However, Azu and the others took this into consideration and chose to attack the Intercontinental Bank.

Sometimes, no matter how strong a fortress is, it can be breached from the inside, such as now.

Azu and the others immediately caught the manager of the Intercontinental Bank, and it happened that the manager of the bank had the password of the vault and could easily open the door of the vault.

Azu and the others took the captured bank manager and made an emergency landing from the top of the building. After calculating the location, they broke in through the window outside the building and arrived at the floor where the safe was placed.


The bank manager was thrown heavily to the ground by Azu, and the bank manager who had fallen into a coma finally woke up because of the pain.

What caught his eyes was the five Azu people wearing five masks covering their faces. The submachine guns they held in their hands made the bank manager tremble even more intimidatingly.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me!"

When the bank manager saw the guns in the hands of the five people, he panicked and squatted on the ground with his head in his arms, not daring to move, for fear that these five murderous guys would kill him immediately.

"Get up!"

Azu, who was wearing a mask, pulled up the bank manager who was squatting on the ground.

At this moment, the bank manager only felt that his legs and feet were weak, and he couldn't even stand firmly, so he could only be dragged forward by Azu.

Soon, Azu brought the bank manager to the door of the vault, left the other party behind, and pointed the submachine gun in his hand at the other party's head.

"If you don't want to die, stand up for me and open the door to the vault! I don't want to say something a second time!"

Azu's cold tone, without a trace of emotion, was like a piece of ice that was bubbling with cold air, which made people feel a chill in their hearts unconsciously.

After hearing Azu's words, the bank manager almost got up from the ground as fast as he could in his life. Although his legs and feet were a little weak and he was still shaking, he still leaned against the door of the bank's vault, reluctantly Stand up straight.

Seeing that the bank manager was very obedient, Azu praised him coldly.

"Very good! You have a chance to live. After all, this money is not yours, and it is not worth your life to protect it. Now open the door to the vault for me!"

There was no discussion in Azu's tone, only orders, but at this time, the bank manager, who wanted to save his life, couldn't care less about anything.

A Zu is right in saying that no matter how much money the bank has, it is not his, and it is not worth his life to protect it. He is just a wage earner working for the rich.

Between life and money, of course life is more important!

With the bank manager as the second-five boy inside the bank, Azu and the others easily opened the door of the vault without even spending any effort.

With the opening of the bank's vault door, Liu Tian and Liang Maxi broke into the vault. When they saw stacks of money piled up in the vault like hills, they were shocked. shocked.

Although they are all super rich second generations, they have never been short of money to spend, but there is no shortage of money and countless cash piled up in front of them. They are two completely different concepts. Even in their identities as super rich second generations, they feel Inexplicably shocked.

"Get rich, we got rich this time!"

Holding the submachine gun in one hand, and stroking the money piled up like a hill with the other, Huo Bao said excitedly.

"Yeah! Got rich! With this money, we can buy more powerful equipment!"

Liu Tian also expressed the same emotion, he has never seen so much cash in his life.

As a former member of the Marine Corps, Liu Tian's desire for powerful equipment is absolutely incomprehensible to ordinary people.

He is proficient in almost all kinds of weapons and equipment, but he needs a lot of money to buy those equipments. Although his family is not short of money, it is impossible to buy those weapons.

Because, he has no way to explain to his parents where the large sum of money went!

Therefore, Liu Tian can only express his greed for the many powerful weapons and equipment on the opposite side, but it is different now.

The cash here is estimated to be as much as hundreds of millions. He can buy almost any equipment he wants. Except for fighter jets and tanks, which are too big to buy, Liu Tian has channels to buy other things. .

Otherwise, where did Azu and the others get the submachine guns they are equipped with?

Although Liang Max didn't speak, seeing so much cash, he also swallowed a mouthful of spit, a little excited in his heart, it was so exciting!

Among the five people at the scene, if there is no excitement, it is Azu and Asu whose eyes are as cold as a piece of ice!

Because Azu doesn't care about money, even if there is a lot of money, he won't feel anything in front of Azu.

The purpose of his doing so many things is to get revenge on his father and the policemen, vent his grievances over the years, and even attract the policemen to fight with them.

Only a bloody fight can declare the humiliation he has endured in his heart for so many years!

And Asu can be said to be the most desireless and indifferent among the five.

