A group of people walked out of the hotel, boarded a luxury car and left, among them was Luo Minsheng.

"This is a big boss meeting! There are so many people gathered! How about it, shall we follow?"

He Zhiqiang glanced at it, and Luo Minsheng, who was about to leave in the car, asked Wang Jin.

"Don't follow, let's go to the place where they stayed just now!"

Wang Jin did not choose to follow, but took He Zhiqiang into the hotel, and after revealing his identity, he came to the presidential suite where Luo Minsheng and the others had a meeting just now.

After one party searched, Wang Jin and He Zhiqiang found two hidden bugs in it, which were the same style as those found in Luo Minsheng's car earlier, military use, high performance!

Wang Jin shook the bug in his hand and said to He Zhiqiang.

"It seems that it's time for us to talk to the security manager of the hotel. Luo Minsheng's target is clearly not the only one. The old guys just now may be the target of the other party!"

"It seems that you guessed it right, the other party is looking for a big fish!"

He Zhiqiang also shook the bug in his hand, he wanted to have a good talk with the security manager, maybe he could gain something too.

Chapter 540 The fifth surfaced!

Wang Jin and He Zhiqiang found the security manager of this hotel. Speaking of which, the security manager of this hotel is also an acquaintance of He Zhiqiang, and he was the former boss of He Zhiqiang.

Originally, as the security manager of this hotel, he was responsible for all the privacy of the hotel, but when Wang Jin and He Zhiqiang took out two bugs in front of him and placed them in front of him, his His face became a little ugly.

As a security manager, he didn't realize that someone had installed a bug in the presidential suite, which was really his negligence.

"What do you want?"

With a slightly ugly face, he asked Wang Jin and He Zhiqiang.

If Wang Jin and He Zhiqiang disclose this matter, he will be in trouble. It may be a trivial matter if he can't keep his job, but his reputation will be completely rotten. In this industry, the reputation of "[-]" is once rotten. There is no way to recover it now, and he thought it would be difficult to find a job in the future.

After all, no matter what group or company it is, it would never hire someone who has committed serious dereliction of duty as a security manager.

It can be said that his future career lifeline is in the hands of Wang Jin and He Zhiqiang, that's why he asked with an ugly face.

"Don't bother too much, we need a copy of your hotel's employee information, even if it's a temporary worker, or a repairman who comes to your hotel, give us a copy of the list!"

Wang Jin and He Zhiqiang didn't mean to embarrass this guy. After all, neither Wang Jin nor He Zhiqiang had any enmity with this guy in front of them, so there was no need to mess with him.

"Okay, I can give you a copy of the information, but today's matter must be kept secret, otherwise I will be in trouble!"

"Don't worry, we will!"

Wang Jin and He Zhiqiang looked at each other and agreed.

Seeing that Wang Jin and He Zhiqiang made promises, the other party did not hesitate. He brought Wang Jin and He Zhiqiang to his office, then opened the office window, took out one of the file boxes, and handed it to He Zhiqiang .

"It contains what you want, and return it to me as soon as you use it up. After all, this is a secret and cannot be leaked!"

The other party urged He Zhiqiang repeatedly, causing He Zhiqiang to curl his lips and say.

"Understood, long-winded! Let's watch here! No problem!"

"That's the best! I'll accompany you! What do you drink, I'll pour it for you!"

The other party originally thought that Wang Jin and He Zhiqiang would take the file away, but he didn't expect that Wang Jin and He Zhiqiang would read it here. It was even better, so a smile appeared on his face, and his attitude was much more gentle.

"Two cups of coffee! Thanks!"

After speaking, Wang Jin directly found a seat and sat down, indicating that He Zhiqiang could open the file. He Zhiqiang quickly opened the file box, and the two divided the files and started watching directly.

In fact, neither of them had much hope. After all, this is a hotel, and there are many staff who come and go every month, including temporary staff and maintenance staff. Finding the object of suspicion is undoubtedly like finding a needle in a haystack.

So, just do your best and obey the destiny!

Sure enough, the two of them didn't find anything suspicious in the files. After reading all the files, they got up and left after drinking coffee!

The two walked out of the hotel all the way!

"It seems that guy is more cautious than we imagined. He didn't even leave any clues. We can only see the results from Luo Minsheng's company tomorrow!" He Zhiqiang said helplessly.

"It's okay, as long as things are done, there will always be clues!" Wang Jin patted He Zhiqiang's shoulder and comforted him.

"That's right, go back to bed early! Good work tomorrow morning!"

After being comforted by Wang Jin, He Zhiqiang regained his fighting spirit. He was not so easily defeated. When his own wife had a problem, he personally held his wife tightly in prison, and he survived the pain. Now these are just small scenes.

