Zhou Jian's subordinates, Wang Jin, who was extremely sarcastic, just wanted to trick Wang Jin into the basketball court, so as to suppress Wang Jin, so that Wang Jin's impression in Xiandi's mind would be lost. Lowering, this is a strategy that Zhou Jian and others have discussed a long time ago.

And Wang Jin is not a clay figurine, even if he is a clay figurine, he still has three points of anger!

What's more, Wang Jin, the current high-ranking governor, was so provoked. If Wang Jin didn't teach them a lesson and teach them how to behave, wouldn't Wang Jin be provoked in vain?

"Come here, who is afraid of who!"

Saying that, Wang Jin stood up from the ground, and Xian Di saw Wang Jin's impulsiveness, and quickly pulled Wang Jin to persuade him.

"Don't be impulsive, they are just irritating you, don't go up and fight them, it's dangerous!"

Sandy is a little anxious. Although she knows Wang Jin's force very well, after all, Wang Jin hugged him yesterday and solved many gangsters, but she doesn't know anything about Wang Jin's basketball ability. After all, basketball is not a fight. , pays attention to the rules, and if you deal with some bad hands, Wang Jin may really have problems...

"It's okay! Don't worry!"

Wang Jin patted Xiandi's soft and boneless little hand and said, and this scene happened to be watched by Zhou Jian, and Zhou Jian, who was suddenly jealous, felt a little vicious, even he had never touched Xiandi hands!

But Wang Jin took advantage of it, how could he let it go!

After reassuring Sandy, Wang Jin walked to the edge of the basketball court and spoke to the provocative group.

"I play basketball, there is a rule! That is, there is no lottery. I never play. If you want me to play, you have to agree to my lottery!"

Since Wang Jin went up to teach them a lesson, it doesn't matter if he just wins, at least Wang Jin has to make them lose face.

"You say, what kind of lottery, we agree!"

A group of fellows had been impatiently waiting for Wang Jin to end. They didn't believe that Wang Jin could win. No matter what Wang Jin said, they would agree to it, because they all felt that Wang Jin would suffer in the end.

"Okay! Pride! What I'm talking about is, if you lose, you have to get rid of all your clothes, and run around the entire Central Ring Road, in the busiest and busiest shopping malls!"

As soon as Wang Jin's Caitou said, these guys are a little scared, this is to take off all the clothes of 4.8 and run around the busiest Central area. If you agree, I'm afraid it will become the headlines the next day .

Even their family members would lose face along with them. Even if they had the confidence to win Wang Jin at this moment, they were completely stunned by Wang Jin's ruthless prize.

For a while, I don't know what to do!

"Lan Tian" 456348770

But Zhou Jian, who has already been burned by jealousy and dazzled, will not admit it, because he feels that he will never lose. Since childhood, he has been an official member of the school team, and even the main force. How could it be possible? Coward a layman like Wang Jin.

With the signal from Zhou Jian's eyes, the others immediately unified their voices and said to Wang Jin in unison.

"Okay, we agree! I will do as you say! If you lose, you will do as the lottery!".

Chapter 310 Nightmare! ([-]) (I beg you guys to subscribe more!)

"No problem, not to mention the circle around Central, even the circle around Xiangjiang, it's okay! The question is, do you dare?"

Wang Jin smiled sarcastically, and said bluntly, since he wanted to slap the face, he had to slap the most painful, ruthless, and most extreme face. The person who slapped the other party had lost all his teeth, so he had to swallow it in his stomach.

"Why don't you dare! As long as you dare, we will accompany you to the end!"

Several of Zhou Jian's subordinates also gained confidence under Zhou Jian's signal, and were ready to fight Wang Jin to the end.

"Then how do you want to play? Since I set the lottery, and I don't take advantage of you, it's up to you to decide how to play it!"

In fact, Wang Jin doesn't care how to play, with his current terrifying physical fitness, even if it is a one-on-five, it is the same as playing.

Just because he doesn't want to play doesn't mean that Wang Jin's strength is also poor.

Basketball is also a matter of talent, just like in Wang Jin’s previous life, a certain player code-named Shark had a super physique like a prehistoric monster before entering the basketball league. Relying on 24's superhuman physique, he managed to wreak havoc on the entire basketball league.

Whatever you want, no one can stop you!

The alliance even developed tactics specifically for him, just to stop this terrifying shark.

It was also when he was old and unable to play that the basketball league opened a new and splendid chapter.

Therefore, Wang Jin, who has a more terrifying physique than a certain shark, is not afraid of basketball challenges at all, and he is not a basketball rookie who knows nothing. At least the most basic dribbling, slam dunk, Wang Jin is not a problem Yes, but there are two, and the opponent can be solved.

"Then how about we fight five against five? You pick five people at random, and we have five on our side!"

With Zhou Jian and his men, there were exactly five people over there, so of course they chose five against five.

"it is good!"

Wang Jin nodded and began to select candidates without any unnecessary nonsense.

