Lu Zhilian looked at Liu Baoqiang in a daze, not knowing what he meant and what cooperation meant.

For so many years, the relationship between the ICAC and the police force has not been good, and conflicts between the police and the police are common.

In particular, the purpose of the ICAC at the beginning of its establishment was to clean up a few lawless bosses in the police force. Team.

In that turbulent era, the atmosphere of the police force was not as relaxed as it is now. It was an era when a few bigwigs were powerful and overshadowed the sky with one hand. In Xiangjiang, if you want to survive in the police force, you must not rely on one side. If you don’t take refuge, then I’m sorry, basically there is no place for you in the police force, or you can only spend your time at the bottom of the police force.

This has also led to the fact that as long as they have some power in the police force, they are all linked to those big bosses. Once those big bosses fall, those hooked people will naturally be in panic all day long.

Originally, these people were like headless chickens. After the big bosses fell, they didn't know what to do, and they were all afraid of the punishment from above, even though some of them had only a slight relationship with those big bosses. That is, to be affiliated with a name, to collect some benefits, and so on.

This was not a rare thing in those days, mainly because the salary of the poor man was too low to support himself, let alone his family.

That being the case, it is always necessary to get some extra money to improve life, so in that era, in addition to the normal salary, all police officers would have another contribution, and this contribution was uniformly given to the police force A few big guys, and then distributed it together.

This is also why in those days, several bigwigs of the police force were able to cover the sky with one hand, because they held the money bags of countless people in the Xiangjiang police force.

It's a pity that the ICAC was established later to crack down on such corruption. The money empire built by several bigwigs can be said to have hit the gun directly.

After the collapse of several big bosses of the police force, the ICAC still refused to let it go. They even wanted to destroy the entire police force, because everyone in the entire police force had received money. In the eyes of the ICAC, it can be said that It is a moth, it is the root of Xiangjiang's corruption, and it is the ladder for their ICAC staff to be promoted.

This is a good one. What the ICAC has done has completely stabbed the hornet's nest. The police force, which was still on the weak side, completely quit.

The ICAC wants to completely take down their police force, so what's the point?

You know, the police force had tens of thousands of people at that time. If all the police forces were taken down, the law and order in the entire Xiangjiang would completely collapse.

Therefore, in that era, the Xiangjiang police force completed the first collective strike in the history of the police force, all police stations were closed, all police members were on vacation, and the public security in Xiangjiang collapsed directly.

Those days were definitely the most chaotic and difficult days in the history of Xiangjiang. During that time, no matter what happened, no one could be found if someone wanted to call the police.

It is conceivable how chaotic the law and order was during that time, almost no one cared about murder and arson, almost no citizens of Xiangjiang dared to go out at night, everyone was in danger.

That is to say, under such circumstances, Xiangjiang was the highest official at that time!

In desperation and being forced to do so, he signed an amnesty decree, which pardoned all crimes committed by the police force, and only arrested the culprit, so that the police force could return to their posts and restore order in Xiangjiang.

With the amnesty issued by the supreme officer, everyone in the police force finally stopped worrying and returned to work, and began to restore order in Xiangjiang.

And the grievances between the police force and the ICAC have slowly been inherited from that time.

After all, the group of people who were pardoned back then may have included the entire police force, and had clashed with the ICAC more than once, so how could they give the ICAC a good look!

As for those who joined the police force after that era, they naturally couldn't be in high positions at the beginning. They also followed behind their seniors. Although they didn't have any grudges with the ICAC, their seniors and superiors did!

If you want to survive in the police force, you may not need a backer, but if you want to climb up, you will inevitably need a backer, and if you want these backers to support you, shouldn't you show some attitude?

Inevitably, these newcomers to the police force, who have no grievances with the ICAC at all, also have grievances with the ICAC.

Although time has passed for a long time, the grievances between the two parties have been inherited.

However, over the years, with the fast-paced development of the times, more and more young people have joined the police force and the ICAC. The two sides have also diluted the grievances. Both parties have become more restrained and do not want to happen again Conflicted.

Of course, the more important reason is that there were some old guys who hated the ICAC back then, those who had already retired, those who were about to retire, and many people who were new to the post, although they had some conflicts with the ICAC, it was not irresolvable.