"Wang sir, do you want me to take you back?" He Zhiqiang turned the car on fire, rolled down the window and asked Wang Jin.

"No, I'll go back by myself! I live not far away, see you tomorrow!"

Wang Jin shook his head, rejecting He Zhiqiang's offer.

"Then I'll go first!"

After saying this, He Zhiqiang drove away, and Wang Jin took a walk all the way back to his home...

Early the next morning, Wang Jin and He Zhiqiang met and came to Luo Minsheng's company. Of course, they were not two people. He Zhiqiang also brought a group of men with sophisticated instruments to search Luo Minsheng's company. I also found a lot of bugs and surveillance probes.

In this regard, Luo Minsheng's expression became more and more ugly when faced with the many bugs and surveillance probes that the police had cleaned up. He felt as if he had been stripped naked, and his every move was being monitored, and he had no secrets at all.

Afterwards, Luo Minsheng locked himself in the office without saying a word, his face was gloomy, taciturn, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Wang Jin and He Zhiqiang pushed away Luo Minsheng's office. He sat on his boss's chair, rubbing a ballpoint pen in his hand, and didn't say hello to Wang Jin or He Zhiqiang.

Wang Jin and He Zhiqiang didn't mind either, they wandered around Luo Minsheng's office and watched.

Wang Jin came to the window, looked around, and soon saw an old building on the side in his memory, and the windows of a certain floor of the building were sealed with black plastic paper.

"He sir, come and see!"

Wang Jin's shout immediately attracted He Zhiqiang's attention, and he immediately came to Wang Jin's side, and then looked in the direction Wang Jin pointed.

Sure enough, the situation upstairs on the side also aroused He Zhiqiang's suspicion on 4.9, and he immediately gave instructions to a group of subordinates through the walkie-talkie.

"Xiaohai, Xiaofen, in the middle of the avenue, gemstone building, go and have a look on the fifth floor!"

"Okay, Sir He!"

He Zhiqiang's subordinates, Xiao Hai and Xiao Fen, went downstairs immediately without any hesitation, and then went to check the jewel upstairs on the side.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, but it does cause trouble. The two were just about to take the stairs to the fifth floor, but they heard the door on the fifth floor. Although Xiaohai and Xiaofen reacted quickly, they were still met by that The attack of the guy with the bug.

"Request for help, Xiao Hai was attacked and injured, please call an ambulance!"

Hearing the urgent cry for help from the walkie-talkie, Wang Jin smiled faintly, and Sima Nianzu finally surfaced.

Chapter 540 Exposed, track!

Sima Nianzu can be said to be a very important character in Overheard 2, the key to everything actually lies in him, he is the core character in the plot of this movie.

Without the appearance of Sima Nianzu, there was no eavesdropping on the plot of Fengyun 2. It is conceivable how important the Sima Nian group is.

As for the terrorist attack that He Zhiqiang guessed, it was all nonsense and his imagination. In fact, there was no terrorist attack at all. It was just a son who wanted to avenge his father who died for no reason.

But Wang Jin knew this, but it didn't mean that He Zhiqiang knew this too. Now, subconsciously, he treated Sima Nianzu as a dangerous terrorist.

Hearing that Xiao Hai was under attack, his face immediately changed, and he led a large team down to support him, without even having the time to say hello to Wang Jin.

Of course, this may also have something to do with Xiao Hai being his brother-in-law.

After all, anyone would be nervous when they heard that something happened to their brother-in-law.

What's more, He Zhiqiang still feels very guilty for his wife. Although he personally captured his 24th wife and killed his relatives, it doesn't mean that He Zhiqiang doesn't feel guilty in his heart. He is worthy of his identity , but I'm sorry for my wife.

Since his wife had an accident, he really had nothing to say to his brother-in-law. Maybe he wanted to compensate his brother-in-law to make up for a little guilt in his heart!

So, now that he heard that his brother-in-law had an accident, He Zhiqiang was really anxious and rushed out in a hurry.

Wang Jin didn't mind that He Zhiqiang didn't greet him. If Wang Jin was replaced by He Zhiqiang, he would be eager.

This is human nature, there is nothing to say, and Wang Jin can understand it!

When He Zhiqiang hurriedly led people downstairs, Wang Jin also took another elevator downstairs, and He Zhiqiang and others were almost in a relationship.

As soon as the elevator reached the first floor, He Zhiqiang couldn't wait to rush out the door and ran towards the gemstone building next to him. He happened to meet his subordinate Xiaofen and his brother-in-law Xiaohai on the first floor.

He Zhiqiang heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that Xiao Hai was still conscious while his forehead was bleeding.

Hastily stepped forward to support Xiao Hai, and asked with concern.

"It's okay!"

"I'm fine, but the guy ran away, wearing a black jacket and pulling a black suitcase!"

