Xu Jie gave Wang Jin a contact information and left. As for whether Wang Jin can rescue Natasha, Xu Jie still believes it. If even Wang Jin can't rescue Natasha, it will be even more difficult for others to save Natasha!

Therefore, he chose to believe in Wang Jin!

Moreover, he has no one to trust right now, except Wang Jin.

After watching Xu Jie leave, Wang Jin called Xixili, who was far away in Xiangjiang, and told her to go back to the airport to pick up someone. As for who he was picking up, Wang Jin didn't say, just Said a name Xu Anni.

After arranging everything, Wang Jin returned to the villa, called Annie "[-]", and told her about going to Xiangjiang. Annie was very surprised, but after knowing that it was her brother and Wang Jin After Jin's joint arrangement, she didn't struggle too much.

Obediently packed some clothes and was sent to the airport by Wang Jin, and then got on the plane to Xiangjiang under Wang Jin's watch.

After Annie left, Wang Jin also breathed a sigh of relief. Colonel Card is a lunatic, and no one knows what he will do for the nuclear warhead.

In the plot of the movie, he killed Annie's father, Wang Jin's prospective father-in-law, and kidnapped Annie. Now that Annie is gone, Wang Jin is not afraid.

You can rest assured to say goodbye to Colonel Card's wrist.

Afterwards, Wang Jin made an ocean phone call to none other than Li Jie, whom he hadn't contacted for a long time.

Wanting to save Natasha, Wang Jin can't do it alone, but the goal is too big, so Wang Jin can't do it himself, and if Wang Jin can't do it himself, under Wang Jin's hands, he can do it The thing is Li Jie.

"Hello! Ajie?"

"it's me!"

"How is your travels over there, have you recruited people?"

"I have traveled to several countries and met many security companies. I have gained a lot of experience. After returning to Xiangjiang this time, it will be officially launched, and the number of manpower recruited is almost the same. According to your strategy, all the top elites in the world will be employed. I even got to know many world-renowned mercenary organizations and broadened my contacts, which may be useful in the future!"

Li Jie talked about his travel experience on the phone, which suddenly made Wang Jin interested.

Originally, Wang Jin wanted Li Jie to bring his hands down to do the work. Now that Li Jie said he knew many mercenary organizations, it would be even better. If mercenaries were involved in this matter, it would be even more confusing. Fine.

"Ajie, help me contact the strongest mercenary organization. There is something I need them to do, save someone! The money comes from you!"

Wang Jin pondered for a while, and gave Li Jie some instructions on the phone.

"Okay, I'll get in touch right away! When and where?"

Li Jie didn't talk nonsense, he didn't ask why Wang Jin didn't let him do it himself. Since Wang Jin didn't say anything, it was either not suitable for him to do it himself, or there were other reasons.

"Let them come to me, Country X, Palm Beach, Gold Resort Hotel, Room 10001!"

Wang Jin reported an address, which is not far from where Wang Jin is now, and it is very suitable for meeting.

After hanging up Wang Jin's phone, Li Jie immediately contacted a mercenary organization. The mercenary organization was notorious internationally. They dared to do anything, but they were really strong. The mission completion rate was almost 95%. collect money.

The mercenary organization quickly sent people to contact Wang Jin. After learning who Wang Jin was trying to save and where, they offered a price of 500 million US dollars.

Wang Jin thought about it. The price was neither high nor low. Finally, Wang Jin agreed, but he had to meet someone to pay.

The mercenary organization also agreed to this plan, and then the two parties reached an agreement.

The mercenary organization was indeed an efficient organization, and they had reached an agreement with Wang Jin. In less than a day, they investigated everything and started to do it.

And Wang Jin also followed and came to this country, watching everything with binoculars from a distance, and he finally knew why this mercenary organization was notorious in the world, rockets, sniper rifles, anti-tank missiles, they Use whatever is powerful, emphasizing lethality and leaving no survivors.

When Wang Jin watched them rescue Natasha from a distance, the place where Natasha was originally held was in ruins, and no one knew how many people died there.

After they rescued Natasha, they naturally left the country through a special channel, and then went to the trading place agreed with Wang Jin.

Wang Jin had been waiting there early, and the two parties handed over the money and the person, and it was very happy.

The leader of the mercenaries even enthusiastically told Wang Jin that they would continue to cooperate next time.

This can't help but provoke Wang Jin to complain, if it wasn't convenient for him to take action, would he still use these mercenaries, Wang Jin can solve all the problems by himself...

A few million dollars at a time, Wang Jin is rich, and the money is not blown by the wind, and Wang Jin will never bother others for things that can be done by himself.

When Wang Jin contacted Xu Jie and brought Natasha in front of him, the iron-blooded man immediately dropped the nuclear warhead box in his hand, hugged Natasha in his arms without even looking at it , Eye sockets are even wet.