Therefore, both parties are very restrained, but the relationship has also eased, which is not the basis for Liu Baoqiang to come here to talk about cooperation. You must know that the relationship between the two parties is not good enough to cooperate.

For example, Liu Baoqiang's boss threw this case to Liu Baoqiang because the ICAC was investigating the case, and he didn't want to get involved, so it didn't matter if the ICAC got the prize.

Otherwise, how could he leave this case to Liu Baoqiang, a lazy and incompetent guy.

Wouldn't it be nice to change to a team of elite soldiers and generals who broke the case and got credit for it?

It's a pity that Liu Baoqiang didn't know the true thoughts deep in his boss's heart. He thought that his boss didn't let him touch this case because he didn't believe in his ability.

Therefore, Liu Baoqiang, who wanted to prove himself more and more, came to Lu Zhilian and wanted to cooperate with Lu Zhilian when he was extremely unwilling.

His actions, to put it nicely, were the first of its kind for the police force, but to put it bluntly, they betrayed the principles and purposes of the police force.

However, regarding this point, there is no clear regulation in the police force that members of the police force cannot contact the ICAC, so it will not be a big deal.

However, if Liu Baoqiang and Lu Zhilian cannot prove their worth after cooperating, then in the eyes of some people, they will be abandoned, and even if they are proved, they will be disgusted by some people.

It can be said that Liu Baoqiang's move is a gamble for his future!

"¨~Then how can I help you~‖?"

Finally, Lu Zhilian asked the most important topic with a smile on his face. He didn't say the word cooperation, because it was not so easy for him to say the word cooperation. He had to look at it first, Liu Baoqiang Is there any value for cooperation in the matter proposed?

Then I can think it over and give Liu Baoqiang the answer!

He is the Chief Investigator of the ICAC. If he cooperates, it will represent the attitude of the entire ICAC. This cannot be tolerated by Lu Zhilian. Let's start a new chapter.

The relationship between the police force and the ICAC has also greatly improved. After all, his status is not the same as that of Liu Baoqiang, so he can't be careless! .

Chapter 660 Three people are stupid and have a lot of money, come quickly!

"It's not helping me, it's us cooperating! We solved this case together!"

Of course Liu Baoqiang can't admit that the ICAC is helping him. He has already come to the ICAC licking his face. He is inherently in a weak position. If he admits that the ICAC is helping him, then How will he mess around in the future?

Even people in the police force will look down on them. Is there no one in our police force?

Why did you go to the ICAC for help?

Liu Baoqiang is a traitor!

Under such rumors, a person can definitely be defeated. Unless Liu Baoqiang wants to be transferred to the ICAC to work, he must not admit that the ICAC is helping him, but he should cooperate with the ICAC. One represents the Independent Commission Against Corruption, one represents the police force, strong cooperation, the two are in the same position.

If that's the case, Liu Baoqiang will still be messing around in the future, otherwise the fact that Liu Baoqiang made the police force inferior to the ICAC will reach the ears of the big bosses in the police force, so what's the matter?

It is estimated that Liu Baoqiang will be able to guard the pond for the rest of his life, and there is no hope of promotion.

"You talk about it first!"

Lu Zhilian smiled, and didn't intend to expose Liu Baoqiang's thoughts. Liu Baoqiang has Liu Baoqiang's considerations, and he also has his own considerations. He would like to hear what Liu Baoqiang can say.

"Deng Dabiao revealed some information. There is a man named Mr. Hua. I heard that he is the biggest banker of the Xiangjiang gambling group. Few people have seen him. He is very mysterious. I also heard that he has some relationship with the behind-the-scenes of the world's largest gambling group. Deng Zhaohong’s appearance clearly shows that it was done by a professional killer. Presumably, he killed people to silence him. I suspect that it was Mr. Hua who did it. The one who can use Deng Zhaohong is definitely not a small banker. This Mr. Hua’s suspicion is the biggest! Our police Lian cooperates, we investigate homicide, you investigate corruption, although the cases are different, but the goal is the same, right, isn’t it a good fit?”

Thinking about these words, Liu Baoqiang only said them after deliberating in his stomach for a long time. Otherwise, how could he say things so attractively with his little ink?

