Moreover, the three of them are different from Ma Jun and Song Zijie in one thing, that is, Ma Jun and Song Zijie have no desire to surpass their own abilities. They don't want anything other than a desire for a position.

Therefore, for Ma Jun and Song Zijie's Recruitment 24, it is only a solicitation within the police force. Liang Junyi, Yang Zhen, and Lin Yixiang are different. They have the desire to surpass their own abilities. They not only want to be higher. status, and want more money, so Wang Jin asked them to follow him, not Wang sir of the police force!

In other words, what they need is to help Wang Jin, not to help Wang Sir of the police force. The two points are different in concept.

The three of them, strictly speaking, belonged to Wang Jin's personal solicitation and belonged to Wang Jin's personal subordinates.

"I hope! So what are you going to do next, sir?"

Since the three of Liang Junyi chose to join Wang Jin, they naturally planned to follow Wang Jin's lead, so they also asked Wang Jin's next plan.

"There is nothing to plan. Since Feng** International wants to play, then we will follow along and play big. Aren't these people thinking about manipulating the stock market? Okay, then we will let them do what they want, and we will follow suit , Let's see who can play better than whom! Capital is a thing that can be compared with who has more money!"

Wang Jin smiled coldly, Feng**ji wanted to manipulate the stock market to make money, but Wang Jin refused to let them do so, he must vomit blood from Feng**ji's people.

"Ah Xiang, you are a computer expert, and you are the one to trade. This time I will make them lose their money. They want to pull the stock price to [-], let's see if they can beat us!"

Lin Yixiang and Yang Zhen looked at each other. They never said that the stock price would rise to [-] yuan. Wang Jin even knew this, and his intelligence ability was too terrifying.

Liang Junyi, who knew nothing, didn't feel anything.

"Okay, leave it to me to operate, no problem!"

As a computer expert, Lin Yixiang also dabbled in trading, so he agreed without hesitation.

In this regard, Wang Jin did not delay, but found the manager of the stock company and asked for a secret office, and then everyone started trading.

Lin Yixiang first established several unrelated accounts, and Wang Jin began to mobilize a large amount of funds. In addition to promising Yang Zhen 500 million, Liang Junyi, Lin Yixiang, and Wang Jin also borrowed 500 million, as a bowl for the superiors. The water still needs to be flat.

Not long after, the stock market officially opened, and the stock price of Feng** International began to rise slowly. Lin Yixiang started the formal trading, buying all the funds in everyone's account for [-] cents.

And Wang Jin's account has the most money, more than hundreds of millions.

The stock is a very mysterious thing. The more you invest, the price of the stock will rise, and once the stock rises, the more people will follow the trend, and the more retail investors follow the trend, the more it will rise. quick.

Liang Junyi, Yang Zhen, and Lin Yixiang's tens of millions of people went down, and the effect was not very obvious, but after Wang Jin's hundreds of millions of funds went down, Fenghua's stock really soared all the way, soared, and became a complete success. the bull market.

Countless people who play stocks, seeing this scene, are completely crazy, buying all the way, pushing the price of the stock higher and higher.

As for the final fate of these retail investors, Wang Jin doesn't care, unless these people are very clear-headed and can get out in time, otherwise the final fate of these retail investors will not be too good.

However, what's the matter with Wang Jin? Since you want to play stocks, you must be prepared for a big loss. If you don't even have this preparation, then you are going to kill yourself if you still play stocks, because stocks are not something ordinary retail investors can play. Only the capital predators can play with the things that are turned around.

Wang Jin is making huge purchases, and so is Feng** International. They originally planned to push up the stock price. Wang Jin's entry can be said to speed up this process to the extreme. After all, hundreds of millions of funds , is not a small number.

"Mr. Luo, Mr. Fei, Mr. Xu, it seems that a large amount of money has entered the market!"

At the same time, during the turmoil, their trader reported the situation to Luo Yaoming and the other three.

"Is there a big dealer coming in?"

Luo Yaoming, Fei Guoxiong, and Xu Wei were all taken aback. It was strange that someone other than them entered the arena.

However, the three of them looked at each other and laughed. This is also a good thing. With the entry of the big dealer, it will give more investors the confidence to buy their stocks crazily, and even trap the big dealer in the end. It's not impossible to come in.

They don't have to eat retail investors, and it would be great to eat big dealers.

"It's okay, let them buy, let them eat as much as they have, I'll see how much they can eat! Let's eat too, let's see who buys more, and let me raise the price of the stock!"

Luo Yaoming instructed the trader to ignore the big dealer, anyway, they started to sell wildly at [-] yuan, and they made a lot of money, so let another big dealer hold the stock and cry bitterly!

"Yes! Mr. Luo!"

After receiving Luo Yaoming's order, the trader began to mobilize a large amount of funds, and crazily bought Feng**Ji's stocks, and in a short while, Feng**Ji's stocks began to skyrocket, from [-] cents to [-] cents.


Inside Wang Jin's office!

