While speaking, Li sir was about to use a lighter to light Shi Yijian's cigar, but was stopped by Shi Yijian.

"I quit recently, I just like to smell it. Seeing that you are so sincere, tell me something!"

"There is a fund called DOA, which is the largest money laundering group in the world, and their leader is Mr. Gao!"

Luo Ziwen briefly introduced the situation.

"I know, I have already met the other party, and he wants to invite me to a charity gambling dinner, saying that he wants to gamble with me to compete!"

Shi Yijian also told Mr. Gao that he met Mr. Gao, and then the other party told him, Li sir, Luo Ziwen, Brother Xia and others.

"That would be even better! We sent people to his group, undercover for a long time, and just made a breakthrough. With a fake eye, we secretly recorded the meeting between him and the bosses of more than a dozen regions in the world. Video!"

"Isn't that very clear? There's nothing else to do, what do you want me to do?"

Shi Yijian immediately interrupted, a little puzzled, since the case is already so clear, it would be fine to just arrest him, why would he invite himself over here, wouldn't it be superfluous?

"It's not that simple!"

Luo Ziwen cast a flirty glance at Shi Yijian, then continued.

"It's a pity that the false eye was not handed over to us. We only found the body of the undercover agent. Before he died, he was tortured to extract a confession. Therefore, we suspect that the false eye did not fall into Mr. Gao's hands at all, but was taken by Mr. Gao. Our undercover agent was hidden, but now we don't know where the undercover agent hid the evidence, but Mr. Gao had to catch it, so we want to ask you to help us deal with Mr. Gao! Since you have seen it After touching Mr. Gao, you should feel it. He is very conceited. He thinks he is the smartest person in the world, and he will never lose. We just want you to defeat Mr. Gao, and then anger him, humiliate him, and make him lose Calm down, when he deals with you, he will inevitably show his flaws, and we will be able to take him down in one fell swoop!"

Luo Ziwen looked at Shi Yijian expectantly, waiting for Shi Yijian's answer.

"It's not impossible, it's just that Mr. Gao is so dangerous, wouldn't it be good to let me get involved? I've already retired! I just want to take care of my old age!"

Shi Yijian's answer was a bit ambiguous, he didn't say he agreed, he didn't say he didn't agree. In fact, deep down in his heart, he still didn't want to get involved in this matter. After all, he was not short of money, so there was no need to get involved in such a dangerous situation. thing!

"But Brother Jian, you have already met him face to face! Even if you don't want to deal with him, he will deal with you!"

"That's right! Brother Jian, you don't want to lose to him, and then lose at the end of the season, do you! Then your reputation as an invincible magician will be gone!"

"That's right! Brother Jian, you probably don't want your reputation, you've been messed up!"

Seeing Shi Yijian didn't seem to be that interested in this matter.

Immediately, Luo Ziwen, Li sir, Brother Xia tried to persuade her.

They were also screwed and had no choice, otherwise they would not have asked Shi Yijian for help. Mr. Gao's evidence had not been obtained, and the only way for them now was to ask Shi Yijian to deal with Mr. Gao.

"Okay, don't try to persuade me, since Mr. Gao has invited me, and he still wants 250 to play with me, I will definitely try my best. After all, I still plan to rely on my little reputation for retirement! If If there is nothing else, then I will go first!"

After finishing speaking, Shi Yijian turned around and prepared to leave. Luo Ziwen, Li sir, Brother Xia also breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this, because Shi Yijian's answer meant that Shi Yijian had already agreed. .

"Oh! Miss Luo, your photos are really good! It's rare to see photos as beautiful as real people! And the rank is so high!"

Shi Yijian threw a small black notebook to Luo Ziwen.

Li sir firmly said to Shi Yi helplessly.

"So you have to give me back my wallet too!"

"Forget it, forget it!"

At some point, Shi Yijian was already holding a black wallet in his hand, he glanced at it twice, and threw it to Sir Li, but Brother Xia touched his whole body in a panic, wanting to see if he had anything gone.

"Don't worry, Las Vegas' own people, I won't steal from you! Everyone, goodbye!"

Shi Yijian and the others waved and left with a smile!

"The magic hand is really a magic hand. I don't feel it at all. He actually got my ID card!" Luo Ziwen looked at Shi Yijian's leaving eyes, and she couldn't help but have some splendor! .

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Sure, otherwise, why would it be called a magic hand! Just relying on this skill, it is enough to be unpredictable!"

Hearing Luo Ziwen's words, Li sir agreed very much.

"Then tell me, can Shi Yijian help us catch Mr. Gao?"

