Chapter 240 The Famous CIA! (I beg you guys to subscribe more!)

Guessing the bully was caught, Wang Jin and Jia Kui's mission was completed as assigned by the superior, Wang Jin is also in this city, and completed the task of signing in for the plot. Overall, it is quite satisfactory, but it took a long time for it .

However, this is not a sign-in task in Xiangjiang, and it is understandable that it took a little time.

Next, what Wang Jin and Jia Kui had to do was to wait for the people from ICPO and arrange for them to fly back to Xiangjiang.

After spending a relaxing day in this country, Wang Jin and Jia Kui received a notification from Xiangjiang that they could go back to Xiangjiang, and the people at icpo had already arranged two air tickets for them.

It was the earliest flight to Xiangjiang. Unfortunately, when Wang Jin and Jia Kui left for the last time, they couldn't say hello to Yang Jianhua. After all, they were also the partners of this mission.

But thinking of seeing each other again in the future, Wang Jin and Jia Kui have no regrets.

When the plane landed at Xiangjiang Airport smoothly, Wang Jin and Jia Kui got off the plane smoothly.

In the airport pick-up channel, the figure of Amei appeared here early.

Seeing Ka Kui's figure appear, Ah Mei excitedly called out Ka Kui's name.

"Jia Kui, here, here!"

Ah Mei, who was yelling for a while, finally caught Ka Kui's attention.

"Amy, why are you here?"

Jia Kui, who was carrying the bag, immediately came to Amei's side in three steps at a time.

"People heard that you came back today, so they came to pick you up specially!"

Ami said with a bit of reproach in her tone.

Hearing the news from Jia Kui early in the morning, he rushed over excitedly to pick up the plane. Although the young couple were not newlyweds after a long absence, they were affectionate and gave Wang Jin a handful of dog food.

"Okay, okay! You are almost done, you have to spread dog food, go to other places, don't be in front of me, I can't stand the two of you!"

A Mei was still with Jia Kui at first, but when she heard what Wang Jin said, she lowered her head shyly and slipped into Jia Kui's arms.

After all, Jia Kui was also a man, so he naturally wanted to stand up and defend it at this time. He just agreed to treat Wang Jin to dinner, and he might not have so much free time when he officially went to work, so this time was just right.

"Wang sir! As the saying goes, it is better to hit the sun than to choose a date. I promised to treat you to dinner, how about today?"

"Okay! Anyway, it's you who invites dinner, so you can make the decision!"

Of course, Wang Jin had no objection to this kind of thing. After getting Wang Jin's permission, Jia Kui and A Mei chose for a long time, and finally picked a restaurant that was reasonable and not too expensive, and invited Wang Jin to eat After a meal.

After drinking and eating, Wang Jin greeted Jia Kui and parted ways.

After Jia Kui sent Ah Mei home, he went back to the Central District Police Station to report to his supervisor, Director Lin, about the whole process of the incident.

On the other hand, Wang Jin returned to the oji!

Seeing the official Wang Jin come back, the members of group b were naturally very happy, greeted Wang Jin one after another, and asked Wang Jin what he had seen this time.

Wang Jin returned to the office after chatting and spanking with them for a while.

Three of his subordinates also came to the door together, and made a general report on Wang Jin's departure these days.

The other two team leaders are veterans, so Wang Jin was naturally not too worried. He focused on asking about A Lang's affairs.

Fortunately, A Lang did not disappoint Wang Jin. After Wang Jin left, the O diary was still operating normally. Although A Lang had a low job title, he had rich experience. Hao managed the group before Wang Jin.

Naturally, Wang Jin was also very happy to see A Lang firmly occupying the position he had left before, which proved that he did not use the wrong person at all.

With such an expert, helping him manage the diary, even if Wang Jin is not in charge of the diary for a period of time, the diary will not have any problems.

Next, before Wang Jin had a good rest for a few days, a more troublesome matter came to him.

The reason was because of Wang Jin and Jia Kui.

Because the two of them performed so well in this mission, they have already made a name for themselves in the icpo, and they have also entered the eyes of the intelligence agencies of various countries.

Especially the CIA, which is currently dealing with a troublesome case that requires a few new faces to handle, they were worried about this candidate for a while, but they did not expect Wang Jin and Jia Kui to fall into their field of vision.

After some understanding, they found that Wang Jin and Jia Kui met their requirements no matter in terms of skill, marksmanship, or resume, especially their skin color and fresh faces. It was perfect to participate in this operation, and it was difficult to attract The opponent's suspicion.

So, the people from the CIA sent someone to the door.

Because of the relationship between countries, the Xiangjiang Police Headquarters had to receive people from the CIA, and it was even grand.

・・・・・ Asking for flowers・・・・・・・

After meeting with people from the CIA, Xiangjiang headquarters also knew the purpose of the CIA.

"So, is the CIA looking for help? Or are you looking for Wang Jin and Jia Kui? I don't misunderstand what you mean?"

