Crazy with anger, Chachai almost kicked over the table in front of him, but now it's not about how the other party knows about his lair, but about preparing to meet the enemy.

After all, the movement of the other party was directed at his lair, because the direction was right, as long as the other party kept searching in this direction, they would soon find Chachai’s lair, so there was no hope for Chachai, and the opposite can not be found.

Chachai, who put on his military uniform, summoned all his soldiers and said to them.

"My soldiers, this is our homeland. Now someone wants to destroy our homeland and threaten our life. This is absolutely not allowed. We cannot fight here. There are many brothers and sisters here. Old and weak, women and children, so I decided to open up the battlefield in the rain forest. Where is our territory? We are very familiar with it, and the other party knows nothing about it. Every plant and tree here is useless, so we have to take the initiative, don’t save me ammunition, this is a battle for survival, we can’t lose, if we lose, we will die, understand?”

"Understood, General! I will not retreat until I fight to the death!"

Many soldiers who had been summoned raised their submachine guns and roared with high morale.

"Okay, this is the way I wait for soldiers. Now everyone goes to the armory, take out all the guns, ammunition, grenades, and mines, go to the rainforest ahead, set up traps, and wait for them to come in. I want to Let's see how many people they can sacrifice!"

Chachai's expression is fierce, and he has the idea of ​​fighting to the death, but this is a very normal thing, because this is a battle of life and death. If they are really exposed, the regular army and the government of this country , will never let them go, because they are also an army, although they are relatively weak private troops...

No country will allow an uncontrolled army under its nose.

Of course, if you hide in the deep mountains and old forests and no one finds you, that’s another story. This country can’t spend a lot of manpower and material resources to search the deep mountains and old forests. After all, the cost is too great.

There are many deep mountains and old forests in this country, who knows where Chachai and the others will be hiding. It is not worth the loss to search aimlessly, but if they have definite news, they don’t mind eradicating Chachai and Bumtai. want cancer.

Soon, under Chachai's order, his subordinates took some action, took the mines, went to the rainforest, began to ambush, set up mine traps and so on.

And all this, the police officers and troops in this country are still ignorant of the situation.

For them, if they want to wipe out a local armed force, that's it. They haven't been surrounded and suppressed before, so they don't take it too seriously. It's just that after they get to the mountains, cars and the like can no longer be used, because The road is rough, and the car cannot be used at all, so you can only walk by yourself.

Therefore, more than 4.9 people abandoned their cars and started to walk, slowly crossing the river and entering the rainforest.

As a follower, Miao Zhihua just wanted to get out of the car and follow behind these people, but was stopped by Wang Jin.

"Don't get out of the car in a hurry, wait for them to explore the road, do you really think they don't know about such a big move? Maybe it's too late to run, but it's impossible not to have the slightest preparation!"

When Miao Zhihua was persuaded by Wang Jin, he also felt that it was very reasonable. It is not unreasonable for these people to stand up for so many years. They must have stalkers. Such a large-scale operation, Cha Guai did not know about it, and then reminded him? .

Chapter 470 Two Bunch of Wimps! (I beg you guys to subscribe more!)

After having such thoughts, Miao Zhihua immediately stopped the movement of getting out of the car, and waited quietly in the car.

But Wang Jin's guess was not wrong, and it soon became a reality. Several people were sitting in the car and chatting. Not long after, a violent explosion suddenly came from the distant rainforest.

Da da da!chug chug!

Then there was the sound of guns sweeping around. This sound was very clear in the quiet mountainous area, even if it was far away.

At this time, Miao Zhihua took a look at Wang Jin, and was very grateful. Fortunately, Wang Jin reminded him to keep him from getting out of the car. If Wang Jin didn't remind him just now, he got out of the car and went down with the army, what is going on now? What kind of consequences?

Could it have been chug by a bullet?

After all, this is not like Xiangjiang, the great thing is to shoot a few submachine guns at .[-]. It really means that both sides have submachine guns, grenades, and bombs.

It is not an exaggeration to say that this was a small war, and it was fought in the jungle. Miao Zhihua 24 and the others are not the experienced Flying Tigers. They have no experience in jungle warfare at all. Well, that might really be the end of a dead end.

He felt that Wang Jin saved his life, and this favor was already owed, so Miao Zhihua felt that his experience in this area was still not ordered by Wang Jin, and he had better listen to Wang Jin for this action, otherwise he would die Maybe they don't know, because they are all observers, and it is impossible for this country to allow them to carry guns.

In fact, even if they can carry guns, how many people like Miao Zhihua can fight hard against the opponent?

To put it bluntly, there is no one except Wang Jin. This is not a joke, but the truth.

