In a school, there are many people who cannot be offended, but the principal is the one who cannot be offended, because the principal has the power to expel a person at any time.

After making a phone call to confirm, the security guard immediately put on another face. If he was just lukewarm just now, he now has a flattering smile.

Just because, the principal said on the phone, the opposite is a top student who graduated from a world-renowned university, and he must not offend, and then the security guard just like this.

"Mr. Wang, please! I have confirmed with the principal that he has indeed received such an application call. Would you like me to guide you to the principal's office?"

The security guard's posture was very low, and he even said to Wang Jin in a flattering manner.

"Thank you, you just need to tell me where the principal's office is! I'll go by myself!"

Wang Jin smiled slightly, and politely rejected the security guard's courteousness. Seeing that Wang Jin didn't need him, the security guard immediately pointed out the location of the principal's office to Wang Jin. Wang Jin nodded, and then took out the A pack of unopened cigarettes was thrown to the security guard.

"Trouble you, brother! This is definitely a good cigarette, take it and smoke it! This is something that Xiangjiang doesn't even have!"

The security guard took the cigarette thrown by Wang Jin, looked at the gorgeous packaging of the shell, and indeed had never seen the same type of cigarette in Xiangjiang, and it might even be a high-end cigarette, and immediately said to Wang Jin with a beaming smile.

"Thank you, Mr. Wang!"

"You're welcome!"

After saying this, Wang Jin walked into the campus leisurely and headed for the principal's office. After Wang Jin left, several security guards from the security room immediately surrounded him and asked.

"We didn't seem to have seen the cigarettes that Mr. Wang gave you just now, so hurry up and take a look, brothers!"

"That is, if there is something good, you can share it!"

"Yes, you must never eat alone!"

I saw a few colleagues staring at my pockets like wolves. The security guard who was smoked by Wang Jin just now knew his own cigarettes. He took it out of his pocket, but he repeatedly stated.

"I can only smoke one!"

When the security guard took out the cigarette, the other security guards were immediately attracted by the exquisite packaging of the cigarette. The exquisite illustrations on it were not what cigarettes of this era could produce. This is definitely a very high-end smoke.

At the same time, those security guards were not in Xiangjiang. They had seen such exquisite cigarettes, but they were a little reluctant to have 890 dismantled.

However, the security guard who was smoked by Wang Jin was not a stingy person. He opened the cigarette case, distributed one to everyone, and asked everyone to light it.

All of a sudden, the security room was puffing out clouds and mist, filled with the aroma of tobacco.

"This cigarette is so damn easy to smoke. It's the best cigarette I've ever smoked in my life!"

"That's right, smoking this cigarette! It makes me feel that the cigarettes I smoked before are all rubbish!"

"That's right, Mr. Wang just said that this is definitely a good cigarette, and it's something that Xiangjiang doesn't have!"

Hearing this, the security guard who was smoked by Wang Jin suddenly said triumphantly.

"Hey, it means you are lucky, you are the one who went to meet Mr. Wang. If we go to meet him, it must be a pack of cigarettes. No, you must give us at least one cigarette, uh! No, it is two. !"

"Yes, there are no two. Don't try to send us away. If you give me three, I will introduce my cousin to you! Didn't you always covet and want to know?"

At this time, Wang Jin didn't know at all, because he gave out a pack of cigarettes, and the entire security room had a lot of follow-up incidents because of this, because at this time, he had already arrived at the principal's office and rang the office button. Door.

Chapter 270 The Sixth Distinguished Teacher! (I beg you guys to subscribe more!)

"Please come in!"

In the office, a middle-aged man's voice sounded, and then Wang Jin pushed the door open and walked in.

The middle-aged man who was sitting behind the desk, who was grading test papers or something, subconsciously raised his head when he heard the movement at the door, and when he saw Wang Jin, he immediately put down his pen and smiled. He stood up and said to Wang Jin.

"Yes, Mr. Wang, is it?"

"Yes!" Wang Jin nodded.

"Mr. Wang, please sit down! What do you want to drink, coffee or tea?"

