On Wang Jin's side, he was helping A Lang with his identity matters, while on the other side, in the central district, a shocking case happened that shocked Xiangjiang!

Galaxy Business Center!

This is one of the busiest shopping malls in the Central District of Xiangjiang, with a surge of customers and crowds!

Another Yong Tan Jia Kui, who is as famous as Wang Jin, is walking around the mall with his girlfriend A Mei.

To be honest, Xiangjiang Yong Tan, who is not afraid of anything, also has something to be afraid of, which is to go shopping with his girlfriend A Mei.

Sometimes, not only does he become a bag carrier, but his girlfriend A Mei walks around for a few hours without feeling tired at all. Even Ka Kui is amazed by this, his feet tremble even when he is tired, but his girlfriend A Mei is still in good spirits Yiyi, with better physical strength than him, is simply unbelievable.

"Jia Kui, look at this, does it look good?"

A Mei was holding a white dress and gesticulating in front of her, asking for Ka Kui's opinion. He still said to Ami with a forced smile.

"It's beautiful and suits you very well!"

And this sentence, Jia Kui has said this sentence countless times today, and he himself is a little numb.

"What! When someone picks up a piece of clothing, you say it looks good! Are you really looking at it seriously?"

At this time, A Mei played a small temper, and Jia Kui was having a headache, and when he didn't know how to coax him, his savior finally appeared at 840.

A policeman in a patrol uniform trotted all the way to Jia Kui, panting.

"Senior brother, it's not good!"

"Speak slowly, what's going on?"

Jia Kui immediately gave A Mei an apologetic look, and then asked the patrol police about the situation.

"Someone called the mall just now, saying that there was a bomb in the mall and asked us to evacuate the crowd, otherwise the bomb will explode in 10 minutes. If someone is killed, they don't care!"

The patrolman took a few breaths, finally calmed down a little, and said what he was going to say.

"What? There's a bomb in the mall?"

Jia Kui's expression changed suddenly, and he asked hastily and concernedly.

"Does the manager of the mall know? Has he arranged for an evacuation?"

"The manager already knew about it, but he said it was just someone else's prank, let people ignore it! What should I do!"

The patrol policeman is also a bit Muggle. He, a small patrol policeman, can't handle such a big matter. If there is really a bomb, an explosion occurs, and people are killed, he probably can quit the police team.

But if there was no bomb, but he reported the situation to the police station, then his career as a policeman would also be over, and he would be in a dilemma.

No, when he saw Jia Kui, he rushed over as if he saw a savior. With the officer Jia Kui on top, his responsibility was much smaller.

Ka Kui still has a strong sense of justice. If it were someone else, he would definitely not want to take on this responsibility.

"I can't control that much anymore. Where is the alarm bell? Arrange for evacuation immediately!"

Ka Kui is very anxious. The bomb is only about to explode in 10 minutes. I don't know how many minutes have passed. The bomb may explode later. Every second of delay will bring more danger to the citizens.

"But, brother! We haven't confirmed whether the bomb is real yet, so it's not good to evacuate!"

The patrol police did not expect that Jia Kui would directly order the evacuation without even checking whether the bomb was real or not. This is too reckless!

"Human life is at stake. Who has the time to find out where the bomb is. If the bomb explodes and so many people in the mall die, how can we explain it?"

Jia Kui is also an old fritter. He knows that the citizens have been evacuated. If there is no bomb, at most he will be scolded by the director. He is about to become famous internationally, so Ka-kui can still tell which is more important.

Since Jia Kui said so, the patrolling police had no choice but to take Jia Kui to ring the alarm. Although Ah Mei was a little dissatisfied, she knew that it was an emergency, so she didn't get angry with Jia Kui, but followed Jia Kui behind.

Soon, Jia Kui rang the alarm bell, and the customers in the shopping mall saw that the alarm bell rang, but they still didn't understand what happened, and they still stood there in a daze.

Seeing this scene, Jia Kui suddenly panicked, searched around, and finally found the radio in the shopping mall. He jumped from the second floor, jumped to the radio station, and shouted loudly with the microphone.

"Dear citizens, urgent (ceei) evacuation, there is an unknown fire source in the shopping mall! Please line up immediately for an orderly evacuation!"

As soon as Jia Kui's words came out, the citizens of Xiangjiang in the mall panicked and rushed towards the gate of the mall, while many bosses in the mall were in a hurry, many of them hadn't paid yet!

However, at this time, no one cared about the issue of money. Seeing that all the citizens were running out, these bosses closed the doors and ran out together, and soon the entire shopping mall was evacuated.

