Wang Jin has already started to make meritorious service and was promoted to the management of the police force, while he is still patrolling the streets in despair. This is the gap.

After ordering a lot of food, Wang Jin and Wei Jinghao found an empty table and sat down. Wang Jin, who had been starving for a long time, couldn't wait to start eating and drinking.

Seeing this scene, Wei Jinghao did not show weakness and joined the camp of eliminating food.

With enough water and food, Wang Jin hiccupped and lit a cigarette for himself comfortably, and then spread the salted fish on the seat, enjoying the happy time of feeding his stomach.

Seeing that Wei Jinghao was almost finished eating, Wang Jin handed over a cigarette from the Ninety-Five Supreme's cigarette case. He didn't expect Wei Jinghao to pick it up, because Wei Jinghao never smoked.

Who knows, Wei Jinghao didn't refuse this time, but silently accepted it, and even lit it with Wang Jin's lighter.

cough cough cough......

Obviously, Wei Jinghao, who was smoking for the first time, was not used to the smell of tobacco, even after taking a light puff, he coughed badly.

...... 0

Fortunately, smoking is a self-taught thing. After a few puffs, Wei Jinghao, who was a little accustomed to the smell of tobacco, suddenly fell in love with cigarettes.

Every time he took a puff, the relaxing feeling made Wei Jinghao feel very comfortable, and the pressure in his heart would also be relieved a little.

He had never seen Wei Jinghao before, Wang Jin who looked like this could tell at a glance that Wei Jinghao had something on his mind.

"Tell me! Is there something wrong? I still need my help, just tell me!"

Wang Jin knew Wei Jinghao's temperament, even if he wanted him to speak up about something, it was rare, so Wang Jin asked directly.

"There is such a thing!"

With a cigarette in his hand, Wei Jinghao hesitated to speak, as if he couldn't speak.

"What's the matter! If you don't tell me, I'm leaving!"

Wang Jin, who couldn't stand Wei Jinghao's mother-in-law, raised his leg and was about to leave. This time, Wei Jinghao was in a hurry.

"Don't... I want you to check for me, about my brother!"

"You mean, Viking?"

Wang Jin still knows a lot about Wei Jingda, Wei Jinghao often mentioned it when drinking and chatting with Wang Jin.

What Wang Jin learned about Wei Jingda from Wei Jinghao's mouth was much more in-depth than when he watched movies in his previous life.

"Yes, they say my brother has gone bad, I don't believe it! I think he went undercover!"

When talking about this incident, Wei Jinghao's emotions became very excited, for his elder brother who taught him since he was a child to be a good person.

Wei Jinghao never believed that the elder brother he had always admired would become a bad person.

"If he is going undercover, do you think I can find out?"

Wang Jin was a little dumbfounded by Wei Jinghao's words. The police force has confidentiality regulations. Once an undercover agent is undercover, his identity will become top secret. Only the top line in the police force can know the identity of the undercover agent.

It is extremely difficult to find out, but Wei Jingda's identity is an exception, Wang Jin really knows it.

"I only have you as a friend who has weight in the police force, and only you can help me!"

Speaking of this, Wei Jinghao's mood was very low, and he didn't want to trouble Wang Jin, but there was no way.

"Okay! You wait for my news, but no matter what the answer is, you are not allowed to say it. If your brother is really an undercover agent, you will only hurt him if you say it out!"

Wang Jin thought about it, but he was still going to tell Wei Jinghao that his brother's real identity, regardless of whether Wei Jingda is dead or alive now!

For Wei Jinghao, this is also a knot in his heart.

However, Wang Jin also specially warned Wei Jinghao not to talk too much.

"I understand, I will never say it"

Wei Jinghao was very excited. He always wanted to check on his brother's affairs, but he was helpless, and no one wanted to talk to him at all.

No matter how he argues, no one wants to believe that his brother is not a bad person.

Only Wang Jin is willing to help him!Long.


Chapter 53 The car thief! (I beg you guys to subscribe more, and give me more rewards to kill me!)

"Thank you!"

Wei Jinghao's eyes were slightly red, and he couldn't help crying. The days when his brother disappeared were also the most difficult times for him.

Now finally someone is willing to help him!

"Okay, manly man, don't act like a little girl!"

"it is good!"

Facing Wang Jin's reprimand, Wei Jinghao immediately controlled his emotions that he was about to lose control.

During the days when his brother was away, Wei Jinghao, who gradually became acquainted with Wang Jin, actually regarded Wang Jin not only as a friend.

Wang Jin's maturity and demeanor made Wei Jinghao see a trace of his brother in Wang Jin.

If it wasn't for the huge difference in personality between the two, and the dissimilar appearance, he would have almost regarded Wang Jin as his brother.

(Linglong) 86863718⒉

It was a rare encounter with Wei Jinghao, and Wang Jin was also curious, without the [-] million US dollars, will the plot of the man's true nature continue to develop in the direction of the movie plot?

Or go to another unbiased fork in the road!

"Wei Jinghao, did you make any new friends when I left?"

"New friends? I don't know if it counts, one is Fang Yiwei, the other is Chen Jin, they came to me, and..."

Wei Jinghao began to chatter about, after Wang Jin left, what happened around him did not deviate very much from the plot of the movie.

It was because of Wei Jingda that Fang Yiwei and Chen Jin found Wei Jinghao, and they fought together in the tea restaurant just like in the movie.

The relationship has improved a lot, and it was the views of the two of them that affected Wei Jinghao, making Wei Jinghao's "[-]" make up his mind to investigate his brother's affairs.

"So, Tian Yangsheng and the others have already returned? Wei Jingda may also be dead?"