Luo Ziwen and Li Sir immediately fell silent when Brother Xia from Las Vegas asked. Shi Yijian is really good, but Mr. Gao is an even more cunning guy. Otherwise, they have been tracking him for three or four years. It is also impossible for Mr. Gao not to be caught all the time, and Shi Yijian, an outsider, to make a move.

Letting Shi Yijian make a move actually indirectly admitted that they are not as good as Mr. Gao, otherwise they would not be able to deal with a Mr. Gao!

Now Luo Ziwen, Li sir, Brother Xia and others also laughed out of interest, and scattered away to continue the preparations for Mr. Gao.

How can you make them, high-level police figures, laugh when you have nothing to deal with Mr. Gao for several years?

It can be said that I lost all face!

Fortunately, everyone was responsible for this case together. If no one was caught for several years, everyone would have to take the blame, and there was no problem of who laughed at whom.

With the scattered forces of several parties, the work of preparing to deal with Mr. Gao, the charity gambling dinner, also finished preparations in one day, and officially started.

Wang Jin also got the news of the charity gambling dinner, and then asked for leave to come to the casino.

Of course, Wang Jin didn't come to the casino just waiting for the charity gaming dinner to start, but came early in the morning, and even called A Cai to make an appointment in the casino!

Ah Cai was naturally very happy when she received Wang Jin's call. She had a good impression of Wang Jin. On the night of the birthday party, Wang Jin's masculine and handsome appearance and temperament left a deep impression on Ah Cai. A Cai has fallen in love with Wang Jin, but she obviously has a good impression of Wang Jin, otherwise she would not have told Wang Jin that she wanted Wang Jin to draw a Bibi Bear for her.

At least, all the treatment that Xiao Leng in the original movie should have been given to Wang Jin, who can be regarded as a little handsome Xiao Leng, was completely ignored by A Cai, and the limelight was completely overshadowed by Wang Jin.

This is not only because Wang Jin is more handsome than Xiao Leng, but also because Xiao Leng is not good at words, not funny, not as interesting as Wang Jin at all!

Otherwise, they all came together. As the son of Benz, Xiao Leng should be closer than Wang Jin in terms of relationship!

For this date, Wang Jin specially brought the Bibi Bear from the last birthday party, and waited at the agreed place. Although it is a bit weird for a man to bring a Bibi Bear, the rate of return is quite high. But a handsome man, Bibi Xiong, didn't receive any weird looks.

If an ugly man carried a Bibi Bear, the eyes he received would definitely not be so clean!

It didn't take long for Wang Jin to wait, when A Cai came. Obviously, for this date, A Cai dressed up carefully and put on a little makeup. Her already young and beautiful face looked even more pretty, youthful. full.

Wearing a white tight-fitting vest on the upper body, showing off the perfect figure, the slender waist, and the place that is about to come out, it is really eye-catching, while the light-colored denim on the lower body is hot The trousers even revealed those long white and slender legs.

It can be said that just walking on the road, there are quite a few men staring at A Cai's legs, and there are quite a few people who don't even walk on the road, just stop to admire A Cai's figure , until Ah Cai's figure was no longer visible, and it was a pity to blend into the crowd, because they knew that a person like Ah Cai was definitely not within their reach.

After all, this is a gambling city!

The beauties in such a place are either rich in themselves, or already in someone else's pocket. Even if they are not, the requirements for such beauties are also very high, and they are not something ordinary people like them can hook up with. Yes, so just take a look.

Of course, it wasn't that she didn't give up. She wanted to see if Ah Cai was here for a date, or what she was here for. If it wasn't for a date, maybe they still had a chance to strike up a conversation.

There are actually quite a few people who think this way, because they are all confident and have some capital, and those who are not confident have left long ago. After all, this is also a gambling city. , but also a lot.

Soon, they pretended to be shopping and followed A Cai from a distance, and then they saw Wang Jin who was dating A Cai, and immediately they pretended to go out as if nothing had happened, because compared with Wang Jin, They are really a little crooked, and they have no self-confidence after being hit.

I won't mention the flirting, otherwise, how blind must Ah Cai be to choose them instead of a handsome guy like Wang Jin?

Moreover, looking at Wang Jin's appearance, he doesn't look like someone who is short of money. He is wearing a set of outfits and the price is not low. They don't even have the only advantage. How can they compare with others?

So, they all left dejectedly!

A Cai didn't notice the people behind her, but it doesn't mean Wang Jin didn't notice. Wang Jin thought that these people were trying to harm A Cai, and suddenly he had a second thought in his heart, but gradually Cai discovered that those guys I left dejectedly, as if it was not the same as what I thought, so I gradually didn't care.