After seeing Wang Jin, the principal was more polite than Wang Jin imagined.

Inner skirt: ⒉⒉0⑤23①49

"Coffee! Thanks!"

Wang Jin took advantage of the opportunity and sat on the chair opposite the principal. After a while, a cup of hot coffee was brought to Wang Jin. The principal said apologetically.

"Mr. Wang, don't mind, poor hospitality, not good coffee, maybe you are not used to drinking it!"

"It's okay, the principal doesn't have to be so polite!"

Wang Jin immediately waved his hand to signal the principal not to be so polite. Although he likes to drink coffee, he just likes the taste of coffee, which can refresh his mind. Wang Jin could drink the weird coffee.

"Mr. Wang is a talented student who graduated from a world-renowned university. Logically speaking, he would never have to worry about finding a job anywhere. Why did he think of our school to apply for a job?"

The principal sat back in his seat, and started to get down to business with a smile on his face, but his words were very kind, not at all like an interviewer, but rather like chatting with an old friend.

"Because I graduated from a world-renowned university, after I returned to Xiangjiang and saw the current situation of Xiangjiang, I wanted to train our students in Xiangjiang to be cutting-edge talents and let them experience the customs of all parts of the world. Human kindness, learning more and more useful knowledge can make our Xiangjiang develop faster! After all, Xiangjiang cannot develop without all kinds of talents~”! "

The principal asked this question because he wanted to hear Wang Jin's philosophy of teaching and educating people, that is, bragging. This is Wang Jin's strong point, and the reason is almost at his fingertips.

"Mr. Wang's philosophy is indeed exactly the same as that of our Edinburgh Middle School! I read Mr. Wang's information. Mr. Wang graduated from the Department of Languages ​​and is proficient in multiple languages. It can be said that he is a hotpot. It is an honor for our school that Mr. Wang can come to our school, but our school does not specially arrange language courses, which may conflict with Mr. Wang's job, right?"

The principal had some conflicts. He naturally wanted to keep talents like Wang Jin, but the school did not offer special language courses. How to arrange Wang Jin was really a headache for him.

"Principal, you can just look at the arrangement. If it's just a middle school, you can come to any of my subjects if you want!"

Wang Jin is not praying for any good job arrangement now, he just wants to get into Edinburgh Middle School first, refresh the plot sign-in task and talk about it, as for the future, let's talk about it later!

"Hey, how can I do that! How can I arrange a high-achieving student like Mr. Wang casually? This is not acceptable. Let's do this! I will hire Mr. Wang as a special teacher in our school. I will ask Mr. Wang to lead the class. After I discuss with the shareholders of the school, I will see if I can open a language course. After all, those who can come to our Edinburgh middle school are not from poor families, and their parents are full of love for them. I hope that they will go abroad for further study in the future, and now that they have some exposure to the language, they will be able to adapt to the local environment faster when they go abroad, what does Mr. Wang think?"

The principal asked Wang Jin for his opinion. In order to keep Wang Jin, he had already done the best he could for this arrangement. Even if he was the principal, he didn't just do whatever he wanted in the school. They check and balance.

"Principal, Zhou Xiang is very considerate, I have no objection!"

Wang Jin's purpose is to get into Edinburgh High School. As for the position, Wang Jin really doesn't care about it. The power is great, can it be greater than his position in oji?

"Since Mr. Wang has no objections, you are welcome to join our Edinburgh Middle School! Uh, no, you should be called Teacher Wang now!"

After speaking, the principal stood up, shook hands with Wang Jin, and welcomed Wang Jin to join.

"Thank you, principal! Can I go to work now?"

Wang Jin let go of the principal's hand and asked the principal.

"¨Oh, no problem, I'll let someone take you to familiarize yourself with the school environment and the office!"

The principal reacted immediately, called his female secretary, and then asked the secretary to take Wang Jin to familiarize himself with the school, and then took Wang Jin to the teacher's office.

