However, after waiting for a while, the injury report they received made their eyes pop out.

A group of people gathered around the injury test report, staring at each other with big eyes, because at the end of the injury test report, two large characters were clearly written, no injury!

"How is this possible? We were beaten so painfully that I burst into tears and almost passed out. How could there be no injuries on my body? I don't believe it. This must be a quack doctor. Let's go to him to settle the score!"

When Zhuang Ni saw the injury report, he couldn't believe it immediately. After carefully confirming that there was no injury in the verification report, Zhuang Ni suddenly became angry. If they can't be tested, what kind of doctor is there?

"Yes, don't talk about Zhuang Ni, even we can't stand the pain, how could we not be injured, go to this quack doctor to settle accounts!"

"A quack doctor dares to treat people openly in the hospital. It's lawless. Fortunately, we found out. If he sees a person dead, it's okay!"

"That's right, we must expose the true face of this quack doctor. We all go to find this quack doctor, and then find someone to call the director to witness. How can this quack doctor still stay in the hospital? We must let him go!"

All of a sudden, these little kids were excited, and those who could go to a famous Hong Kong school like Edinburgh Secondary School, and their family conditions were not too bad, so they knew more and experienced more than ordinary students.

Being cheated by such a quack doctor, they naturally want to find their way back.

Soon, after Zhuang Ni asked one of his students to go to the dean, he led a group of people into the doctor's office who had just checked his injuries aggressively.

Zhuang Ni didn't even knock on the door, he just kicked open the office door and broke in.

The doctor sitting in the office suddenly heard a loud noise, and was startled immediately. He stood up from the stool in shock. After seeing that it was Zhuang Ni and others, the doctor questioned angrily. Johnny and the others said.

"What are you doing? Don't you know that it's very rude to break into other people's offices? Are you educated to do this?"

Immediately, Johnny sneered.

"Only you are worthy, talk about upbringing, you quack doctor, you can't even check a wound, what qualifications do you have to talk about upbringing!"

As he said that, Zhuang Ni threw the injury report on the doctor's face all of a sudden. The doctor was completely enraged and even swears.

"Fart, who are you calling a quack doctor? You are the quack doctor. Your whole family is a quack doctor. I am a top student who graduated from a regular medical school. I have more than ten years of clinical experience. How could I be a quack doctor? Don't swear!"

"I have more than ten years of clinical experience. I think it's all deceptive experience! We were obviously beaten, but you actually gave us a conclusion that there was no injury. You said that you are not a quack doctor, who is a quack doctor?" !"

Zhuang Ni didn't care about these things, he just identified the doctor who examined his injuries in front of him, he was a quack doctor, so how could he not know if he had been beaten himself?

"Everyone, everyone, don't argue, don't argue! I am the director of the hospital, let me say a few words!"

Just as Zhuang Ni and the doctor were arguing fiercely, the director of the hospital who was pulled over immediately became a peacemaker.

Seeing the director of the hospital coming, both sides calmed down a little and gave 907 some face.

"Guys, Dr. Sun is an outstanding doctor here. Over the years, he has never had any problems. I believe in Dr. Sun's medical skills and ethics, but now you don't believe him, or I think so, this time How about letting me, the dean, personally examine your injuries?"

When the dean came, he didn't favor any side, but made the most reasonable solution.

As soon as Zhuang Ni heard that he was doing an injury check, this time the dean would take action, so he thought there should be no problem, so he reluctantly agreed.

"Then do as the dean tells you!"

Soon, under the arrangement of the director of the hospital, Zhuang Ni took a group of students behind him and waited for the injury test one by one. When the director of the hospital handed him the report of the injury test, he I was dumbfounded immediately, because there was no difference between this report and the previous report, except for the time difference, everything else was almost exactly the same!

"Dean, are you sure you didn't take the wrong report?" Zhuang Ni questioned the dean.

"How could it be possible to take it wrong? I watched it myself, and I brought it for you almost as soon as it came out! I'm so old, how can I still lie to you!"

The dean immediately said dissatisfied that he was naturally very angry when a child questioned his level.

Chapter 280 The most beautiful teacher, He Min! (I beg you guys to subscribe more!)

"It's impossible, it's impossible! I was beaten so badly, how could I not be injured? I don't believe it, I absolutely don't believe it!"

Facing the second injury report that was almost identical, Zhuang Ni broke down and tore it up.

If facing the first injury report, Zhuang Ni still suspected that it was fake and caused by quack doctors, then this second report is almost exactly the same, and it comes from two people, even if it is fake, it will not be exactly the same. !

At this time, Zhuang Ni remembered what Wang Jin had said again, and suddenly believed that the medical report was true.

Since at that time, Wang Jin said it so confidently that even the injury test could not find it out, it is obvious that Wang Jin must have a certain degree of certainty at that time, so he dared to say such a thing.

Now, the two identical injury test reports are also proving that what Wang Jin said at the time was not bragging, but that Wang Jin was really awesome.

This frightened Johnny a bit!

Can such a guy really be dealt with by him?