He didn't bother with the young couple, and kissed me after a long absence. Wang Jin opened the box and saw that it was indeed a nuclear warhead. Then he closed the box and waited for Xu Jie and Natasha to leave. Enter the storage ring, and then everything will be invisible.

A nuclear warhead will completely disappear in the world, and no one knows where it went.

After Xu Jie and Natasha finished expressing their emotions, Wang Jin took a bank card and gave it to Xu Jie.

"Brother-in-law, this is a wish from my brother-in-law, 1000 million US dollars, it is an anonymous bank card, and there is no password, be careful not to lose it! You are in a very dangerous situation now, it is best to hide in the southern hemisphere. Those places, The power country is relatively chaotic, it is easy to hide when you go, and it is not easy for those organizations that want to find you, after the wind passes, you will be able to come back after a long time!"

Xu Jie took the bank card, and he was not polite. Wang Jin said it was his brother-in-law's wish.

Xu Jie's expression was moved, and he held Wang Jin's hand tightly.

"If it's superfluous, I won't talk about 4.8, brother-in-law! My sister will be handed over to you in the future! And if you are not in a hurry, we will hold the wedding when we come back. As a brother, I don't want to lose my own sister's I can't even attend the wedding, that is the regret of my life!"

When it comes to the wedding, Wang Jin's expression is very awkward, because he doesn't know how to solve this matter, and after receiving Annie, there is no news from Wang Jin, and he doesn't know what's going on. Jin was on tenterhooks.

"Yes, yes, don't worry, uncle! I will definitely wait for you to come back!"

Wang Jin could only perfunctory in this way, and let his uncle be dismissed.

Afterwards, Xu Jie and Natasha left quietly. No one knew where they went. As a former agent, Xu Jie also had his own way to leave.

After a long time, Wang Jin received a call from Xu Jielai. They settled down in a certain country in the southern hemisphere.

Chapter 270 Crazy Card, Seventh Uncle Was Assassinated! (I beg you guys to subscribe more!)

And not long after Wang Jin rescued Natasha, and sent Xu Jie and Natasha away in other countries.

Kade already knew about Natasha being rescued.

When Kad led his people to the scene, what he saw was a scene of ruins and a terrible scene, and he was out of breath.

"Trash, everything is trash!"

Kade was furious, his fists pinched his joints resounding, and he gritted his teeth. He didn't even need to think that it must be Xu Jie who rescued Natasha, because Natasha was originally a dispensable person, except for Xu Jie. Except for the unusual meaning, it has no value to other people at all, and there is no need to spend so much effort to rescue it.

"Colonel, what shall we do next?"

Those who can come here with Kade are all Kade's confidantes, and they all know Kade's secret identity.

It is precisely because they know Kade's identity behind the scenes that they know how important Natasha is to Kade.

With Natasha in hand, Xu Jie will be wary of the rats. Sooner or later, the nuclear warhead will fall into their hands, but now that Natasha has been rescued, Xu Jie will not have so much fear.

There is no need to trade nuclear bombs with them anymore. There are a lot of organizations in the world that want nuclear bombs. As long as there are nuclear warheads in hand, buyers can always be found. This is a business that does not lack buyers.

"Do you want me to teach you how to do it? Doesn't Xu Jie still have a father in the hospital and a younger sister? Since he wants to hide, then I will force him out! Get rid of Xu Jie's father for me , tied up his sister, I don't believe that Xu Jie can still hold his breath!"

At this time, Kade was so ferocious that he could eat people, and he was so angry that he had already resorted to all means. He just wanted to use this incident to force Xu Jie, the mouse, out, because he was no longer interested in playing cat and mouse with Xu Jie. game.

"Yes, Colonel!"

Several confidantes looked at each other, knowing that Kade, who had made this decision, was already impatient, and immediately did not dare to touch Kade's brow at this time, but obeyed Kade's order.

Afterwards, these confidantes rushed to Xu Jie's hometown with people, found Xu Jie's father in a local hospital, and killed several subordinates who looked at Xu Jie's father. He strangled Xu Jie's father to death on the bed, and died with regret.

Xu Jie's father, Seventh Uncle!

It is still very prestigious in the local area, and there is also a huge club under his hands. In the past, when Uncle Qi was there, the life of the club was very good, but after Uncle Qi fell ill and fell ill in the hospital, the club was in chaos, and the life was not good. It's already going downhill, Xu Jie is away all year round, no one is in charge of the overall situation, and the life of the club is getting worse day by day.

But a skinny camel is bigger than a horse!

Seventh Uncle was killed in the hospital, which still caused a huge sensation in the local area, and was even broadcast on the TV news.

The society was full of ups and downs, and everyone clamored to avenge Qi Shu, but whether they really wanted to avenge Qi Shu, or they wanted to get the boss position in the name of revenge for Qi Shu, then I don't know.

Therefore, when Wang Jin heard the news from the TV news, his heart was shaken. He only paid attention to the safety of Annie and Xu Jie, but subconsciously forgot that Xu Jie still had a father in the hospital.

