"What nonsense! Drink!"

Liang Junyi rolled his eyes at Yang Zhen, saying such depressing words on a festive day!

"That's right, Brother Yang! It's unlucky not to say such things on a good day!"

After that, Lin Yixiang thought of the biggest contributor to their rebirth this time.

"By the way, Brother Jun, Brother Yang, should we call Brother Wang here! The matter was resolved smoothly, and Brother Wang is the greatest contributor. If it weren't for Brother Wang, we would be in big trouble!"

Lin Yixiang, who was drinking, raised his mouth by the way, and after he finished speaking, both Yang Zhen and Liang Junyi looked at him, which made Lin Yixiang baffled.

"Ah Xiang, you are still young. Brother Wang is too dangerous. We should not get too close to him. If he tells us to do something, then we will do it. Don't refuse Brother Wang. If you want to come to Brother Wang, you can do it." They won't give us orders that are too beyond our ability, but in normal times, we still don't have too much contact with Brother Wang, which is good for us and Brother Wang! We and Brother Wang are not the same international!"

This is Liang Junyi's biggest feeling after meeting Wang Jin. Wang Jin's energy is so great that he is afraid. The three brothers only want to have some money and live a stable and ordinary life. But once they get involved in Wang Jin's affairs, I'm afraid there's no security

"That's right! Brother Wang and we are indeed not in the same world!"

Lin Yixiang didn't refute either, the three of them even wanted to save Luo Yaoming, but what about Wang Jin!

Even Ma Zhihua, who was kept in the dark, was eliminated together. The method was so cruel that it made people tremble. Of course, they would not deny that Wang Jin did something wrong. After all, Ma Zhihua is not a good person. It is said that he is Fenghua's backstage boss If they knew that the three of them did what Luo Yaoming did, I'm afraid it would not end well for them. Now that Wang Jin got rid of Ma Zhihua, it also meant getting rid of their follow-up troubles. Although they were grateful, they also felt that The three of us are not in the same way as Wang Jin. Wang Jin is a person who does great things, but they are just small people after all.

Chapter 480 The Sixth Rush Hour!

The gap between a big man and a small man lies in the difference between ambition and ability.

Little people only want to live a mediocre life, without such big ambitions and desires, while big people, obviously already have a status that ordinary people can't match, but still want to climb higher and get more.

This is the gap between the little guy and the big guy.

Liang Junyi, Yang Zhen, and Lin Yixiang, the three of them have never had such big ambitions. They just want to have a sum of money and live a better life.

Not everyone is qualified to be a big shot. There are so many people in the world, how many of them can really become big shots?

And when the three of Liang Junyi were talking about Wang Jin in the bar, what was Wang Jin doing at this moment!

Just now, Wang Jin, who was sleepy in bed, was awakened by the ringing of the phone.

"Hey, who is it!"

Picking up the non-stop ringing phone next to the bed, Wang Jin connected it, with a somewhat impatient tone, after all, anyone who was woken up while sleeping drowsy would not speak very well.

"Wang Jin, I am the deputy director of the Operations Department. Now there is a special operation that requires the assistance of your department. Please arrange it immediately!"

Wang Jin didn't hear the rest clearly, he only heard a few key words, deputy director of the operations department, special operations, departmental assistance.

After listening to this, Wang Jin's brain immediately became clearer. He took the phone and looked at the number displayed on the phone. It was indeed the deputy director of the Operations Department. It didn't look like someone was teasing him.

He didn't even think about it, based on Wang Jin's current status, would anyone dare to tease him?

Not afraid of death?

"Yes, si "[-]" r! Director, I don't know what the action is? How many people will be mobilized?"

Wang Jin, who was awake, immediately sat up straight from the bed, and asked the deputy director on the other end of the phone.

It is not without reason for Wang Jin to ask this question. He also needs to know the specific purpose of the operation, and then he can arrange the manpower.

Looking at the alarm clock on the bedside table, it was past eleven o'clock, and it was almost midnight.

"You don't need to worry about any actions. This is the rule. Mobilize all your team members and be ready to be on standby! I will call you when the time and location of the action come!"

During the phone call, the deputy director of the operation department did not explain the specific purpose of the operation in detail, but because of such a high confidentiality regulation, Wang Jin knew that this operation was unusual even if he didn't even mention it to a director like Wang Jin.

Although Wang Jin was somewhat interested in the purpose of this operation, Wang Jin had no choice but to use the secrecy regulations as an excuse for the deputy director.

"Understood, Director! I'll arrange it right away!"

After hanging up the phone, Wang Jin lamented the pain of his life. He had already fallen asleep on the bed, and was about to go to play chess with Duke Zhou, maybe he could even tease Duke Zhou's daughter, but he was woken up.

However, this is a bad guy, as long as there is a task, you must act at any time.

It doesn't matter if you are sleeping or not!