"It's gone up, it's gone up, it's really gone up!"

When Yang Zhen saw the stock numbers on the computer, he jumped up excitedly. He borrowed 500 million from Wang Jin as funds and bought it for 1000 cents. times, and made [-] million at once.

In less than half an hour, he earned 1000 million. He couldn't even think about such a thing, like falling into a dream.

"This money is so damn easy to make. No wonder rich people don't treat money as money, but as waste paper. This kind of money-making speed is faster than money printing machines. Can money printing machines print money at this speed? "

Yang Zhen's eyes were red, and he was a little out of breath. He had never seen so much money.Haven't even seen half a million.

"Brother Yang, the money printing machine is really not as fast as this!"

Lin Yixiang, who was trading, took advantage of the interval, and said to Yang Zhen very seriously.

"Get your stuff, I'll find you to settle the score if I lose money!"

Seeing that Lin Yixiang still had time to talk to himself, Yang Zhen stepped forward and patted the back of Lin Yixiang's head lightly, but he didn't dare to pat Lin Yixiang's head too hard, for fear of breaking Lin Yixiang's head and losing all his money by then. Wouldn't it be troublesome?

Over there, Lin Yixiang and Yang Zhen were having fun, while Wang Jin and Liang Junyi were drinking coffee. The coffee from this company was pretty good, at least to Wang Jin's liking.

"Brother Wang, aren't you worried?"

Seeing Wang Jin drinking coffee at ease, Liang Junyi hesitated to speak, and finally asked Wang Jin.

This time, he didn't call Wang Jin "Wang sir". One is to avoid suspicion, and the other is to mix with Wang Jin in the future. Naturally, he should respect Wang Jin.

Inside the police force, you can call Wang Jin Sir Wang, but you still have to pay attention to the influence outside. It is more appropriate to call Wang Jin Brother Wang, although he is much older than Wang Jin.

"worry about what?"

Wang Jin asked with a puzzled expression while drinking his coffee.

"Brother Wang, you have so much money, aren't you afraid of being locked up?"

Liang Junyi didn't ask Wang Jin where all the money came from. This was Wang Jin's secret.

What's more, since he started to hang out with Wang Jin, he and Wang Jin have been sitting on the same boat, and they can't get off the boat at all.

If Wang Jin falls, he will not end well.

"There's nothing to be afraid of. The more capital you have, the more greedy you are. Since those people in the wind and rain world say they've got one yuan and two, they will definitely not sell it before it reaches one yuan and two. Don't worry. !"

Wang Jin didn't care about it at all, he knew what the people in the world were thinking, since a price was set, the other party would not change it at will, and the other party would not act rashly before it reached one yuan and two of.

This is not only a game in stocks, but also a game in psychology. It depends on who can persist until the end.

In this respect, Wang Jin is obviously better because he knows the opponent's bottom line. As long as Wang Jin sells all the stocks before this bottom line, Wang Jin will make a lot of money.

As for earning more than earning less, Wang Jin really doesn't care much. He is not short of money himself, it's just money on the surface, and he wants to get a lot of it to enjoy life.

After all, no matter how much money there is, if it doesn't need to go out, it's just a pile of numbers or waste paper, worthless.

"Brother Wang, it's gone up, up, up again, and it's already risen to [-] cents and [-] cents!"

Yang Zhen, who had been staring at the computer, became more and more excited at this time, his whole body trembled, and his wealth doubled again. If he didn't know that Wang Jin, a big boss, was right in front of him, he could now I was so excited that I went up to kiss Liang Junyi or Lin Yixiang while holding Liang Junyi or Lin Yixiang in my arms. I was really excited.

Unfortunately, with Wang Jin around, he dare not do this!

On the contrary, Xiaoxiang was very calm, just staring at the computer screen, not knowing what he was thinking, and did not appear very excited.

"Xiaoxiang is a pretty good seedling. Cultivate him well. His future achievements may not be worse than yours! As for Yang Zhen, when he has the money, let him go! However, you have to help me watch over him and let him Don't show off, and if he says something nonsense, it may end badly!"

Wang Jin's tone was very calm, but Liang Junyi's ears shuddered a little, because it was a blatant warning.

"Xiaoxiang is good, I will train it well!"

Liang Junyi also praised Xiaoxiang very much, because Xiaoxiang's character is very calm and has a great future.

As for Yang Zhen, Liang Junyi hesitated to speak, and finally said nothing, nodded solemnly to Wang Jin and said:

"Yang Zhen, I will watch him!"

"Well, it's enough to have your words. I still believe in you. I will help you arrange your position as soon as possible. Don't worry! Although we are not in the same department, it will not be a big problem with a little influence!"

Wang Jin didn't say that he would guarantee Liang Junyi's position, because he was assigned by o's office, while Liang Junyi was from the intelligence investigation department and belonged to a different department. Wang Jin took a fancy to the other party because he wanted to leave a few nails for him in the intelligence department. This is the real role of Liang Junyi and the others. Even if Liang Junyi wants to be promoted, he will be promoted within the intelligence investigation department. benefits are greater.