Although a lot of blood flowed from his forehead, Xiao Hai still did not forget his duty and told He Zhiqiang everything he saw.

"Shut up, the ambulance will arrive soon, I will chase after you!"

He Zhiqiang comforted Xiao Hai, then picked up his walkie-talkie and gave instructions into the walkie-talkie.

"Notify all those patrolling nearby to pay attention to a young man wearing a black coat and pulling a black suitcase! Are you clear!"

"Got it! sir!"

After He Zhiqiang arranged the order, he turned around and chased him out.

However, once we got to the main road, it was really a sea of ​​people, and there were black heads everywhere. It was already a busy road here, and it was really difficult to find someone among them.

But He Zhiqiang did not give up easily, and kept searching the crowd for the person wearing a black coat and pulling a black suitcase.

At this time, Wang Jin also went upstairs to downstairs, and when he came downstairs, he happened to notice He Zhiqiang's figure, and then walked over.

When He Zhiqiang saw Wang Jin approaching, he didn't say much, and just said something to Wang Jin.

"Young man, wearing a black coat and pulling a black suitcase, may be a suspect!"

After saying this, He Zhiqiang stopped talking, but focused his eyes, searching the crowd for a figure that matched this condition.

Soon, he seemed to have discovered something and chased after him. Wang Jin also spotted Sima Nianzu. After all, compared with He Zhiqiang, Wang Jin's vision was sharper and his five senses were stronger. What's more, Wang Jin also knew Sima Nianzu's figure What Nianzu looked like, as early as in the crowd, Sima Nianzu was locked on at a glance.

After all, Sima Nianzu was too conspicuous among a group of passers-by. In Wang Jin's eyes, he was like a big light bulb walking in the dark, and he couldn't help but notice it.

After He Zhiqiang chased after him, Wang Jin also followed him. He Zhiqiang's skill could not reassure Wang Jin. You must know that Sima Nianzu was not an ordinary character. He was a professional soldier. With He Zhiqiang's three-legged cat skill, It's really not Sima Nianzu's opponent, this has been verified in the movie.

Although He Zhiqiang finally caught up with Sima Nianzu, he was directly beaten unconscious by Sima Nianzu.

It would be a complete joke if He Zhiqiang wanted to take down Sima Nianzu without Wang Jin's action.

He Zhiqiang, who was shuttled among the crowd, quickly noticed a black coat in the trash can beside him, and he immediately realized that his intercom channel should be bugged by the other party, otherwise the other party would never 110 took off his black coat.

"Attention all units, change the channel, our channel has been tapped!"

After saying this sentence on the walkie-talkie, He Zhiqiang stopped, stood at the intersection of the street, and began to observe. Soon he noticed Sima Nianzu, and just as he was about to chase after him, behind him, suddenly There was an explosion.

Of course, it's not a powerful bomb, but a bomb with little power, which doesn't even have the ability to hurt people. Anyone who is knowledgeable can see this.

But a bomb is a bomb, even if it is not powerful, but the crowd riots and panic caused by the bomb explosion cannot be easily erased.

Just when the crowd was extremely rioting and screaming in panic, another bomb rolled down on the street and exploded under a car. At this moment, the cars driving on the road were shocked. He lost control and crashed into the sidewalk, directly causing a pedestrian to be injured. Fortunately, the driver stepped on the brakes in time, otherwise he would have directly killed the person.

At this moment, He Zhiqiang, who was standing at the intersection, saw Sima Nianzu's figure on the pedestrian bridge, and he chased after him without thinking.

Chapter 540 The seventh dusty past!

He Zhiqiang chased after him desperately without even thinking about it, regardless of whether he could catch up or not. The only thought in his mind now was to catch the opponent.

Throwing bombs in the downtown area, this kind of behavior is not a terrorist attack, and its nature is almost the same. He absolutely cannot let the other party run away like this.

As for the question of whether he can grasp it, he doesn't have time to think about it in his mind now.

He couldn't care less about danger or anything at this time.

If it were an ordinary person, what I should think at this time is, if the opponent has a dangerous weapon like a bomb, will it be dangerous for me to catch up?

But He Zhiqiang didn't care about this at all. He didn't even bring a gun when he came out for this operation, but in this case, he dared to chase him, and he didn't know whether he was brave or brainless.

If the other party used a gun, he would chase him alone, which would be an act of death. If Wang Jin had such an underling, Wang Jin would have let the other party stand aside long ago.

If you don't have this ability, don't show off!

Although Ma Jun and others are fierce, they are mainly because of their strong skills. Even if the opponent has a gun, Ma Jun and others have a chance to deal with them, but what does He Zhiqiang have?

Fortunately, He Zhiqiang is not Wang Jin's subordinate, but a member of the Political Department. Wang Jin doesn't want such a mindless subordinate.

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