When such a big incident happened in the Galaxy Commercial Center, someone called the police soon. When the Central District Police Station received the call, even the director was alarmed and followed along.

When Director Lin got out of the car, he saw the chaotic scene at the entrance of the Galaxy Commercial Center, and immediately asked a messenger who was already at the scene.

"What's the situation now?"

"Inspector Chen ordered the evacuation!"

This messenger also came to help, and he didn't know the specific situation, only that Jia Kui evacuated the entire commercial center!

"Jia Kui, it's him again! What about others!"

Director Lin didn't know the situation, and thought that Jia Kui had stabbed a big basket again, and suddenly became angry, and wanted to settle the score with Jia Kui.

The policeman pointed to the inside of the shopping mall, Director Lin looked in the direction he was pointing, and sure enough, he saw Jia Kui's big nose in the shopping mall, and immediately walked over angrily, scolding his head and face.

"Jia Kui, who told you to give the evacuation order! Do you know how much this order affects you? I think you, the supervisor, don't want to do it!"

"Director, there is a bomb in the mall!"

Jia Kui didn't explain too much, just said this sentence.

"Bomb, are you sure it's true or not? Just say there is a bomb. If there is no bomb, you will immediately guard the pond for me! I don't want to see you appear in front of me!"

Director Lin is full of disgust, Jia Kui is a troublemaker, always causing trouble for him, there used to be Uncle Biao to solve these problems, now that Uncle Biao is gone, Director Lin has enough headaches.

However, the moment Director Lin finished his sentence, the entire Galaxy Shopping Center exploded!


A loud bang resounded through the heavens and the earth, and the ears of all the people standing nearby were buzzing from the shock. Many people's bodies were shaken so that they could not stand still and fell directly to the ground.

A group of intense flames shot up into the sky, covering the entire Galaxy Commercial Center in it.

All the nearby glass was shattered by the explosion, and even a few miles away, there would be a strong sense of vibration.

The building of oji is not far from the Galaxy Business Center, so Wang Jin, who was in the office, also felt the vibration. Not only the desk and chair were shaking, even the coffee Wang Jin put on the table was spilled!

"What are you doing, tearing down the building!"

Wang Jin cursed secretly, and walked out of his office. He wanted to see what was going on, and found that his subordinates were also inexplicable. They obviously didn't know what happened, but soon Wang Jin knew what happened. Yes, because news of the Galaxy Center bombing had already been broadcast on the TV in Wang Jin's office, causing a sensation in the entire Xiangjiang.

"The explosion at the Galaxy Commercial Center?"

Seeing the news broadcast on TV, Wang Jin immediately thought of a movie plot.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Is it the case in Ka Kui's second film?"

Seeing what was reported in the news, Wang Jin immediately connected the bombing with the plot of a movie in his mind.

This time, Wang Jin became interested, and the new plot means a chance to sign up for rewards!

How could Wang Jin miss such a good thing.

Wang Jin went downstairs immediately, and drove to the Galaxy Commercial Center not far away to see if he could successfully get a chance to get a plot sign-in reward.

When Wang Jin arrived at the scene, the scene was busy, the fire alarm was busy fighting the fire, and many reporters, like sharks smelling blood, rushed to the scene and began to follow up and report.

Wang Jin even saw Le Huizhen, whom he had not seen for a long time, among the reporters. She also brought a cameraman and was following this matter. However, Wang Jin did not go up to say hello, but walked to the other side, because the family there Ju and Director Lin, two old acquaintances of Wang Jin, were there.

"Director Lin, Ka Kui! Long time no see!"

Wang Jin walked over and greeted the two of them.

Seeing Wang Jin's arrival, Director Lin and Jia Kui were obviously taken aback, and asked almost at the same time.

"How did you come!"

"Such a big thing happened, why don't I come and see it? I felt the shock even in the O's Building. Do you think I can still sit still?"

Wang Jin spread his hands, expressing that he didn't want to come either. Wang Jin was talking nonsense, and Wang Jin came to touch the fish tomorrow to see if he could get the sign-in reward opportunity.

Sure enough, Wang Jin's guess was correct. In his system, a mission for signing in rewards was refreshed, and the mission location was the Galaxy Commercial Center.

However, looking at the still burning Galaxy Commercial Center, Wang Jin decided to wait for the fire to go out before going in and chatting with Director Lin and Jia Kui.

"Do you know what's going on? Why did the explosion happen suddenly?"

