The three of Wang Jinjiaju and Henry stood together.

"What should we do now?"

Jia Kui asked about Henry, after all, Henry was the initiator of this operation.

"With such a big incident, it is not suitable for our CIA to take action, and this place has crossed the line. I think there will be other departments to take over this matter soon. If you continue to follow, We are about to cooperate with them, and the cooperation between us can only end here! If you want to go back to Xiangjiang, I can help you arrange it!"

Henry's tone was very regrettable. It was a pity that he had arranged such a perfect action plan but failed to complete the task perfectly. But the next action is obviously not up to him!

"We also want to make a report and ask!"

Wang Jin was not sure about the next task, whether the higher-ups would agree to participate, if not, he was going to fly abroad once before returning to Xiangjiang to complete the check-in.

Chapter 250 The fourth sword is on the verge of breaking out! (I beg you guys to subscribe more!)

Novel group: 456348770

"Since that's the case, let's wait here for the next person to take over!"

Henry said that he was responsible for getting Wang Jin and Jia Kui here, and he was also responsible for their safety abroad. Before confirming their next action plan, he still had to stay by their side.

No one waited for Wang Jin and Jia Kui, and soon the country they crossed the border sent several armored vehicles and armed helicopters to the scene.

A bearded officer got off the armed helicopter, and his clothes were obviously different from other soldiers.

"Hello, I'm Colonel Cade, here - what happened?"

Colonel Card came to Wang Jin and the others and asked.

"Hello, Colonel Card, I'm Henry from the CIA. These two are Hong Kong's messengers, and they are also agents specially hired by our CIA. We are here to track down a nuclear weapons transaction. Ambush, they snatched a nuclear warhead, and the other nuclear warhead is missing, and its whereabouts are unknown!"

Henry took a step forward and stood up to explain the general situation to Colonel Card. Although the country behind the CIA and this country are also at odds with this country, it is not a joke when it involves nuclear weapons. No one dares to take it Deal with this matter with a coping attitude.

When Colonel Card heard that it was a case about the nuclear weapons deal, his expression became tense and he said solemnly.

"Nuclear weapons deal, so serious? We will investigate immediately!"

But Wang Jin looked at it and wanted to laugh. It is obvious that Colonel Cade is the buyer behind the nuclear weapon, and he still pretends to be the real one. , I was completely deceived.

"Can I trouble you to go back with us and describe the process in detail?"

Colonel Card put forward his own request. He wanted to bring Wang Jin Jiaju and Henry back together, but no one knew what the main purpose was.

But it is obvious that Henry is very vigilant, because the two countries do not deal with each other, the CIA has long been unaware of how many times it has fought secretly with the organization behind Colonel Card, and even some people die every year, just to listen to important information.

Now Colonel Card still wants to take him back, how is this possible!

"The two of them, I can go back with you to assist in the investigation. They know everything very well, and you are also responsible for their safety. As for what I have to do next, it will be inconvenient!"

The vigilant Henry directly rejected Colonel Card's request, but for Wang Jin and Jia Kui, he was handed over to Colonel Card again. This was his last line.

"If, I must ask you to go back with me for a walk!"

At this time, Colonel Card had no joy or anger on his face, but his tone could be heard to be a bit unpleasant.

"Why, do you still want to force me to go back?"

Henry spoke loudly, and he purposely said this to the soldiers behind him. As soon as he heard Henry's words, the people behind him who belonged to the CIA immediately surrounded him, stood behind Henry, and supported him. play field.

Colonel Card's soldiers, seeing that there seemed to be a change in the opposite side, also quickly assembled, and came behind Colonel Card with their guns in hand.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the arena became extraordinarily weird, and swords were on the verge of breaking out, as if they were about to clash at any moment!

On the contrary, Wang Jin and Jia Kui seemed like two completely unrelated people on the court.