Xiangjiang's combat method is doomed that ordinary police officers can only deal with some petty thieves, while the powerful characters are members of the Flying Tigers.

If it's the Flying Tigers here, then they really have a chance to compete with their opponents. After all, everyone is a professional combatant, who is afraid of whom?

However, Miao Zhihua and the others couldn't do it, including the four of Wang Jin's subordinates. Even if they could deal with ordinary bandits, they were too far behind to deal with professional soldiers.

"Wang sir, what should we do now? Just wait like this?"

Although they came here to share the credit this time, and they don't need to take action, but as an entourage, it's not appropriate to just sit in the car all the time!

"Don't move, just sit in the car and wait, I'll go down and have a look!" Wang Jin said to several people after thinking for a while.

"Wang sir, this is a bit inappropriate! Do you want us to go down together? The current situation seems to be very dangerous. If there are more people, the strength will be a little stronger!"

Miao Zhihua was in a bit of a dilemma. He didn't expect that Wang Jin would request to act alone. It was simply too dangerous. Wang Jin was also a senior police officer in Xiangjiang. Status is the highest.

The higher-ups don't care who is in command of this operation. If something happens to Wang Jin, you, as the highest-ranking officer, will not hold you accountable. Who will be held accountable?

"It's okay. Normally, there are more than a dozen Flying Tigers, none of them are my opponents. You may not know that I have served as an instructor at the base of the Flying Tigers. I am the only one with the most experience here. You can follow to see the situation!"

When Wang Jin said this, the other nine people were all stunned. They had all heard of Wang Jin's reputation for being tough, but they really didn't expect that Wang Jin was also an instructor of the Flying Tigers.

The instructor of the Flying Tigers is not something that ordinary people can do. Even the elite of the Flying Tigers, it is not easy to become an instructor. What's more, Wang Jin is not a serious member of the Flying Tigers. It is even more difficult for the instructors of the Flying Tigers.

Therefore, except for Miao Zhihua, the remaining eight people looked at Wang Jin with awe and reverence.

After all, the Flying Tigers are a gathering place for the strong, and the reputation of the Flying Tigers is quite impressive in Xiangjiang. To become the instructor of the Flying Tigers, Wang Jin also said that he would wait for more than a dozen Flying Tigers not to be himself. opponent, how strong is Wang Jin?

In this kind of matter, there is no need for Wang Jin to lie to them, so they think Wang Jin is really good.

As long as they know that Wang Jin's statement is still modest, in fact, according to his strength, if one person can wipe out the entire Flying Tigers, I don't know what these people will think.

"Then, sir, be careful!"

This time, Miao Zhihua did not stop Wang Jin, but stared at Wang Jin with complicated eyes, telling Wang Jin to be careful.

"I will!"

Wang Jin nodded, and then got out of the car. His figure was as strong as a cheetah. After a few steps, he had reached the edge of a rough river. Because there was no boat, he had to rely on people to get there. Not paying attention to the expensive suit he was wearing, he took off the suit and threw it on the muddy ground beside him, leaving only a shirt behind, jumped into the small river and swam towards the opposite bank.

Miao Zhihua looked at the young figure of Wang Jin who was going away a little bit, and suddenly felt that he was old, and now it was the world of young people, so he couldn't help muttering to himself in a low voice.

"Perhaps, in a few years, I should consider retiring, abdicating the throne!"

Not to mention, the people in the car secretly worried for Wang Jin and hoped that Wang Jin would return safely. They said that Wang Jin was completely soaked after swimming across the small river, but Wang Jin didn't care at all. Looking at the white shirts on his body, Wang Jin felt that they were a little conspicuous, so without the slightest hesitation, he rolled himself into a clay figurine as soon as he rolled in the mud.

After seeing his cover-up, Wang Jin walked into the jungle with satisfaction, and when Wang Jin walked into the jungle, the moment the figure 047 received the news, Wang Jin took out two submachine guns from the storage ring and pointed them at The front was bright and aboveboard, and he walked slowly, as if he didn't know at all that he was in a battlefield and came to play in the jungle.

This is due to Wang Jin's gun fighting skills. As long as a bullet is fired, Wang Jin can instinctively judge the trajectory of the bullet, so he is not worried at all. Someone can hurt him with a gun, even in the jungle , the same is true, because the gun fighting technique relies on the instinct of the body to fight, not the eyes.

Eyes can be deceiving, but instinct can't. Wang Jin only needs to pay attention to the mines or traps under his feet, and this is a piece of cake for Wang Jin.

As Wang Jin got closer to the battlefield, he finally saw the battle situation clearly. He was so angry that he was almost speechless. He didn't know if it was the regular army and police officers of this country. He usually faced too few battles. None, only know that swarms of bees swarmed up and crushed with the advantage of numbers.

