, how does it taste? The wines bought from collectors in special years cost more than 100 million dollars!"

On the sofa, Billy's subordinates brought a bottle of foreign wine and three glass goblets. Billy uncorked the wine, filled the three glasses with the same amount of wine, and then handed the glasses to Gao Jindao.

"Oh? Such a good wine, then I have to try it!"

Hearing this, Gao Jin's eyes lit up. All the wines that can come from private collectors are good wines, let alone worth more than 100 million US dollars.

After taking a sip, Gao Jin gave a thumbs up and praised.

"It's really good wine! No wonder your business has grown bigger and bigger in the past two years. If you can spend so much money on business, how can your business not grow bigger!"

"Hey, don't mention it! I'm not having a good time now. There are a few competitors, and the fight is fierce. If I don't change my way, I'm sure I won't have anything to eat in the future."

Speaking of this, Billy sighed while holding the wine glass. He didn't know if he was really crushed miserably, or he was pretending. Anyway, Gao Jin didn't know the twists and turns, so he didn't express it. .

It didn't take long for Wang Jin to inspect the banknotes, and found that the US dollars were all real banknotes without serial numbers.

Wang Jin breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that Billy really wanted to make a deal, otherwise he wouldn't have made $7000 million here all at once.

Now that he learned of Billy's kindness, Wang Jin naturally reciprocated.

Walking quickly to his suitcase, Wang Jin opened all the suitcases he had brought, and suddenly stacks of US dollars were exposed in front of Billy's eyes.

"Mr. Billy, if you are so forthright and arrogant, then I won't be hypocritical. This is my [-] million US dollars. Mr. Billy, do you come by yourself or find someone to inspect the goods!"

"I'd better find a professional! I don't really understand the authenticity of US dollars!"

Billy smiled awkwardly, and then waved his hand. Immediately, one of Billy's men came to Billy's side, leaning over to wait for Billy's order.

"Go and check to see if these dollars are real!"


Billy's subordinates immediately agreed respectfully, then walked to Wang Jin's suitcase, squatted down, and began to check the US dollars.

After all, he is a professional, and the speed of inspection is much faster than that of Wang Jin.

At this time, Billy stood up from the sofa and handed Wang Jin a wine glass.

"My friend, try my wine!"

Wang Jin was not too polite, he directly picked up the wine glass, shook the glass lightly, and immediately the crystal clear wine slid down the side of the glass, and a mellow and strong aroma of wine came to his nostrils.

Although Wang Jin hadn't drunk it yet, he could already smell it. It was definitely a good wine.

Soon, Billy's subordinates finished inspecting the goods, got up and walked to Billy's side, whispering a few words in Billy's ear.

Although Billy's subordinates spoke in a low voice, Wang Jin could still hear it clearly, that is no problem, the goods are real!

This time, Billy's smile became even brighter. He was obviously very happy to have completed a considerable amount of business.

He raised his glasses to Gao Jin and Wang Jin.

"The two are indeed my friends, and they both came here with sincerity. Now let's raise our glasses and wish us a happy cooperation!"

"Happy cooperation!" Gao Jin raised his wine glass, and drank the fine wine in one gulp.

"Happy cooperation!"

Wang Jin also smiled at Billy and raised his glass, but he didn't drink it. Now the transaction is more than half done, but it's not completely over yet, and it's not time for indulgence.

Putting down the wine glass, Wang Jin said.

"Since we have verified each other's authenticity, let's start trading now!"

"Yes!" Billy nodded upon hearing this, and agreed directly.

Wang Jin dumped all the money in the suitcase on the gaming table, piled up as high as a hill, and then moved the square pile of 7000 million dollars on the gaming table towards the luggage. The box is stacked neatly.

It didn't take long for Wang Jin to pack up all the 7000 million US dollars and bid farewell to Billy.

Although Billy tried to persuade him to stay, but of course Wang Jin never wanted to go.

Even if Billy didn't have 777 thoughts about the money, Wang Jin would feel that there were many nights and dreams, and he would be relieved to go back to Xiangjiang as soon as possible.

In the end, Billy didn't want to keep him, so he had to send Wang Jin and Gao Jin to the deck.

"Mr. Wang, I am very happy to cooperate with you this time. If you have such a business next time, please remember to take care of me!"

At this time, Billy already knew Wang Jin's surname, so he directly called Wang Jin, Mr. Wang.

"Of course, I have seen Mr. Billy's reputation in this transaction! If there is still a chance, I will definitely come to cooperate with Mr. Billy!"

Wang Jin was not too polite, no one would say polite words, anyway, Wang Jin thought, he probably would have no chance to cooperate with Billy again, such a good thing with so many dollars, not every time Wang Jin could come across it.

It's a pity that Wang Jin didn't know that his words were really fulfilled in the days that followed, and he approached Billy again because of a large dollar deal.

But that was much later, another matter!

Hearing what Wang Jin said, Billy was naturally very happy, and directly told Wang Jin his contact information. It was an extremely personal number. With this number, he could directly contact Billy without going through other channels. people.

It can also be seen from this that Billy recognized Wang Jin, which also proved that Billy's vision was accurate and he found Wang Jin, an extremely high-quality client.

