However, someone still reminded Huang Shitong. 123

"Brother Tong, if the price goes up like this, it might be a few yuan, don't you want to think of a way?"

"It's okay! Brother Jin will find him!"

At this time, Huang Shitong, who was sitting on the seat, said with confidence.

Everyone saw that Huang Shitong looked so confident, so he stopped talking, but continued to wait.

Brother Jin, who was sent by Huang Shitong, easily found Sima Nianzu's whereabouts through the phone number.

Of course, this is because Sima Nianzu did not hide on purpose, but carried out according to the plan discussed by Wang Jin and him. He was the chess piece that was deliberately exposed.

When Sima Nianzu was kidnapped, in fact, around Sima Nianzu, Wang Jin and He Zhiqiang's people had already made arrangements and were monitoring everything.

"Wang sir, Sima Nianzu's signal has been activated. It seems that he has been kidnapped!"

He Zhiqiang, who was sitting in the car, was holding an instrument in his hand, paying attention to Sima Nianzu's positioning signal. Seeing that Sima Nianzu's signal moved on the instrument, he immediately turned his head and said to Wang Jin.

"Okay, the Landlords' Association has really taken action! Tell the brothers, we will follow the signal and follow! Don't get too close!" Wang Jin urged.

Chapter 550 The seventh meeting!

Facing Wang Jin's exhortation, He Zhiqiang nodded with a serious expression on his face. This is a rare opportunity to bring down the Landlords Association.

Once the landlord association is brought down, it will be a great achievement.

Wang Jin, who has made many achievements, may be able to face this kind of achievement without being tempted and calm, but other people can't do it, including He Zhiqiang, and there is no way to ignore this contribution.

Therefore, he was more cautious than Wang Jin told him, only to see He Zhiqiang picked up the walkie-talkie and greeted his subordinates in the walkie-talkie.

"All colleagues, follow behind my car, and don't act rashly without my order!"

After giving these instructions, He Zhiqiang put down the walkie-talkie, followed Sima Nianzu's positioning signal, and followed it slowly.

In order to prevent the Landlords Association from discovering the messenger's trail in advance, He Zhiqiang drove the car without appearing in the other party's field of vision, but followed him from a distance of several kilometers.

Anyway, as long as Sima Nianzu's positioning signal was still there, he wouldn't be afraid of being lost.

In the downtown area, Sima Nianzu's positioning signal did not move very fast, but after leaving the downtown area, Sima Nianzu's positioning signal suddenly began to improve.

"It seems that the other party is very eager to see Sima Nianzu! Did he increase his speed so much all of a sudden?"

He Zhiqiang paid attention to the signal from time to time, and found that the moving speed of the signal on the instrument placed aside had accelerated, so he immediately laughed and said to Wang Jin.

"That's for sure, they lost so much money on Sima Nianzu, of course they can't wait to see Sima Nianzu!"

Wang Jin smiled and said indifferently, although there is no computer here, I don't know how much the stock price of 749 has risen now, but seeing the impatient look of the other party now, Wang Jin knows that there will definitely be no less.

"I just don't know if they will look even more ugly after seeing Sima Nianzu~‖!"

As for the plan discussed between Wang Jin and Sima Nianzu, He Zhiqiang also heard about it. He didn't think that because Sima Nianzu was arrested, the money-raising plan would stop.

Even Sima Nianzu's arrest was partly due to the fact that he continued to strengthen the belief of those old guys from the Landlords' Association and let them continue to invest money.

If you don't tell those old guys openly that Sima Nianzu has arranged for a backup, will those old guys take out the money in a peaceful manner?


Don't get a little more money out now, and when those old guys are arrested in the future, all the money will be confiscated.

Since that's the case, it's better to get out a little more and do charity or something. Anyway, the money of those old guys is not clean.

As for He Zhiqiang, although he knew it was wrong to do so, neither Wang Jin nor himself had benefited, and he had no way to blame Wang Jin.

What's more, he also has some resentment in his heart. Because of his wife's incident, he has never been promoted, and rumors are going crazy. Doesn't he know?

Of course he knew it, but there was nothing he could do about it, what could he do?

Looking for someone to make trouble?

Originally, this incident was not his fault, but if there was a disturbance, it would become his fault instead, so this incident cannot be caused!

However, if he can't make a fuss, he will suffer the loss.

It was obviously his wife who embezzled and moved the money. He Zhiqiang was kept in the dark and didn't know anything about it, but in the end it became an excuse for the superiors to suppress his promotion!

Do you think He Zhiqiang has no resentment in his heart?

There must be, but it has never been shown.

The money now will be confiscated from the government in the future. According to He Zhiqiang's previous character, he would never allow Sima Nianzu to do this, but now He Zhiqiang pretends that he didn't see it and didn't know it. What does this show?

Isn't it that He Zhiqiang has resentment in his heart and is unbalanced!