She is the daughter of a rich family, she is not short of money at all, and she doesn't like looking for excitement, but she participated in this action entirely because of Azu. Whatever she does, she will support it.

Of course, it can also be said that Asu was completely brainwashed by Azu, and she no longer has any opinions. She only knows what Azu said to do, and she will do whatever she wants!

"Okay, stop watching, take all the money you can take away, we will have another game soon!"

Under Azu's mask, a bloodthirsty grin appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he ordered the other three people to speak.

As the brain and leader of the five-person team, Azu's words are still very authoritative. Liu Tian, ​​Huo Bo, and Liang Max quickly took out a big bag from the backpack behind them and began to put money in it. Azu looked at these coldly.

Just as Azu and the others were filling the vault with money, Wang Jin also entered the Intercontinental Bank building.

Wang Jin was dressed in black. Not only was he wearing sunglasses and a mask, but he was also covering his face. At first glance, he was not a good person. How could the security guards of the building let Wang Jin in?

However, Wang Jin is now hiding his identity, so he doesn't bother to talk nonsense with these security guards. After knocking out a security guard with a punch, under the cruel and terrified eyes of another security guard, he forced him to find out the floor where the vault is located.

Then, Wang Jin was not polite, and directly knocked the security guard unconscious. Then he calmly arranged his clothes, took the elevator, and went to the floor where the safe was located.

As for the monitor or something, Wang Jin had already blown it up with a single shot. Although his identity would not be exposed, Wang Jin still did not want his figure to appear in the police files.

Wang Jin naturally chooses to avoid risks that can be avoided!


With a clear sound, the elevator arrived at the floor where the safe was located. Wang Jin did not hide his figure, and appeared on the floor leisurely with a pistol in hand.

As Wang Jin walked through the aisle, he saw the broken windows on the outer wall, and the fine glass shards, all scattered on the ground.

This also made Wang Jin more certain that Azu and the others were here this time, and the broken window was obviously made by Azu and the others.

Wang Jin glanced around and found that there were no monitors on the entire floor, so he nodded in satisfaction.

This is also a very normal thing. After all, this floor is where the vault is located. If there is a monitor, it is not the password of the vault, so it will be easily exposed?

The top executives of the bank are not that stupid. Faced with huge sums of money, no one will be indifferent. They have to be on guard against the possibility of stealing themselves!

Therefore, on the floor where the vault is located, there will be absolutely no surveillance cameras installed.

However, the bank's method of preventing insiders from sticking to theft is convenient for Wang Jin, because in that case, Wang Jin will not worry about being exposed.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????

It seems that he can have a good chat with Azu and others!

While walking in the corridor, Wang Jin took out a camera from the storage space, held it in his hand, and turned on the camera function.

Soon, Wang Jin found the trace of Azu and others!

This is also a very normal thing. Azu and the others are extremely arrogant. They did not hide their tracks at all. Even if they were discovered, it would be nothing. They did not believe that anyone could survive from their hands.

Therefore, they are acting a little bit arrogantly, but they are not.

What's more, their actions are so fast and covert, and they have even planned for a long time, they absolutely do not believe that someone will find them.

It's a pity that some things are not transferred by their will. Just when Liang Max, Huo Bo, and Liu Tian are putting money into their satchels, they are full of enthusiasm.

Dressed in black, with a wide hood covering his face, Wang Jin, who looked like a night walker, suddenly appeared in front of the five of them.

"Everyone, good evening! You don't sleep at night, what are you doing in the bank?"

Wang Jin's tone was so casual, it suddenly sounded from floor to floor, as if greeting a friend.

Immediately, several people including Azu were startled subconsciously. Obviously, they were not prepared for the sudden appearance of such a character as Wang Jin, but the reaction speed of the five people was not uncomfortably fast, almost instantly. After reacting, he raised the gun in his hand and pointed it at Wang Jin.

"who are you?"

The one who asked this question was naturally the leader and soul among the five, Azu!

Facing Wang Jin who suddenly came out of nowhere, Azu didn't directly order to shoot.

Because the way Wang Jin appeared just now was so mysterious that even they didn't notice it, and Wang Jin was holding a pistol in his hand.

If Wang Jin had taken the opportunity to shoot just now, one or two of the five people might have died if they were unprepared just now, and the most dangerous ones were Azu and Asu.

...... 0

Although Azu was a lunatic, since Wang Jin didn't show hostility and let himself and others go, Azu naturally wouldn't do anything!