"¨~A Cai, here it is for you! I was lucky last time, and I happened to get the Bibi Bear you want~‖!"

Wang Jin stuffed the Bibi Bear into A Cai's arms, and inadvertently touched the place where A Cai was about to come out. Of course, Wang Jin didn't mean it, it was just an accident. A Cai who was holding Bibi Bear Although he also felt that something was wrong, but looking at Wang Jin's innocent appearance, he couldn't blame Wang Jin, so he could only blushed slightly, and was embarrassed to say anything.

In order to alleviate the embarrassment, Wang Jin immediately proposed to take A Cai for a walk around. Although A Cai didn't say anything, she still agreed (to Li's) lightly, and then the two played together for a day. Wang Jin also invited A Cai. Choi had a hearty lunch.

A Cai was originally a cheerful and outgoing personality, but she seemed a little reserved because she didn't know Wang Jin. After the two of them got along for a day, and Wang Jin made various funny jokes intentionally or unintentionally, the relationship between the two was obvious. They are getting closer and closer, and have even broken through the boundaries of normal friends. For example, after a sumptuous lunch, Wang Jin held A Cai's soft and boneless hand. Although A Cai was a little shy, she didn't make it clear. almost refused!

From Wang Jin's point of view, this is not far away from winning. When Wang Jin took A Cai to cultivate feelings and play around in the casino, the sky gradually dimmed, and the charity gambling dinner officially started. when.

Naturally, Wang Jin would not miss such a big scene. After sending A Cai back, Wang Jin came to the hotel where the charity gambling dinner was held! .

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Seven o'clock in the evening, Las Vegas, Venetian Hotel!

This is the most luxurious and luxurious hotel in Las Vegas. Although it looks inconspicuous from the outside, the decoration inside is magnificent, just like the emperor's palace or the cathedral of Central Europe. Just walking around is enough to make many People are shocked by it.

Of course, more importantly, on the grade!

It can be said that the gamblers received by the casino, except for a very small part, come to travel and see the world, many people come to the casino to gamble, because the gambling industry in the casino is open and legal. This is not possible in many parts of the world.

Many guys who like to gamble but whose net worth is unclear can get legal protection here, so many rich guys go here. Since these guys can have huge assets, although they may not be clean, But it's not like people who haven't seen the world. It's not easy to get all the money out of the hands of these guys, so the hotel's grade is naturally higher.

The high level makes many people discouraged and feel that they can’t afford to live. This suits the tastes of those big bosses, because many big bosses are not short of money, but they are short of a consumption channel, a satisfactory environment, and the most top-notch service. At The Venetian, it's all here!

Over time, the Venetian Hotel has become recognized as one of the best hotels in Las Vegas!

Of course, since it is recognized as the best hotel, the consumption is naturally expensive, and many people may not earn that much money in a year.

Of course, as the best hotel, the Venetian is not just for fun. In addition to the best hotel services, it is also equipped with casinos, bars, karaoke halls, dance halls, baths, restaurants and other entertainment facilities, which can be described as a one-stop life and entertainment. .

However, this price is not affordable by ordinary people!

Tonight's gambling charity dinner was held at the Venetian Hotel, and it was also because all celebrities from all walks of life were invited, so the class could not be lowered.

The cost of booking the venue alone has already reached one million, not to mention the drinks and snacks, which are provided casually. This is a figure that cannot be seen in the end.

It's just that since the organizers have created such a big scene, they naturally won't lose money, either by spending money to win a name, or by recovering a basic fee. These are the old rules of charity.

As a charity gaming dinner, one of the most important gimmicks is charity gaming!

Charity is all the gambling funds tonight, which will be used for charity and donated to 250 people in need.

Among them, either the organizer donates all the donations without a penny, or only leaves a basic fee!

As for embezzling all the charity money and putting it into their own pockets, no one dares to do this kind of thing. After all, they are all celebrities from all walks of life. It doesn’t matter if you use their money for charity. You have gained a good reputation, but if you want to embezzle their money, you will be dead. Those celebrities look polite, but they are actually capitalists who eat people without spitting out their bones. If you dare to swallow their things, it’s nothing Good luck, they might be able to destroy your family, so this kind of greedy thing, generally no one would do it, because being able to hold such a charity gambling dinner also means that the organizer has a high status, or It is ZF who comes forward, or is also a gentleman or celebrity, basically in the same circle with everyone, and is not very short of money. There is no need to engage in such offending things for people who look down and don't look up.

