The gangsters who made up a group had no strength to fight back at all, except for the first time they met, some of them yelled a few times when their faces changed drastically.

"There are messengers in ambush, everyone retreat!"

And after firing two shots, after those few shouted and exposed their positions and were beaten into a sieve by the Flying Tigers, there were no more gangsters who dared to speak indiscriminately.

Later, the terrified gangster fled in the shopping mall while being beaten by the Flying Tigers with MP5 submachine guns.

From time to time, some gangsters accidentally exposed their bodies during their escape, and were hit by screams and smashed into a sieve by a submachine gun.

This scene was played out one after another throughout the shopping mall.

The gangsters are extremely vicious, but they are just gangsters after all. With military literacy, equipment, and numbers all behind, there is no room for counterattack at all, and they can only be wiped out!

After 15 minutes, the battle ended, and most of the criminals in the mall were killed, leaving no one alive!

As for the poor guys, because there are well-equipped Flying Tigers playing in the front row, and Wang Jin is commanding and emphasizing on the walkie-talkie, don't be stingy with tactical equipment such as flash bombs and tear gas bombs, and all operators are wearing bullet-proof vests. A few unlucky ghosts were hit by stray bullets and suffered moderate injuries, but none of them died.

In the history of the police force, no one has been sacrificed in such a big battle scene, which is simply unprecedented!

Without knowing it, Wang Jin created the history of the police force!

Of course, at this time, Wang Jin didn't know that he had unintentionally created a great achievement that could be recorded in the history of the Xiangjiang Police Force.

He was listening carefully to the reports of the various teams after the war from the walkie-talkie.

"Report to the Lion, this is the Hyena team, found eight suspects, cooperated with the Flying Tigers to kill six of the culprits, and two of them are missing! Searching...over!"

"Report to the lion, this is the crocodile team. Six suspects have been found. They have cooperated with the Flying Tigers to kill all of them. They are searching the shopping mall, looking for the hyena's fish that slipped through the net! over!"

"Report to the lion, this is the cheetah team, found 20 suspects, they have cooperated with the flying tiger team to kill all of them, they are searching the shopping mall, looking for the hyenas that slipped through the net! over!"

"Report to the lion, here are herbivores, herbivores are safe, customers are safe! over!"

Wang Jin listened to the report from the walkie-talkie. Wang Jin was sitting on the boss's chair in the manager's office, his brows were furrowed, his fingers tapped on the desk table from time to time, and he was thinking in his heart.

"The bandits discovered so far, except for two whose whereabouts are unknown, all the rest were killed. Will the remaining two be Wang Jianjun and Wang Jianguo?"

Even Wang Jin couldn't be sure about this, so he could only wait for all the teams to finish searching.

After all, he is only a human being, not a god, so it is impossible to know everything!


Wang Jin, who was sitting in the manager's room on the top floor, heard two gunshots resounding in the shopping mall, and his whole body was shocked suddenly. Then he heard the sound of chaotic footsteps coming from outside the manager's room.

The door of the manager's room was pushed open, and all members of the Hyena team and some of the Flying Tigers appeared in the manager's room, straightened up, and saluted Wang Jin.

"Report to Xiongshi, the remaining two gangsters have been killed by hyenas, all the floors of the East District have been searched, and no other gangsters have been found!"

Wang Jin also stood up, and solemnly saluted all the colleagues who were fighting bloody battles.

"Thank you for your hard work, everyone! I'll ask for credit later!"

"Thank you, sir!"

Hearing the request for merit, the poor guys who were covered in dust and even a lot of blood stained their bodies, their eyes lit up and their hearts were extremely excited.

This kind of opportunity to make a great contribution comes only once in many years. After they have made such a contribution this time, their promotion and so on will be much smoother in the future.

Not long after, each team also appeared in the manager's room, reporting the results to Wang Jin.

The entire shopping mall has been searched, and except for some customers, no other culprits have been found.

Wang Jin thought for a while, but he didn't unblock the shopping mall immediately, but issued the last order as the commander-in-chief!

"Move all the corpses of the gangsters to the downstairs of the mall! I have to check them one by one, and the customers who are present have to wait for me to confirm them one by one before they can leave!"


"Yes, sir!"

Many messengers saluted one after another, and then went down to complete the last task assigned by Wang Jin! .

Chapter 40 Not Everything

The first floor of the shopping mall, the central lobby!