You must know that he doesn't even understand what Wang Jin's method is now!

With such thoughts in mind, Zhuang Ni left the hospital with a group of students under his command in a daze.

Since the injury test was unsuccessful, it meant that the goal of making Wang Jin look good was not achieved.

If you want to overthrow Wang Jin, you can only start from other aspects.

It's just that, for the time being, Zhuang Ni doesn't have any good ways to scold him, but he has thought about letting his elder brother Da Fei help him out, but thinking about it, it would be too embarrassing to tell this matter, so he put this The thought was silently suppressed in the bottom of my heart.

The next day, Zhuang Ni, the leader, acted as if nothing had happened, and didn't bring up this matter, so the others naturally wouldn't mention it, so they came to touch Zhuang Ni's brow.

This incident seems to have passed so peacefully, no one is mentioning this incident, as if this incident has never happened, but some things happen, they happen, and it is never possible to pretend that they never happened. It exploded only because there was no proper opportunity.

Once there is a suitable opportunity, this matter will definitely explode.

However, Wang Jin expressed that he has nothing to fear, he will deal with one as soon as he comes, and deal with another pair as soon as he comes, until he is convinced.

Just when the turmoil of this incident passed a little bit.

Outside the school, another troublemaker came, Zhou Xingxing!

At this time, Zhou Xingxing had a gorgeous hair combed. He was obviously in his twenties, but he was still pretending to be young, wearing the school uniform of Edinburgh Middle School and carrying a schoolbag.

Originally, going to school is a very serious matter, but when it comes to Zhou Xingxing, there is an indescribably funny feeling.

Zhou Xingxing, who entered the school, was yawning and listless, followed behind the dean of students, listening to the dean of students talking about the glorious history of Edinburgh Secondary School, he almost fell asleep listening to it, and he didn't want to pretend to be a student , but there is no other way, the upper leadership strongly ordered him to do so.

Between being a traffic policeman and the strong hint of promotion, Zhou Xingxing still chooses the path of promotion from the bottom of his heart, to help his boss find his lost gun of kindness.

"Hey, this classmate! I don't care about the relationship between you and the school manager, and how you got in, but as long as I'm here, you have to abide by the school's rules, or I will expel you, understand ~"? "

The dean of students asked loudly.

"Yes, sir!"

Upon hearing this, Zhou Xingxing, who had already formed an instinct, subconsciously stood up straight and saluted. Then he remembered that he was here as an undercover agent and should not reveal his identity, so he immediately changed his posture abruptly.

Although the dean of training was a little confused by Zhou Xingxing, he was still very satisfied.

"Well, I am very satisfied with your answer. Although we are a school here, following the rules is the top priority. Follow me later, and I will take you to your class."

After saying this, the Dean of Students brought Zhou Xingxing to his new class, and like the original plot, Zhou Xingxing still joined Zhuang Ni and Huang Xiaogui's class, and sat beside Huang Xiaogui.

He started his painful school career. In the eyes of Zhou Xingxing at this stage, going to school is simply a more terrifying thing than squatting in a kiln.

And Wang Jin, who just came to choose to go to work, didn't know that Zhou Xingxing had already entered the school. At this time, he was bringing breakfast into his office.

However, when Wang Jin entered the office, the huge office seemed empty, and all the teachers were gone, obviously they all went to class.

There is only one position occupied, and that is the position opposite Wang Jin, that is, He Min's position.

Seeing a figure opposite his desk, Wang Jin subconsciously sized him up.

He Min's face is exquisite and delicate, with rosy skin, wearing gold-rimmed glasses, wearing a white shirt inside, showing off her slim and graceful figure, and wearing a light-colored coat outside, which looks both A bit elegant and quiet, but also a bit heroic, charming and intellectual.

Originally, these temperaments were very contradictory when blended together, but in He Min's body, they blended together just right, not only did not make people feel abrupt, but gave people a feeling of being just right and natural !

Although Wang Jin (Nuo's Zhao) has seen quite a few beauties to this day, He Min is really the only one who can combine so many temperaments into one body.

Whether it is Le Huizhen's sexy, Yazi's heroic spirit, fine-grained charm, Annie's frankness, although they each have their own unique temperament, compared with He Min, they can't be said to be inferior. It is said that in terms of temperament, it is not so sensitive and complex.

And when Wang Jin was looking at He Min, He Min seemed to have noticed a gaze, and immediately looked up towards the door of the office, just in time to see Wang Jin who entered the office with breakfast.

Seeing this, He Min blushed and quickly lowered her head, her eyes dodged a little, because she found that her heartbeat accelerated the moment she saw Wang Jin, and Wang Jin was almost faster than Teacher Liang said. The ones are even more handsome, really the type she likes!call.

Chapter 280 Two: Zhou Xingxing in dire straits! (I beg you guys to subscribe more!)

"You are Teacher He Min! Hello, I heard Teacher Liang talk about you! It's just that you were away yesterday, so it's a pity that I didn't see you. I didn't expect Teacher He to be so beautiful, she is so beautiful!"

