"No, I want to take the initiative to attack! Only by defeating the bandits outside one by one can the safety of the villa be guaranteed!"

Wang Jin shook his head, a light flashed in his eyes, this time he took the initiative to attack, although it was a little dangerous, but it was not that big, and he was not just for the safety of himself and everyone else.

Similarly, this is also an excellent opportunity for him to get rid of Wang Jianjun!

"Wang sir, this is not acceptable! It's too dangerous! I absolutely disagree with your actions!"

When Fei Bo heard that Wang Jin wanted to take the initiative to attack, he immediately reacted violently and disagreed with Wang Jin's action plan.

"That's right! Sir Wang, we should be the ones to go for this kind of mission!"

Even Ah Qiang disagreed with Wang Jin's actions, and instead said that such a dangerous person should be taken care of by them.

"Okay, don't say a few words! Am I the boss, or are you the boss? Listen to me, and with the three-legged cat skills of you two, go out to die? Get out of here quickly, and then inform Mr. Xu a bit!"

Wang Jin's domineering words frightened the two of them, but what he said later made them feel ashamed.

Indeed, as Wang Jin said, with their three-legged cat skills, they might be killed by the enemy before they went out.

How does it compare with Wang Jin, the well-known Hong Kong detective, the anti-violence detective?

Moreover, they had seen Wang Jin's skills with their own eyes, and their strength was so strong that even Xu Zhengyang, the chief bodyguard, was no match for Wang Jin.

After sending the two of them upstairs, Wang Jin refilled the bullets in the gun, and then he carried the M16 and walked step by step to the place where the bulletproof glass was smashed just now.

A huge hole that was smashed out, enough to pass through an adult, is emitting light outside.

It is worth mentioning that this kind of brown bulletproof glass can only see the outside from the inside, but the inside cannot be seen from the outside.

It just met Wang Jin's needs!

There was glass shards all over the floor, and the corpses of several gangsters were lying in a pool of blood. Wang Jin cleverly avoided the outside by using various covers. Through this hole, he monitored the inside of the villa and looked out to the outside through the glass. look away.

A few figures with poking heads were squatting behind a half-person-high flowerbed, looking into the villa through the hole.

"Wang Jianjun, where did you go?"

Holding the gun, Wang Jin glanced around, but found no figure of Wang Jianjun in it, which made him frown, with a hint of worry in his heart, but thinking that Yang Qianer had Xu Zhengyang by his side, Wang Jin let go of his worries, Solving these bandits now is the most important thing.

Chapter 48 Destroy! (Sixth watch, I beg all readers to subscribe, give rewards, flowers, thank you!)

"I can't control that much, there is Xu Zhengyang upstairs, don't worry, I'd better clean up these gangsters first!"

Seeing the gangsters in the garden of the villa outside, still watching with their heads probing, Wang Jin couldn't help laughing, and suddenly remembered a fun casual game in his previous life, whack-a-mole.

Not to mention, it is really very similar to the appearance of the gangsters now, except that there is no huge hammer, and there is no difference between going up and knocking.

After laughing, Wang Jin took out a flash bomb from the storage ring, pulled off the tab on the flash bomb, and then threw it at the flower garden from the hollow.

A perfect arc-line, across the air!

With the help of the light in the villa, the gangsters at the garden happened to see an oval object flying towards them.

"Look, it seems that something is flying over!"

"Fuck, it looks like a grenade!"

"Don't talk nonsense, how could there be a grenade?"

"But it looks like the size of a grenade!"

"The soil turtle, the size is like a hand grenade! I also said that you are like my lover!"


Some people thought it was a grenade, while others thought it wasn't. Anyway, when they were arguing, the oval object had already fallen from the sky and landed in front of them.

This time they finally saw clearly that it was indeed a grenade, but not a grenade, because it was a flash grenade.

Accompanied by the explosion, there was a burst of extremely dazzling glare.