Even Lu Zhilian was a little moved. I have to say that what Liu Baoqiang said was very practical and attractive.

There are some things that the ICAC can do, but it may be easier, more efficient and more efficient to send someone out.

Just like looking for Deng Dabiao before, the people from the Independent Commission Against Corruption were almost beaten by Deng Dabiao's people (ceej). In the end, they still didn't ask anything, but the police did not only deter Deng Dabiao Those gangsters in the middle school easily got news from Deng Dabiao that they didn't ask.

Professional things still need to be done by professional people, and in this regard, it is obvious that the police officers are professional people.

"Tell me about your plan!" Lu Zhilian was very straightforward.

Liu Baoqiang didn't hear what Lu Zhilian said clearly, and was about to persuade him. He thought that Lu Zhilian would not agree to the cooperation plan so easily. After all, the conflict between the ICAC and the police force has a long history.

It's not so easy to put aside things like prejudice.

"How can we say that we are also the generation of the new era, and our ideas should not be so old..."

However, only halfway through the words, Liu Baoqiang suddenly reacted, his eyes widened, and he looked at Lu Zhilian in disbelief and said.

"So, do you agree to cooperate?"

"Of course, cooperation is not harmful to our ICAC. As you said, we are the generation of the new era, and our ideas should not be so outdated. If you have any plans, just talk about them!"

Lu Zhilian doesn't mind cooperating with Liu Baoqiang. He is the Chief Investigation Officer of the ICAC, and his task is to supervise Xiangjiang's corruption. Since the black hands behind this case dare to send professional killers to kill people, it means that they are very serious. Danger.

The Independent Commission Against Corruption is generally not allowed to issue guns, unless there is a critical moment of last resort, and this case is so dangerous, once an in-depth investigation is carried out, it is impossible to say what kind of crisis will arise.

It would be great if there is a police force to cooperate with. The ICAC has no way to equip guns, but the police force is a violent law enforcement department equipped with guns all the time. Is the killer powerful, or the police force's guns are fast.

With this in mind, Lu Zhilian agreed to cooperate with Liu Baoqiang.

"it is good!"

Liu Baoqiang also did not expect that Lu Zhilian agreed to cooperate so readily, which saved him a lot of talking, and immediately revealed his plan in front of Lu Zhilian.

To put it bluntly, it's not a big plan, it's nothing more than eight words.

Fishing law enforcement, follow the vine!

Find Mr. Hua first, and then obtain key evidence through the transaction with Mr. Hua. After arresting Mr. Hua, see if there is any big fish behind Mr. Hua that is worth looking forward to.

It is very simple to say, but the key is the lack of manpower, and it is a new face.

The people on the police side are all on the bright side for the group of gamblers outside. Who knows if those people recognize their subordinates?

Therefore, the person sent to contact Mr. Hua must not be someone from the police force. Originally, if Liu Baoqiang's boss was willing to help, Liu Baoqiang could use people from the intelligence department to fish. After all, the people in the intelligence department are quite mysterious. Few people can see.

Few people even in the police force can see it, let alone people outside the police force. They are definitely good candidates for fishing, but Liu Baoqiang's boss just doesn't allow it.

In desperation, Liu Baoqiang had no choice but to settle for the next best thing. Most people in the Independent Commission Against Corruption were not familiar with him, so the fishing task was handed over to Lu Zhilian.

Liu Baoqiang went to Deng Dabiao to find out about Mr. Hua.

Not long after, Liu Baoqiang had finished chatting with Deng Dabiao, and got the news he wanted from Deng Dabiao. He even made an appointment for the meeting.

As long as Lu Zhilian's acting skills are in place, he can deceive Teacher Hua, then use evidence to catch him, follow the vines, and get out all the people behind the other party.

This set of plans is not very clever, but it is simple and practical, and it is very easy for greedy people to get hooked. As long as there is no accident, Teacher Hua can definitely be caught and pried open mouth.

For this point, Liu Baoqiang is naturally full of confidence, because ordinary people can't bear the torture of the police.

So far, I haven't seen many people who can resist the police's torture!

After discussing the plan, the two of them agreed on the time to meet Teacher Hua, and they split up.