"Not this.....nor this.....this nor...none...none..."

When Wang Jin turned over the battered corpses of gangsters that were riddled with holes and blood, and saw their faces clearly, his expression was a bit ugly.

Because, among the 34 gangsters, none of them were familiar faces to Wang Jin, which meant that the villain boss Wang Jianjun was really no longer among the gangsters.

His plan was a success, but it was also a failure.

If the bandit leader is not caught, then the operation to exterminate the bandits cannot be regarded as a full effort, and Yang Qian'er is still in danger.

Of course, now Yang Qian'er may not be the main target of the bandits.

He, Wang Jin, who beat the grass to scare the snake and killed a bunch of thugs, might be Wang Jianjun, the enemy who will never die.

"I just don't know if there is Wang Jianjun's younger brother here. If Wang Jianjun's younger brother also dies here, then even if I offend Wang Jianjun with my actions this time, it won't be a loss!"

Wang Jin glanced at the neatly arranged corpses on the ground, trying to find Wang Jianguo's corpse from inside, but unfortunately he didn't have a deep impression of Wang Jianguo, so he couldn't recognize Wang Jianguo from these corpses. .

This is another trouble. If I had known about Wang Jin, I would have ordered to keep one or two alive. At least I could ask whether Wang Jianguo was among the corpses.

Not finding what he wanted from the dead bandits, Wang Jin was naturally a little upset.

Next, let's see if we can get some information from Xu Zhengyang.

As for those customers, Wang Jin did not expect much.

I don't expect that there will be gangsters' accomplices among this group of people.

Of course, in order to be completely at ease, Wang Jin still took the trouble, and ordered people to transfer everyone's information and resumes from childhood to adulthood from the police force, just to not miss any possibility.

Perhaps, really answered that sentence!

If you plant flowers deliberately, the flowers will not bloom, but if you plant willows unintentionally, they will become successful.

Wang Jin, who hadn't expected anything from among these customers, actually found something wrong.

A Feizi from Ciyunshan, who was idle and ate and drank all day long, actually got mixed up with this group of customers. Discovered.

Who are these customers? They are either rich or expensive, or they are the elites of the upper class.

Only such people will have the taste and wealth to spend in this shopping mall that specializes in luxury brands.

This Feizi, what's there?

After Wang Jin's investigation, this Feizi not only owes a lot of usury, but also likes to gamble, and is currently on the run.

Although, this Feizi is also in a suit, and the person who tidies up looks like a dog. He wears a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, and he has a pretty handsome appearance, with some temperament.

If it wasn't for Wang Jin's strict investigation of everyone's resume, he might have been deceived by this guy. His resume is full of crimes, and the pile of information is probably half a meter high.

What good can such a guy do if he mingled among the customers?

Wang Jin immediately sneered, and lifted Feizi named Yu Qing out of the crowd, and threw it to two subordinates.

"Take care of him, if this guy wants to run, don't hold back, just break his leg!"

"Yes, sir!"

The two police officers took out their guns and stared at Yu Qing intently. If he made any abnormal movements, they would immediately shoot and break his legs.

What Wang Jin said, combined with his sneer, to Yu Qing, was like a devil's sneer, and he fell to the ground in fright, his face was pale, and there were faint water stains on his lower body. A foul smell filled the air.

The two messengers subconsciously covered their mouths and noses, stood a little further away, and looked at Yu Qing full of disgust and ferocity.

After checking the resumes and documents of all the customers, the rest of them had no problems, so Wang Jin didn't keep these people anymore and let them all go.

Hearing that they can go, these people usually rely on their money, their nostrils are turned upside down, and they call themselves upper-class figures.

The ones running one by one are faster than rabbits. I wish my parents would have two more legs so that I can leave this place of right and wrong early.

The previous gun battle scared them a lot,

As for asking them to complain to Wang Jin afterwards, they absolutely dare not. They didn't see this fierce god, so they dared to take their face for granted, so they told their subordinates, would they break their legs if they ran away?

In addition to the prestige of the violent detective, they also know that one person can catch it, and the two famous clubs in Xiangjiang have hundreds of people!

Can they offend such a fierce person?

In case this vicious god is complained by them, there is no policeman to do it, and they seek revenge, how can they bear it?

With the constraints of being a police officer, this fierce god has to restrain himself a little, and he doesn't dare to mess around. Once this layer of skin is gone, the fierce god is really a fierce god, and he wants to eat people!

