If you want to hang out in Xiangjiang, you can't do without money.

What's more, after traveling to this world, Wang Jin didn't want to be poor for the rest of his life, he was already afraid of being poor.

Wang Jin lightly stroked the black ancient ring firmly fixed on the tail finger of his right hand.

This is the low-level storage ring that Wang Jin got out of the black iron treasure chest two days ago with great luck. It is about three cubic meters, and Wang Jin has already packed a lot of useful things.

Soon a set of unlocking tools appeared in Wang Jin's hands.

When the trunk was opened, Wang Jin's eyes finally returned to indifference, and he whispered to himself in his heart.

"I never thought of being a good person, and I never thought of being a bad guy!"

"After traveling to this world, I just want to live the life I want to live, and live!"

Three minutes later, Wang Jinkong lit a cigarette and slowly left the parking lot. The 3 million US dollars in the car in the parking lot disappeared.

A few months later, Superintendent Zhang Wenyao was arrested and asked about the money.

There were only a few empty black backpacks in the car, proving that the money had once existed.

The [-] million US dollars in cash is completely missing and has become a mystery! .

Chapter 3 Transferred to Wan Chai!The boss is the group destroying engine, Chen Guozhong!

The next morning, Wang Jin got up early and signed in the system. This is a good habit that Wang Jin has developed these days, and he is even more serious than going to work in his previous life.

It's a pity, I don't know if it's because the storage ring was opened two days ago, and the luck was used up. Today's black iron treasure chest didn't open anything useful.

It's just two medical books from a certain martial arts world, which are dispensable to Wang Jin!

However, Wang Jin wasn't discouraged either. After all, he could get a bronze treasure box within a few days of signing in, and he thought there would be real good things out of it.

At the same time, the transfer order regarding Wang Jin being transferred to the Anti-Mafia Team has already been issued.

He was transferred to the anti-triad team of the Wanchai District Police Station.

After going to work in the anti-mafia group, Wang Jin couldn't live in the dormitory he was originally assigned, because the dormitory was too far away from his work place.

Wang Jin had no choice but to move!

Fortunately, Wang Jin didn't have any important things. He had put all the important things in his storage ring. He simply took some changes of clothes and a backpack, and went to report to the Wanchai Police Station.

Before moving, Wang Jin specially found Wei Jinghao once and treated him to a meal. After all, the two of them can be regarded as friends when they come and go. personal friendship.

What's more, besides being a good policeman, Wei Jinghao is also a young man who can let go.

As long as we don't talk about work, Wei Jinghao can be regarded as a good-natured friend, and he and Wang Jin have a good chat, and Wang Jin is also happy to socialize.

This is a humane society, and it is impossible for a person not to make friends for a lifetime.

It's better to pay a friend like Wei Jinghao if you don't have a good personality and will cheat you. At least you don't have to worry about being cheated.

As long as Wei Jinghao doesn't know about certain things Wang Jin does secretly, it's just like making friends.

The place where Wang Jin treats guests is not high-end, but it's not low-end either. It's a well-known and time-honored restaurant with great taste.

After ordering a lot of food, another case of beer came. While the two were drinking, Wang Jin told him that he was going to work at the Wanchai Police Station.

Naturally, Wei Jinghao congratulated and expressed his envy. He also wanted to be a real policeman with guns, not just the one who copied license plates and controlled traffic.

It's a pity that he is not from the same class as Wang Jin, but Wang Jin's junior, and the number of years is not enough.

Wang Jin said that when he was promoted and had power, he would be transferred there. This naturally made Wei Jinghao thank him again, and he got drunk not long after.

On the contrary, Wang Jin, after his physical fitness improved, it became more and more difficult to get drunk!

After paying the bill, Wang Jin sneaked Wei Jinghao back to the dormitory, threw Wei Jinghao, who was like a dead dog, on the bed, and left, returning to his dormitory.

Early the next morning, he signed in again. After opening the black iron treasure chest, Wang Jin got a good quality dagger, but that was all. Wang Jin used it to cut fruit.

This is already Wang Jin's fifth consecutive check-in this week.

During the five-day sign-in, except for the storage ring that was out of luck, none of the things that were given out were very useful.

A piece of fresh top ingredient, Kobe Beef!

A dagger from an unknown world of low martial arts!

Two medical books also come from an unknown world of martial arts!

A storage ring from a low-level fantasy world.

A bottle of the world's top red wine, 1787 Margaux dry red wine!

This is what Wang Jin gained from signing in every day for the past five days.

