After saying this, Zheng Yi smiled and hung up the phone.

The scene has already been said, but He Shangsheng still has not guessed the place to pay the ransom, which is really embarrassing.

If he couldn't think of a place to pay the ransom for a while, He Shangsheng estimated that Zheng Yi would call and laugh at him.

He Shangsheng took advantage of the limited time to play with the gray cardboard box in front of him, and suddenly Huang Qifa who was eating came over.

"I'm leaving immediately, and I said I know the location, so why are you delaying here!"

After saying this, Huang Qifa packed the useless snacks in his hand, rolled them into a ball, and threw them into the cardboard box in front of He Shangsheng. At this moment, everyone looked at Huang Qifa, and Huang Qifa was caught by everyone's eyes , looking a little creepy, subconsciously took a step back.

But at this time, He Shangsheng had a flash of inspiration, thought of something, and quickly pushed Huang Qifa away, and then (well) at the foot of the desk, he took out a quick box, which contained a gray lid .

After He Shangsheng took out the cover, it just covered the cardboard box.

This time, He Shangsheng finally knew where the ransom was paid, but his expression was very ugly.

"It looks familiar!" Huang Qifa immediately expressed his opinion when he saw this thing.

"Of course! Look!"

With that said, He Shangsheng pointed to the trash can in the corner of the police station office.

The appearance of the gray trash can is almost exactly the same as the one on the table, except that one is made of plastic and the other is made of cardboard.

"Trash can? How could such a big pile of money fit into such a small trash can!"

Huang Qifa, who obviously didn't believe it, wanted to open the trash can to see what happened.

"Hey, don't move around!"

When He Shangsheng saw that Huang Qifa was going to open the trash can, he immediately stopped him, but when he said this, it was already too late, Huang Qifa had already opened the trash can.

Chapter 430 IX Every step of the way is calculating, money is flying all over the sky! (I beg you guys to subscribe more!)


There was an explosion, a complete explosion in the police station office, thick smoke scattered, flames shot into the sky, the explosion of the trash can, like a fuse, triggered a chain reaction, and small explosions occurred in many places in the office.

For a moment, panic and screams filled the entire police station office, and everyone subconsciously squatted down to ensure their own safety.

The dense fog had already covered everything, making it difficult to see clearly, but He Shangsheng reacted at this time.

"Everyone, don't panic, be quiet! He's here to get the money!"

Although He Shangsheng couldn't see the situation clearly in the thick smoke, he still took out his gun and looked around vigilantly.

Perhaps it was because of He Shangsheng's consolation that the panic and fear atmosphere calmed down immediately, and the whole office became extremely quiet, and even the slightest noise was unacceptable.

"Fake foreign devil, protect the money, and don't talk! He will find your place!"

He Shangsheng's exhortation made Shi En's expression change, and he tightly hugged the two silver suitcases in his hands. You must know that 030 has 2000 million Xiangjiang coins in it.

On the other side, the disgraced Huang Qifa secretly took the phone on the table under the table and started making calls.

"Hi, I'm Huang Qifa, the deputy criminal commander of the central district, I'm asking for reinforcements, my side is in trouble!"

Huang Qifa, who was hiding under the table, whispered to the person on the phone.

"Huang sir, I'm in even more trouble!"

After speaking, he hung up the phone in a panic. Judging from the noisy voice on the other side, the situation was not much better than here. It can be said that the entire police station was in chaos.

"Terrorists attack!"

Huang Qifa, who covered his face with white powder and only had two dark eyes, looked at the situation with a bit of toothache, and then he called the headquarters to ask for support from the nearby people.

The scene this time was very noisy, and the headquarters could not be alarmed. After all, around the police station, the onlookers heard the explosion, and many people were shocked.

After a flurry of panic, even without Huang Qifa's call to the police, the headquarters received calls from many citizens of Xiangjiang. After all, this is a bustling central district, and any disturbance would alert the headquarters.

After all, the importance of the bustling Central District to Xiangjiang is self-evident!

Soon the headquarters issued an order, and the nearby police stations and departments sent support personnel to the scene, and then firefighters rushed to the scene, fearing that the explosion would cause a fire.