Through Wei Jinghao's narration, although Wang Jin did not participate in the whole process, he roughly made a judgment on the plot.

It was also because of Tian Yangsheng's return that Fang Yiwei suffered a great loss when he met them. Although Chen Jin also fought hard, it was useless.

Compared with Tian Yangsheng's killing machines that are fighting for their lives and licking blood, both Fang Yiwei and Chen Jin are too tender.

One suffered a loss and wanted to get it back, and the other wanted to avenge his fiancée. They wanted to track down the whereabouts of those people through Wei Jingda, so they found Wei Jinghao.

"It seems that the final decisive battle will not be many days away!"

Wang Jin knew in his heart that when Wei Jinghao, Fang Yiwei, and Chen Jin got acquainted, the climax of the three male protagonists, the true nature of the male protagonists, should have come to an end.

Although Wang Jin wanted to help Wei Jinghao survive the catastrophe, it was impossible for him to stare at Wei Jinghao 24 hours a day.

Therefore, he planned to talk to Wei Jinghao about helping each other.

"Hey, Wei Jinghao, let me help you find out about your brother, do you want to help me with something too!"

"Don't be funny, Wang Jin! You are so powerful, what else do you need my help for?"

Wei Jinghao didn't believe that there was anything he could do to help Wang Jin.

"Of course, if you find out about Tian Yangsheng's news and whereabouts, you must inform me! This is very important!"

Wang Jin's exhortation was very serious and serious, not like a joke at all.

"Notify you? Are you also looking for the whereabouts of those gangsters? You are not from the anti-mafia group, so you still care about those gangsters?"

Wei Jinghao was at a loss, and was a little confused by Wang Jin, saying that there were three consecutive question marks!

"Just remember to notify me, don't worry about the rest! Just tell me if you can do it!"

Wang Jin's liver hurts a bit from being manipulated by Wei Jinghao. He can't tell Wei Jinghao clearly, I'm going to save your life!

Then Wei Jinghao probably looked at him like a fool.

"No problem! When the time comes, I will definitely notify you!"

Wei Jinghao nodded seriously. He saw that Wang Jin didn't seem to be joking about this matter, so he quickly agreed. Although he didn't know why Wang Jin was an O, he would take care of the CID matter.

After finishing the business, the two chatted about some family matters.

For example, Wei Jinghao's grandma often made the best braised pork, but she always thought of Wang Jin, a guy who often came to eat, and said that Wang Jin hadn't come for a long time.

Wang Jin thought about it, and it's true that he hasn't been there for a long time. He has been very busy recently and doesn't have much time.

He promised Wei Jinghao that if he finds out the news, he will come to the door.

At this moment, Wei Jinghao's voice came from his walkie-talkie, calling him to patrol the street.

The exchange between the two is considered to have come to an end!

Wei Jinghao continued to patrol the streets, while Wang Jin began to spend his vacation leisurely.

Although Wang Jin knew about Wei Jingda's news now, it was not suitable for now, so he told Wei Jinghao that he had to wait.


As soon as the time turned, it was night!

The brightly lit, neon and green Xiangjiang gives people a feeling of luxury.

Wang Jin, who just walked out of the gun club and walked on the street, has never been the same as before.

So leisurely, take a good look at the night view of the whole Xiangjiang.

Wang Jin spent the whole afternoon in the gun meeting, practicing marksmanship.

Said it was a vacation, but Wang Jin really didn't know what to do.

For others, various activities such as eating with friends, singing, and taking a sauna are more difficult for Wang Jin.

He traveled not long ago, and he didn't have many friends in Xiangjiang.

Wang Jin, who had nothing to do, couldn't help but think of the gun meeting that he had been obsessed with.

With time, there is money!

This time, Wang Jin can finally experience the entertainment of high-end people.

This is the case in Xiangjiang, as long as you have money, you can do everything with a green light.

In less than 10 minutes, Wang Jin officially registered and became a member of the gun club.

I received my own gun, but this kind of gun is standard, that is, a standard template.

A real master will transform a gun of his own according to his own habits and hobbies.

Peng Yixing is a master in this way!

Xiangjiang IPSC Champion Winner!

After Wang Jin joined the gun club, he saw Peng Yixing's photo on the wall of the gun club.

This was not beyond Wang Jin's expectations. After all, there was only one gun club in Xiangjiang, and Peng Yixing was the top gunman in Xiangjiang.

As long as the movie Gun King really blends into this world.

Peng Yixing is one of the easiest people in Xiangjiang to find.

However, there is one thing to say, although it is easy to know about Peng Yixing, it is very difficult for people who really want to see him.

Even though Wang Jin spent the whole afternoon at the gun meeting, he did not see Peng Yixing.

Obviously, Wang Jin came at the wrong time. Even Peng Yixing couldn't spend every day in the gun meeting.

This somewhat disappointed Wang Jin, he really wanted to see how superb Peng Yixing's marksmanship was.

Fortunately, if it doesn't work today, there will be a future, as long as Peng Yixing is still a member of the gun club, there will always be a time when he will meet Peng Yixing, after all, the gun club can't escape.

Thinking of this, Wang Jin's mood is not bad.

However, when Wang Jin took a taxi, he returned to the vicinity of ICAC.

When he was about to take back his car, he felt a little unwell, his complexion darkened suddenly, and the veins on his forehead twitched even more, which proved that Wang Jin was about to go into a rage.

The original parking space was empty, and Wang Jin's white Audi Quattro had disappeared.

If Wang Jin's memory is correct, he remembers that this is where he parked his car. After only one day of parking, his car disappeared.

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