"Call me and let me see what this kid is up to!"

After Huang Shitong gave the order, Brother Jin immediately used the phone to call the number, and the call was connected.

"Azu! My uncle! Are you still blaming me?"

"Don't dare! I'm short of money right now, so I want to ask you for some!" Sima Nianzu immediately replied on the phone.

"Let's talk earlier!" Huang Shitong breathed a sigh of relief, and it's easy to negotiate if there is a price.

"No need! I'll take back the lost ones myself!" Sima Nianzu said impolitely.

Chapter 550 Waiting for the old fox's trap!

"Bring it back yourself? What do you mean?"

Even though the two didn't meet, they were just separated by phone, but Sima Nianzu could hear something wrong in Huang Shitong's voice, and even guessed that Huang Shitong's face would be very ugly at this time.

"My dad worked hard all his life, and later helped you resist everything. Now I take his share back. What's wrong?"

Sima Nianzu didn't have any scruples about Huang Shitong's emotions, and he said bluntly that he was questioning him. What emotions should he worry about when facing a father-killing enemy?

"How do you want to take it? Some money is not so easy to take, it's easy to burn!"

Huang Shitong didn't say clearly, but the words were full of threats, and told Sima Nianzu not to go too far, he believed that Sima Nianzu would definitely be able to hear it.

"I want five thousand "one two three" ten thousand shares...749!"

This is Sima Nianzu's condition!

Hearing this, Huang Shitong suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, because the stock price of 749 is only 5000 cents, which means 2000 million shares, which means more than 2000 million. To him, this is just a small number, just a drop in the bucket. More than [-] million sent Sima Nianzu away, which is also a good thing.

Originally, he thought Sima Nianzu would speak too loudly!

Unexpectedly, Sima Nianzu asked for 5000 million shares of 749 shares, which seemed like a free offer.

At this time, Huang Shitong finally laughed. He didn't expect Sima Nianzu to be so petty, and it would cost more than 2000 million, but it was just as he wanted, and more than 2000 million could solve Sima Nianzu's troubles, and it was definitely worth it.

Even Huang Shitong started asking Sima Nianzu on the phone.

"5000 million shares of 749 are worth more than 2000 million. Do you have enough for it?"

"My dad is very fair in his actions. After my dad died, I don't want you to pay back the 5000 million shares of 749. But he bought the [-] million shares of [-] with real money. It's only natural that you pay me back!"

Sima Nianzu's tone on the phone was unquestionable, and this matter was not discussed.

However, Huang Shitong didn't plan to discuss it, it was only more than 2000 million, and he could afford it.

"When do you want it and how do you deliver it?" Huang Shitong asked on the phone.

"Before the market closes tomorrow, deposit into the account of Minsheng Securities, I will tell you then, as soon as the stock enters the account, you will receive what you want!"

Sima Nianzu briefly explained the delivery process.

"You can't play tricks!"

Huang Shitong was still a little worried that Sima Nianzu would play tricks. After all, he didn't really believe that Sima Nianzu would only ask for a mere 2000 million. You must know that when his father, Sima Xiang, was alive, his assets were more than ten times that.

"Do you dare to say no?"

Sima Nianzu smiled ironically, then hung up the phone.

Huang Shitong was also relieved to see Sima Nianzu say this, because he felt that Sima Nianzu really wanted to make a deal, and he didn't intend to mess with them.

It's a pity that Huang Shitong didn't know what Sima Nianzu was planning. If he knew, he might be so angry that he would smash the phone.

After getting Sima Nianzu's confirmation, Huang Shitong also hung up the phone, and then let the others go without staying too much.

It was Luo Minsheng, Huang Shitong stopped Luo Minsheng.

"Xiao Luo, stay here, I have something to say!"

Luo Minsheng saw that the others had left, so Huang Shitong left himself behind, feeling a little uneasy in his heart, not knowing what Huang Shitong wanted to do.

"Xiao Luo, can I still trust you?"

Huang Shitong stared at Luo Minsheng, and then asked in a serious tone.

"No, Uncle Tong, I'm really a little scared!"

Luo Minsheng didn't know what Huang Shitong meant, and thought Huang Shitong was talking about his escape, so he immediately answered something that didn't matter.

