Wei Jinghao had already vomited out the breakfast he ate in the morning, his face was pale all the time, he finally recovered a little bit, when he heard that Wang Jin was going to have lunch, he couldn't help but think of meat, and then Thinking of the pile of corpses piled up like rotten meat that he saw in the morning, he lost his appetite in an instant. Although there was nothing in his stomach, he still couldn't restrain the cramps in his stomach, and his stomach acid burst It surged up, and then sputtered and vomited again.

Song Zijie is no better than Wei Jinghao. Although he tried his best not to vomit in the morning, he had already reached his limit. Now that he heard about eating, he finally couldn't hold it anymore. After seeing such a scene, how could he Still have the appetite to eat?

Maybe in the past few days, he has lost his appetite.

Seeing that the two subordinates were running to vomit, Wang Jin curled his lips, shook his head and said secretly.

"It's really useless, such a small scene makes me vomit!"

However, since they all came together, it was not easy for Wang Jin to leave first, so he stayed where he was, waiting for the two of them to finish their vomit and talk.

Wang Jin waited a little bored, took out a cigarette case from his trouser pocket, pulled out a cigarette, and was about to light it for himself, when he found that Ma Jun and Chen Jin, who were doing nothing, were staring at his cigarette with bright eyes. Cigarette case, Wang Jin remembered that these two guys also smoked.

So he took out two cigarettes from the box and threw them to Ma Jun and Chen Jin. The two immediately lit up happily, and started puffing clouds comfortably.

It's not that they haven't smoked cigarettes before, they themselves carry cigarettes, but it's obvious that Wang Jin's cigarettes are different from their inferior tobaccos, they are especially easy to smoke, so they shamelessly looked at Wang Jin's cigarettes when Wang Jin lit his cigarettes. Wang Jin looked eagerly, and sure enough, he didn't disappoint them, so he threw two of them.

Idle is also idle, with a cigarette dangling from his mouth, Ma Jun suddenly asked Wang Jin.

"Head, what is the purpose of killing these followers?"

Hearing Ma Jun's question, Chen Jin on the side also pricked up his ears, wanting to hear Wang Jin's analysis of the case.

Wang Jin swallowed the tobacco for a while, exhaled a thick puff of smoke, covered his eyes, and then analyzed with Ma Jun.

"Killing the guys here is nothing more than two purposes. Either these guys blocked someone's way and were eliminated by someone, or someone wanted to learn from the ancient heroes and do justice for the sky! But from the perpetrators In terms of tactics, I am more inclined to the former, if I want to do justice for the heavens like a hero, I will not use strong sulfuric acid and traps, such insidious means to kill people!"

"That's true! Such a method really doesn't look like trying to learn the demeanor of an ancient hero!"

Ma Jun nodded, agreed with Wang Jin's analysis, and then continued.

"Boss, then are we going to check on the rest of the fans?"

After all, now that Xiangjiang has killed so many fans all at once, all of the remaining fans may be suspected, and it looks like they shouldn't be let go. They should all be investigated in detail.

"Those guys want to investigate, but it can't be ruled out that Jianglong has come to Xiangjiang and wants to occupy the market, so the immigration management office, as well as the smugglers who smuggled into the country, must also be investigated. Ma Jun, what are you doing on those roads? You know more clearly about the matter, and then you and Chen Jin will investigate this matter. Those guys are not easy to get along with. You may have to do something to ask something. You are welcome, as long as you don Dead man, I'll take care of what happened, you take Chen Jin with you, he's not bad at all! As for the immigration office, I'll let Song Zijie and Wei Jinghao go!"

Wang Jin has already made arrangements for this. Ma Jun and Chen Jin are strong and skilled, suitable for investigating some dangerous things, while Song Zijie and Wei Jinghao are relatively weak, and they are not old fritters. It's not appropriate for them to investigate this kind of thing. A peaceful place like the Exit-Entry Administration is more suitable for them.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????

Moreover, both Song Zhijie and Wei Jinghao are more careful and patient people, and they are also suitable for investigating this kind of heavy workload and boring tasks. After all, there are too many people coming and going in Xiangjiang every day. It doesn't take ordinary patience to find clues in this huge flow of people.

Both Ma Jun and Chen Jin have irritable personalities and like to solve problems with their fists. This kind of work is obviously not suitable for the two of them.

It is more suitable for the two of them to check the things on the road. They are simply rude and brainless. As long as they are strong enough, and then deter them, forgive those guys who dare not tell the truth.

.... 0

This can be regarded as Wang Jin's well-thought-out and well-thought-out arrangement. Of course, it is also a test, a test of the abilities of several people.

Although Wang Jin took the four guys by his side early on, he never gave him much power, not even A Lang who came from behind.