Liu Baoqiang led his subordinates to the place where he was meeting Teacher Hua. It was a charity event. He arranged for his subordinates and Lu Zhilian's subordinates to closely monitor the surrounding movements.

And Lu Zhilian has already disguised himself as a wealthy second generation, entered the venue, with four words on his face, he is a fool with a lot of money, hurry up! .

Chapter 660 Four people are not for themselves, heaven and earth will perish!

Under the arrangement of Deng Dabiao, the meeting place has already been agreed.

However, Lu Zhilian didn't know who was the real Teacher Hua in this charity event, because he had never seen a photo of Teacher Hua.

It can be said that Teacher Hua is very mysterious.

Few people have seen Teacher Hua in person, even Deng Dabiao has never seen Teacher Hua's real face, and has always been in contact with him by mobile phone.

Of course, this is also because Deng Dabiao's size is too small, and he is not qualified to meet Teacher Hua at all.

This time, if Deng Dabiao hadn't said that he would introduce a rich second-generation big client to Mr. Hua, the kind who spends a lot of money, Mr. Hua would really not agree to meet.

Facing this kind of client who is generous and arrogant, the other party will not treat Deng Dabiao the same way. How can I say that such a big client should be interviewed in person. Firstly, it looks sincere, and secondly, it also wins the trust of the other party.

After all, the news that the other party is a rich second generation must be extremely knowledgeable. If the real caller has not been seen, how can the other party make a bet.

So, no matter what, after receiving the news from Deng Dabiao, Teacher Hua still decided to arrange for someone to meet with this rich second generation.

That's why I asked Lu Zhilian to meet for this charity event.

After Lu Zhilian arrived at the scene, he glanced around the entire charity event, but no one was looking at him, not even anyone paying attention to him.

This made Lu Zhilian a little confused as to whether Teacher Hua was in this charity event.

Logically speaking, if Mr. Hua is really in this charity event, he should be noticed by the other party when he comes, but after some observation, Lu Zhilian did not determine the target, which also made Lu Zhilian feel the other party's love Old and cunning.

Now, the only thing he can do is to pretend to be a rich second generation, find a place to sit down at the venue of the charity event, and wait for Teacher Hua in the crowd to come to him, because Deng Dabiao has sent his photo to To Mr. Hua, if Mr. Hua is really in this charity event, then Mr. Hua will definitely notice him.

In addition, Lu Zhilian's men and Liu Baoqiang's men had been scattered throughout the event venue, secretly observing and monitoring to see if anyone was watching him specifically.

Unfortunately, after a while of observation, neither the ICAC nor the Serious Crime Squad found anything suspicious about the people at the venue, which inevitably made them wonder if Mr. Hua really came. Or are you cheating them?

On the contrary, Lu Zhilian, as the Chief Investigation Officer of the ICAC, was neither arrogant nor impetuous, and had a well-cultivated appearance. He sat in a chair and waited calmly, without any signs of impatience.

This is also the result of Lu Zhilian's years of honing, otherwise, why would Lu Zhilian be able to take the position of Chief Investigation Officer of the ICAC!

If it is based on qualifications, his age is not the first choice!

In fact, Lu Zhilian didn't know that in the event venue, there was really someone looking at him, but it was very secretive, how secretive was it!

The person arranged by Mr. Hua is one of the main board event parties this time. In fact, when Lu Zhilian entered the venue for the first time, the other party had already discovered Lu Zhilian, but the other party did not act rashly. The other party wanted to observe Lu Zhilian. a test.

In comparison, if you meet a complete stranger, you should be vigilant. After all, they are not familiar with each other. What if Lu Zhilian sent him!

This kind of thing is not impossible, because this kind of thing has happened before. After suffering a few losses and being fooled a few times, it is natural to be more careful!

At the donation ceremony for the charity event, as Teacher Hua's agent, Li Li responded to the donation event with a sunny fake smile on her face, while looking at Lu Zhilian and Lu Zhilian's surroundings from the corner of her eyes .

After confirming that Lu Zhilian came here alone, as if there was nothing special around, Li Li walked down from the donation platform and handed over the charity event to the host, while she herself walked down from the high platform to come He came to Lu Zhilian's side.

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