Seeing that He Min was shy and embarrassed to speak, Wang Jin walked over immediately, and spoke first with a smile.

"Where is it! Teacher Wang, you praise me too much, and I am also very ordinary, not as good as you said!"

Hearing Wang Jin's praise, He Min's face, which was originally rosy, became even more ruddy, almost as gorgeous as peaches and plums, and his head drooped even more, feeling extremely embarrassed.

Seeing He Min like this, Wang Jin also knew that too much was too much, so he didn't continue to praise He Min, lest He Min was too shy to die.

Next, the relationship between the two quickly became acquainted. Like friends, they chatted about some interesting things. Wang Jin is a man who has been influenced by the era of information explosion. All kinds of interesting anecdotes and jokes made He Min amuse The smile is like a flower.

Unknowingly, He Min has regarded Wang Jin as a more familiar friend than ordinary colleagues.

After hearing that Wang Jin was a returnee, He Min, who had never been abroad, couldn't help being very curious about foreign countries and asked what it was like abroad.

Wang 907 Jin doesn't have much experience of going abroad in this world, but he is also a man who has been abroad at any rate. This small problem is naturally not difficult for Wang Jin. Min said something.

Wang Jin and He Min were having a lively chat in the office, but Zhou Xingxing, who had just arrived at school, was in dire straits.

He had just been brought into the class by the dean, and it happened to be Teacher Liang's geography class.

Don't look at Teacher Liang who is not bad at ordinary times, but after class, he is in a completely different state, she is simply a female devil.

Not only harsh, but cruel and ruthless!

Zhou Xingxing, who just sat in the seat and listened to the class like a bible, just fell into a dream.

A chalk eraser!


It hit Zhou Xingxing's face all at once, Zhou Xingxing was subconsciously awakened from his dream, jumped up all of a sudden, and shouted sharply.

"Who dares to attack the police? Put your head in your hands and lean against the wall, or I will shoot you!"

Zhou Xingxing, who was a little sleepy, was not fully awake at this time, and subconsciously made a gesture of drawing his gun, but there was nothing on his waist except the waistband of his trousers.

When Zhou Xingxing came to his senses and saw the surrounding environment clearly, he realized that his current identity was no longer a police officer, but an undercover student.

"Assaulting the police, assaulting the police, attacking the police! Did your parents give you the money to come to school to sleep? I think you fell asleep and fell asleep! Just like you, I think it's difficult for a poor tester , and attacked the police!"

An angry Teacher Liang came to Zhou Xingxing, pointed at Zhou Xingxing and cursed.

At this time, because Zhou Xingxing was concerned about his identity, he naturally didn't dare to speak back, so he could only listen to Teacher Liang's scolding and scolding.

Fortunately, Mr. Liang soon stopped by cursing himself with dry mouth.

Seeing Zhou Xingxing lowered his head and kept silent, with a more sincere attitude of admitting his mistakes, Teacher Liang's anger disappeared immediately, and he gave Zhou Xingxing instructions.

"Wipe my chalk and take it to the front, and see if you dare to sleep in class in the future!"

On the side, many students were watching Zhou Xingxing's good show, secretly smiling, very happy.

Many of them have experienced such a scene, so seeing the newcomer Zhou Xingxing being unlucky now, they are naturally as refreshed as if they had eaten ice cream in summer!

One second, two seconds, three seconds!

Zhou Xingxing didn't move, and the atmosphere was a bit cold for a while. Teacher Liang was also a little embarrassed, and immediately poked Zhou Xingxing's head and said.

"Did you not hear what I said, or I can't command you anymore! I asked you to wipe the chalk and take it to the front, didn't you hear?"


Zhou Shengsheng immediately responded. At this time, he had reached the limit of his patience. He unconsciously clenched the chalk eraser in his hand, and the veins on his hand were exposed. He almost wanted to hit someone!

But thinking of the tasks on his body, Zhou Xingxing endured it again. He didn't want to (ceei) be expelled from school for beating someone on the first day of school just now.

Besides, he didn't have the slightest clue about the gun of kindness of his superiors, so he still needed to continue to endure the humiliation.

Thinking of this, Zhou Xingxing's body unconsciously relaxed, with a bitter smile on his face, he wiped the chalk to the podium, then returned to his seat, tidied up his clothes, and The chalk dust was wiped off his face.

As soon as he sat down, Huang Xiaogui, who was at the same table, handed Zhou Xingxing a small note. Zhou Xingxing looked at it immediately, and there were two lines written on it.

Forbearance a moment, calm, take a step back, a brighter future!

Seeing this line of words, Zhou Xingxing immediately patted Huang Xiaogui on the shoulder, nodded, and firmed his eyes.

Zhou Xingxing only thought it was a temporary humiliation, but what happened next completely shattered his dream, because even more unlucky things were yet to come.

Being thrown chalk is just a trivial matter!

In the next few classes, Zhou Xingxing tried not to sleep, but he was always in a state of wandering, but fortunately he didn't sleep, so there was no teacher to supervise him.

This also made Zhou Xingxing think that he had found a way to cope with the class, and he was very proud.

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