At this time, Chen Yao knew that it was time for him to show off, so he hurried out to stop everyone.

"Chen Yao, tell me, what are Jiang Sheng's difficulties!"

"That's right, Chen Yao! If you don't tell a reason today, we will never give up. Red Star is the old man's lifelong painstaking effort. How can you just ignore it!"

"Let's see what you can say today!"


Everyone also knew that Chen Yao was Jiang Tiansheng's confidant, and if Jiang Tiansheng wanted to do something, Chen Yao should know about it.

"Hey, it's not that Jiang Sheng doesn't want to take care of Red Star's affairs, it's just that Jiang Sheng is sick and needs to go to a foreign country to recuperate!"

"The doctor has long advised him to put aside the mundane affairs and focus on recuperating. It's just that Jiang Sheng couldn't let everyone go, so he has been dragging on until recently. The doctor said that if he is restless and recuperating, he may not survive at most. Five years!"

"So, everyone should understand Jiang Sheng's difficulties. He is still so young, so he can't go to see the old man at a young age!"

Not to mention that Chen Yao's acting skills are really good, whether it's tone or expression, they are all lifelike. It's frightening for a group of big bosses who haven't read many books, but they really believe it. up.

Besides, what if you don't believe it?

Jiang Tiansheng said the words of abdicating and letting the virtuous in front of everyone, could it be false?

After knowing that Jiang Tian was born, if he is not well ill, there is no hope of coming back, everyone will inevitably feel a little flustered.

If Jiang Tiansheng abdicates, the position of leader will be waving to all of them!

Anyway, everyone who is sitting here has a chance to fight for the position of leader, but who will be able to sit in the end, only God knows.

After Liangkun knew about this, he immediately began to calculate in his mind, who would support him if he wanted to ascend to the leader's throne.

Or in other words, who can be drawn over by him.

Only those who get enough votes among the speakers can be promoted to the leader!

As for how to win over, then Liangkun is not worried.

In this world, people only look at things like profit, reputation, power, and beauty. As long as they are human, they will have weaknesses, and there will always be people who will like them.

And Liangkun has plenty of money, and many of the above-mentioned things can be solved with money. If there is no way to solve it, then the price must be insufficient.

After thinking about it for a while, Liangkun found that he had a good chance of being promoted to the leader.

In the entire Red Star, there are very few who can compete with him for the leading position. As long as he does enough preparations, the leading position is in his pocket.

After Chen Yao explained the reason why Jiang Tiansheng could not continue to be the leader, all the talkers dispersed.

Since Jiang Tiansheng can no longer be the leader, they have to make some preparations.

Those who hope to compete for the top will naturally go to talk to the people involved in order to gain support, while those who have no hope will return to their own territory, waiting for those who come to visit, and see what kind of offer the other party offers. price, to get support.

Anyway, many talkers are very busy!

Among them, the first to act was naturally the rich and powerful Liang Kun, who first found Ji Ge in Xihuan.

After a while of discussion, both Jige and Liangkun were all smiling. Obviously, the price given by Liangkun this time is very suitable!

・・・・・ Asking for flowers・・・・・・・

Afterwards, Liangkun went to find the fat guy Li from North Point, the beautiful mother from Sham Shui She, the thin eye from Kowloon City, the Ma Wangjian from Chai Wan, etc., as long as it wasn't Shisanmei and Han Bin, it was clear that they would be different from him. If he didn't deal with it, he went to pay a visit.

The result he got was quite satisfying to him. Although the price he paid was a bit high, it was nothing worth mentioning compared to the position of the leader of Red Star.

The frequent actions of the talker on Red Star's side naturally attracted the attention of Wang Jin's subordinates, who were listening to the news.

Few of these Red Stars can keep their mouths shut, and it is inevitable that they will leak it in front of the younger brother, and this leak, Red Star will soon be re-elected as the leader, so it is no longer a secret.

........ 0 ......

O Ji was placed undercover in Red Star, and immediately passed the news back.

Wang Jin's subordinates found Wang Jin as soon as they got the news.

"Wang sir, it's not good! Something serious happened!"

The subordinates who came to report the news were in such a hurry that they even forgot to knock on the door of Wang Jin's office and broke into Wang Jin's office directly.