However, He Zhiqiang didn't say anything about it, and Wang Jin didn't mention it either, so the two passed on as if they didn't know each other.

The car was still driving slowly on the road. Wang Jin and He Zhiqiang were silent for a while. They followed Sima Nianzu's positioning signal. It can be said that the more they walked, the more remote and desolate they went.

In the second half of the journey, even cars and people were no longer visible on the road, and there were only a few cars behind Wang Jin and He Zhiqiang's car. Inside the car were the elites they recruited this time, and they followed them to participate in this competition. action.

There were not many people, only about [-] people, a group of people from Wang Jin's side, and a group of people from He Zhiqiang's side.

There is a saying that there are not many soldiers, but only fineness!

Wang Jin and He Zhi emphasized that the people who came were all experts in the department, and of course more of them were cronies.

For example, on Wang Jin's side, Ma Jun, Wei Jinghao, Chen Jin, Song Zijie, A Lang, and the five cronies that Wang Jin trained all came.

Letting a few of them come over is just to give them some credit. After all, Wang Jin is already at the division level, but their status is still in the same place. It's a bit embarrassing. They are not as powerful as Wang Jin. Without Wang Jin's care, it may take a long time for them to get promoted and raise their salary. This conflicts with Wang Jin's original intention of training them.

Wang Jin didn't want to wait until he was climbing up a little bit, and he didn't even have a single confidant under his command. At least he wanted them to be in a higher position, so that wherever Wang Jin would go in the future, it would be easy to transfer them to his staff.

It may be said that the position is lower and the operation is better, but at that time, Wang Jin will manage more people, and there is no high-ranking confidant to help him restrain the people below. (Okay) Wake up?

What Wang Jin wanted was not elite case handlers, but department leaders who could overwhelm those below him.

Only in this way can Wang Jin feel at ease to hand over his subordinates to their management in the future, and be a hands-off shopkeeper himself.

At that time, Wang Jin only needs to be in charge of managing a few people under his command. Isn't this delicious?

But now, whether it is Wang Jin, Ma Jun or others, they are still far away from this goal, so Wang Jin arranged for them to come here, and get promoted early, otherwise they will not be able to keep up with Wang Jin's progress progress.

Just when Wang Jin and He Zhiqiang brought their elite men, or cronies, to Sima Nianzu's side, Sima Nianzu had already been taken to Huang Shitong's luxurious villa. When the hood was taken off his head, his face was covered in blood, and he finally saw most of the members of the landlord.

Chapter 550 The eighth is really bleeding!

"Uncles, long time no see!"

Sima Nianzu, who was thrown on the sofa, had wounds all over his face and blood from his nose and mouth when the hood was removed. After spitting out a mouthful of blood, he wiped his face with his bound hands again. After wiping off the nosebleed that could not stay, he sat around the villa with a smile, and the serious landlord greeted everyone, without the slightest sense of panic being caught on his face.

"Use me to push up the stock price, so you can sell your goods for cash, so you can ask your elders for money?"

Huang Shitong who was sitting there suddenly stood up and came to Sima Nianzu with a bright smile. He lowered his body and looked at Sima Nianzu. Although his smile was bright, the coldness in his eyes was But there is no way to hide it.

Afterwards, Huang Shitong stopped looking at Sima Nianzu, but turned around and sat down on a sofa, and continued talking.

"You! You! But you are no wonder your father said that you are the reincarnation of Monkey King, and you are making troubles in the heavenly palace, but you, a little monkey, have never been able to fly out of the palm of the Tathagata Buddha!"

When he said this, Huang Shitong meant to look down on Sima Nianzu123. He compared Sima Nianzu to Sun Wukong, but he compared himself to Tathagata Buddha, because he thought everything was under control, and Sima Nianzu Zu didn't have a chance to stand up at all.

Sima Nianzu didn't care about Huang Shitong's words either. Although his hands were tied, he was sitting on the sofa with his feet spread apart, and sat in a more comfortable position, and glanced around at the landlord meeting present. everyone.

"Back then! Dad went to jail for you. You owed him. You should pay back some money now, shouldn't you?"

"The major shareholders of 749 are all on your side. I'm afraid I didn't repay this debt myself! You should pay the debt with an amount. You are too much! Azu, I'm afraid you will die if you have money!"

This is Huang Shitong's threat. At this time, if he doesn't believe in Sima Nianzu, is he still afraid?

Now, Sima Nianzu's life is in his hands, and this is Huang Shitong's villa, and it is a desolate and remote place with a radius of more than ten kilometers. If Sima Nianzu was killed here, as long as he finds a place to bury him, no one will know.

At that time, Sima Nianzu will completely disappear from this world.

Although Huang Shitong didn't say these words clearly, how could Sima Nianzu fail to hear them, and he didn't think that Huang Shitong dared to kill him. After all, Huang Shitong had already done murder before, otherwise his father How did Sima Xiang die?