"What are you guys doing! We came here to investigate the nuclear weapons deal. Such an important matter has not been investigated yet! Do you still have time to get angry here? Don't you seem too petty? Everyone is obeying orders The person who does the work, Henry is also from the CIA, and there are high-level officials who have ordered him to complete the task. Since he is going to be busy, we can't let him disobey the order!"

Seeing that the atmosphere at the scene seemed a bit uncomfortable, Wang Jin quickly stood up to ease the atmosphere, and when Wang Jin said this, the people on both sides breathed a sigh of relief.

No one wants to easily break out a conflict. After all, when a conflict breaks out, there must be sacrifices among the people present, and no one wants to die like this.

And after death, no one will know what the follow-up will be like, whether it will trigger a local war, or just let it go without a sound.

If there is no sound, then their sacrifices are meaningless, so although the soldiers on both sides have to obey orders, they are still unwilling to break out of conflict from the bottom of their hearts.

・・・・・ Asking for flowers・・・・・・・

At the same time, they also felt that what Wang Jin said made sense.

You, Colonel Card, are ordered to act, and so is Henry. You can't let others disobey orders just because of your orders!

This is morally and logically untenable. If Colonel Card really did this, he is destined to lose his image in the hearts of the soldiers.

Seeing Wang Jin stand up to ease the situation, Colonel Card took a deep look at Wang Jin, and silently recorded it in his heart.

"Okay, if this is the case, then you go! Our country does not welcome you, please leave!"

In the end, Colonel Card did not trigger any conflict between the two parties. Perhaps he also had his own considerations. In short, he let Henry go, but Wang Jin and Jia Kui were retained for detailed investigation.

........................ 0

There was no way around this. Someone had to stay and cooperate with the investigation. Now that Henry was driven away, the only ones who could stay were Wang Jin and Jia Kui.

When leaving, Henry glanced at Wang Jin gratefully, and then took his CIA personnel and left directly. The conflict that was about to be triggered finally dissipated invisible.

After Henry left, Colonel Card changed his face again, and immediately became polite to Wang Jin and Jia Kui. After all, the conflict between him and Henry just now was only because the organizations behind them had conflicts of interest, and Wang Jin There was no conflict with Jia Kui and them at all, so he naturally became more hospitable.

"Welcome to our country! I think the general would like to see you. If you don't mind, do you want to take a shower and change into clean clothes?"

Colonel Card pointed to the clothes on Wang Jin and Jia Kui, and the two quickly looked at them. Wang Jin's clothes were okay, but when they rolled in the snow, many places were dirty, and there were small areas wet. But Jia Kui was miserable, his army coat was completely soaked and full of water stains, he hadn’t felt it in the tense and exciting environment just now, but now that he had rested, Jia Kui shivered He nodded again and again.

"Good bath, good bath! I'm so cold!" Jiu.

Chapter 250 Five Discussion Conditions! (I beg you guys to subscribe more!)

After taking a comfortable hot bath and changing into the thick clothes unique to the country's soldiers, Wang Jin and Jia Kui came to the country's administrative and cultural center, which is the capital, under the arrangement of special personnel.

As soon as they got out of the car, Wang Jin and Jia Kui felt the bone-chilling cold, as if they could freeze into ice with just one breath, and thick mist filled the air.

The temperature here is a bit colder than the snow mountain and ice field they stayed in before. Fortunately, both Wang Jin and Jia Kui are wearing thick clothes, which protect them from head to toe, and they are not afraid of frostbite.

The two followed the lead to a huge conference room.

In the conference room with the round table, the temperature was very high, warm as spring. Several senior generals in military uniforms, as well as high-level bosses, had been meeting for a long time. When they saw Wang Jin and Jia Kui coming, they immediately He asked them to sit down, and prepared a professional translator for the "[-]", just because Wang Jin and Jia Kui might not understand what they were talking about.

However, Wang Jin, who has long been proficient in the language of this country, has no obstacles in listening and understanding.