"What's wrong, made you flustered, forget it this time! Next time I see you like this, you go to guard the pond!"

Wang Jin sat on a chair and reprimanded his subordinates. In the past, he could only see senior officers in movies, threatening his subordinates to be transferred to guard the pond. He didn't expect that he had reached this point now. Everything was a bit dreamy. !

"Wang sir, Red Star has started to re-elect the leader!"

It should be the subordinate who rushed all the way, took a breath, and then said to Wang Jin.

"Re-elect the leader? Red Star's Jiang Tian is alive or dead?"

This was Wang Jin's first reaction when he heard the news, but the subordinate who came to report had black lines all over his head. The officer's mouth was too poisonous. He was clearly alive and well, so he must have died.

"Wang sir, Jiang Tiansheng is not dead. I heard that he is seriously ill and is going abroad to recuperate. That's why he abdicates to give way to the virtuous!"

Wang Jin's subordinates immediately explained to Wang Jin why the leader of Red Star was re-elected!Long.

Chapter 160 Four Split Red Star, Leading Conference! (I beg you guys to subscribe more!)

"Jiang Tiansheng is seriously ill and is going abroad for recuperation?"

Hearing this news, Wang Jin almost laughed out loud.

Jiang Tiansheng's reason is really too funny. Wang Jin, who has seen the movie, doesn't know Jiang Tiansheng!

The physique is like a cow, and the body is extremely strong. If it weren't for being hacked to death by a crow in the original plot, it is estimated that he would live to seventy or eighty, and it would not be a problem.

How could such a person be seriously ill!

It's just nonsense, obviously, Jiang Tiansheng must have some schemes to do this!

Thinking of the original plot of the movie, Jiang Tiansheng took the opportunity to step down in order to let Liangkun come on stage and take the blame, and Liangkun didn't resist the temptation and took the blame smoothly.

In the end, he died miserably!

But Jiang Tiansheng didn't get well, he was hacked to death by a crow abroad, and he became a pair of troubled brothers and sisters with Liang Kun.

But that was the original plot of the movie, and now it is obvious that Red Star is not in deep trouble and whirlpool, why does Jiang Tiansheng abdicate to let the virtuous!

This is also Wang Jin, something I can't figure out!

"Jiang Tiansheng, what are you going to do?"

Wang Jin tapped the table subconsciously and rhythmically with his fingers, but he was thinking about Jiang Tiansheng's reason for doing so in his head.

He substituted himself into Jiang Tiansheng's "[-]" role.

According to Jiang Tiansheng's shrewdness, he will definitely see that after he steps down, it will be Liangkun who will take the stage, but what good will Jiang Tiansheng be if Liangkun takes the stage?

Liangkun is a lousy person, but he is also a filial person. Except for his own mother, he does almost all bad things. He is cruel to everyone, and he can even disregard the rules of the world and harm his family.

If such a person becomes the leader of Red Star, he will obviously drag the whole Red Star into the abyss of evil.

"Jiang Tiansheng took the whole Red Star and accompanied Liangkun. Could it be that he wanted to scrape the bones to heal the poison and eradicate dissidents?"

Suddenly, this idea appeared in Wang Jin's mind, and only this plan was worth Jiang Tiansheng's effort, even throwing out the position of his own dragon head as a bait, it didn't matter at all. Distressed.

Thinking about the entire Red Star Twelve talkers, it seems that Red Star is powerful.

But there are very few who are truly loyal to Jiang Tiansheng, and he doesn't have much power in his hands. He looks more like a spokesman for the collective interests of the red stars than a leader.

⑥ ⒐⑧[blank]5⒉5⑧[-]O

If Jiang Tiansheng did this in order to gather power and centralize power, then it makes perfect sense.

If Jiang Tiansheng really did this, get rid of Liangkun, and Red Star's many rat shit, gather Red Star's elite talents in this way, centralize power, and become the undisputed leader of Red Star.

Then he will immediately become one of the most powerful figures in Xiangjiang.

The many people with a huge base of Red Star are not joking. If they work together, even the chief executive of Xiangjiang will have a headache and give him some face.

At that time, as long as Jiang Tiansheng doesn't go too far, he can really do whatever he wants in Xiangjiang.