Walking to Zhou Xingxing's side, Wang Jin kicked him and asked.

"Can you play basketball?"

"Of course!"

Zhou Xingxing grinned, and said with a hey smile.

Apart from training, the Flying Tigers rarely get in touch with the outside world, and they can only go outside when they are on vacation. In the days without women, they naturally have to find other ways of pastime.

Therefore, basketball, the least expensive way of pastime, is also the most favored by the Flying Tigers. In addition to being elite fighters, many members of the Flying Tigers are actually masters in other fields.

At least, Zhou Xingxing is a good player in swimming, basketball, football, and billiards, but he has never had the chance to show it off.

"Then it's you!"

Wang Jin clicked on a Zhou Xingxing, and then continued to ask other people in the class.

"There are still three positions. Is there anyone else who will play and watch the game?"

"I come!"

"And I!"

Another two tall guys stood up, one was white and the other was black. Although I don't know how good their skills are, but just their stature can bluff people even if they stand on the field, but even so, Wang Jin There is still one person missing here!

"Is there no one left?"

Wang Jin asked again, but there was really no one in the class. They were good at playing, but they might not be able to play basketball.

"Why, you don't even have enough people to get together! If there are not five people, you can be counted as losers!"

Several of Zhou Jian's subordinates, seeing that Wang Jin could not find a fifth man for a long time, immediately sneered. They naturally hoped that Wang Jin would not be able to find five men, and it would be best to just admit defeat.

"Take me one!"

Finally, Jiedi, who was on the side, couldn't stand it anymore, stood up and said to Wang Jin.

Compared to seeing Wang Jin's side surrendering directly because they couldn't get enough people, Jiedi naturally wanted to stand up and support her. What's more, her skills are not bad, but she rarely fights with men.

As for Zhou Jian's subordinates, when they saw Wang Jin here, even women came on stage, and immediately blew a hooligan whistle at Jiedi.

In terms of basketball, men are inherently better than women. This is an indisputable fact, so they look down on Wang Jin's improvised team.

But looking down on Wang Jin's improvised team doesn't mean they are unwilling to fight Wang Jin, especially whoever is facing up to Jetty will make the opponents fight over their heads.

On the basketball court, it is normal for body contact and collisions to happen. Now that they are on the court, it is not considered a profit, so they all hope to match up with Jetty. Firstly, Jetty is obviously the weakest. Come, you can justifiably profit from it, not to mention how cool it is.

In the end, they still chose the method of rock-paper-scissors, and selected a person to face Jetty, and the winner, with a cheap smile, couldn't wait to come to Jetty's side to defend Jetty.

Naturally, Wang Jin could see the other party's intentions, and came to Jetty's side, exhorting her softly.

"Get the ball later, pass it directly to me, don't get entangled with the other party, it's not worth the loss! It's best not to let him touch you!"

Jie Di nodded and took down Wang Jin's instructions, and the other party's smile really made her feel a little sick.

Soon, the competition will begin!

The two groups of Zhou Jian and Wang Jin put on the red and white jerseys that symbolize the team uniforms respectively.

Wang Jin is the white team, while Zhou Jian is the red team.

The personnel from both sides have already stood in the center of the field, ready to jump the ball.

Naturally, Wang Jin and Zhou Jian, the most powerful over there, will jump the ball.

The 920 physical education teacher stood in the middle of the basketball court as a referee. As soon as he blew his whistle, he threw the orange basketball into the air.

The next moment, Wang Jin flew into the sky like a rocket, with a fast and fierce speed. Compared with Wang Jin, Zhou Jian was like an old man with unhealthy legs, walking slowly.

Not only in terms of speed, he was crushed into slag by Wang Jin, but also in terms of height, he was directly crushed by Wang Jin's head, plus half his body, and while his body was still rising, Wang Jin even There was still Kung Fu facing Zhou Jian, erecting an internationally accepted gesture of contempt, which almost made Zhou Jian vomit blood so angry that he fell from the air.

"Oh Maiga, he can jump so high! This man is too scary, why can a yellow man jump so high! I feel like he is flying in the sky!"

"Yeah! I can't believe that there is such a person. This is simply crushing all aspects of physical fitness! The guy on the other side is too miserable!"

Those present who knew basketball were all completely shocked by the height of Wang Jin's jump. Zhou Jian's jump was not short, but compared to Wang Jin, it was really not worth mentioning. It became the background of being crushed. board, desolate and helpless.

And Xian Di, who was on the side, saw this scene, and immediately saw countless little stars, jumped up and cheered for Wang Jin!

"Yeah! That's great! Come on, come on!".

Chapter 310 Nine Nightmare! ([-]) (I beg you guys to subscribe more!)

Wang Jin smoothly crushed from the air, took off the basketball with both hands, and then fell heavily to the ground.

Holding the ball with both hands, Wang Jin tried to dribble with one hand, but the rhythm was always not smooth, which made Wang Jin feel a lot of jerky. If he hasn't touched the ball for many years, Wang Jin can't suddenly become a basketball master. Even if Wang Jin's physical fitness has become stronger, it is the same. This requires a process of gradual adaptation.