The reception staff at the headquarters looked at the blond ghost of the CIA and said.

"Yes, yes! We seized thirteen pounds of uranium 235 at our country's airport. This is something that can be refined into nuclear weapons. Presumably you also understand how terrible nuclear weapons are. The two buyers who were captured here At home, we found 200 million US dollars in cash, suspected to be a nuclear material transaction, but the seller ran away, we did not catch it, but we also have the target of suspicion, this is Natasha!"


With that said, the CIA staff instructed their subordinates to turn off the lights and turn on the projector, and projected several photos of Natasha on the white screen.

After viewing a few photos, the CIA personnel turned off the projector, turned on the lights, and said to the reception staff at the headquarters.

"The Natasha I saw just now is one of the sellers we suspect. For example, she took a plane and came to Xiangjiang, and then flew to the Bank of China through Xiangjiang, and now she has applied for a foreign tour group through Xiangjiang. We It is suspected that she carried a large amount of cash from the bank, and wanted to take this large amount of US dollars abroad through the channel of Xiangjiang, a free port, but we still don’t know why she carried a large amount of US dollars. Faces cannot be monitored nearby, after seeing the files of Wang Jin and Jia Kui, we found that they fit our requirements, so the CIA wanted to ask Wang Jin and Jia Kui for a favor!"

"I can't make up my mind about this. Our Xiangjiang side is naturally very willing to cooperate, but we also need to ask them what they think. You know, they just completed a mission and returned to Xiangjiang without even taking a breath. !"

As for the CIA mission, this receptionist is not good at helping Wang Jin and Jia Kui make decisions privately, he is not yet at this level.

"If possible, I would like to meet them in person. I wonder if you can arrange for me?"

The people from the CIA put forward their own request, and the reception staff at the headquarters immediately nodded and said.

"No problem, I still have this right!" Jiu.

Chapter 240 Five Simple Missions! (I beg you guys to subscribe more!)

A premium cafe in Hong Kong!

Both Wang Jin and Jia Kui were arranged here to meet with people from the CIA.

Hearing that it was the CIA who was looking for him, Wang Jin was naturally very, very surprised, because he and the CIA did not seem to have any relationship at all. He is a messenger from Xiangjiang, and the CIA is a special agent. No relationship.

Wang Jin really couldn't imagine why the CIA would find him, but thinking that it would be a good idea to meet him, Wang Jin still came.

Wang Jin opened the door and walked into the coffee shop, and saw a blond ghost sitting with Jia Kui in a secluded corner.

Seeing Wang Jin who came in through the door, the blond ghost immediately stood up, dressed in a neat suit, smiled and waved to Wang Jin.

Wang Jin immediately "eight seven three" walked over and came to the table.

"Hi, I'm Henry, from the CIA!"

While talking, Henry stretched out his hand enthusiastically, wanting to shake hands with Wang Jin. After shaking hands with him, Wang Jin sat down at the invitation of the other party.

Then, Henry started to get down to business!

"Two, I invited you two today because I have a simple task, and I want to ask for your help! It is to help us monitor a woman, as long as she reports everything on the plane, such as who she talked to, and What have you done! When the plane lands, your task will be considered complete, and everything can be handed over to us! Isn’t it quite easy! And after finishing this simple task, you can play in that country for free for a period of time, Among them, the round-trip air tickets and hotels, as well as your consumption, will be taken care of by our CIA, how about it, this task is very simple, and it is very cost-effective!"

Henry is obviously a qualified lobbyist. At least Jia Kui was a little moved by what he said. As long as he completes such a simple task, he can travel for free. This is a good thing that is hard to find even with a lantern. to once.

It's just that the other party invited Wang Jin and himself. Although Jia Kui was a little moved, he still had to see what Wang Jin thought.

He couldn't help but cast his eyes on Wang Jin, waiting for Wang Jin's reply, and if Wang Jin agreed, he would agree.

"Your conditions are indeed very attractive. You can get a chance to travel abroad for free just by spying on someone on the plane! However, I am curious, such an attractive condition does not necessarily have to be done by us. ! Your CIA personnel can do it, why do you need the two of us?"

Wang Jin was not dazzled by the attractive conditions, and he was not short of money, so he could go on his own if he wanted to travel, why bother to get himself involved in an incident just for a chance to travel abroad for free, if this This incident was not as simple as Henry said, so Wang Jin would have lost money. His time was quite valuable, so Wang Jin still had to ask these questions clearly.

"That's right, Mr. Wang Jin! The two of you are invited to complete this mission because they are quite unfamiliar faces. The people under surveillance will not be suspicious, nor will they think that the CIA is following them. The action will be quite helpful, and I have also read the information of the two, the two are highly skilled, and they are rare super bad guys in Xiangjiang. The people who are following this time will start from Xiangjiang. It's an eyesore, that's why we found two of them, and hope they can help us complete this simple task!"

Facing Wang Jin's questions, Henry answered Wang Jin's doubts patiently, without any sign of impatience.