Wang Jin, who had just arrived at the o's office and was about to start work, also received this order from the headquarters. Without saying a word, Wang Jin rushed to the scene to support.


In the police office, amidst the thick smoke, there was silence, but at this moment, there was a clear sound of footsteps.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, He Shangsheng slowly began to grope in the office, hoping to find Zheng Yi's location, but suddenly at this moment, there was a gunshot, and He Shangsheng was startled, and hurriedly pressed down. He turned his head and dared not take any action.

"Everyone, don't shoot!" He Shangsheng then hurriedly shouted.

"No, I haven't fired a gun here!"

Immediately, a policeman replied that he had never fired a gun.


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He Shangsheng's heart skipped a beat from the answers of many messengers, and he had a bad premonition for some reason.

"Huang Qifa, did you fire the gun?"

Huang Qifa was aggrieved by He Shangsheng's questioning, and quickly responded.

"I don't even have a gun!"

"The money is gone!"

Suddenly, I don't know who yelled such a sentence, and the fake foreign devil spoke in a hurry.


"No, the money is with me!"

But this sentence made He Shangsheng's heart skip a beat. The bad premonition turned into reality, because the fake foreign devil completely exposed his position.

He Shangsheng knew something was wrong when he heard the fake foreign devil's voice, he sighed helplessly, and hurriedly took the gun and walked towards the fake foreign devil's position.

When the smoke gradually dissipated, He Shangsheng groped to the side of the fake foreign devil, only to find that the fake foreign devil was standing there with his hands raised, as if there was someone behind him. He Shangsheng quickly picked up his gun and walked around behind the fake foreign devil, only to find There was no one behind him, it was just a stand of a desk lamp, stuck to his waist, which was mistaken by the fake foreign devils for a gun.

Suddenly, at this moment, there was a sound of window glass breaking, and the excited He Shangsheng subconsciously thought that Zheng Yi broke the window and escaped, and hurriedly chased him downstairs.

At this time, the entire police station was evacuating to the outside of the police station because of the thick smoke. He Shangsheng rushed out of the police station all the way and looked around, but Zheng Yi was not found.

Only then did he have the time to pay attention to the glass windows of the police station. They were all intact and none of them were damaged. Only then did He Shangsheng realize that it was broken. The sound of glass shattering just now did not mean that the windows of the police station were broken. , but Zheng Yi specially created the movement to attract people away.

Sure enough, when He Shangsheng and many policemen from the police station all chased down the stairs, Zheng Yicai came out from the hiding place, which shocked the fake foreign devils who stayed in the office, and quickly raised their hands in surrender. And Zheng Yi smiled inexplicably, and didn't care about the other party, but left with a black bag of 2000 million photocopied banknotes in which package.

"Hey! He took the money and ran away!"

The fake foreign devil who opened the window waved his hands and shouted loudly. He was about to tell everyone the news when he saw an extremely shocking scene. The whole sky was raining money, and the sky was full of banknotes flying. , and with the wind, it blows farther and farther.

And Wang Jin, who had just arrived by car, just happened to take this scene into his eyes.

Although this scene has already been seen in the movie, the movie is just a shot. When this scene really appears in reality, the shocking power is completely incomparable.

He Shangsheng put his hands on his waist for a while, and covered his forehead for a while, his irritability was visible to the naked eye.

He knew that he had completely lost this time. Such a big mistake in the police station had become a big joke, and the majestic image of the Xiangjiang Police Force had plummeted. He would definitely take the blame for this operation, precisely because of his too Overconfident and smart, will cause such consequences.

If he had left a few people in the office just now, there would never have been such a mistake.

Unfortunately, it is too late to say anything now! .

Chapter 440 Take orders in the face of danger, success or failure is a hero! (I beg you guys to subscribe more!)

"Fake Squid! Fake Squid! Fake Squid! Are you an idiot? Why did you make such a stupid choice! Xiangjiang banned the photocopying of banknotes, and you claimed to be responsible. What are you responsible for? Now countless Xiangjiang Citizens bring counterfeit banknotes to complain, can you take the responsibility?"

The post-processing of this incident was also as He Shangsheng thought, and the headquarters sent several ghosts to ask for accountability.