A Lang is an undercover agent for the ultimate test. He has rich experience and has been able to hide in the criminal group without being exposed. This proves that A Lang's mind and character are very up to standard, otherwise he would have exposed his identity and been killed. up.

Therefore, as soon as A Lang was reinstated in the police force, Wang Jin gave him a lot of power, and A Lang also did a good job. He has gradually grown and became Wang Jin's right-hand man.

Although A Lang has not become the one Wang Jin relies on the most, he has gradually approached this position.

This is what A Lang earned through his many years of undercover career. Without this undercover career, Wang Jin would not have given him such a heavy responsibility.

Although the undercover career wasted A Lang's years, it also polished him to be more calm, smooth and sophisticated. When he met Wang Jin, a Bole, he would naturally be able to soar into the sky quickly.

Ma Jun, Chen Jin is a bit weaker in temper than A Lang, and needs to be polished. Wei Jinghao and Song Zijie are much worse in experience, but Wang Jin also gave them a chance to sharpen this time. Once Ma Jun And Chen Jin can restrain his temperament, Wang Jin will also reuse it, and Wei Jinghao and Song Zijie are so ordinary after they have rich experience.

Chapter 570 The stinky rat in the gutter!

It didn't take long for Wei Jinghao and Song Zijie, who were vomiting so much, to come back, but their faces were extremely pale, with no blood at all, as if they had kidney deficiency, and their eyes were even less bright.

Wang Jin glanced at the two of them without saying a word. This is something that must be experienced. If you can't even bear this, then you don't have to be a messenger, and you can just resign and go home to do other things, because the messenger This career is not for them.

However, Wang Jin still believes that Song Zijie and Wei Jinghao can adapt, but it may take a little time.

Wang Jin didn't care about the two guys, and took the four of them to dinner.

In a tea restaurant, I had a lunch. Wang Jin treated guests. Ma Jun and Chen Jin had a mouthful of oil, while Song Zijie and Wei Jinghao didn't eat anything. They really didn't have much appetite, so they only ordered two. Just sitting there with a glass of boiled water, like a sculpture, with blank eyes and no idea what he is thinking about.

"One Four Zero"

Wang Jin didn't care about the two of them. After eating, he burped, leaned comfortably on the sofa, and picked his teeth with a toothpick. After Ma Jun and Chen Jin finished eating, Wang Jin looked at the four of them. Tasks are assigned.

That is to say, the division of labor between the four people was informed.

Ma Jun and Chen Jin looked at each other, got up and left, they were going to investigate those guys on the road, the workload was not small, and they needed to hurry up.

Seeing Ma Jun and Chen Jin leaving, Song Zijie and Wei Jinghao were about to get up and leave, but they were stopped by Wang Jin, because Wang Jin had a few words to tell them.

"When you go to the Immigration Administration to investigate this time, you need to start from several aspects. The other party may be a group of people, but it may not be the same flight that entered Xiangjiang, so you have to take back all those files with suspicious identities. Especially in those small countries where people whose national identities are confused should focus on investigations, because the difficulty of obtaining identities in these countries is very low, and these people may be hiding in them, so you have to check carefully one by one, rather than kill by mistake , don’t let it go! Whether it’s a photo with a fierce look or something wrong with your resume, bring it all back to me! Do you understand?”

"Understood, sir!"

Song Zijie and Wei Jinghao, although their faces were pale, they still cheered up, stood up straight, and responded firmly.

"Okay, let's go!"

After exhorting, Wang Jin waved his hand and let the two leave.

After the two left, Wang Jin sat in the tea restaurant with his chin propped up, thinking about the case.

He always had an inexplicable sense of familiarity with this case, but Wang Jin had never encountered it in terms of the modus operandi or the level of brutality.

What's more, in the case that Wang Jin handled, the head of the mastermind's grave was three feet high. Logically speaking, it was absolutely impossible for Wang Jin to have such a sense of familiarity.

"Could it be a movie plot? If it is a movie plot, what kind of movie plot is this? There are too few clues now!"

Wang Jin was a little silent. Just based on the slightly familiar feeling now, it is too early to judge that this is a movie plot. Besides, Wang Jin has not met the plot characters of the movie, so it is not necessarily a movie plot.

Even if it's a movie plot, Wang Jin really can't get in touch with the plot based on just one crime scene, because there are too many movies in Xiangjiang, and in many movies, it is possible to find the scene of the murder scene.

"I hope it's the plot of the movie! In this way, I can complete another task of signing in the plot! Now I don't have any clues, and I can only wait for Ma Jun and Wei Jinghao's investigation. Fortunately, there are still seven days left , There is still plenty of time! Unless those guys can fly into the sky and escape from the ground, otherwise, if they enter Xiangjiang, it is impossible not to reveal some clues, and they must be able to find some clues!"

