"You are not following the rules!"

Seeing Zheng Yi, he ran away immediately, and He Shangsheng suddenly shouted with some dissatisfaction, and also accelerated to catch up.

In the pouring rain, the two rode their bicycles to speed up crazily and rushed towards the end of the street, both wanting to win the first place.

He Shangsheng hoped that after winning the first place, Zheng Yi could abide by the agreement and follow him to the police station to surrender. In this case, Zheng Yi could get a commutation of sentence because of the good performance of surrender and get out of prison as soon as possible.

Zheng Yi regarded this competition as a game, he never thought of losing, because he has always been a winner.

The two of them shuttled through the rain curtain all the way, and the torrential rain drenched the two of them thoroughly, but neither of them paid any attention to it.

Zheng Yi smiled and rode faster and faster in front, while He Shangsheng who was behind also slowly increased his speed, chasing faster and faster.

Soon, He Shangsheng slowly caught up with Zheng Yi, and the two were almost neck and neck.

In order to affect Zheng Yi's speed, He Shangsheng stretched out his hand first and grabbed Zheng Yi's clothes, just to influence Zheng Yi's actions. Zheng Yi didn't expect He Shangsheng to be so shameless, so he immediately fell in love with He Shang Sheng wrestled together.

The two of them were entangled while riding their bicycles. It can be said that they tried their best to influence each other. He Shangsheng was very serious, but Zheng Yi was enjoying it. It seemed that he had found the happiness of childhood, and the more he played, the more vigorous he became.

Afterwards, the movements of the two became bigger and bigger. Not only did they use their hands, but they also kicked each other's car with their feet. They both wanted to win this victory.

As for the two people's bicycles, a part fell off from time to time and then slowly disintegrated during the mutual kicking of the two people, but this did not affect the interest of the two people at all, and even became more and more excited as they fought.

Zheng Yi brought the bicycle close to He Shangsheng, compressing He Shangsheng's space smaller and smaller. He Shangsheng could only slowly approach the side of the road, and even had violent friction with the cars parked beside the road. collision.

In order to gain more space, He Shangsheng kept pushing Zheng Yi to the side, but Zheng Yi did not show any weakness, and hit He Shangsheng violently.

At this moment, the car collided violently because of its excessive speed, and then overturned directly. Both of them were thrown out with the bicycle, and hit hard on the cars on both sides , The bicycle also fell to the ground.

He Shangsheng bumped into the tire of the car, and his back was painful, while Zheng Yize fell into a car with half of his body.

Afterwards, both of them stood up abruptly and leaned against the car. At this time, the appearance of both of them was extremely miserable.

One of He Shangsheng's trousers was directly cut, the trousers were split, and one thigh was directly exposed, and the knee was covered with blood and scars.

Zheng Yi leaned against the car beside him, pointed at the other party's pants with a smile, He Shangsheng looked down, and then noticed that the pants had been torn, but he didn't care, but spread his hands indifferently , and then pointed to Zheng Yi's forehead.

Zheng Yi also reacted, and subconsciously touched her forehead with her hand, and then found a little blood on her hand, obviously her forehead was torn.

Zheng Yi smiled, and rushed directly to the bicycle she had fallen on the ground, helped the bicycle up, and rode on it. Although the bicycle had been knocked into dilapidated condition, it was still barely rideable.

He Shangsheng is a little embarrassed here, because his bicycle has been stuck under the chassis of a car. No matter how hard he pulls, he can't pull the bicycle out. Jin, finally pulled out the bicycle, and was about to ride to chase Zheng Yi, but his bicycle was completely broken, and even the front and rear wheels were completely lost, so how could he ride it? Go after Zheng Yi!

Therefore, he could only watch Zheng Yi, riding a small broken bicycle, disappearing from his sight little by little.

Before Zheng Yi left, he turned his head to look at He Shangsheng, and waved his hand at him as farewell. Looking at Zheng Yi, she ran away from his face.

After a chasing battle, He Shangsheng was also hungry, so he found a wonton noodle restaurant and had a supper.

Not long after, he received a call from Trisa.

"He Shangsheng, the other party returned 2000 million to me~‖!"

"Isn't that great? It's completely fine! Everyone's happy!"

He Shangsheng said to Trisa on the phone while eating wonton noodles.

"He Shangsheng, where are you, I need to meet and talk with you, some things are not clear on the phone!"

Trisa obviously didn't want to talk about certain things with He Shangsheng on the phone, so she asked He Shangsheng's address at this time.

"¨~ Heart Congee Restaurant! Come!"

After He Shangsheng finished speaking, he hung up the phone and ate noodles with peace of mind.

