In the end, Wang Jin still had no reason to persuade himself not to arrest A-Zhou, because what A-Zhou did was Wang Jin's most hated follower. If it was something else, Wang Jin could tolerate it a little, for the sake of Xiangjiang's overall stability.

Wang Jin, decided to launch an arrest operation, swallowing goods and arresting people!

However, Wang Jin did not inform him of this operation, but issued an urgent notice to hold the meeting in the evening of the next day, just before get off work.

At the same time, everyone's communication equipment was confiscated to prevent someone from tipping off the news, and before departure, Wang Jin forced everyone to put on bulletproof vests.

Loyalty is not an ordinary club, but everyone is ruthless. Shooting and killing people is like playing games. If you don't wear bulletproof vests, you don't know how many people will be sacrificed.

Wang Jin brought them to make meritorious service, not to die. Of course, some people didn't want to wear bulletproof vests. Wang Jin didn't say anything.

In the night, Wang Jin's team had been arranged in advance, forming a pocket formation. Except for one intersection where they could escape, all other places were deployed.

For this operation, Wang Jin did his best. Hundreds of people were transferred back secretly by Wang Jin, and even applied for the assistance of the Flying Tigers.

At that time, as long as the Flying Tigers seal the opening of the pocket formation in time, even the flies will not even think about slipping out.

Now that he has decided to arrest people, how can a little Ah Wu satisfy Wang Jin's appetite? Lian Haodong is what he fancyes. If they are caught, Wang Jin wants to see what Lian Haolong will choose.

Should I save my brother or kill my brother?

This is definitely a good show!

At twelve o'clock in the evening, at the pier of West Ring End, several large vehicles are parked here, and a small cargo ship is unloading, and twenty or thirty people are busy moving the cargo on the small boat to the truck.

Lian Haodong, Ah Wu, and Tianhong were leaning on the railing by the pier and chatting. Lian Haodong took out his phone and wanted to check the time, but suddenly found that there was no signal on the phone, and his expression changed suddenly. .

"The situation is not right, let's go!"

"Brother Dong! You go first! I'm the queen!" Ah Wu said immediately.

Lian Haodong was not polite, he was about to get in the car and leave first, but it was too late, Wang Jin brought Liao Zhizong and drove here.

"Everyone, where are you going! O Ji has prepared coffee for everyone, come back with me and have a seat!".

Chapter 410 Ah Dong Arrested! (I beg you guys to subscribe more!)

"It's fine to drink coffee, if you have the ability to catch me!"

Seeing Wang Jin and Liao Zhizong getting off the opposite car, how could Lian Haodong allow himself to be easily arrested without resisting!

You must know that this batch of goods disembarked from the dock was close to one ton. If he was caught, he would definitely be charged with crimes, which would be enough for him to sit in prison directly, or sit until he died.

So, no matter what, even Haodong didn't want to be caught by himself, as long as he wasn't caught by the police, there was still room for maneuver.

Even if the police are trying to catch him, there is no conclusive evidence. As long as a better lawyer is hired, he can still get away with it.

And all of this is based on the fact that he was not caught. If he was caught on the spot, then everything else is empty talk.

"Stop these bad guys!"

When Lian Haodong gave an order, those younger brothers who were carrying goods pulled out their guns in an instant, stood in front of Lian Haodong, and blocked Lian Haodong behind him.

And shoot at Wang Jin and Liao Zhizong!

boom! boom! boom!

The gunshots continued, and the numerous bullets soon filled the car Wang Jin and Liao Zhizong drove with bullet holes.

Wang Jin and Liao Zhizong had already used the car as a cover, and started a fierce gun battle with many gunmen.

Many policemen who had been ambushing in the distance, when they heard the gunshots, they immediately raised their sirens, rushed out from a distance, and surrounded the pier.

"Brother Dong! Let's go! If you don't go, it will be too late!"

Seeing such an urgent situation, Ah Wu also knew that it was impossible to ship out today's goods, and it would be considered good if people could escape.

"Okay! Pay attention to yourself, run if you have the chance! Tianhong, let's go!"

Lian Haodong immediately got into an off-road vehicle with Luo Tianhong under the cover of many younger brothers, and was about to find a direction to break out of the encirclement of the police.

"Wang sir, Lian Haodong wants to run away!"

Liao Zhizong, who was in a fierce gun battle with a group of gunmen, had been paying attention to Lian Haodong's movements all the time. Seeing Lian Haodong driving an off-road vehicle and rushing in one direction, he hurriedly said to Wang Jin.

"It's okay, the net has already been cast, and the big fish can't escape at all, don't worry!"

In order to catch the big fish like Lian Haodong, Wang Jin's operation cost a lot of money, and the police force dispatched was only a lot more than in the movie.

Almost the entire team under him has been withdrawn, hundreds of people, and even the Flying Tigers have been mobilized. If Lian Haodong can still escape, wouldn't it appear that Wang Jin is too incompetent!