Returning to the Hung Hom Wharf on the same boat as before, Wang Jin stood on the Hung Hom Wharf down-to-earth with a few suitcases in his hands, and finally felt relaxed.

The big deal this time is finally over, and it can be regarded as going smoothly. Some things that Wang Jin expected did not happen.

In order to thank Gao Jin for his help, Wang Jin directly proposed to have a big meal. Gao Jin, who was already hungry, naturally did not refuse.

Taking advantage of the fact that Gao went in to release the water and didn't pay attention, Wang Jin directly transferred the 7000 million US dollars in the box to the storage ring.

Even Gao Jin didn't know it, and in the short time he put the water in, there were only a few empty boxes left in the trunk of the car.

Chapter 150 Crossing the River Raptor, Lian Haolong, Crossing the River, Xiao Chong, Lian Haodong! (I beg you guys to subscribe more!)

Xiangjiang, a famous snack street.

Wang Jin and Gao Jin, like two ordinary people, were sitting at a street stall with a lot of food on the table.

Eating meat with big mouthfuls and drinking in big bowls will make your mouth full of oil.

No one would have thought that a world-renowned gambling god, a Wang Jin who had just traded 7000 million US dollars, and two real rich people would also come to this kind of street stall to eat these things, and what they ate was exquisite food. Refined and tasty.

"Don't even mention it, it's still delicious to eat at this kind of roadside stall, and those big restaurants have a restrained feeling when eating, and it always feels bad!"

The God of Gamblers, who didn't care about his image at all, was sitting opposite Wang Jin, holding a big elbow and chewing on it, while expressing emotion in his mouth.

"Who says it's not! Life in the upper class may seem enviable, but it's actually too tiring!"

Wang Jin also nodded his head in agreement. Although he is rich in this life, he is not as hard-working as he was in his previous life, but he still doesn't quite adapt to the seemingly upper-class life.

It's okay to enjoy it, but Wang Jin still can't make it through if he really wants to live that kind of life.

Life in the upper class seems to be full of feasts and luxury, but almost everyone wears a mask of hypocrisy.

For Wang Jin, he had to deal with these people every day and play tricks. Wang Jin really didn't have this kind of thought. He still liked the simple and rough process.

While Wang Jin and Gao Jin were eating and chatting, the street suddenly became noisy.

Quickly, a large circle of melon-eating people surrounded the inner circle and the outer circle, and they didn't know what they were looking at.

There is no trend of dissipating for a long time.

This naturally caught the attention of Wang Jin and Gao Jin.

"You eat, I'll go see what's going on!"

As a messenger, Wang Jin naturally wanted to take a look at the gathering of people eating melons. He immediately greeted Gao Jin, and then walked towards the crowd.

"Give it up, let it all go, the Xiangjiang messenger will do the work!"

Wang Jin came to the back of the crowd, hung his senior inspection certificate on his body, and shouted at the surrounding melon-eating crowd.

The associations in this period are very arrogant, and sometimes the younger brothers who don't know how to restrain themselves will look down on the police, but for ordinary people, the identity of the police is still very deterrent.

As soon as Wang Jin shouted, the melon-eating crowd around him immediately consciously made way for Wang Jin, and Wang Jin was able to take advantage of the path that the melon-eating crowd gave way to enter the circle.

Wang Jin finally saw clearly what was going on!

There was a middle-aged man lying in a pool of blood, his head and mouth were covered with blood.

Wang Jin hurried over, felt the pulse of the middle-aged man, and found that he was dead.

Under close observation, Wang Jin found that the middle-aged man's face was also bruised and purple, obviously he was beaten before he died.

But the real cause of death should not be beaten to death.

"Do you know what's going on?"

Wang Jin grabbed a street vendor closest to the scene and asked.

The vendor, who was just watching the fun, panicked when he saw Wang Jin grabbing him, and wanted to break free from Wang Jin's pull, but Wang Jin was so strong that he struggled for a long time, but still no vendor escaped. , can only honestly say to Wang Jin.

"I don't know what's going on, but I saw a person suddenly fall from the sky and hit the ground directly, it scared me to death!"

When he said this, the vendor owner still had a look of lingering fear, but no matter how Wang Jin looked at it, it was a bit fake.

In this chaotic era, the person who came out to set up a stall had never seen any bloody fights.

Even more exciting, there are people who hacked people to death in the street. How could such a small scene of falling from upstairs scare them, it was just pretending in front of Wang Jin.

However, knowing what he wanted to know, Wang Jin did not hold on to the vendor, but let go of his hand, looked up and saw a tall building with a height of six or seven floors facing him. .

The middle-aged man in front of him, judging from his location, should have fallen from this building.

Whether it was suicide or homicide, Wang Jin couldn't make a judgment at this time, but according to the injuries on the middle-aged man, Wang Jin still felt that homicide was more likely.

In this regard, in order to accurately judge his own judgment, Wang Jin still chose to go upstairs and went to the top of the building to observe.

When Wang Jin got to the top of the building, the roof was empty. Wang Jin lit a cigarette, walked around the roof, and finally found something.

In a corner of the roof, he found some bloodstains that hadn't dried up, obviously still fresh.

And on the ground, there were three different types of cigarette butts, none of which had dust on them, and they were still very new, obviously just thrown away.

With these evidences, Wang Jin can judge that this is a murder case.

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