Even if you have diarrhea in the bathroom, you have to rush to the scene.

After waking up, Wang Jin quickly changed into his equipment. When he went downstairs, he took out the body armor that he hadn't used for a long time from the trunk, and put it on his body.

Although the bulletproof vest is not very useful to Wang Jin at this time, but who makes him look chic and handsome after putting on the bulletproof vest!

Moreover, even Wang Jin himself put on body armor, so he had an excuse to make all the team members wear body armor.

I don't know if the action to wait is dangerous or not, but whether it is dangerous or not, Wang Jin doesn't want his subordinates to have accidents.

Since he took so many people there, it is best to bring so many people back.

While driving the car, Wang Jin called his subordinates one by one to inform them that there was an urgent task, and asked them to notify everyone, so that they could call for an emergency assembly.

When Wang Jin arrived at the o's office, most of the subordinates had already arrived at the o's office, except for a few who were a little further away.

Gathering in the spacious lobby of O Ji, Wang Jin stepped forward and coughed, and then began to lecture.

"Everyone put on the bulletproof vest for me. This is a special operation. We are only the assisting party, but even if we are the assisting party, we should not be careless. I don't want any problems during the operation, and I don't want any team members. Sacrifice! And those who are confident in marksmanship, go get a submachine gun and form an assault team, just in case of accidents! Disperse now!"

Following Wang Jin's order, hundreds of team members dispersed, those who wore bulletproof vests wore bulletproof vests, those who went to get guns went to get guns, those who went to get bullets, went to get bullets, and moved quickly.

After 5 minutes, everyone's equipment was fully dressed, and even the messengers who traveled farther away had already arrived.

Everyone gathered in the lobby again. Wang Jin, who was confident in marksmanship and had a submachine gun, was divided into another group.

Afterwards, everyone stood silently and solemnly in the lobby waiting, without saying a word, even a needle could be heard falling on the ground.

Wang Jin was very satisfied with this. This is what a disciplined army looks like, and this is his own subordinate.

After another 15 minutes, when it was past twelve o'clock, the deputy director's call finally came.

"Wang Jin, take people to the pier immediately!"

"Yes, sir!"

Wang Jin cut off the phone and didn't ask what he was doing at the pier. It was already at this time, and it didn't matter whether he asked or not.

Wang Jin put away the phone, scanned everyone with majestic eyes, and then shouted loudly.

"Action, rush to the pier!"

Hundreds of people stood up at Wang Jin's bang, and set off with a bang. Dozens of vehicles rushed to the pier with their lights on.

Along the way, the wind was flying fast, and the cars on the road gave way one after another!

After all, the policeman is so arrogant, dozens of vehicles lined up in a convoy to move together, it can be seen that there is a big operation, if this delays the policeman's action, he can't afford it.

Soon, the convoy with police lights arrived at the pier under the leadership of Wang Jin, but it was not too early when Wang Jin and his men arrived.

Because, the whole pier has become a mess, there are ordinary policemen, Flying Tigers, and criminals.

"Get out of the car, the assault team is in front, and the other teams are covering behind, press me over, pay attention to your colleagues, and don't let the other ones go!"

"Yes, sir!"

Hundreds of people got out of the car one after another and responded loudly.

Afterwards, the assault team with a submachine gun in their hands walked to the forefront, while the other teams fell behind the assault team and rolled over towards the pier step by step.

On the other side of the pier, there was constant gunfire, as if the battle was very intense.

However, with the addition of Wang Jin's new force, the police immediately gained the upper hand. The assault team was in front, and the firepower was suppressed, so that those criminals could not raise their heads. The police officers, on the other hand, aimed at some guys from time to time and fired cold shots. Those criminals were beaten to death just as they wanted to expose and counterattack twice. The body fell to the ground, completely dead.

There was an assault team suppressing firepower in the front, and the team members in the rear took the opportunity to rescue some policemen who had been hit by bullets, dragged them into the team, and then sent them to the rear. The ambulance had already arrived at this time , Just sent these unlucky guys who were shot to the ambulance.

The more serious ones were sent to the hospital for emergency treatment first, while the less serious ones, such as those shot in the arm or thigh, were treated on the spot to stop bleeding and so on.

Anyway, it was a mess just now. After Wang Jin and the members of O Ji arrived, they cleared it up. Those criminals, who had no room to fight back, were shot dead one after another. The bloody smell of the whole pier, It's getting richer.

Wang Jin, who was standing at the back, did not join the battle group, but frowned slightly and looked at the freighter docked by the pier. With his sharp eyes, he immediately saw that standing on the height of the freighter, wearing a body armor The man pointed a gun at the two criminals, obviously asking for something.

"Jia Kui? Why is he here?"

Wang Jin is a little puzzled, is this case Ka Kui's case?