While Wang Jin was dribbling, he was trying to recall the feeling of dribbling back then, trying to get back to the original state.

Zhou Jian, who was facing Wang Jin, looked at Wang Jin's extremely jerky dribble, shook his head, and laughed at Wang Jin.

"You don't know how to play basketball! It seems that you are doomed. With your dribbling, even if you jump high, it's useless!"

"If you don't know how to dribble, you will lose? I don't know who gave you the courage to say that!"

Wang Jin replied lightly, he was still dribbling the ball very jerky in his hand, but Zhou Jian didn't notice that Wang Jin was adjusting slowly from the very jerky in the beginning, and was adapting to it at a frightening speed. , his dribbling is gradually becoming smoother and smoother.

"You're just stubborn, let's see how stubborn you are after a while!"

Preconceived, thinking that Wang Jin can't play basketball, but Zhou Jian has good physical fitness, so he doesn't bother to observe Wang Jin at all, because he plays too much for those who only have a body, and he plays all kinds of games. Neither is a problem.

He wants to tell Wang Jin a truth, playing basketball is not only about physical fitness, skills are also very important.

"You talk so much nonsense!"

Wang Jin pursed his lips, dribbled the ball in his hands, and looked at the positions of the two sides on the field. At this time, almost everyone was staring at each other, and the neutral position was wide open. I don't know if Zhou Jian specially instructed him to do so.

Anyway, the current situation looks more like a personal bullfight between Wang Jin and Zhou Jian!

Suddenly, Wang Jin moved, and without waiting for the opponent to respond, he suddenly exerted force on his feet, and dribbled the ball from outside the three-point line, into the three-point line. Zhou Jian also reacted very quickly, and quickly retreated without completely losing his position. , with both hands open, blocking Wang Jin's breakthrough, fully demonstrating the strength that a main member of a basketball school team should have.

Seeing that Zhou Jian was about to press, Wang Jin made a move that was beyond everyone's expectations. After a dribble, he shot a shot to Zhou Xingxing who was beyond the three-point line.

Zhou Xingxing was also a little confused when he received the ball. He was entangled with Zhou Jian's younger brother running around. There was no good opportunity. Why did Wang Jin pass the ball to him!

"Throw it on the backboard~"! "

The next moment, Wang Jin's greeting came, Zhou Xingxing immediately subconsciously threw the basketball on the backboard, and when the basketball was flying towards the backboard, Wang Jin took a step from inside the three-point line and slammed into it , entered the range of the free throw line, and then jumped directly towards the backboard.

Zhou Jian didn't react at all, but when he did, he still tried his best to jump into the air, trying to stop Wang Jin.

It's a pity that Zhou Jian jumped so high that even Wang Jin's arms couldn't be touched. He could only watch helplessly as Wang Jin took off the backboard and dunked vigorously with both hands. As if humiliated, he rode directly on the opponent's neck.

This is an earth-shattering and vigorous dunk, which can be said to be one of the most humiliating moves in basketball.

After Zhou Jian was buckled by Wang Jin, he couldn't bear Wang Jin's huge impact and sat down on the ground. He never thought that he would be buckled by someone one day, and it was Wang Jin who looked like this. People who don't know how to play at all ride dunks.

Wang Jin's violent buckle immediately ignited the excited atmosphere on the scene. People who knew nothing about the game roared excitedly, and their blood boiled.

As long as they are men, they advocate violence in their bones, and Wang Jin's button is simply the most perfect interpretation of the aesthetics of violence.

"Damn it, it's the most exciting and violent buckle! I never imagined that people with yellow skin could perform such a powerful buckle. I thought only us black people could do it!"

A black boy was watching the game from the sidelines. When he saw Wang Jin's violent buckle, his eyes almost popped out.

"What are you bragging about! We white people can do it, too. The main reason is that this guy's physical fitness is really terrifying, and he is simply crushed. If he doesn't have such a strong physical fitness, he may not be able to win this game." game!"

The white man next to him immediately expressed his dissatisfaction, and he could tell that Wang Jin's physical fitness was crushed, and his golf skills were actually very average.

"What's the matter with good physical fitness? I've eaten your rice. Physical fitness is innate. You whites and blacks have good physical fitness. Isn't it natural!"

A yellow-skinned person immediately became unhappy when he heard this, and defended Wang Jin. Why can't people of the yellow race have a strong physical fitness.

As soon as he said this, the white student was immediately speechless. It is true that physical fitness is innate and cannot be changed at all. Is it unfair to play basketball because of strong physical fitness, so it is not necessary to use physical fitness?

Then everyone might as well stand outside the three-pointer, just hold the basketball and shoot, what basketball is there!

Wang Jin got down from the basket, looked at Zhou Jian who was sitting on the ground in a daze, and said with contempt.

"¨~ No way! It's only one ball, you can't do it? Do you want to admit defeat directly? That way you won't be abused by me!"

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