Sure enough, Lian Haodong, who was fleeing in one direction, encountered a large number of policemen and even set up numerous roadblocks within a short distance.

Seeing that this direction was not good, Lian Haodong immediately turned the car and rushed towards another direction, but the other direction was also guarded by police, there was no chance of escape, and the large number of police cars even blocked the road , Don't even think about rushing out.

⑧5⑥⒈0⒐78② [Linglong]

There was no other way, Lian Haodong could only choose the way they came in at that time, which was also the only way to survive, and rushed to the opening of Wang Jin's pocket array.

Lian Haodong drove the car towards this road. Although there were one or two police cars along the road, they couldn't stop Lian Haodong who just wanted to escape.

"Haha, these bad guys are too stupid. Just using a few bad guys to defend this road is too despising of us!"

Realizing that the police car behind him became smaller and smaller in the mirror, and was left far behind, Lian Haodong laughed, thinking that he had rushed out of the police encirclement.

But at this moment, a younger brother sitting on the car seat shouted at Lian Haodong with a face full of panic.

"Brother Dong, be careful!"

It's just that before he finished his sentence, a large truck rushed towards the rear of the off-road vehicle at an extremely fast speed, and directly turned the off-road vehicle over.

Afterwards, the vehicles of the Flying Tigers rushed out from all directions, and surrounded the overturned off-road vehicle heavily.

Many Flying Tigers got out of the car in full armor, holding submachine guns, and cautiously came to the overturned off-road vehicle. When they saw the four people in the car, they all fell into a coma. Suddenly, the captain of the Flying Tigers , commanded to his subordinates.

"The four in the car, copy them all away, and hand them over to Sir Wang!"

"Yes, sir!"

The members of the Flying Tigers took action immediately, dragged Lian Haodong, Luo Tianhong, and the two younger brothers out of the car, handcuffed them, and stuffed them into their own police car.

・・・・・ Asking for flowers・・・・・・・

On the other side, what Lian Haodong brought over was only a few dozen people. Although they all had guns, how could they compare with the heavily armed gangsters?

Even, a lot of bad guys were still holding submachine guns, and just a round of chugs knocked down a lot of guys.

There was no gunfight for a few minutes, and all the guys who delivered the goods were shot dead on the spot.

On the other hand, this guy, Ah Wu, saw that the situation was not much, and immediately wanted to run, but unfortunately, he was shot in the knee by Wang Jin, limping one leg in an instant, and his mobility was greatly reduced.


Before taking two steps, Wang Jin overtook him. Wang Jin stepped forward and kicked A-Zhou to the ground. A-Zou rolled on the ground a few times.

Originally, he was thinking of giving Wang Jin a middle finger, but Wang Jin stepped on Ah Wu's injured knee, and the severe pain caused Ah Wu to scream, almost tearing up.

"Ah, I thought you were a man! I can't stand the pain! Bah, trash! Handcuff and take away!"

As he said that, Wang Jin greeted a few of his men, and asked them to handcuff Ah Zhe and drag him away quickly.

All the goods on the pier were also loaded by the messengers, and they were transported back, and they brought back the o's note.

Tonight's action can be said to be a great success. The two piers cleared a total of nearly one ton of powder, which directly caused Lian Haolong to lose more than [-] million yuan.

It can be said that Lian Haolong suffered heavy losses for this, but this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that Lian Haodong, Lian Haolong's younger brother, was captured. Wang Jin wants to see what Lian Haolong will do next. How to deal with this matter.

Lian Haodong is not the kind of Ah Wu who can give up casually. Lian Haolong has a deep affection for his younger brother, so he knows that his younger brother has been arrested, what will he do to his younger brother? To kill, or to save?

Even Wang Jin couldn't figure out Lian Haodong's own thoughts, but whether Lian Haodong wanted to kill or save him, Wang Jin was ready to go back and set up many traps to welcome Lian Hao and Long Jiu.

Chapter 410 The power of connections! (I beg you guys to subscribe more!)

The police took a huge operation at the pier at the end of the Western Ring Road. Hundreds of police officers were dispatched. They killed criminals who walked tens of meters away from the pier, and captured more than a ton of fans. The news spread all over the place almost overnight. The whole Hong Kong.

The TV news and newspapers in Xiangjiang can be said to be all kinds of reports, and the praise of the Xiangjiang Police Force has once again reached a fiery level.

The police force acted resolutely, which greatly hit the fan industry, made the people of Xiangjiang live and work more peacefully, etc., anyway, it was a burst of praise to the police force.

Let the high-level members of the police force have a lot of face, and their faces are full of joy. Although they did not handle the matter, they are the leadership, and they have made great contributions. Naturally, they are also honored.

However, the media has always been like this. If there is a good thing, it will preach to you for a while, telling you that there is nothing on the ground, and it is also a must in the sky.

If anything goes wrong, they'll trample you like dog shit in the mud.

And the one who knows the news faster than the people of Xiangjiang is naturally the police force itself.