But sometimes, it is not useful if there are many people, especially in Conglin, where there are dangers everywhere.

Therefore, what Wang Jin saw was that many police officers in this country fell down in a pool of blood one after another, even though many regular soldiers were well-trained, they were also injured.

"They're all a bunch of useless people! They're still in the regular army, and they can't even handle a local armed force. How dare you call yourself a regular army!" Wang Jin curled his lips in disdain.

Chapter 470 Three achievements! ! (I beg you guys to subscribe more!)

"It's really a bunch of wretches! Garbage! No wonder this country is so weak. Fans of warlords are rampant on the border. The regular army is like this. How can it be strong? Who is it!"

Wang Jin's complaints are not without reason. In his eyes, the combat capability of the regular army in this country is really weak. It may not be as good as Xiangjiang's elite Flying Tigers. At least the Flying Tigers are better trained. , and Wang Jin's first impression of the country's regular army was that it was loose and disciplined. Maybe it was better equipped than the Flying Tigers, or it might not be as good as the Flying Tigers.

Just like now, when fighting in the dense forest, some powerful weapons and equipment cannot be used, the strength of these regular troops is not much stronger than the private armed forces on the opposite side.

Strictly speaking, the traps set by Chachai's troops are not complicated, even very simple, because Chachai's troops don't have so much time to set up sophisticated traps, but they have arranged a lot of traps that are not very complicated .

These traps may not be discovered at first glance, but as long as you are careful, there is still a great chance of discovery, but these regular soldiers do not have this awareness. They may think that Chachai does not know the news of their arrival. It may be because they think that the other party is a mob, so they don't take it to heart.

In this way, he stepped into the dense forest in a loose formation, and also stepped into the trap set by Chai Ba's troops.

All kinds of mines, and then there are hanging grenade traps, but let these regular troops drink a pot.

When Wang Jin entered the dense forest, what he saw were many guys whose corpses were mutilated. The pungent smell of gunpowder smoke entered Wang Jin's nose.

Wang Jin heard these regular soldiers shouting from afar.

"Go ahead, be careful, and pay attention to the traps around!"

Obviously, the appearance of some traps also made them start to be cautious, after all, people always have to learn lessons.

How can I say that these guys are also regular soldiers, and some small sacrifices can't scare them away. If these small sacrifices can scare them away, then they should stop messing around and go home early to disband the army and sell them. The sweet potato is ready, why not be a soldier.

After leaving behind more than a dozen corpses, these traps were finally not enough to stump them, but their advancing speed also slowed down.

Originally, the speed at which they broke into the dense forest could be described as overwhelming, but now they are taking one step at a time and watching three steps at a time, which can be said to be extremely cautious.

No one is not afraid of death. The sacrifice of teammates taught them to be cautious, but unfortunately, this is not particularly effective in the dense forest, because the site of this matter depends on the familiarity with the dense forest site. Guess they are the landlords.

Therefore, even though these regular troops have been extremely careful, they still hear occasional gunshots in the dense forest, and one soldier after another is falling down.

And the place where the gunshots are fired will also be ruthlessly shot by these regular army bullets.

Da da da!

It's a pity that the effect is not particularly great. Except for a few unlucky ghosts who were hit by stray bullets and lost their lives because they didn't have time to evacuate, the casualties of Chachai's men were not great.

Even the regular army is like this, let alone the police officers in this country, they are all hiding behind the regular army, even after seeing the tragic situation of many people being bombed with residual value and broken arms, It was vomiting again and again, this was the first time they had seen such a tragic scene.

With the regular army at the front, they didn't dare to explore the way ahead, I'm afraid it would be as tragic as those who were completely killed. After all, the regular army still has some jungle combat experience. These police officers are mixed in the city every day, even in the forest. They are rare, let alone jungle combat experience.

What a joke!

Wang Jin didn't pay attention to these guys who were afraid of death and hid behind them, but carried a gun and passed them all the way.

"Hey, don't go, it's dangerous ahead, come back~‖!"

The police commanders in this country saw Wang Jin walking past them with a gun in hand, and immediately yelled anxiously at Wang Jin in the local language.

Wang Jin is not from their country, he only has the power of supervision, but not the power of law enforcement. Now that Wang Jin is carrying a gun, it is considered a violation of the rules, but he can't care about it now, because if Wang Jin dies in After leaving their country, that is the more troublesome thing. It will be difficult for him and Xiangjiang to explain it. After all, people died in their country.

Although Wang Jin understood what this person was saying, he didn't care what this person said, so he immediately pretended not to understand, didn't hear it, and continued walking forward.