Chapter 480 Three Don't Be Too Greedy!

"Lan Tian" 456348770

"Brother Wang, the stock price has risen to seventy-five cents now! What should we do?"

Lin Yixiang, who was staring at the computer, suddenly turned around and asked Wang Jin.

Lin Yixiang still knows a little about stocks. He knows that stocks are not very stable at this time. After all, the stock price of Feng** International has already risen too much today.

The intelligence said it was one yuan and two, but the other party may not really sell it at one yuan and two. If the other party sold it in advance, and in the case of the other party's big dealer selling it in advance, many retail investors may follow the trend and sell it crazily, and the stock price will plummet. Not impossible, when Wang Jin and others want to sell, it will not be so easy.

"Has it risen to seventy-five cents?"

Hearing what Xiao Xiang said, Wang Jin tapped his fingers on the coffee table, pondered for a while, and then said to Xiao Xiang.

"When it rises to seventy-eight cents, we will sell, don't wait!"

Wang Jin made a decision. At this moment, he actually remembered that in the plot of the movie, Fenghua once closed the market. Now that he has made a profit, it is best to leave the scene early, and he should not be too greedy.

This time, not only do you want to make a lot of money, but you also want to exploit the world. Don’t you want to pull the stock price to [-], then come and take my order!

Wang Jin bought quite a lot. If Wang Jin sells it now, it will be more than one billion. Such a large amount of money is beyond the reach of ordinary people. Can it be stabilized? If the other party has a large amount of funds, it is really possible to stabilize, and it may be raised to [-] yuan after unblocking. If the funds are not enough, then I am sorry, and the entire stock may have to be completely sold. crash.

Anyway, it doesn't matter to Wang Jin, he has already made a lot of money by evacuating early.

"Brother Wang, it's seventy-seven cents already!"

Lin Yixiang, who was staring at the computer screen, suddenly reminded.

"Qimaoqi, the speed is very fast!"

As he said that, Wang Jin stood up, walked behind Lin Yixiang, and looked at the computer screen, while Liang Junyi also got up and followed Wang Jin, also staring at the computer screen. After all, he also invested money this time, so naturally he should care a bit.

Soon, the stock price on the computer screen will rise to seventy-eight cents!

"Call and sell!"

Wang Jin stared at the computer screen, and suddenly said, earning so much is enough.

"it is good!"

Lin Yixiang didn't hesitate either. Their money was all borrowed from Wang Jin. Now that Wang Jin said they wanted to sell it, it was naturally impossible for them to disagree.

Afterwards, Lin Yixiang picked up the phone on the table, dialed a number, and the call was quickly connected.

"Hey, please help me sell the stocks in these accounts!"

After speaking, Lin Yixiang told the other party about the account, and within a minute, the stocks in several accounts were all wiped out. Liang Junyi, Lin Yixiang, and Yang Zhen each made a full profit of more than 1 million.

At this time, the stock price has already exceeded seventy-eight cents, and it continues to rise.

"No way! It's still going up! If I knew it, I would have sold it later!"

Although Yang Zhen has become a multi-millionaire, no one would dislike him for having a lot of money. At this moment, he is extremely annoyed. If he is later, he can still make a lot of money.

"Yeah! Maybe it's a little early!"

Even Lin Yixiang stared at the beating numbers of the stocks on the computer, feeling sorry, as if it was a little early to sell.

"You really think it's too early to sell?"

Wang Jin stared at the two of them with a half-smile, which was a little creepy, so he quickly changed his words.

"No, no! Brother Wang, sell as much as you say~‖!"

"That's right, that's right! We all followed Brother Wang to get rich!"

"It's really for your own good, or you can wait and see later!"

Wang Jin smiled mysteriously, and did not tell the three of them about the situation. Of course, this kind of thing should be kept mysterious, and it would be better to maintain his majesty. Why not do it.

"What's the matter?"

Lin Yixiang and Yang Zhen were talking to Wang Jin, so they didn't stare at the computer screen, but Liang Junyi was staring at the computer screen the whole time. He suddenly saw the stocks of Feng**jiu, which stopped beating at seventy-nine cents, and then Immediately, the words "stop trading" appeared, and asked quickly.

Hearing Liang Junyi's voice, Lin Yixiang and Yang Zhen also turned their heads to look at the computer screen. When they saw the words "stop trading" appeared on the computer screen, their brains froze for a while, and then they felt like they were dying. The feeling of escape.

If they were a few minutes late just now, would the stock not be sold, or would it be completely rotten in their hands?

Luckily they sell out relatively fast!

At this time, they all remembered what Wang Jin said just now, it was really for your own good, otherwise you can wait and see.

Now, a moth really appeared!

"Brother Wang, do you have inside information?"

Lin Yixiang's first reaction was that Wang Jin definitely had inside information, otherwise how could he have sold so resolutely, the stock was completely sold at seventy-nine cents, and at seventy-nine cents, the stock was completely closed.

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