The principal's female secretary is also young and beautiful, but seeing Wang Jin's handsomeness, she couldn't take her eyes off her eyes. She shyly walked Wang Jin around the campus, and took the opportunity to ask Wang Jin if she had a girlfriend and where she was before. of.

Naturally, Wang Jin is not sensitive to this kind of principal's secretary. Who knows if this sexy female secretary is under the principal's control, and Wang Jin has no interest in this kind of woman who already looks like a broken shoe.

Could it be that the fine grains and Anne are not fragrant?

Even if Annie is not here, Wang Jin is not a man who lacks women. Le Huizhen, Yazi, Wang Jin, which one can't develop?


Even if it's bad, isn't there another goddess He Min in this school?

That's ten thousand times stronger than this female secretary.

Therefore, Wang Jin's question to the female secretary was just perfunctory. Now the female secretary also saw that Wang Jin was not interested in herself, and she was not warm-hearted. After introducing the school environment to Wang Jin, she will Wang Jin took him to the teacher's office where he will work next.

Afterwards, Wang Jin didn't care about it, and left with a rattle on his high heels.

Wang Jin touched his nose with a wry smile. The woman in front of him was too realistic. She was so passionate just now, but now she was as cold as ice. It was comparable to the face-changing skills of Sichuan opera. Wang Jin had a good understanding of what is the reality of a woman. .

Standing at the door of the office, Wang Jin heard voices talking in the office, and the door was open, so he walked in.

Chapter 270 Seven He Min's Anxiety and Anticipation! (I beg you guys to subscribe more!)

Boom boom boom!

Wang Jin walked into the office, knocked on the door of the office a few times, saw several teachers who were talking, looked at him, and Wang Jin greeted everyone.

"Hello, teachers. I am the new specially-appointed teacher of the school, Wang Jin! I will be working with you in the future. I hope you can give me your advice!"

"Specially hired teacher? Does our school have this occupation?"

A guy who is obviously a physical education teacher, wearing a relatively close-fitting sportswear, with muscle bumps all over his body, a fleshy face, and a whistle hanging on his chest, expresses doubts about the position of a specially-appointed teacher.

"Oh, people say that they are specially hired teachers, so they must be! If you didn't have it before, it doesn't mean you won't have it in the future! You are so lenient, everyone will work together in the future, and they still have to lie to you?"

A woman who looks very similar to Sister Shiliu hastily stood up to smooth things over for Wang Jin, leaning towards Wang Jin while talking, wondering if she wanted to eat Wang Jin's tofu, or what to do, almost let Wang Jin subconscious back.

Because, in Wang Jin's mind, the impression of Sister Shiliu was really deep.

That kind of ugliness is so shocking that Wang Jin can't get rid of it. As for why it is Sister Pomegranate, Wang Jin really can't remember the name of this woman. The moment he saw this woman, his reaction was Sister Pomegranate.

In the previous life, when watching movies, Sister Pomegranate was Wang Jin's nightmare 907. Originally, in Wang Jin's eyes, Qiuxiang was not so beautiful, but after comparing with Sister Pomegranate, she was simply beautiful.

Therefore, Wang Jin was extremely impressed with Sister Pomegranate. Although the woman in front of him was not as ugly as Sister Pomegranate, she could not even be considered ugly, but her preconceived notions were at work, and Wang Jin still couldn't change it for a while.

Fortunately, this Miss Pomegranate did not go too far, she just came over to shake Wang Jin's hand.

"Welcome, Mr. Wang. I'm Mr. Liang who teaches geography. The one who taught physical education just now is Mr. Wu. He's a bit shy. If you have anything to say, don't mind!"

Teacher Liang, who was wearing black-rimmed glasses, smiled at Wang Jin, which was not ugly, but Wang Jin suddenly thought of Sister Pomegranate's terrifying smile, shivered subconsciously, and said hastily.

"It's okay, (ceei) Teacher Liang, I don't mind, I don't mind!"

"It seems that Mr. Wang is still very easy-going! Then let me introduce you to my colleagues. Mr. Wu just now knows. The one over there is Mr. Cai who teaches Chinese, and Mr. Qian who teaches English. There is a Teacher He who is not here, and when she comes, I will introduce you! Opposite Teacher He, there is an empty seat, if you don't mind, you can sit opposite Teacher He!"