Of course Wang Jin knew what was going on, no matter what he knew, he still knew who did it, but wouldn't it be too boring to just stand here and wait for the fire alarm to put the fire out?

"It's not clear yet. It seems that someone called to say that there was going to be an explosion in the shopping mall. Fortunately, the crowd was evacuated in advance, otherwise something serious would happen!"

Jia Kui, who was the first to come, was very grateful for his decision at this time. His order to evacuate saved hundreds of lives, and he was very pleased with this.

"This kind of thing must be strictly investigated. Putting bombs in the most prosperous place, these people are simply lawless. They are provoking the authority of the Xiangjiang Police Force! Jia Kui, no matter what, you want me to find out this Batch people, or you will really go to guard the pond!"

Director Lin was very angry. Under his rule, this was the first time such a vicious incident had occurred. If he could not find out, he would have no way to explain it to his superiors.

"Yes, director! I will definitely find out these people!"

Jia Kui spoke to Director Lin in a reassuring tone.

"How about it, do you have any ideas?"

Wang Jin arched Gong Jiaju with his arm, and then asked.

"How could it be so fast, the explosion happened after all, where did the clue come from!"

When Jiaju heard what Wang Jin said, he immediately made a bitter face, and now his nose seemed even bigger.

"I can give you a clue!"

Wang Jin didn't make a fool of himself, he knew who did it, but he couldn't tell Jia Kui everything, otherwise he wouldn't be able to tell, but he could still provide some clues.

"What idea?"

As soon as Wang Jin said this, not only Chen Jiaju's eyes lit up, but Director Lin also became interested and listened carefully.

Jia Kui knew that Wang Jin was powerful. Not only did he surpass him in physical strength, but he also had better brains. Solving a case was as easy as eating and drinking. So far, there has never been a case that stumped Wang Jin.

It would be a great thing to have a detective like Wang Jin mention the clues.

"Tell me, where did these gangsters get their explosives? For such a big explosion just now, the amount of gunpowder should not be small, right? Gunpowder is something strictly controlled by Xiangjiang. If Xiangjiang can provide such a large amount of gunpowder, I think There should not be many, you can start from this aspect!"

For Jia Kui, Wang Jin's reminder was like opening a door. The world became clear all of a sudden, and he had a starting point for the next investigation.

Even Director Lin on the side nodded frequently when he heard it. He didn't expect Wang Jin to be so powerful. He only came to the scene for a few minutes, and he already had such a clear understanding of the case.

・・・・・ Asking for flowers・・・・・・・

If you follow Wang Jin's way of thinking, it is not difficult to find the culprits. For the Xiangjiang police, it can even be said to be like finding something out of a pocket.

Director Lin couldn't help but feel that Wang Jin is really a natural detective, and he is suitable for the job of a policeman. When a clueless case comes to Wang Jin's hands, he seems to be able to find all kinds of key points.

If there is a master detective like Wang Jin under his command, it will not be a problem to worry about difficult and miscellaneous cases.

It's a pity that Wang Jin's current status is getting higher and higher, and he is almost on the same level as the director of the Central District. If he wants to lead Wang Jin, he has no chance.

........ 0

Thinking of this, Director Lin is a little envious of Uncle Biao. How can Uncle Biao lead Wang Jin before? With this kind of love, it is not too difficult to ask Wang Jin for help when encountering some difficult and miscellaneous cases. thing.

And it was much more difficult for him to ask Wang Jin for help!

Soon, the fire in the center of the Galaxy Shopping Center was extinguished by the fire police's efforts, but the entire building was burnt to a charred side, beyond recognition.

Wang Jin was not too polite, and after greeting Director Lin and Jia Kui, he walked directly into the mall, looked around, and the most important thing was to complete the sign-in for the plot rewards.

After signing in, Wang Jin has another opportunity for sign-in rewards. Now he has more and more chances for plot sign-in rewards, and he has finally taken a solid step. getting closer.

"Did you find anything?" Seeing Wang Jin coming out, Jia Kui asked quickly.

"It's all burnt to coke, what can I find!"

Wang Jin shook his head immediately, expressing that he got nothing.

In this regard, Jia Kui was not too disappointed, he also knew that it was burned like this, and there must be no clues in the mall.

Afterwards, Wang Jin didn't continue to bother Jia Kui and Director Lin, but returned to the o's office. Anyway, everything that should be said has been said, and Wang Jin, who should mention something, also mentioned something. As for whether the gangsters can be caught, That is the matter of Ka Kui and the Central District Police Station.

It has nothing to do with Wang Jin!Long.

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