The intelligence of these foreigners was indeed extraordinary. At this time, they had already investigated Xu Jie's former CIA identity, but they could not find out where Xu Jie was hiding for the time being, but they guessed that the most likely place was Xu Jie's home.

There, Xu Jie has a younger sister and father, as long as Xu Jie is not dead, he will definitely go back and have a look.

"Then who should we send to investigate? Our manpower is not suitable! Xu Jie knows our style of work well. After all, he used to work for the CIA and had many contacts with us. He will try his best to avoid it. our!"

At the meeting, a bigwig from the intelligence department said so.

"Then don't use our manpower! Don't you have two good targets in front of you? They have the same skin color as Xu Jie, and sneaking in to investigate will not attract attention!"

A senior general in military uniform put forward his suggestion, and what he said was Wang Jin and Jia Kui.

"But they all belong to Xiangjiang, we can't order them! And we don't know if they will seriously help us complete the task!"

A high-level official in a suit and leather shoes raised objections. He did not want Wang Jin and Jia Kui to participate in this operation because he did not trust Wang Jin and Jia Kui's abilities.

"It doesn't matter, we have already formally contacted Xiangjiang, and got the consent of that side, Xiangjiang is willing to temporarily second the two of them to our side, and there has already sent a fax and signed an order , just show them later!"

Apparently, the big bosses have already considered the arrangement of Wang Jin and Jia Kui. They have even obtained the signing order of Wang Jin and Jia Kui, and the current meeting is just a formality.

"Is that so? That's naturally the best. Then send a group of people to monitor the movements of the two of them. After all, it's very difficult for the two of them to catch Xu Jie and get the nuclear warhead back!"

Seeing that Wang Jin and Jia Kui signed the order, the others didn't have any objections, but they still didn't trust Wang Jin and Jia Kui, and they just seemed to put Wang Jin and Jia Kui on the bright side. The chess piece that attracts firepower secretly makes another arrangement.

"Then let Colonel Card monitor their movements and be ready to support them at any time. Anyway, we must get the nuclear warhead back!"

In the end, the meeting was finalized by the most powerful man, and then they were going to tell Wang Jin and Jia Kui the results of the meeting.

Who knows, at this moment, Wang Jin stood up and spoke in a fluent local language.

"To help you complete the task, Jia Kui and I are very willing, but I don't want anyone to monitor our movements, otherwise we will refuse to accept this task, even if you have an order signed by the upper echelon of Xiangjiang! Because we are not criminals, You don't need to be monitored, if you agree, we will do it, if you don't agree, we will break up!"

Wang Jin's fluent local dialect directly shocked all the bosses at the table. They talked so openly because they thought that Wang Jin and Jia Kui couldn't understand what they said and needed to rely on a translator for everything.

Whether it is Wang Jin's information or Jia Kui's information, they have read it long ago and memorized it by heart, but it has never been recorded that Wang Jin can understand the language of their country, and it has not even mentioned the learning experience, but Wang Jin How did Jin suddenly understand the language of their country!

He also spoke so fluently, so smoothly, without many years of effort, he would never speak like Chen.

It's just that what really embarrassed these bosses was Wang Jin's mention of surveillance. This kind of thing can be done secretly, but it must not be said publicly...

After all, people work hard for you without paying, but you still want to monitor them. Is this justified?

No matter where you are, you can't justify it!

Therefore, Wang Jin's opening naturally made them speechless in an instant.

"Then what do you say, do you want us to accept this mission without surveillance, or do it yourself!"

Wang Jin didn't have much time, so he wasted time here with these guys.

When it was done, he took the route they arranged to complete the sign-in.

If it fails, Wang Jin will complete the check-in by himself, and then return to Xiangjiang.

Anyway, Wang Jin didn't want to stay in such a cold place, he didn't have anything to eat and play, so he could only stay in the room at night, because the temperature at night was too cold, if he didn't dress well Clothes can really freeze people alive into ice sculptures. This is not a joke, but a fact!