Within two days of signing in, he will be able to get a bronze treasure box. Wang Jin is also looking forward to what the bronze treasure box can open.

Throwing the two medical books into the storage ring, Wang Jin quickly rushed to the Wanchai District Police Station with his backpack. He did not forget that today was the day to report.

The Wanchai District Police Station, of course, cannot be compared with the police headquarters, and the facilities are not considered luxurious.

It's just a five or six-story building with 80s characteristics. There are many old-fashioned police cars and old-fashioned cars parked beside the building.

On the front wall of the building, there is a huge Xiangjiang police badge, telling that this is a police station.

Wang Jin opened the door and went in, only to find that the police station was very busy, there were policemen in green uniforms and police caps walking around.

There were also plainclothes in ordinary clothes with their IDs hanging on them, pushing and shoving people who looked like hooligans in front of them, obviously arrested and questioned.

Anyway, it was extremely lively, and all the scenes were not much different from those seen in Wang Jin's previous life movies, which made Wang Jin feel a sense of familiarity.

Seeing that Wang Jin was carrying a bag, but he didn't look like a bad guy, a beautiful girl in a white dress, with a good figure and holding documents in her hand, who looked about 20 years old, came to Wang Jin's body. In front of him, a pair of big watery eyes could not help staring at Wang Jin curiously and asked.

"Liangzi, are you here to report the crime, or to find someone?"

I have to say that Xiangjiang in this era is open, even pretty girls dare to strike up a conversation with strangers.

Of course, the more important reason may be that this is a police station, and she is not afraid.

"Hello, my name is Wang Jin, I just transferred to the Anti-Mafia Team! I don't know, who should I call?"

Wang Jin smiled slightly. He also had a good impression of this pretty girl who hit him up. The main reason was that she was pretty. Although she hadn't met the standard that Wang Jin wanted, he still asked her kindly.

"Ah... are you Wang Jin?"

Liangmei yelled in surprise, obviously she had heard Wang Jin's name before.

This made Wang Jin a little puzzled. He was just a traffic policeman before, and he had no meritorious service. He had been on TV and newspapers. How did this chick know about herself?

Apparently noticing Wang Jin's doubts, Liangmei smiled sweetly and shook the documents in her hand. Wang Jin looked along, only to find that the documents in Liangmei's hands turned out to be his resume and job transfer information.

Wang Jin couldn't help but smiled awkwardly. It turned out that the information passed from the headquarters was in the hands of the pretty girl in front of her. No wonder she knew about herself!

"Hello, Wang Jin! My name is Qin Lian'er, and I'm a clerk at the police station. Nice to meet you!"

The beautiful girl Qin Lian'er stretched out her fair-skinned, soft, boneless little hand, and shook hands with Wang Jin actively. The slippery and cold feeling made Wang Jin's heart flutter, and his anger rose. Fortunately, Wang Jin was in time. controlled their emotions.

However, Wang Jin also put the plan of finding a woman on the agenda.

After all, it has been a long time since time travel. I used to be busy with survival. After getting the system, I don’t have to worry about survival for the time being. Naturally, I have to start enjoying life.

Especially after having an unimaginably huge sum of money, enjoying life is the meaning.

Soon, Wang Jin came to an office on the third floor under the leadership of Qin Lian'er.

In the spacious and bright office, there are seven or eight desks with a sense of age.

The table is in a mess, with all kinds of things and documents.

At this time, in front of the desk, there were two policemen in plain clothes sitting there bragging.

One of them looked about the same age as Wang Jin, and Wang Jin didn't pay much attention.

On the other hand, there was another guy who was slightly older, dressed in a suit, and looked like a middle-aged man. He had a very distinctive appearance, which made Wang Jin feel very familiar, as if he had seen it in some movie.

After all, that long curly hair and thin face have a rock style, which is really impressive.

However, Wang Jin doesn't remember which Hong Kong movie character this is.

After all, Wang Jin is not a god, and he knows every Hong Kong movie clearly.

For some old plots, it is good to remember a general and protagonist villain.

She saw Qin Lian'er walking in with Wang Jin.

The two people in the office immediately looked up and saw Qin Lian'er, that slightly younger poor guy, his eyes lit up immediately, the corner of his mouth was full of spring, and he instantly turned into a dog-licking dog and leaned in front of Qin Lian'er, facing Qin Lian'er asked in various ways, and even consciously pushed Wang Jin aside.

Wang Jin immediately shook his head helplessly, not caring about the dead licking dog, licking the dog, licking the dog until nothing was left.