Wang Jin muttered to himself with his head on his hands. The person who made the move was obviously experienced and sophisticated, and there was almost no clue left, so Wang Jin could only use this stupid method of finding a needle in a haystack.

However, the method is a bit stupid, but it does not mean that it has no effect, it just takes some time.

Wang Jin got up and settled the bill with the owner of the tea restaurant, and then went back to the Oji building to sit down, waiting for news from Ma Jun and Wei Jinghao.

Finally, at night when it was almost time to get off work, Ma Jun and Chen Jin came back. As expected, they lived up to Wang Jin's expectations, found some news, and then rushed back to the office without stopping to report to Wang Jin.

In Wang Jin's office!

Ma Jun and Chen Jin were standing in front of Wang Jin's desk, reporting their results for the afternoon.

"Head, I went to four companies in the afternoon, and they are all well-informed, but we have also done it!"

Sitting on his boss chair, Wang Jin glanced at the dusty clothes on Wang Jin and Chen Jin, and their faces were bruised and swollen, and their hands were even torn and stained with blood. It was those guys who were dishonest and refused to tell the truth, forcing Ma Jun and Chen Jin to do it.

However, seeing that the injuries on both of them were not serious, Wang Jin didn't ask too much. After all, for a messenger, injuries are just commonplace, let alone such a minor injury, it's nothing!

"Have you found anything?"

Wang Jin sat on the boss's chair, tapped his fingers rhythmically on the table, and looked directly at Ma Jun and Wei Jinghao...

"I found something. Half a month ago, a group of guys smuggled into Xiangjiang from the high seas by relying on snake heads. There were quite a few of them. The snake head said that these guys didn't look easy to provoke, so he didn't ask them much. Thing! After arriving in Xiangjiang, let them go! After that, those guys disappeared and disappeared!"

Ma Jun told Wang Jin all the news from the investigation.

After listening to Ma Jun's report, Wang Jin continued tapping his fingers on the table rhythmically. He fell into deep thought, and then Wang Jin, who came back to his senses, suddenly asked.

"What are the characteristics of those people? About how many people and what race?"

"The characteristics are nothing special, but those people have a fierce and fierce temperament. They look like killers or soldiers. The number seems to be seven or eight people. I heard that they are old black, blond ghosts, and yellow people. There are also snake heads. I was afraid, so I didn't dare to ask more, mainly because they had a conflict with other people on the boat and killed people. By the way, the head! The snake head also said something strange, that is, one of them was shot in the waist, But without even frowning, he stepped forward and broke the opponent's neck with both hands!"

Ma Jun told Wang Jin some details, and at the same time told Wang Jin what the snakehead said was strange.

Hearing this, Wang Jin's finger tapping on the desk suddenly paused, and he smiled wickedly.

"Interesting, did you step forward and break the opponent's neck with both hands without even frowning after being shot? It seems that he is really a professional killer, otherwise it would be impossible for 4.9 to have such a neat method! This kind of killer The behavior is somewhat similar to the previous case at the pier. Regardless of whether this case was done by the stinky rats in the gutter, since they haven't left in Xiangjiang, don't leave either, find them for me ! You continue to stare at this line, you must find clues to these mice, can they not eat or drink?"


Ma Jun and Chen Jin responded respectfully, and they didn't care why Wang Jin insisted on finding out the group of mice. It's not their business to ask about this kind of thing. Since Wang Jin didn't say anything, it must be Wang Jin. It makes sense, but even though Wang Jin didn't say anything, the two of them had guesses in their hearts. I'm afraid that if the real culprit of this case can't be found, Wang Jin might let these killers take the blame. Anyway, these killers are not good people. , It’s what they deserve for taking the blame, who made them hit the guns at this time, it’s not good when they come to Xiangjiang, it must be this time! .

Chapter 570 The mouse finally left its mark!

Ma Jun and Chen Jin, after receiving Wang Jin's order, followed this clue, but those killers were obviously very cautious, hiding in the vast and crowded Xiangjiang, and there were no photos, so they wanted to rely on some characteristics It is still difficult to find, and it will take some time.

However, Wang Jin believed that Ma Jun and Chen Jin could handle these things well, and the channel relationship in Ma Jun's hands should not be underestimated.

Perhaps, he didn't have any connections in the police force, otherwise he wouldn't be in such a miserable situation, but outside the police force, his connections should not be underestimated.

No one knew how deep his involvement with the society was, and how many contacts he had, and only Ma Jun knew these things.

After Ma Jun and Chen Jin left, Wang Jin sat in the office with his hands on his head, lying on the boss chair with his feet on the desk, frowning slightly, thinking about what Ma Jun said just now.