However, is Sima Nianzu afraid of death?

If he had been afraid, he would not have held the belief that he would die and wanted to drag Huang Shitong into the water together, but now after Wang Jin joined, Sima Nianzu was even more fearless.

Sima Nianzu looked at Huang Shitong with a very arrogant expression, and then said harshly.

"You just give it, and you care how I spend it?"

Huang Shitong didn't answer directly, but rubbed his palms together, pondered for a while, and asked suddenly.

"What if I don't give it?"


Sima Nianzu sneered, he knew that Huang Shitong would not give in so easily, so he was already prepared.

"If you don't give it, I have uploaded the recordings and videos of market making to a stock website. Before the market closes today, if you don't have enough 5000 million shares, or if I die, those recordings and videos will be played automatically. This is a big website with hundreds of thousands of website users, including the boss of the China Securities Regulatory Commission. You said that if these recordings and videos are released, what will happen! Hurry up! You don’t have much It's time! Hahahaha!"

Sima Nianzu laughed wantonly, he didn't care about Huang Shitong's face at all, because (ceej) he knew that Huang Shitong couldn't afford to lose, and he would definitely spend money to buy peace.

There is a saying that the older a person is, the less courageous he is, especially a rich person. When he knows that he can spend money to buy peace, he will definitely choose to spend money, because compared with life, money is really not worth mentioning.

For rich people, money is just a number lying in the bank, but life is not.

Sima Nianzu laughed more and more presumptuously. Huang Shitong looked at Sima Nianzu's crazy appearance. Although he secretly hated him, he couldn't do anything about it, because it's not yet the time to die. As long as the recordings and videos of market making, If they have not been announced, they still have a chance, and they are still the powerful and unstoppable Landlords Association in the stock market.

"Call and let Xiao Luo continue to scan the goods!"

Huang Shitong did not hesitate either, and immediately ordered Chen Zhan to call Luo Minsheng.

It turned out that when Sima Nianzu was caught just now, Huang Shitong asked Chen Zhan to call Luo Minsheng to stop sweeping the goods.

Originally, Huang Shitong thought that everything should be over if he captured Sima Nianzu, but who knew?


Chen Zhan nodded, then picked up the phone on the table and called Luo Minsheng who was at Minsheng Company.

The phone is connected!

Chen Zhan didn't say anything else on the phone, but only said one thing to Luo Minsheng.

"Xiao Luo, continue to scan the stock until 5000 million shares!"


Luo Minsheng hung up the phone. Hearing the news, he knew that Uncle Tong and the others must have failed to deal with Sima Nianzu, otherwise they would not have to continue to scan the goods.

While Luo Minsheng continued to scan the stock, the stock price was raised again and again, and soon rose to [-] yuan, heading towards [-] yuan.

At this time, Huang Shitong's eyes were red when he heard the report from Mai Shengyun and himself, it was all his money.

Sima Nianzu's behavior is like cutting his flesh, can he not be jealous?

Sima Nianzu was not killed now because he suppressed his killing intent, because he knew that Sima Nianzu must not be killed at this time, otherwise all the hard work would be in vain.

"Brother Tong, it's already 500 yuan! Someone sold [-] million shares at a price of [-] yuan! He's already bought it! Ronaldinho is crazy, doesn't he even think about it?"

Mai Shengyun stared at the computer screen, yelled, and jumped up and down. This time, the landlord will share the loss equally, but it was not caused by the same person, Huang Shi. Now that there is so much blood, can Mai Shengyun not jump?

"Be quiet, don't I know? I want you to say it!"

With a cold face, Huang Shitong reprimanded Mai Shengyun, if he had other methods, would he still be here listening to Mai Shengyun yelling?

Everything is a last resort! .

Chapter 550 Who is right and who is wrong!

Facing the huge loss of property, Huang Shitong was also extremely heartbroken. After all, this is not a small sum, but hundreds of millions.

Even rich people can't ignore the loss of hundreds of millions. Even the richest man in the world can completely ignore the loss of hundreds of millions?

No, it’s human nature, maybe it’s not your own money, and you won’t feel bad if you lose a lot, but as long as it’s your own money and it’s not spent by yourself, even if it’s not much, you’ll feel bad about it, let alone a few. [-] million.

But in order to appease Sima Nianzu, or to spend money to buy peace, this money has to be spent~.

Soon, the 5000 million shares of 749 stock were all purchased, and the final transaction price was [-] cents, which almost hit [-] yuan.

From [-] cents at the opening of the market, it directly rose to [-] yuan. This is a price that is against the sky. Under normal stock market conditions, this kind of thing will not happen.

It is conceivable that today's stock market is so abnormal that many people are already crazy, looking dumbfounded at the completion of 749 stocks.

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