"I'm not asking if you're afraid. I don't care about the rest. I just ask if I can still trust you?"

Huang Shitong's voice suddenly raised an octave, and asked again.

"Yes!" Luo Minsheng replied firmly.

"You were brought in by Ah Xiang, and now Ah Xiang's son is going to deal with me, why should I trust you?"

Huang Shitong's scrutinizing eyes fixed on Luo Minsheng, waiting for Luo Minsheng's answer...

"I don't want to go to jail!" Luo Minsheng said realistically.

He really didn't want to go to jail, and it was because of this that he wanted to run away, but Huang Shitong found him before he ran away.

After getting the answer he wanted, Huang Shitong smiled immediately, patted Luo Minsheng on the shoulder, and said to him.

"It's good that you understand. No one wants to go to jail. I have always been optimistic about you. Those old guys are timid and short-sighted. They are no longer useful. In the future, many of our businesses will be entrusted to you! You have to work hard to get them." Yes!"

This is Huang Shitong's plan to give Luo Minsheng a little sweetness, and to win Luo Minsheng over. Anyway, it's just a matter of verbal promises. Huang Shitong has the final say on whether to do it or not. His purpose of doing this is to temporarily stabilize Luo Minsheng. That's all.

"Then I'll go back first, Uncle Tong!"

Luo Minsheng knew that Uncle Tong was an old fox. An old fox could say such things, but he couldn't express his opinion easily. Who knew what Huang Shitong's real thoughts were.

"Okay, you will stay in the company tomorrow, and I will leave the matter of 749 stocks to you!" Huang Shitong said to Luo Minsheng.

"Okay, uncle!"

After Luo Minsheng responded, he left. If he continued to stay here, he would feel extremely depressed.

 4.9 Luo Minsheng returned home and was about to look for his wife, but suddenly found that his wife didn't respond after shouting a few times. Luo Minsheng felt that something was wrong. He quickly searched the first floor, but found He couldn't find his wife, so he ran up to the second floor and finally found his wife.

"Honey, it turns out that you are here. You really scared me to death. I thought something happened to you!"

Luo Minsheng walked over and was about to hug his wife, but found that his wife didn't say anything, but looked towards the bathroom with panicked eyes.

Luo Minsheng also looked over subconsciously, only to find that there was another person in the bathroom, and his body was covered in blood. He was extremely embarrassed, and this person was Sima Nianzu! .

Chapter 550 Sima Layout!

Sima Nianzu, who was in the bathroom, seemed to have noticed that Luo Minsheng had come back. Although there was a lot of blood on his body, even blood was still in his nose and mouth, he came out of the bathroom with a gun in his hand, and used the gun Pointing at Luo Minsheng and Luo Minsheng's wife, he warned.

"Don't move!"

"You look like you have a problem with your body. I'll call an ambulance for you and take you to the hospital!"

Luo Minsheng hugged his wife, saw Sima Nianzu covered in blood, and immediately said to Sima Nianzu.

"No, I know my own body! I'm here to find you! You should know this thing!"

As he spoke, Sima Nianzu took out a check from his pocket and handed it to Luo Minsheng.

Luo Minsheng reached out to pick up the check and glanced at it, and suddenly his thoughts went back to many years ago.

It was in a simple snack street, he and Uncle Xiang were eating hot pot, and this check was given to Uncle Xiang by him.

At that time, Uncle Xiang refused to accept it, but told Luo Minsheng a lot of reasons, such as what he did wrong. At that time, Luo Minsheng didn't understand it very well, because he was on the edge of the cliff, entering The landlord will be a huge opportunity for him, and he will not give up easily.

Later, under Luo Minsheng's repeated requests, Sima Xiang kept the check. He said that he would come to Luo Minsheng with the check when it was used.

It's a pity that after being imprisoned, Sima Xiang died in prison without waiting for that day, and his death was even unknown.

But at that time, Luo Minsheng was mild-mannered. Although he knew that Sima Xiang's death was not easy, he did not continue to investigate because he was afraid that if he continued to investigate, he would be like Sima Xiang. He was suppressed in the bottom of my heart.

Now, Sima Xiang's son, Sima Nianzu finally came to him with this check, obviously wanting to make demands on him.

"How do you want me to help you!"