"So our respective bosses know about this?"

This is what Wang Jin wants to ask. Although the CIA came to the door for this operation, if Wang Jin and Jia Kui take over this task, they still need to inform their respective superiors.

"Don't worry, you two, our CIA has notified you as soon as possible. It is under their arrangement that I meet you here. They said that you have just completed the last mission and are very tired, so accept If you don’t accept this task, you need to think about it yourself! I certainly hope that the two of you can take on this simple task, because it is not troublesome for the two of you, and it is really great to get a legitimate opportunity for vacation and travel. thing!"

Henry very enthusiastically wanted Wang Jin and Jia Kui to take over this task, but Wang Jin didn't reply immediately, but said to Henry...

"Wait a minute, I'll discuss it with Jia Kui!"

"No problem, please feel free!"

Henry was very polite and did not stop Wang Jin from discussing with Jia Kui.

Wang Jin pulled Jiaju aside and asked him.

"Jia Kui, what do you think about this matter?"

"I think it's okay! Such a simple task, and there is a chance to travel for free! Of course, it depends on you. If you agree, then we will accept this task!"

Jia Kui said that everything should be in line with Wang Jin, and Wang Jin agreed, so he agreed, but his expression had already betrayed him deeply!

When Wang Jin heard this, he put his hand on his forehead immediately. It seems that he and Jia Kui discussed this matter, even if it was a waste of time, he might as well make his own decision!

Judging by Jia Kui's appearance, it is obvious that he wants to agree!

In any case, Wang Jin felt that there was no such simple thing behind this simple task.

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However, seeing Jia Kui so moved, Wang Jin was not very good at rejecting this task, because if everything was done according to Henry's words, then this task was indeed very simple.

The premise is that he can endure his curiosity. Wang Jin is very confident about this. Even if Jia Kui has excess curiosity in 4.8, Wang Jin can stop it in time.

As long as you don't get to the bottom of the mission, then this time may really be a very good travel opportunity, and I heard that there are many ocean horses in that country, Wang Jin actually wants to see what is the country with more women and fewer men? looks like.

After thinking about it, Wang Jin finally made a decision and took Jia Kui back to his seat.

"Mr. Henry, the two of us agreed to the task you mentioned, but I have made a statement in advance that we only monitor the person you want to monitor on the plane. Once we get off the plane, we are all responsible for what happens." Never mind!"

Although he agreed to the task, Wang Jin still had to get the vaccinations that should be given, so as not to be confused in the end! .

Chapter 240 Six Silver Treasure Chest: Racial Language Proficiency! (I beg you guys to subscribe more!)

"Of course there is no problem. As long as the plane lands, we will be responsible for everything, and you can enjoy yourself! That country is a man's paradise. I'm here in advance. I hope you have a good time!"

Seeing Wang Jin and Jia Kui agreeing to this task, Henry immediately showed a smile that any man would understand. Obviously this Henry also often goes to play, otherwise how would he know such details!

Wang Jin smiled faintly, and didn't say much, but Jia Kui was still very embarrassed, he was a very traditional man, he really didn't do anything out of the ordinary except with his girlfriend.

With the consent of Wang Jin and Jia Kui, the next thing is quite simple, the air ticket has been arranged directly, it is the same flight as the target they need to monitor, only two places away .

At Xiangjiang Airport, their flight was about to take off. Wang Jin and Jia Kui met smoothly. At this time, Jia Kui was wearing a thick military overcoat, wrapped like a large green rice dumpling, and he looked extravagant Funny.

Many people's eyes were on Jia Kui, but their eyes were obviously a bit strange.

"I'll go! 24 Jiaju, how did you do this?"

Wang Jin was also taken aback when he saw Jia Kui's appearance.

"It's not Ami. I heard that the place I'm going to is very cold, so I made this outfit for me! I still have a lot of thick clothes in my suitcase!"

Hearing this, Jia Kui smiled wryly, he didn't want to wear such a suit, but A Mei sent him all the way to the airport, he couldn't do without it!

Wang Jin immediately understood Jia Kui, with such a girlfriend around, it is really impossible not to wear it.

For this, Wang Jin can only mourn for Ka Kui silently, hoping that his future will be smoother.

The two finally checked the tickets and got on the plane.

On the plane, Wang Jin and Jia Kui took their seats in order. Finally, Jia Kui was able to take off his embarrassing clothes. It wasn't until he took off the heavy military coat that Jia Kui heaved a sigh of relief and wiped off his clothes. A head of sweat.

The temperature in Xiangjiang is not low. It is a test to wear such a suit for such a long time. Fortunately, Jia Kui survived.

And soon, a woman appeared in Wang Jin and Jia Kui's field of vision, taking a position where they needed special monitoring.

Wang Jin and Jia Kui looked at each other immediately, and nodded in tacit understanding. From the moment the woman took the seat, their surveillance mission began.

Before the plane landed, they all needed to monitor the woman's every move. This was a task promised to the CIA, and it was naturally to be completed.

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