Don't just take a look, in front of this strong light, as long as you don't close your eyes, your eyes will be stinging instantly, tears will flow, and you can't see anything.

Not only that, the flash bomb can also produce a loud noise at the same time, causing the target to temporarily lose or permanently lose hearing.

Unfortunately, these gangsters were too close to the flash bomb. In an instant, the huge noise produced by the flash bomb completely deafened them, and they could not hear any sound anymore.

Wang Jin was already prepared for this. Both ears were plugged with earplugs, and the moment the flash bomb was thrown, he turned his back to the flash bomb and closed his eyes. It was not affected by the flash bomb.

However, those gangsters were not so lucky, they became deaf and blind directly, and the severe pain made them roll on the ground and howl.

Wang Jin, who has a kind face and a kind heart, naturally understands their pain very well!

So the very merciful Wang Jin walked over with a gun in hand, and delivered a few bullets for them, making them happy to be relieved.

"Get a batch!"

Wang Jin stretched his waist, exercised his muscles and bones, and it was easier than he imagined to deal with this group of people. He didn't have the sense of vigilance that had experienced many battles.

Obviously, after a group of people died in the shopping mall during the day, Wang Jianjun's men began to be short of manpower and lacked elite troops.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for them to be as good as this group of people in front of them!

After this batch was settled, Wang Jin went on non-stop to find the next batch of people. He even doubted himself, whether he was born to work hard.

Since time travelling, it has been like a spinning top, constantly turning here and there, and has never had a good rest.

Pretty chick, I know several of them, but I don't have time to get started with any of them.

"It's decided! This incident is over, we must take a long vacation, have a good rest, pick up girls by the way, and relieve the pressure!"

With the grand plan of taking a long vacation for himself after he settled down in his heart, Wang Jin was even more motivated.

The sooner the gangsters and Wang Jianjun were dealt with, the sooner his mission would end, and he could justifiably ask for leave from his superiors.

Next, Wang Jin flashed all the way to clear the way. M16, except for the same screams and wailing, was nothing new, and almost encountered no decent resistance. He cleaned up all the people and horses around the villa.

More than [-] people were liberated by Wang Jin himself.

It's a pity that Wang Jin cleaned up the entire villa, but he didn't find Wang Jianjun's figure, which is really unreasonable!

"No, it won't be like the movie, it will return to the original plot!"

When this idea suddenly appeared in his mind, Wang Jin felt that it was not impossible. The strong plot inertia was still terrifying.

・・・・・ Asking for flowers・・・・・・・

If there are no butterflies and keep flapping their wings, it is not impossible for reality to happen like a movie plot.

With this guess, Wang Jin hurried back to the villa with a gun in hand.

Sure enough, without him, the butterfly, who kept flapping his wings, the plot was really dragged back to its original state.

Ah Qiang was still shot as in the original plot, but this time, Ah Qiang, because he was wearing a bulletproof vest, did not sacrifice himself and became a martyr. He was still alive and well, but his face was pale and there was no blood.

Because, not only was he shot in the chest, but he was also shot in the arm and thigh. He bled a lot, and he looked like he had lost too much blood. If he was not sent to the hospital immediately, his life might still be in danger. .

...... 0

Once a person loses too much blood, it will be fatal!

"There is really no one else with this kind of luck!" Wang Jin shook his head suddenly, very speechless.

It can only be said that people are unlucky, their teeth are stuffed when they drink cold water, and they are still beaten like this even though they are wearing bulletproof vests. It is really miserable!

Aside from Ah Qiang being a bit miserable, the original plot also had a gas leak. Wang Jin, who entered the villa, did not smell the gas leak. Obviously, this part is also different from the original plot.

The rest is almost the same as in the plot.

The bulletproof vest that Xu Zhengyang was wearing didn't know where it went, but now he was wearing a thin shirt, fighting with Wang Jianjun, it was really a life-threatening fight.

Other than two people fight fast, the moves are more vicious, all the moves are aimed at the vital points, not the throat, the eyes, or the temples.