Thinking of this, no matter what Wang Jin thought or not, Wang Jin decided to stop Jiang Tiansheng's plan.

Whether it's an enemy or a bad guy, Wang Jin doesn't want such a powerful super society to appear in Xiangjiang.

Even Loyalty is strong, and Lian Haolong promises everything he says, but after all, he does not have the background of a red star, and is limited by his innate ability to develop to that extent.

"Help me find out Jiang Tiansheng's whereabouts and see where he will go next!"

Wang Jin gave an order to his subordinate, and the subordinate immediately took the order and left.

Wang Jin, on the other hand, sat in the office and began to think about how to stop Jiang Tiancheng's ambition to centralize power.

Anyway, he was also going to deal with Red Star, and the police force would not let such a society run its course.

Faced with it, they will eventually be defeated.

Now, Jiang Tiansheng's actions only allowed Wang Jin to advance the process.

After thinking about it, Wang Jin really thought of a way.

That is Split Red Star!

As long as the Red Star is torn apart, they will fall into infighting in order to reunify.

And internal fighting is always the best way to consume the most power.

Just like the five chaos in the past, the powerful Chinese nation conquered the world and came to court from all directions. The people of the few countries would be terrified when they heard the Chinese nation. Even the powerful foreign race would feel panic in their hearts.

It's a pity that the Huaxia nation has been caught in a long-lasting internal strife, which has consumed countless powers.

This caused the tragedy of Wu Huan Hua, this is the lesson of history!

Even a nation's infighting will be extremely weak, let alone a society?

Although Wang Jin has the idea of ​​​​split Red Star, but how to operate, Wang Jin still has to think carefully.

When Wang Jin was thinking about how to split the Red Star, the subordinate he sent out to investigate Jiang Tiansheng's whereabouts just now came back again!

"Wang sir, we found it! Jiang Tiansheng bought a plane ticket to go abroad, and his girlfriend is also with him!"

The subordinates told Wang Jin the news they had just found, and also told the location of the ticket.

"Understood, you go out!"

Wang Jin waved his hand to show that he knew.

After his subordinates left, he began to think about it. He didn't expect such a coincidence that the place Jiang Tiansheng was going to was the same as the place where he died in the plot of the movie.

"Could it be a coincidence?"

Wang Jin didn't quite believe that it was a coincidence, maybe Jiang Tiansheng went this time, and he really might never come back.

"It seems that I have finally found a place to start! If Jiang Tiansheng was attacked and the person who wanted to kill him was someone from Liang Kun, then it would be interesting!"

Wang Jin laughed very happily. In the original plot of the movie, the crow killed Jiang Tiansheng, but in order to achieve his goal of splitting the red star, Wang Jin didn't mind changing the script, which didn't bother him.

Wang Jin left the police station, called Li Jie who was traveling, and asked him to go to the country where Jiang Tiansheng was going to save Jiang Tiansheng's life.

Turning his head around, Wang Jin bought a few of Lian Kun's younger brothers through various channels, let them blow the wind by the side, and instigated Liang Kun to kill Jiang Tiansheng, so that his leading position could be secured.

And those younger brothers, who understand these conspiracies and tricks, not only have money to get, but also listen to what others say, it makes sense to think about it.

If Jiang Tian was alive, how could their boss be able to secure the position of leader?

As the saying goes, if one person attains the Tao, the chicken and the dog ascend to heaven!

Their boss, Liangkun, if they become the leader of Red Star, wouldn't their status also rise with the tide?

Such a good thing, why not do it?

Of course, the most important thing is the money, making it hard for them to refuse!

At the beginning, Liangkun didn't take it seriously when he heard a few younger brothers say that, but after listening to it a lot, it really made Liangkun think...

I think what the younger brothers said is very reasonable. If Jiang Tiansheng recovers from his illness and wants to regain the position of leader when he comes back, what should he do?

To pay back, or not to pay back?

To solve this problem, the only way is to get rid of Jiang Tiansheng once and for all.

However, the thoughtful Liangkun didn't let his younger brothers know, but arranged for someone with another identity to do the job.

In this way, even if Jiang Tian is dead, he can break away from the relationship smoothly and can't contact him.

It's a pity that Liang Kun, who has thousands of calculations, doesn't know that everything he does is under the control of others.

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