They still understand how a person who can become either rich or noble, or an upper-class elite, does not have a shrewd brain.

Therefore, they didn't dare to complain to Wang Jin, and when they heard Wang Jin say to release him, they left immediately, not wanting to stay any longer.

With the departure of this group of people, there were only some plainclothes left, the bodies of Yang Qian'er, Xu Zhengyang, Yu Qinghe and Yidi.

"Go first, I still have something to deal with!"

Wang Jin glanced at Xu Zhengyang and Yang Qian'er. Xu Zhengyang understood and knew that the next scene was not suitable for him and Yang Qianer to be here. He pulled Yang Qianer and prepared to leave.

When Xu Zhengyang passed by Wang Jin, Wang Jin suddenly pressed Xu Zhengyang's shoulder, leaned into his ear, and said in a voice that only two people could hear.

"When you go back, be careful on the road! According to the secret information I got, I suspect that the leader of this criminal group is not here!"

When Xu Zhengyang heard this, his pupils shrank suddenly. This was the worst news he had ever heard.

However, he still nodded expressionlessly, not letting Yang Qian'er see anything, but the vigilance in his heart had been raised to a level that was almost off the charts.

An enraged dangerous gangster can do anything unexpected.

Without Wang Jin's reminder, Xu Zhengyang might relax his vigilance a little bit, but with Wang Jin's reminder, he would not dare to relax for a moment. He believed in Wang Jin's source of information.

At least, Wang Jin is definitely more than half sure that this information is true, so he will tell him this news and tell him to be careful all the way!

The way back may be even more dangerous than when we came here! .

Chapter 41 Rules are dead, but people are alive!Looking at another 20 years, the little people have also stepped onto the big stage!

Xu Zhengyang, who received Wang Jin's suggestion, already knew in his mind that if the bandit leader really wasn't here.

Then, whether it is Yang Qian'er or Wang Jin, they will suffer the cruelest revenge from the bandit leader.

Even Wang Jin, who has wiped out so many gangsters, will be hated by the bandit leader even more, and the chance of being retaliated is given priority over Yang Qian'er.

At this moment, Xu Zhengyang admired Wang Jin's foresight a little bit. Before the operation started, he calculated the result of the absence of the bandit leader early and made extra plans.

"I don't know, how will you deal with it next!"

Before leaving, Xu Zhengyang glanced at Wang Jin with complicated eyes, and then rushed back to the villa with Yang Qian'er.

During this trip to the shopping mall, Yang Qian'er was also quite frightened. She never thought that she was just shopping.

In a place like Xiangjiang, there are still people who dare to be so arrogant, enter the shopping mall in broad daylight and blatantly.

Fortunately, she was quickly shot dead by the police, but the grim-faced and beaten corpse still had a great impact on her, making her dare not stay outside any longer.

This is still Yang Qian'er doesn't know, this group of people are coming for her, if they know, I'm afraid they will be even more frightened out of their wits.

When you come, it's like an outing, and when you go, it's like learning scriptures from the west!

This sentence is probably most suitable for Yang Qian'er and Xu Zhengyang's current state.

Only Yang Qian'er, who was ignorant and ignorant, could not feel the change in the atmosphere.

At this moment, she just wanted to return to her den, take a good bath, and then sleep, forgetting about the bloody and frightening scene in the shopping mall just now.

As for Xu Zhengyang, who was full of worries, he was not as innocent as Yang Qian'er. He sat on the co-pilot and kept patrolling the outside of the car, guarding against possible dangers at any time.

Fortunately, what worried Xu Zhengyang didn't happen. The bandit leader didn't know if he was jealous, but he targeted Wang Jin first. Anyway, Xu Zhengyang took Yang Qian'er back to the villa in Repulse Bay smoothly.

It's just that, on the contrary, it made Xu Zhengyang even more afraid.

It is not terrible for an irritated mad dog to come out to bite people. What is terrible is that this mad dog is clearly irritated but can still control his emotions, which is extremely terrifying.

Because such a mad dog will look for the enemy's weak point, then pounce on it, bite off the enemy's neck with one blow, and put the enemy to death.

"I hope that Wang sir can make a breakthrough!"

Xu Zhengyang sat in the villa and sighed worriedly. He wanted to protect Yang Qian'er himself and couldn't leave.

Looking for news about the bandit leader, everything can only be investigated by Wang Jin.

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