Not long after, a silver Mercedes-Benz parked outside the Congee Restaurant. Trisa got off the car and entered the Congee Restaurant, just in time to see the empty Congee Restaurant. Shang Sheng was sitting alone at the table, eating chaotic noodles, and his clothes were ragged, with a big hole in his trousers, and his hairy thigh was all exposed.

Trisa stood in front of He Shangsheng, He Shangsheng raised his head and said.

"What's the matter, sit down and talk!"

Trisa sat directly opposite He Shangsheng, she seemed a little embarrassed to speak, her hands kept entangled, and after a long time, she spoke to He Shangsheng and spoke some English.

He Shangsheng did not look up (good) and still ate his own wonton noodles. Trisa thought that He Shangsheng didn't understand what he was saying, so he planned to repeat it again in Chinese.

"Can you help me, Friday, I'm signing up for..."

"I know! What do you want me to do?"

He Shangsheng raised his head suddenly, stopped eating the chaotic noodles, but looked directly into Trisa's eyes and asked.

"This time, the other party asked for [-] million cash, and ordered you to pay the ransom!"

At this time, Trisa, the domineering female president, finally showed the shyness and embarrassment that women rarely have, and said to He Shangsheng.

"So you want me to be your assistant!"

He Shangsheng lowered his head and continued to deal with his wonton noodles. Although he didn't speak, his attitude already explained everything, and he agreed.

Chapter 440 Four Dog Walking Tactics, Who Planned Who! ([-]) (please subscribe more)

"Thank you!"

Trisa said gratefully to He Shangsheng.

"You're welcome, I'm a poor guy!"

He Shangsheng laughed at himself without expressing too much, then he raised his head and asked Trisa.

"Have you eaten?"

Trisa shook her head. She was busy at the company until very late, and was about to go home for dinner and rest, but she met Zheng Yi, and then rushed here without stopping.

"Like it?"

He Shangsheng pointed to the wonton noodles in his bowl, and seeing that Trisa did not refuse, he said to the waiter in the store.

"Please come for a bowl of wonton noodles!"

"Okay, a bowl of wonton noodles!"

It didn't take long for the wonton noodles to be brought up by the waiter and brought to the table. Trisa was not polite, so she picked up the chopsticks and started eating.

For a moment, in the entire noodle shop, there were only the sounds of two people eating noodles.

Early the next morning, Trisa withdrew [-] million in cash from the bank, put it in a bag, and handed it to He Shangsheng, and all of this was noticed by Wang Jin.

Trisa was also going to complete the company's contract. Before getting into the car, Trisa came to He Shangsheng at 030 and said to He Shangsheng.

"Be careful, money is not important, the most important thing is that you must come back safely!"

He Shangsheng nodded silently, and then Trisa got on his Mercedes, ready to go to the airport.

Seeing that Trisa's Pingzhi had already set off, Wang Jin came to He Shangsheng with the walkie-talkie and said teasingly to him.

"He sir, it seems that you are very lucky! Trisa is obviously interested in you, you have to work hard!"

"Sir Wang, stop joking, she is the party involved in the case, and I am a police officer, we can't do it!"

He Shangsheng said so, but there was something he didn't say in his heart, that is, the gap between him and Trisa was too big, and he felt that he was a bit unworthy of the other party. After all, he was a senior supervisor and a How much salary does she get every month? It may not be enough for Trisa to go shopping once.

"The so-called intention is enough. Trisa is not a materialistic woman. She has what she should have. She just lacks someone who cares about her and loves her! (ceej) Don't underestimate yourself!"

Wang Jin patted He Shangsheng on the shoulder, and said lightly, as for what He Shangsheng was thinking, he could completely guess it, so he said this to encourage He Shangsheng.

If Trisa didn't fit Wang Jin's aesthetics, and Wang Jin already had several girlfriends, he would never let a woman like Trisa go.

"Follow fate! If there is fate, we will naturally be together!"

He Shangsheng is a person who works extremely hard at work, but he is very Buddhist in his relationship, and he doesn't know what initiative is.

In this regard, Wang Jin didn't say much. Everyone has their own way of life. After all, everyone is a different individual. He has already said this. As for what He Shangsheng does, it depends on He Shangsheng own up.

"are you ready?"

Afterwards, Wang Jin brought the topic back to business affairs.

"It's ready, sir, you can go anytime!"

He Shang said angrily, this time he must catch Zheng Yi.

"Okay, then wait for his call and get ready to act! Also, you need to open your eyes a little bit, don't be led by the other party, if you want to catch the other party, you have to jump out of this vicious circle and let the other party be led by the nose." You lead by the nose, the other party seems to be playing a game, but no matter how fun the game is, the final reward is serious, do you understand?"