Wang Jin didn't come here for an outing. As for the two brushes of the regular army, they probably weren't the opponents of Chachai's private armed forces. Although the police officers here seem to be crowded, they can't be counted on.

If Wang Jin didn't make a move, he wouldn't be able to catch Caiba today, Wang Jin is still waiting to get credit for it!

Of course, this is only one reason, and the more important reason is because Wang Jin still has a mission on his body. He has to go to the old lair of Chai Ba's garrison, so Wang Jin doesn't bother to deal with these wastes at all, and follows behind the regular army. Keep going.

Da da da!

Whoosh whoosh!

Suddenly a series of dense bullets passed through Wang Jin's nose, the top of his head, and the sides of his ears. It turned out that someone shot Wang Jin in the dark. Needless to say, it must be someone from Guaiba, but Wang Jin He didn't care at all, just a slight swing of his body, he dodged these bullets, following the trajectory of these bullets, Wang Jin shot without hesitation, this was almost a subconscious reaction.

Raising his right hand, he pulled the trigger, and a few bullets were fired.

With Wang Jin's keen ears, he heard a muffled groan, and then he heard the sound of an object falling to the ground.

Without thinking, Wang Jin knew that the guy who shot him was killed by himself.

This was the first person Wang Jin killed in this dense forest, but it was definitely not the last person, because Wang Jin then diverted the road, did not follow behind those regular soldiers, but followed behind these trash, It will only waste more time, and with this group of trash, helping Wang Jin attract firepower, Wang Jin can also go to the lair of Chaba's station faster, so Wang Jin deviates slightly from the direction and continues to walk forward.

Gunshots continued to hit, but Wang Jin was already used to it. He just tilted his head to avoid the bullets, and the guy who secretly shot at Wang Jin was completely stunned at this time, with a look of displeasure. I can't believe it.

⒉⒉0⑤23①4⑨Inner skirt

"The opponent's luck is too good! They didn't even hit it!"

The stunned guy looked at Wang Jin in the distance, and then looked at his gun. He felt that he might have hallucinations. His marksmanship is not bad. What is too valuable, as long as it is a strong man, almost every man has a gun, and in the village, there are no entertainment items. These private armed forces have nothing special to do except to protect the safety of the village. Therefore, their daily entertainment is either wrestling or fighting, or practicing marksmanship, or going to the nearby river to take a bath.

This guy didn't say he was absolutely confident in his marksmanship, but he also felt that Wang Jin could be completely headshot at such a short distance, so he hit Wang Jin's head, but now?

Wang Jin just tilted his head slightly, and avoided the bullet he fired. Of course, he doesn't believe in this evil. He still doesn't believe that there are people in this world who can't be hit by bullets. When he shot at Wang Jin to prove himself, his head was also exposed and Wang Jin would not miss this good opportunity. Three bullets in a row almost all shot through the opponent's eyes, directly piercing through the opponent's head and blowing it up. .

The soldier under Cai Ba's hand didn't even have a chance to shout, so he completely collapsed.

"Weak chicken!"

Wang Jin curled his lips in disdain, this kind of incompetent weak chicken, he almost killed as many as he wanted, and he found out the position of the other party, and wanted to kill him.

Are you kidding?

Could it be that the gun in Wang Jin's hand is a parallel import?

And this scene does not refer to a one-time occurrence, but a normal state. Wang Jin walked all the way in the dense forest, his hands were stained with blood, and almost twenty people died in his hands, but he was unscathed. It caused many guys who came to ambush Wang Jin to collapse. They ran out of the dense forest like crazy, just wanting to stay away from Wang Jin, because in their view, Wang Jin is simply a devil, a devil who can't be killed by shooting.

It's a pity that the more these people wanted to escape, the faster they died, because they exposed their backs to Wang Jin's eyes. To Wang Jin's terrifying eyesight, as long as there was a slight disturbance, they would not be able to hide it from his eyes , what's more, these people's running movements are not small, and Wang Jin is not blind and deaf, so how could he not notice it!

Therefore, the fate of these people was not so good, they were all killed by Wang Jin.

So far, all the guys who came to ambush on Wang Jin's route have been cleared by Wang Jin. As for the regular army, what is going on and whether the fight is lively, that is none of Wang Jin's business.

Wang Jin walked out of the dense forest with a gun in his hand, and finally saw the familiar one meter, that is the green field. In the large area of ​​green field, all the plants that can make flour are planted. Wang Jin didn't think about destroying it. This is all his credit, he is reluctant to destroy it!

However, the immediate priority is to catch Chachai. Wang Jin looked from a distance and saw the shadow of the village.

"¨~Cha Guai probably didn't run away in the village!"

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