He Shangsheng was scolded by He Shangsheng in a meeting, and He Shangsheng was sprayed without speaking during the whole process, because this was his own choice, and since he wanted to come out to fight this matter, he naturally had to fight to the end.

"Okay, I don't want to say anything about you now! He, from now on, you will be suspended, and then write a report to the above, and you will not participate in future actions!"

After saying this, the other party looked away again, participating in this meeting, but staying out of it - Wang Jin.

"Wang, I will leave it to you to deal with the follow-up of this incident. You must complete it beautifully and help our police force make a beautiful turnaround. The Xiangjiang Police Force absolutely does not allow such illegal and wanton Destroy the majestic image of the Xiangjiang Police Force."

Sitting there, Wang Jin was hearing the ghost scolding He Shangsheng, and that spit was very interesting, when he suddenly heard the ghost mentioning his name, he sat up straight and pointed at him. With his own nose, he asked Gui Lao suspiciously.

"Me? Do you want me to take over this matter?"

"Yes, you are famous in our Xiangjiang Police Force. Now that you are here, this matter will naturally be handed over to you! From now on, you will be the person in charge of this case, including Huang. Under your command! I will report this matter to the higher-ups, and I think the higher-ups will agree!"

Gui Lao nodded and said to Wang Jin with certainty.

"But I remember it, and I have a lot of cases to deal with!"

Hearing this, Wang Jin was also in a bit of a dilemma. It would definitely not work to reject Guilao clearly, and he had to give some face, so he used the method of prevarication.

"Of course the headquarters knows that you are busy, but those cases are not as important as this one. The impact of this case is extremely bad. The murderer must be brought to justice and he must not be allowed to continue to tarnish the image of the police force. Therefore, this case It's up to you!"

Seeing Wang Jin's prevarication, Gui Lao couldn't force him to order Wang Jin, so he could only speak softly and persuade Wang Jin with affection and reason.

"Alright then! I'll take over this matter!"

After Guilao's persuasion, Wang Jin also agreed to take up this task, because even if he doesn't take it now, after Guilao reports to the headquarters, this matter may still be resolved by Wang Jin, so it's better to agree now down.

Wang Jin also didn't expect that he would be assigned such an errand just to rush over to support the mission.

"That's good! The next thing, you just watch the arrangement! I'll go first!"

Gui Lao was also very satisfied when he saw that Wang Jin took over the task, and then he greeted everyone and left.

The next meeting was chaired by Wang Jin.

"Everyone, I don't know much about this case, but you have also seen the attitude of the ghost just now, that is the attitude of the headquarters, so we must cheer up and finish this unfinished battle! If you have any clues, you can talk about it!"

Wang Jin looked at the crowd and scanned around, only to find that many people were looking at each other in blank dismay. Obviously, they didn't know much about this matter, even Huang Qifa looked rather confused.

Among the people present, the one who knew the most might be He Shangsheng, so Wang Jin looked at He Shangsheng.

"He sir, can you tell me the specific situation? He sir? He sir?"

Wang Jin yelled a few times, but He Shangsheng didn't respond. He sat in a daze and didn't know what he was thinking. Wang Jin walked over immediately, patted He Shangsheng on the shoulder and asked.

"He sir, what's wrong with you?"

"Oh! I'm fine, what did you just say, Sir Wang!"

He Shangsheng, who came back to his senses, hurriedly asked Wang Jin.

"He sir, focus on it. Temporary success or failure is nothing. We are bad guys and represent the most authoritative force in Xiangjiang. It is not terrible for us to fail temporarily. What is terrible is that we will be depressed after failure. Those suspects may be Won this time, twice, but they will always be like mice hiding in a stinky gutter, unable to see the light, unable to see people, we can fail, but they can't afford to fail, once they fail , what you pay may be the price of life and freedom, and you will be locked up in prison for the rest of your life, why do I say that, sir, do you understand?"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????

Of course Wang Jin understands why He Shangsheng looks so out of his mind, because he may still be caught in self-blame at this moment, unable to extricate himself, if it is not for his self-confidence and blindness, but for being calm and looking at the overall situation, he will not Let Zheng Yi make such a big commotion.

Therefore, Wang Jin did not repeat his question again, but explained some truths to He Shangsheng.

0 ... 0

"Understood!" He Shangsheng nodded and said.

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