Seeing Wang Jin's pressing question, several bosses immediately looked at each other and made eye contact, and then one of the bosses spoke to Wang Jin.

"Your request, we agree in principle, we will not send anyone to monitor you, but if you find Xu Jie's movements, you need to notify us immediately, we will send a monitoring team to monitor Xu Jie! Is that okay?"

"No problem, I don't care who you want to spy on, as long as you don't spy on us, and we need to stay in a 4.8-star hotel, cars, and belongings are all prepared by you, and once I find out that you are spying on us, we will Evacuate immediately and end this mission!"

Wang Jin is also very stubborn. He just borrowed their channels and went to that country to sign up for a while.

"Okay, we agree! We will arrange for you to go there immediately. We must find Xu Jie's trace in the shortest possible time, otherwise he may sell the nuclear warhead!"

Time was running out, and the bosses immediately agreed to Wang Jin's condition. If they waited a second longer, Xu Jie would have a better chance of selling the nuclear warhead.

In order to catch Xu Jie as soon as possible and get back the nuclear warhead, these big guys don't want to continue talking with Wang Jin here.

Chapter 250 The Sixth Secret Infiltration! (I beg you guys to subscribe more!)

In the blue sea, the waves are splashing everywhere!

Near the sea!

A black submarine slowly surfaced, and in the submarine, Colonel Card, who specially sent Wang Jin and Jia Kui to this country, spread his hands helplessly and said.

"You two, I can only send it here, and then I can only rely on you!"

"No way! Did you let us swim across? It's in the sea now, Colonel Card! That's not what you said when you negotiated the conditions. You said you would help us arrange everything, and you are letting us smuggle in now. What kind of arrangement is this?"

As soon as he heard that he had to enter the country by himself, Jia Kui immediately complained to Colonel Card in dissatisfaction. Although this place is near the sea, it is still far away from the coastline!

Wouldn't it be exhausting to let them swim across by themselves?

"No, no, I'm not used to using this word. We're just here to take a look. I can give you two life jackets for free. As for the negotiated conditions, it still counts. It's the best resort hotel by the sea. 24 Shop, we have already booked luxury suites for you in advance, as well as cars with full gas, which are also placed in the parking lot, and the cash is also packed in boxes and placed on the bed in your room! Isn’t this an arrangement? ?”

As Colonel Card said, his expression looked very puzzled. If he didn't know the identity of Colonel Card, he would have been fooled by Colonel Card's acting skills. He really deserved to be an agent, but it was different.

Jia Kui was about to say something to Colonel Card, but Wang Jin stopped him.

"Okay, Jia Kui! Colonel Cade also has difficulties. We need to forgive him. After all, this is not their country's territory, and they don't dare to run amok! Let's just make up for it. You will be watching soon. !"

Wang Jin's tone was a bit weird. Colonel Card also knew that Wang Jin was mocking himself when he said this, but Colonel Card could not pick out the thorn in his words, because according to the facts, this is indeed not their country's territory. They really can't run amok, and Wang Jin was right.

For this, Colonel Card was furious, and left with a cold snort, and did not come to see Wang Jin and the others off on the last journey.

Looking at Colonel Card going away, a cold light flashed in Wang Jin's eyes. Colonel Card thought that Wang Jin was mocking him, but Wang Jin's last sentence was not ironic, but telling the truth.

Colonel Card is already a grasshopper after autumn, and he won't be jumping for long!

Wang Jin could see it, and wanted Wang Jin and the others to swim over. This was Colonel Card's bad idea. The purpose was to punish Wang Jin and the others, and to take revenge on Wang Jin and the others for sabotaging his plan to snatch nuclear warheads.

That's why Wang Jin didn't ask Jia Kui to say more, because even if Jia Kui talked a lot, Colonel Card would not send the two of them to shore.

Before leaving, Wang Jin and Jia Kui took two sets of life jackets, put them on, and then jumped into the sea, and Colonel Card watched the whole process.

For this, he just sneered and thought to himself.

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