Moreover, Wang Jin's mystery made him a little confused, so he didn't choose to act rashly, but asked Wang Jin's intentions.

After all, a guy like Wang Jin who doesn't even show his face doesn't look like a good person, and as long as it's not a bad guy that Azu hates, he can talk about anything.

"It doesn't matter who I am, Azu, Asu, Huobao, Max, Liu Tian, ​​I just want to talk to you!"

Wang Jin finally spoke out again, but this time Wang Jin accurately revealed the identities of several people.

In this regard, Azu's face under the mask suddenly changed. Without thinking, he took out the pistol from his waist and shot the bank manager in the head, directly killing him.


The bank manager's body fell to the ground weakly, and he didn't even understand why Azu and the others didn't kill him when he opened the vault just now, but now they did it without hesitation.

It's a pity that the bank manager will never have the chance to figure it out, because his consciousness has already been plunged into deep darkness, and there is no way to wake up again.

After killing the bank manager with one shot, Azu pointed the gun at Wang Jin again, and asked in a cold tone.

"Who are you? Tell me your identity and take off your hood, otherwise, you will surely die today!"

Wang Jin was pointed at by several people's guns, but he didn't feel a trace of fear, but said very calmly.

"Azu, shouldn't you take off your mask before asking someone else's identity, is it respect for others?"

"It seems that you don't want to talk about it! It doesn't matter, when I kill you, I will naturally know who you are! Hot, Liu Tian, ​​kill him!"

Seeing that Wang Jin didn't want to reveal his identity, Azu lost his temper. Since he didn't reveal his identity, he will kill you to see who you are!

After hearing Wang Jin's order, Huo Bao and Liu Tian pulled the trigger almost without thinking, and the submachine gun shot at Wang Jin with deadly bullets rattling.

However, Wang Jin's speed was frighteningly fast. When he realized that he couldn't reach an agreement, Wang Jin knew he was going to make a move. Almost at the moment before the fire and Liu Tian pulled the trigger, Wang Jin reacted with a terrifying nerve reaction speed. Coming over, the figure left the spot in an instant, leaving only a black shadow in the air.

And when Wang Jin reappeared, he had already come to Asu's side, blocked Asu's white neck with one arm, then lifted Asu's mask, and pointed the muzzle of the gun at him. Aso's temple.

"Azu, you guys are trying to use one to see if my gun is faster or your gun!"

Seeing his girlfriend fell into Wang Jin's hands, and his life was threatened, Azu didn't dare to act rashly. Although he was crazy, he was not without feelings. Asu was still very important to him. of.

"It's hot, Liu Tian stop!"

When Azu gave the order, Huobao and Liu Tian immediately chose to stop. In fact, they had no choice but to stop, because Wang Jin's body was completely behind Asu. If they wanted to shoot, they had to kill Asu first.

After all, it is a long-standing partner, even a relationship that grew up together, they have not yet had the courage to start.

"What exactly do you want? Let's negotiate! If you want money, I can give you money, as long as you let Asu go! If you want other things, you are so familiar with us, you should know, if we can do it If it arrives, I will help you finish it!"

Seeing that the situation was being controlled by Wang Jin, Azu finally gritted his teeth, took off his mask, revealed his true face, and wanted to redeem Asu back through negotiations.

"Negotiation? Negotiations are only possible when both parties are equal in strength. You are not qualified yet!" Wang Jin said with a cold smile

"Then what exactly do you want?"

Azu was also very angry, he even had the idea of ​​ignoring Asu and killed Wang Jin, but in the end he held back!

"Surrender, or die?!"

Wang Jin controlled Asu, and gave Azu and others two choices!Where.

Chapter 730 Three Dimensionality Reduction Strike!God of guns!


Hearing Wang Jin's request, Azu refused without even thinking about it. How could someone like them, who are super rich and arrogant, submit to others!

Not to mention that Wang Jin didn't even show his face from the beginning to the end, so why did Azu and the others submit to him?

"Not thinking about it?"

Wang Jin smiled, as if he didn't care about Azu's rejection.

"Don't think about it!"

Faced with such a humiliating request, it would be a ghost if Azu could agree!

Besides, even if Azu agreed for Asu's sake, Huobao, Liu Tian and others would not agree.

Wang Jin wrapped his arms around Asu's neck, leaned close to her ear, and whispered slightly ironically.

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