It can't be said that Wang Jin forgot, it can only be said that Wang Jin had a lot of things in the past two days, and he didn't pay much attention to it. He didn't expect that the scene that happened in the movie plot still happened.

Crazy Kade, this time without Jia Kui taking the blame, still unscrupulously attacking an old man lying in the hospital, it is really cruel.

Fortunately, Wang Jin had already sent Xu Jie and Natasha away at this time. Presumably, the two of them would try their best to be careful on the way to escape, not using various electronic products to ensure their own safety, but they would not be able to accept them in this way. to any news.

Otherwise, with Xu Jie's temperament, after knowing that his father was killed, he would never leave without revenge.

At this time, Wang Jin was also thankful that he sent his uncle Xu Jie away early. If he had heard the news later, his uncle Xu Jie would definitely not leave easily.

However, Xu Jie can hide it from the past, because no one knows Xu Jie's contact method, but it can't work on Annie's side. Someone will definitely contact Annie. Instead of waiting for Seventh Uncle's men to call, it is better for Wang Jin himself Call, but also some comfort.

Uncle Seven's mourning hall is being decorated!

Wang Jin rushed to Qishu's mourning hall, and at the same time made a phone call to Xixili, who was far away in Xiangjiang.

The phone was connected, and a thin voice rang from the other end.

"Hey! Who"

"it's me!"

"What's the matter?"

The fine-grained voice was as calm as possible, but Wang Jin still heard a trill from it.

"You know it all?"

Wang Jin was silent for a while before speaking.

"Can I not know? You sent her to Xiangjiang! I'm not a fool!"

The voice was thin and grainy, with that kind of faint crying, but he couldn't cry out.

"We'll talk about our affairs when I go back. I need to find Anne for some urgent matters. Is she there?"

"Beside me, wait, I'll let her answer the phone!"

Xi Xili is not an ignorant woman, Wang Jin must have something important to do, otherwise she would not call back at such a sensitive moment, so Xi Xili handed the phone to Annie who was beside her.

Soon, Annie's familiar voice came from the phone.

"Annie, you have to be mentally prepared! I have something to tell you!"

Wang Jin's tone sounded very serious and heavy, which was obviously not a good thing. Annie was startled, but she took a deep breath and continued.

"What's the matter? Tell me! I'm prepared!"

"Uncle Qi was killed!"


Wang Jin then heard the sound of something falling to the ground on the phone, and then the 890 voice of panic and asking for help. Wang Jin was also in a hurry, but no one answered the phone no matter how he called.

Ten minutes later, Anne's voice reappeared on the other end of the phone, but it sounded a bit hoarse.

"How did my dad die! I'll be right back!"

"You are not allowed to come back. Seventh Uncle was assassinated by someone. The purpose is to force you and your brother to come out. At this time, you will add trouble when you come back. I want you to help me prove my identity. I will let Seventh Uncle stay in the coffin for seven days. , and then use these seven days to avenge Uncle Qi, and when I solve all the troubles, you are coming back!"

Wang Jin's tone sounded unquestionable and full of majesty. This was the first time Annie saw Wang Jin's behavior like this, and she immediately accepted Wang Jin's arrangement obediently. No matter how useful it is, it will distract Wang Jin instead.

"Then pay more attention to safety. When you arrive, call me and I will prove your identity!"

On the phone, Annie said this, but her voice sounded a little heavy and tired. After all, such a big incident happened at home, and her daughter was not there, which made it unreasonable, but since Wang Jin arranged everything over there, she also She let go of her worries a little bit, and she fully trusted Wang Jin. After all, this is a man who dares to fight a great white shark in the water. Needless to say, his wisdom and bravery.

Soon, Wang Jin drove to Seventh Uncle's mourning hall. At this time, the mourning hall was still being arranged, and Qishu's body was still under investigation in the police station, but he had not been brought back.

Chapter 270 Stopping the Coffin for Seven Days, Kade Worships to Heaven! (I beg you guys to subscribe more!)


Seeing a strange young man walk into Seventh Uncle's mourning hall, a leader came out of the crowd in the mourning hall that was being arranged, and asked Wang Jin.

"Your own person, you'll know as soon as you answer the phone!"

As he said that, Wang Jin handed the connected phone to the person. The person was a little suspicious of Wang Jin's identity, but he took the phone and answered it. The voice on the phone was very familiar to him. The lady's voice.

Soon, this person confirmed Wang Jin's identity from Annie's mouth.

After hanging up the phone, he looked at Wang Jin with a hint of respect, and after handing the phone to Wang Jin, he shouted respectfully.

"Hello, uncle!"

Then he waved to many people in the mourning hall.

"Come over here, come to see my uncle, this is the husband-in-law of the eldest lady!"

In an instant, many people who were setting up the mourning hall in the lobby all flocked to greet Wang Jin.

"Hello, uncle!"

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