But what to say!

The two of them are half a catty against each other, and it is difficult to tell the winner for a while!

In the end, they will fall into a stalemate, compete for will and physical strength, and whoever falls last will win the final victory.

Of course, this refers to the absence of any external factors, interference!

When Wang Jin's figure appeared in the villa, the outcome of this match was actually doomed!Long.

Chapter 49 It is not only the difference, but also the decision of life and death (seventh watch, please read more brothers, subscribe, reward, flowers)

The ending of Wang Jianjun was actually doomed when Wang Jin appeared, but he didn't believe in fate.

Because his life was saved by his younger brother from the battlefield.

From that moment on, his destiny is in his own hands, and no one can take it away casually.

Compared to Xu Zhengyang, Wang Jin is his strict enemy.

He and Xu Zhengyang didn't have any enmity, and even before this incident, they didn't know each other at all, let alone communicate with each other.

The cause of the conflict was only because of Yang Qian'er!

Wang Jianjun is doing things with money, Yang Qian'er is the target he wants to kill, and Xu Zhengyang wants to protect Yang Qian'er.

The conflict between the two is naturally inevitable, but it is not absolute, because it is not something to let go.

Wang Jianguo is dead, no matter how much money there is, it will not be of much use to Wang Jianjun.

So when Wang Jin appeared, all this changed, and Wang Jianjun stopped attacking Xu Zhengyang on his own initiative.

He can easily let go of Yang Qian'er's matter, even if he doesn't make the money, but Wang Jin's matter is not so easy to let go.

Wang Jianjun, who was standing there, stared at Wang Jin's figure with blood-red eyes.

It was not until a long time later that Wang Jianjun was full of ferocity and issued a provocative life-and-death challenge to Wang Jin.

"You are Wang Jin! Did you kill my brother Wang Jianguo?"

"Do you have the guts to come and fight me one-on-one?"

"We are not only superior, but also life and death!"

This book of life and death made Wang Jin's thoughts race, and he was not afraid of Wang Jianjun's challenge.

Watched Cheng Xu Zhengyang vs. Wang Jianjun.

In Wang Jin's mind, he already had a general understanding of Wang Jianjun's strength.

To be honest, Wang Jin doesn't care about such strength, even Xu Zhengyang can't win, so how can he challenge himself?

However, Wang Jianjun didn't know this. He didn't have such good luck to watch the confrontation between Xu Zhengyang and Wang Jin.

Otherwise, he would never initiate a challenge so easily, and of course he has no other choice.

There was death on the left and right, so he was naturally willing to fight Wang Jin fairly. If he could drag this life-and-death enemy into the water and bury him with his younger brother, it would be wonderful.

"Why do you think that I will promise you?"

Wang Jin smiled, and didn't express much, on the contrary, he just asked this question.

But just such a sentence made Wang Jianjun stupid.

He had never thought about this question before, he had issued a life-and-death challenge, but why did Wang Jin have to fight it!

It seems that Wang Jin can indeed avoid fighting without fighting. He is a bad guy, eating and doing public work.

It's not like people in the rivers and lakes who need to fight for fame and fortune!

Avoiding and not fighting will damage the reputation of a Jianghu person, so that he will have no foothold in the Jianghu.

For the bad guy, it doesn't matter, no name and no profit, I'm still a bad guy, and my status will never change.

A promotion and a salary increase depend on credit and the appreciation of the boss, not on winning a one-on-one fight with someone.

Unexpectedly, Wang Jianjun, who can make Wang Jin fight, really chose a simple and rude way.

"Don't fight! I'll kill you!"

Wang Jianjun is as fierce as ever, he must fight Wang Jin to avenge his brother.

Right now is the best opportunity. If he misses this opportunity, he doesn't know if he will be able to take revenge in the future.

"Look, what is the meaning of your life and death letter?"

"I fight, you want to kill me!"

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