"I was shot but there was no response, and I could rush forward and break other people's necks immediately. It's a bit cruel. It's hard for them to endure. Is it really possible to reach this level?"

Wang Jin was a little bit unconvinced that even a person with strong willpower might be able to endure the pain, but it was impossible for him to be unaware of it, let alone not affect his actions. After all, this was the natural law of the body at work, and Willpower has nothing to do with it.

It's like two legs are broken, no matter how strong your willpower is, you can't make your two legs stand up again. This has nothing to do with willpower, but the body does not allow it.

As long as it is a normal person, after being shot, it may be possible to hold on. It is no problem to shoot with a gun in hand, but it is absolutely impossible to have the strength to break someone's neck.

If you want to do this, you must not only have great strength, but also master the skills and exert force. At the same time, the action of twisting the neck will inevitably use the waist to exert force.

A guy who was shot in the waist, the pain alone is enough for him, how could he use his waist to exert force, this is a bit unreasonable!

Wang Jin's eyes flickered a little. He always felt that the behavior of these guys seemed to be a little familiar, but Wang Jin couldn't remember it. In front of his eyes, there is a thin membrane blocking it, making it hard to see clearly. Even if Wang Jin tried his best to break through that membrane, he was powerless.

Since he couldn't figure it out, Wang Jin decided not to think about it anymore. Now that there is no answer, it doesn't mean that there will never be an answer. Since those guys did these things with cruel means, they must have an ulterior motive, and they will always surface It's not too late to pack up when the time comes.

Wang Jin lay on the boss's chair, then grinned grimly, pulled out a hand, and clenched it into a fist. The joints creaked, and the surging power surged in Wang Jin's body, possessing the power of steel. Behind his body, Wang Jin is eager to fight, because he wants to try how strong he is now!

"I hope you guys don't bump into my hands, or let you experience what the power of a man of steel is!"

At the same time, Wang Jin, who is basking in the sun, can feel his own strength slowly increasing, although the increase is very small, even when Wang Jin is completely silent, he can feel the slight increase. However, Wang Jin is quite satisfied with the increase. Although the increase is small, as long as he perseveres in the sun and accumulates, there will always be a huge breakthrough. Wang Jin is not in a hurry, he has enough Time and patience to wait for the metamorphosis!

Just when Wang Jin was in the office, basking in the sun, feeling a little bit stronger.

Song Zijie and Wei Jinghao at the Exit-Entry Administration Office were facing a mountain of documents and files, carefully searching for suspicious clues and people, but even if they saw that their eyes were extremely dry, the gains were not great. .

This is also a very normal thing. If it is so easy to find relevant clues, it proves that those guys are unprofessional and have too many loopholes.

Song Zijie and Wei Jinghao didn't gain much, but they didn't give up, because they had enough patience, which is why Wang Jin sent two people over, because they could do it well.

If Ma Jun and Chen Jin were sent over, I'm afraid the two of them would make excuses and leave after sitting for a few hours. They were really not suitable for this kind of thing.

Knowing what kind of person and what kind of things are good at doing is also a talent that a leader needs to master.

Ma Jun and Chen Jin, who had left the office building, went to find the smuggler who had given them the news.

This time, seeing Ma Jun and Chen Jinlai, the snake head was completely honest, and did not dare to play any tricks.

Honestly told Ma Jun and Chen Jin all the characteristics of everyone.

After getting the news, Ma Jun led Chen Jin to expand the scope of the search all the way from the place where the gang went ashore.

Of course, his search method is different from that of ordinary policemen. He always looks for the most well-informed guy in a certain area.

If you cooperate well with him, he doesn't hit people or expose their backgrounds, but just asks for information normally.

But if he doesn’t cooperate, Ma Jun will let the other party eat a meal of eggplant and roast meat first, and then threaten the other party with the other party’s old background. If he doesn’t cooperate, he will arrest the other party. The other party is good-looking.

Faced with such a threat, those guys are extremely greedy for life and afraid of death, so how can they resist to the end!

I almost confessed what color underwear I was wearing today.

One, two, three visits all came to nothing. Ma Jun and Chen Jin were a little disappointed because they didn't get the news they wanted.

These people have never seen those guys, obviously those guys are not hiding or active in this area.

In other words, even hiding in this generation is very careful, and has not exposed itself.

Just when Ma Jun and Chen Jin felt that there was nothing to be gained from the investigation, because it was already very far away from the place where the group of people went ashore, and the scope continued to expand, and the group wanted to hide. It's been a very easy time.

The guy in front of them didn't know how many guys they were looking for, but he revealed a clue that this guy had seen those people.

What he described in his mouth, the number of those people in costumes, is almost the same as the news Ma Jun and the others got from the snake heads.

Immediately, Ma Jun and Chen Jin glanced at each other, feeling that they had finally found clues about each other.

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