Almost when Wang Jin had just dismissed the team, all the bosses of the Xiangjiang Police Force received the news at the same time.

Naturally, those who rested did not talk about it, and those who hadn't rested began to pay attention to this matter.

Even many of the police chiefs knew that Wang Jin had just finished the arrest operation, so they must have called Wang Jin before he had rested.

The person who called was naturally Wang Jin's old boss, Uncle Biao!

"Hey, Ah Jin! Congratulations! I heard that you have made new achievements tonight! Over one ton of goods, it's amazing! In recent years, Xiangjiang hasn't had such a big fan scandal!"

"Uncle Biao, all credit is for the police force!"

Wang Jin didn't think there was anything wrong with solving this big case, because he had solved so many cases that he might not even remember clearly.

At this time, Wang Jin didn't quite understand what a cargo of more than one ton meant to Xiangjiang.

Uncle Biao also didn't give Wang Jin a specific explanation, he thought that Wang Jin was just speaking modestly, and then Uncle Biao said on the phone that if there was anything wrong with Wang Jin, he would definitely support him.

Wang Jin was still a little confused, but Uncle Biao politely hung up the phone.

Then, one call after another, almost every few minutes, was called to Wang Jin.

Director Lin, Sir Cai who went to the headquarters, deputy director of the Operations Department, and so on.

Most of the calls from these bosses came to praise Wang Jin, and then they expressed their support for Wang Jin, which made Wang Jin a little confused.

Even, a certain big shot Wang Jin was familiar with vaguely reminded Wang Jin that you might be promoted.

After all, Wang Jin cleared more than a ton of fans in one fell swoop this time, which is quite a big case.

Of course, Wang Jin felt that the other party was joking. He was so young, and he was already a chief inspector. How could he be promoted to the rank of director? Even if he solved a major case, he would not be so fast. This is not in line with the rules of the police force.

But as the first brother also called Wang Jin himself, and said a few words of concern to Wang Jin, Wang Jin was a little confused, and he really couldn't figure it out. What's the meaning.

Afterwards, the first brother finally gave up on the phone and confided some information to Wang Jin.

It turned out that the term of the first brother was about to expire. Originally, the merits of the first brother were not enough to support him to take a step forward, but during the tenure of the first brother, a guy like Wang Jin came out.

After several major cases in a row, especially after a few cases with great international influence, Brother Yi's status in front of the top management has also risen, his waist has straightened, and he can earn money for himself. have more say.

With the right to speak, he got a high-level promise for himself. After his term of office is over, he will be able to take a step forward. Brother Yi is also very grateful for Wang Jin's appearance. If it weren't for Wang Jin's appearance, he would definitely not It is impossible to have a chance to go one step further.

Therefore, he wanted to raise Wang Jin's rank before the end of his term of office. Now that he is still the first brother, he has this right.

There is a saying that the right is not used, and it becomes invalid when it expires. After all, Wang Jin is now the chief inspector, temporarily acting as the secretary, and exercising the power of the o record. It can be said that he is half a boss.

If I have the support of my first brother, it is not too difficult to get half a mark...

Originally, the first brother was still worried about how to tell Wang Jin about this matter. After all, he just wanted to mention Wang Jin, and Wang Jin needed to make a great contribution so that he could drop by the police force's high-level meeting to discuss this matter. Suggestions are made.

Unexpectedly, before he said anything, Wang Jin's great contribution was already in his arms.

Clearing up more than a ton of powder, which may not happen once in Xiangjiang in a few years, let Wang Jin take it down. With such a great contribution, Brother Yi can naturally be justified in the high-level meeting of the police force. First, I raised Wang Jin's rank, and Yi Ge specially called this call. One was to congratulate Wang Jin for solving such a big case, and the other was to tell Wang Jin that you can Get ready, get promoted to the division level.

Also, this matter is my first brother who has done a lot for you behind your back. You should mark this favor.

This kind of high-level boss never acts without purpose. Although he didn't say so on the phone, Wang Jin already understood what Brother Yi meant, so he naturally thanked Brother Yi and made an appointment Brother Yi had dinner together, which was regarded as a thank you to Brother Yi, and Brother Yi also agreed, but it just depends on the schedule.

After hanging up the phone, a strange smile appeared on Wang Jin's face. 4.8 He never thought, never took it to heart, that the position of director level, which he thought was hard to get, was now so easy in front of his eyes. It's really dreamy.

Perhaps, this is the power of connections!

Without the support of the first brother, it may take several years for Wang Jin to get this position. Of course, this also has something to do with Wang Jin's ability. Brother Yi would never think of giving back to Wang Jin.

【Lantian】784881178 Internal group: 456348770

So, this is a mutually beneficial thing for both parties.

"So, I'm going to be promoted to the rank of division soon? Or the youngest division rank in the entire history of the Xiangjiang Police Force?"

Wang Jin, who had just finished the operation and returned to his office, sat on his boss chair, looking at the lights of thousands of houses outside the window for a moment, feeling a lot of emotion in his heart! .

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