After all, if you don't have connections in this area, even if you host a charity gambling dinner, no one will come to it!

Do you really think that everyone is panicked and comes to do charity?

For many capitalists, doing charity is just a banner they play. The main purpose is to broaden their contacts. Even if they spend millions on charity, just getting to know some bigwigs at a charity dinner is enough. No loss!

For example, you met certain bankers at a charity gaming dinner, and when your capital turnover is difficult, through this network, you can temporarily tide over the difficulties!

Another example is that you want to do business, but you don’t have enough funds, maybe you can meet partners with common interests at a charity gaming dinner.

In short, the charity gaming dinner seems to be a charity event, but it is actually a reasonable excuse to give many capitalists a communication platform under the banner of charity.

Of course, charity is also something to do, but for them, spending a small amount of money is already doing charity for many people in the world!

After all, there are still many poor people and few rich people in this world!

The charity gaming dinner is slowly kicking off!

As the sky dimmed and the bright lights shrouded the city, celebrities from all walks of life arrived at the Venetian Hotel in various luxury cars.

The long red carpet was laid from the middle of the hotel to the entrance of the hotel. All kinds of luxury cars that ordinary people would never be able to afford all their lives stopped at the entrance of the hotel before they were opened. , Walking out of the car are all dressed in suits, seemingly extraordinary successful people, and some with glamorous female companions.

However, it is not that simple to enter this charity gaming dinner. Not everyone is qualified to participate in this dinner, or else this charity gaming dinner will not be overwhelmed?

Not to mention anything else, just because she is a gold digger who wants to fly on a branch and become a phoenix, the threshold of the charity gambling dinner can be broken. After all, those who can come to this dinner are all top gentlemen and celebrities, either rich, Either have the right.

Therefore, a special threshold was set for the dinner. Except for some special people who can swipe their faces, no one can participate in this charity gambling dinner without an invitation letter.

Naturally, Shi Yijian had an invitation letter. Even if he didn't need an invitation letter himself, he could attend the charity gaming dinner with just his face, but as a local celebrity in Las Vegas, no one would forget to send him an invitation letter.

On the contrary, Wang Jin, after sending A Cai away, came here and found that he did not have an invitation letter, but this did not bother Wang Jin, for Wang Jin, entering the hotel should not be too simple , He doesn't need to walk the front door like a normal person.

After wandering around the hotel, Wang Jin finally found a place where he could enter the hotel. A window on the second floor was open. Wang Jin climbed up to the second floor with no one paying attention. Then he slipped through the window and entered the hotel.

Only then did Wang Jin realize that the place he got into was a public bathroom, no wonder the windows would be opened for ventilation.

However, Wang Jin's complexion soon became a little strange, because he found that this bathroom was not a men's room, but a women's room.

Immediately, Wang Jin couldn't stay any longer. He didn't want to be considered a pervert by the person who entered the bathroom.

So, Wang Jin was about to open the door and go out, but just when he got to the door, he heard a series of footsteps wearing high heels, and the voices of two women talking, and the voices were getting closer and closer, obviously Just for the bathroom.

Now, Wang Jin's complexion is really ugly. If someone finds him in the women's washroom, his whole life of wisdom will be ruined.

Even if you have eighteen mouths, you can't explain this kind of thing clearly!

Almost without thinking, Wang Jin looked around the bathroom, but the bathroom was really empty.

Apart from the two mirrors and the sink, there are only a few compartments, and there is no other place to hide, and the sound of footsteps outside has almost reached the door, so there is no extra time for Wang Jin to find a place to hide the place.

In this regard, Wang Jin had no other choice. He could only push open the door of the compartment, hide in the compartment and temporarily cover it. When the two women left, it was not too late to go out. Wang Jin pushed it Look at the door of the first compartment, which is the closest to Wang Jin. Unexpectedly, Wang Jin was lucky, (ceej) the door opened as soon as it was pushed, and Wang Jin dodged and entered, just waiting When Wang Jin stepped into the cubicle, he discovered an even more embarrassing situation. There was a young and beautiful woman inside a door he opened casually.

The young and beautiful woman in evening dress was shocked when she saw Wang Jin suddenly appearing, and then she realized that she couldn't wait to open her mouth and shout.

Wang Jin suddenly felt bad, he must not let this woman shout out, otherwise his reputation will not be cleared in this life, but this woman saw it alone, and he can explain it clearly, if too many people know , that's troublesome!

At the critical moment, Wang Jin directly pushed the door with one foot, then leaned forward, and quickly covered the opponent's mouth with both hands.

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