Holding the check in one hand and his wife in the other, Luo Minsheng looked at Sima Nianzu and said.

At this time, Sima Nianzu finally smiled, and the smile was very bright.

"My dad really didn't see the wrong person!"

Luo Minsheng was silent for a while and didn't speak, because he didn't know how to answer.

"I want you to help me buy 749's stock tomorrow, and raise the stock price of 749!"

Sima Nianzu finally revealed his purpose to Luo Minsheng.

If before, Luo Minsheng didn't know what Sima Nianzu meant, then at this time, he understood everything.

"The 749 stocks are all in your hands, right? You want to raise the stock price and short the money from the landlord club?"

At this moment, Luo Minsheng's thinking has never been so clear. He finally connected all the relationships together, and finally understood why Sima Nianzu wanted 749 stocks even without money, because all 749 stocks All the stocks are in the hands of Sima Nianzu, and he wants to use the 749 stocks to take Huang Shitong's money.

If it is really done according to Sima Nianzu's wishes, then I am afraid that the 5000 million shares may be more than hundreds of millions.

"You'll help me, won't you!"

Sima Nianzu wiped the blood from his mouth and nose with paper, then pointed at the stocks in Luo Minsheng's hand with a smile on his face.

Luo Minsheng was silent for a while, because he really couldn't refuse this request, especially when he saw the check in front of him, he remembered how Uncle Xiang cared for him back then.

He really couldn't refuse this matter, because without Uncle Xiang, he might not have everything he has now.

"Then it's up to you tomorrow! Please!" Sima Nianzu said solemnly.

Luo Minsheng finally nodded and agreed to Sima Nianzu's request.

"Then your body really doesn't matter?"

After talking about things, the topic of the two of them returned to Sima Nianzu.

Sima Nianzu casually threw the blood-wiping paper into the trash can beside him, and said indifferently.

"I can't die for the time being, it's an old problem! At least I won't die until I see Huang Shitong subdue the law! Don't worry about this matter, I know my own body!"

Sima Nianzu said that, so Luo Minsheng didn't continue to ask, but he could also see that Sima Nianzu might have some terminal illness, and time is running out.

After all, the pale blood on his face is not fake, there is also a large amount of blood that flowed out earlier, this is real blood, if it was an ordinary person, he would have fainted long ago, that is, Sima Nianzu's His physical fitness is extremely strong, so he forcibly relied on his willpower to hold on.

"Then I'll go first!"

Sima Nianzu didn't continue to bother, because his goal had already been achieved, and staying here was a waste of time, and he had to go back and make some arrangements.

Luo Minsheng didn't speak, but Luo Minsheng's wife seemed hesitant to speak, and finally she couldn't hold back, pointing to Sima Nianzu's bloody clothes and said.

"Why don't you take a shower, change your clothes and go! It may not be convenient for you to go out like this!"

"No, I'm running out of time!"

Sima Nianzu shook his head, did not agree to Luo Minsheng's wife's suggestion, but put away his gun and walked outside the door.

123 In the end, Luo Minsheng did not say anything to keep Sima Nianzu, because he knew that Sima Nianzu would not change his mind easily.

And just outside Luo Minsheng's home, Wang Jinzheng and He Zhiqiang were secretly monitoring Luo Minsheng's home.

He Zhiqiang opened the car door, sat in the car, and handed Wang Jin a cup of the two cups of coffee he just bought.

"It's useless for us to wait like this! Can we find the criminal evidence of the Landlords Association in this way?"

"Of course we can't wait, but if we cooperate with people, it's not necessarily possible!"

Wang Jin took a cup of coffee from He Zhiqiang's hand, then continued to stare at Luo Minsheng's house and said.

"Work with someone? With whom? Luo Minsheng? If so, why don't we just go in?" He Zhiqiang asked with some doubts.

"Of course it's not Luo Minsheng. If you want to cooperate, of course there is someone else. Don't you think this partner has come out?"

Immediately, Wang Jin pointed to a figure walking out of Luo Minsheng's house and said.

He Zhiqiang also looked at the place Wang Jin was pointing at, and immediately spotted Sima Nianzu walking out of Luo Minsheng's house.

"It's him!"

He Zhiqiang recognized it immediately, and the voice that came out was Sima Nianzu.

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