After Mr. Liang introduced all the teachers to Wang Jin, he helped Wang Jin arrange a seat. Wang Jin looked at Mr. He's seat, and there were very feminine things, such as a pink pen holder, a very cute one. The pink piggy is hand-made, and there are several very emotional poetry collections.

If Wang Jin guessed correctly, this Teacher He is probably He Min. If he could sit opposite He Min who is a goddess, Wang Jin would naturally not refuse.

"Okay, then I'll sit opposite Mr. He!"

As he said that, Wang Jin walked towards the empty table opposite He Min, and sat down. His desk was not empty, but there were a lot of books and test papers. Wang Jin flipped through it a little. , Anyway, I was idle, so I took He Min's red pen and finished marking all the test papers, then got up and walked out of the office, ready to stroll around the campus and smoke a cigarette or something.

After all, if there are too many people smoking in the office, the impact is not very good.

And just after Wang Jin walked out of the office, He Min came back from get out of class not long after.

As soon as He Min entered the office, Mr. Liang, who was gossip, dragged a stool, moved to He Min's side, and whispered to her.

"Mr. He, today we have a new specially-appointed teacher, Mr. Wang, do you know?"

He Min who just sat down was also very surprised when he heard the news.

"I haven't heard of it either! I haven't heard any rumors! How could there be a specially-appointed teacher? And what does he, a specially-appointed teacher, teach?"

He Min also asked curiously when he heard the title of specially-appointed teacher.

"I don't know, Teacher Wang didn't say anything just now, but this Teacher Wang is really handsome, gentle, and has an outstanding temperament. He is definitely your favorite. Now he is sitting across from you. You have to seize the opportunity!"

Teacher Liang winked at He Min for a while. She and He Min have known each other for a long time, so she naturally knows He Min's preferences in choosing a spouse. Wang Jin is definitely the one He Min likes just because of his appearance.

"Die you! This is a school, so you can't pay attention to the influence. Besides, I already have a boyfriend, you know!"

Hearing what Teacher Liang said, He Min lowered her head and looked around with a guilty conscience. Seeing that the teachers didn't pay attention to them, she immediately twisted Teacher Liang's waist lightly, slightly annoyed. Said.

That kind of goddess-level unique style is gone in a flash, but unfortunately no one can see it, otherwise it will definitely make many men fascinated.

Teacher Liang was the only one who really saw this style, but as a woman, she was basically immune to this style.

"I said your boyfriend, what's so good, he's just a bad guy, and he looks like a vicious person. He doesn't look like a good person at first glance. As someone who has experienced it, I advise you to stay away from him! This kind of person Those who are not suitable for our teacher are not from a world!"

Teacher Liang obviously didn't feel very good about He Min's boyfriend. At this time, he still didn't forget to be by He Min's side and put on shoes for her boyfriend.

"Is he okay! In fact, he is still very good to me!" He Min responded with a forced smile.

In fact, in He Min's heart, she doesn't like her current boyfriend very much either. He has a strong desire for control, which makes He Min feel uncomfortable in many places. He Min's parents were very satisfied, so they kept whispering in He Min's ear, and He Min, who had a gentle temperament, gave him a chance to get along.

If there were no other people, it is possible that He Min, who is gentle and gentle, would follow his parents' advice and marry his current boyfriend, but after hearing what Teacher Liang said, He Min was a little calm at first. For some reason, she also wanted to meet this newcomer who was praised by Teacher Liang, whether he was really as good as Teacher Liang said.

Or, it is the handsome image in my mind.

After all, for every girl, who doesn't want her boyfriend to be handsome and chic, or the one she likes!

Even though it is wrong to know that she has a boyfriend, but for some reason in He Min's heart, she is both a little apprehensive and slightly looking forward to it! .

Chapter 270: One-on-One or Group Fight, It's Your Choice! (I beg you guys to subscribe more!)

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