Wang Jin's cryptic advance not only reminded He Shangsheng of something, but then he nodded heavily at Wang Jin and said.

"Wang sir, I think I understand what you mean!"

"Children can be taught! Sir He, it seems that you are very talented! I will not follow this action! Use it yourself!"

Wang Jin looked at He Shangsheng with satisfaction in his optimistic eyes. If He Shangsheng is not talking nonsense, but really guessed what he meant, it proves that He Shangsheng really has some talents.

At this time, Huang Qifa also ran over and quietly inquired about He Shangsheng.

"What did Zhu Lihua tell you just now?"

"Never mind your business, mother-in-law!"

He Shangsheng glanced at Huang Qifa, and he understood Huang Qifa's gossip.

Jingle Bell!Jingle Bell!

At this moment, He Shangsheng's phone rang suddenly, he picked it up and answered it, it was Zheng Yi's voice that came from the phone.

"Morning, sorry to wake you up so early!"

"It's okay, you're early too! What do you want!" He Shangsheng pursed his lips and asked.

"That bag of money is very heavy, I'm afraid you'll have a hard time carrying it, so I prepared a backpack for you!"

Zheng Yi said it with good intentions on the phone, as for how much the sincerity is, only Zheng Yi knows.

"Where is it?" He Shangsheng asked quickly.

"Think about it! I've already given you the key!" Zheng Yi said with a smile on the phone.

Zheng Yi's reminder immediately reminded He Shangsheng that he quickly took out a bunch of keys that Zheng Yi had sent by courier.

"Why are you messing with my keys!"

Speaking of which, Huang Qifa saw the key that He Shangsheng took out, and shot at it.

"Is this key yours?" He Shangsheng asked in surprise.

"Of course, I bought this when I went out to play alone, of course it's mine!"

"What kind of key is this!"

He Shangsheng didn't expect that there would be nowhere to look for through the iron filings, and it would take no effort to get it. This key turned out to be Huang Qifa's. He was still thinking about what kind of key it was, and what it meant that Zheng Yi sent him a key by courier!

"Here's the key to my locker at the police station!"

After hearing this sentence, He Shangsheng snatched the key from Huang Qifa without saying a word, got into the car, and drove towards the police station, leaving Wang Jin and Huang Qifa alone. .

"Hey, hey, where are you going! Wait for us!"

When Huang Qifa saw He Shangsheng running away in the car, he quickly yelled at the car.

"Okay, stop shouting! Sir Huang, he has gone to the police station! Let's get in the car! The other party may have put something in your locker, or has some clues, so Sir He hurried away!"

Wang Jin stopped Huang Qifa's yelling, and then he waved his hand. Immediately, several cars in the parking lot drove to Wang Jin and Huang Qifa's side. They got into the car and headed towards the police station.

Chapter 440 Five Dog Walking Tactics, Who Planned Who! ([-]) (I beg you guys to subscribe more!)

"No way! Put things or clues in the cabinet of my police station, how could the other party be so bold!"

While the car was driving towards the police station, Huang Qifa was already a little bit angry. Don't look at him usually laughing and joking, like a carefree idiot, but that's because no one can provoke him, even if He Shangsheng provokes him , It was also because the two were old acquaintances, and the relationship between them was established in this way, so no one took it seriously.

But now some people ignore the existence of him as a boss, not only stealing his keys, but also going in and out of the police station like no one, blatantly treating his locker in the police station as his own property, even more so. Treating the police station as a playground, is that okay?

Isn't this arrogant, looking down on him? What is Huang Qifa?

"The other party is not an ordinary thief, and you should not treat him as an ordinary thief. You have also seen what he did. Some thieves are unique, so we have to use a unique method to deal with it." Deal with them! Otherwise, you will suffer!"

Wang Jin took Huang Qifa's example as an example, which immediately made Huang Qifa a little embarrassed, but he still had to do it again and again.

"Wang sir, what you said is that I took it for granted before!"

While the two were chatting, the car arrived at the police station. He Shangsheng had already entered the men's locker room, and opened Huang Qifa's locker with the key. There was indeed a big black backpack inside, just enough to hold a hundred million yuan. Obviously, all of this was calculated by Zheng Yi a long time ago. His initial goal was not 2000 million, but [-] million. As He Shangsheng took out the black backpack, he saw At the innermost part of the cabinet, there is a note with the words Triangle Park written on it.

After He Shangsheng read these four words, he immediately carried his backpack, walked out of the locker room door, and headed towards Triangle Park.

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