Otherwise, why would Jia Kui be here? This jurisdiction is not under Jia Kui's control.

While Wang Jin was still confused, a gun battle broke out on the cargo ship. A guy with dyed hair blond pushed the companion in front of him towards Jia Kui. Under Wang Jin's gaze, Jia Kui He subconsciously fired and killed the guy in front of him, while the other guy with yellow hair took the opportunity to run away. Of course, Jia Kui would not let him go and quickly chased after him.

But obviously that yellow-haired man knew how to escape. He didn't even catch up with such a keen guy like Jia Kui. Instead, he jumped on a yacht that had been prepared long ago and ran away...

In this regard, Ka Kui can only sigh in despair, there is no other way.

However, one of them was able to escape, but the rest couldn't escape. After all, there were too many policemen, and there were only so many criminals. Twenty or thirty people were enough.

It didn't take long for members of the Assault Team and the Flying Tigers to join together. Most of the criminals were killed, and a few lucky ones who were not killed were arrested.

Numerous policemen escorted those criminals who did not die. With the help of doctors, they treated the wounds of these people urgently, and then escorted them into the police car, ready to take them back for interrogation.

Of course, the result may not be satisfactory. After all, these guys are just lower-level younger brothers. They don't know anything at all, and what they can pry out is a ghost.

At this time, Jia Kui, who was wearing the bulletproof vest, also put away his gun and walked back from the edge of the pier. Wang Jin was about to go up and ask Jia Kui what was going on, but Jia Kui didn't even look at Wang Jin. Jin glanced at him and walked past him, as if he didn't know Wang Jin at all.

In an instant, Wang Jin, who was still about to walk towards Jiaju, suddenly froze, and the smile on his face also froze all of a sudden.

Fortunately, Wang Jin is also a master of acting. Jia Kui, who was wearing a bulletproof vest, ignored him. Wang Jin also laughed it off and didn't say anything.

"You actually acted as if you didn't see me, and now your ability has improved!"

Afterwards, the deputy director of the operations department called Wang Jin after learning that the operation was completely over, and asked Wang Jin to go to the headquarters. .

He drove a car and headed for the headquarters. Within 10 minutes, Wang Jin arrived at the headquarters and knocked on the door of the deputy director's office.

At the invitation of the deputy director, Wang Jin walked into the office.

Seeing that it was Wang Jin who entered, the deputy director immediately dropped his work, stood up from his seat, made a cup of coffee for Wang Jin, put it in front of Wang Jin, and patted Wang Jin on the shoulder.

"Good job this time!"

"Director, I'm overwhelmed! It's all brothers who worked hard!"

Wang Jin smiled and didn't say much. This time he didn't make a move throughout the whole process. Although he had some credit, he wouldn't take all the credit. Only a boss who knows how to help his subordinates fight for credit can win the support of many subordinates.


The deputy director was about to speak when suddenly there was another knock on his office door.

Boom boom boom!

"Come in!"

The deputy director obviously didn't mind the knock on the office door again. Wang Jin subconsciously looked towards the door, wanting to see who 4.9 came in, but found that it was Jia Kui whom he had just seen at the pier.

At this time, the deputy director pointed at Wang Jin with a smile on his face, and said to Jia Kui.

"Come on, let me introduce you, this is Sir Wang who is famous in Xiangjiang!"

"Wang Jin, this is Detective Li who specializes in protecting Ambassador Han!"

Wang Jin was taken aback by the deputy director's introduction, isn't it Jia Kui?How to become Detective Li.

What the hell is this Detective Li?

Wang Jin hastily pulled the deputy director aside, and then asked.

"Director, what's the matter with Detective Li?"

Seeing Wang Jin asking such a question, the deputy director was puzzled, and said softly, slightly puzzled.

"Don't you know that the ambassador is protected by someone?"

"Of course I know this, but isn't this person Jia Kui?"

In an instant, the deputy director finally knew that Wang Jin's behavior would be so strange, because Wang Jin obviously regarded the other party as a family

"Don't think too much, this is not Jia Kui! If you don't believe me, go up and get to know him and you'll know. Detective Li is just more similar to Jia Kui's boss. It's not like this has happened before! Don't worry about it!"

The deputy director said that the other party is not Jia Kui, so the other party is obviously not Jia Kui. Since it is not Jia Kui, it means that there is a new mission.

There is a new mission, Wang Jin certainly will not miss this opportunity, go up and chat with the other party for a while, after getting a general understanding of the other party's identity, Wang Jin thought hard for a while, and finally remembered where the other party came from, it turned out to be from the rush hour.

A miraculous Xiangjiang messenger who can form the best partner with Heige! .

Chapter 480 Seven private requests!

There is not one Rush Hour movie, but many series. When he knew that the other party was Agent Li from Rush Hour, Wang Jin's eyes lit up. This is simply a treasure!

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