Instead, he walked towards the middle-aged man, stretched out his palm and said to him.

"Hi, Wang Jin! Just transferred from the traffic police to the anti-mafia team!"

The middle-aged man in the suit shook hands with Wang Jin, and smiled awkwardly. He saw the scene just now, and said a little embarrassedly.

"A Le is like this, don't mind! Hello, Guo Zichen! You are welcome to join our anti-mafia team! Our boss, Sir Chen, has taken someone out with something. If you want to report something, I'm afraid you will have to wait!"

Not knowing what the boss was going to do and how long it would take, Wang Jin could only choose to wait slowly, and couldn't help but glanced at the table and chair beside him, and asked Guo Zichen.

"It's okay, can I find a table and sit down and wait?"

"Of course, feel free! What would you like to drink?"

Only then did Guo Zichen suddenly realize that this is not how to treat guests.

The young man in front of him, although he will soon be his own, but after all, before reporting for duty, he is a guest, and there is no reason not to give a glass of water to the guest.

"Coffee, if that's all you need! Thank you!"

Wang Jin doesn't like tea very much, and tea needs to be savored carefully, which he doesn't have, so coffee is more practical.

Soon, the coffee was served in front of Wang Jin, and Guo Zichen sat down opposite Wang Jin, and began to chat with Wang Jin.

As for the licking dog named Ale, he was still sinking beside Qin Lian'er, unable to extricate himself.

Under Wang Jin's deliberate inquiry, he learned a lot about the new boss.

The new boss was Chen Guozhong, an old inspector, and as Guo Zichen narrated more and more information to Wang Jin, Wang Jin finally knew why Guo Zichen in front of him gave him a particularly familiar feeling.

Because, from the depths of his memory, he finally found some information, it was a movie called Sha Po Lang.

The movie tells the story of Inspector Chen Guozhong suffering from a terminal illness, and his undercover agent was killed by the gangster Wang Bao. In order to avenge Wang Bao before he died, he and a group of his men broke the police rules by all means, and finally The story that led to the destruction of all.

At the same time, Wang Jin also knew that the full name of that dog-licking guy was Li Weile.

Wang Jin suddenly felt very cheated. When he first joined the anti-mafia group, he encountered such a boss who cheated his subordinates.

However, Wang Jin is also confident in his current strength, and he will definitely not be wiped out together. Even if he can't fight, can he still run?

Time, it will soon be noon!

Everyone went to eat, but Wang Jin didn't go to the internal restaurant to eat, but went outside to eat.

Now that he has money, Wang Jin will naturally not treat himself badly.

Although the [-] million US dollars cannot be used for the time being, after all, Wang Jin has to guard against the number of these US dollars, which will be recorded in the record, and he plans to launder the money after a while.

As for how to wash it, Wang Jin naturally had a plan.

The money saved by his predecessor was enough for Wang Jin to squander for a while.

A restaurant in Wanchai directly under the Michelin star. To enhance the atmosphere of the restaurant, the glass around the windows is brown and the light cannot shine in.

The dim yellow crystal lamp made the surroundings slightly dark, but at the same time, it had a somewhat elegant and mysterious style. The surroundings were also very quiet. There were only a few tables of guests, and they were also very qualified. I feel that the force is very high.

Calling the waiter, Wang Jin ordered a cream of mushroom soup, a filet mignon, a stewed ribs, a salad, and a drink.

Because he still needs to go to work in the afternoon, Wang Jin didn't order red wine, but even so, a lunch cost half a month's salary.

This made Wang Jin, who entered a Michelin restaurant for the first time, feel speechless.

The Michelin in the 80s is so expensive, it really is a place only for the rich to enjoy, and the dishes he ordered are not precious, and one meal is worth half a month's salary, and this is still the case without red wine.

However, Wang Jin now lacks everything, except money!

After Wang Jin placed the order, he sat at the dining table boredly alone, drinking fruit juice, watching the city street scene of Xiangjiang outside through the brown glass window, thinking about what he just learned at the police station. received information.

"According to the information I just learned, the current timeline seems to be still early. That gangster named Wang Bao should be the Wanchai Wang Bao I am investigating. Now he has just taken the position, and he doesn't even have a position. Sit still!"

After pondering for a while, Wang Jin recalled his recent investigation.

Since he knew that he was coming to work in the Wanchai Anti-Mafia Group, Wang Jin naturally would not come unprepared, at least he had to have a general understanding of the community forces in the district.

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