Afterwards, Wang Jin got up and walked outside without intending to inform others. This matter was to help, and Wang Jin could solve it by himself. If there were too many people going, it would be a hindrance instead. Besides, the impact on the police force would be bad after all! .

Chapter 740 The fifth backbone!

After hanging up the phone with the deputy director of the operations department, Zhao Heng didn't notify anyone, and drove directly to the place the deputy director of the operations department said, which was the flour mill.

Speeding all the way, walking across the road, like a nimble fish, shuttling through the traffic, leaving all the cars behind.

It didn't take long, Zhao Heng finally drove the car near the milling factory, and then stopped after finding a road at random.

Walking towards the direction of the milling factory, Zhao Heng saw from a distance, a group of people standing outside the factory, at this moment, like flies without heads, pacing anxiously, walking around, He looked like he didn't know what to do.

Seeing this situation, Zhao Heng couldn't help shaking his head speechlessly. This kind of person in charge is not even stable, let alone calm. No wonder he feels helpless when encountering such a thing.

However, this is also a very normal thing. How many people can encounter this kind of thing without panic at all?

After all, this is related to the position under one's buttocks, so it's not bad to be able to jump feet in a hurry!

If this matter can be easily resolved, there is no need for Wang Jin to do it himself!

Wang Jin put his hands in his pockets, wearing a black suit instead of a uniform, and leaned towards them slowly.

Immediately, it aroused their vigilance!


Some members of the anti-narcotics team immediately shouted and asked Wang Jin when they saw Wang Jin appear, while some people who were a little nervous pointed their pistols at Wang Jin at the first time. Will shoot right away.

It's no wonder that they are so nervous. After all, they are now in the state of performing tasks, so they naturally have to be vigilant to all the environment. Their situation can't be said to be excessive, it can only be said to be just right!

However, no one likes to be pointed at with a gun, let alone this person is Wang Jin!

"If I were you, I would never point a gun at others when the situation is unknown. At least I should ask and warn before firing the gun! You just met me. If you meet other masters, maybe you At this time, there is no life left!"

Wang Jin put his hands in his pockets, and didn't take his hands out of his trouser pockets. He just glanced calmly across the crowd.

At this time, as the person in charge of the anti-narcotics team, he finally stopped panicking. Instead, he took two deep breaths, stabilized his emotions, and asked Wang Jin.

"who are you?"

It's also Wang Jin's fault. Wearing a suit and leather shoes, and wearing a pair of black sunglasses on his handsome face, he doesn't look like an ordinary person. It's no wonder that the policemen are vigilant.

"Didn't the higher-ups call to tell you? I'm Wang Jin, and I'm here to take over this case!"

Wang Jin casually took off his sunglasses from his face, revealing his own face, and the messenger who was present immediately recognized Wang Jin with the name Wang Jin.

The name Wang Jin, now in the police force, is really impressive. He is an idol admired by many people!

However, many people have only heard of Wang Jin's name but never seen Wang Jin's face, and some have seen Wang Jin's face but don't know Wang Jin's name.

This is why Wang Jin's prestige has already deterred Xiangjiang, but some people still don't know Wang Jin. After all, Wang Jin never accepts any interviews, nor does he appear on TV. At most, there are only a few articles in newspapers. There are not many people in Wang Jin!

Few people can identify the characters without knowing Wang Jin's name.

After all, Wang Jin's temperament, in normal times, is still gentle, not at all like that Xiangjiang, who is cruel and ruthless, and has killed countless people for fear.

"Yes, yes, yes! So you are Wang Jinwang sir? I have just received a notice from above saying that you are coming to take over this case. I didn't expect you to arrive so soon. It's really great~‖!"

When the person in charge of the anti-narcotics team heard Wang Jin's name, he immediately remembered the advice given to him by his superiors just now, and immediately changed his expression. With a professional smile on his face, he greeted Wang Jin politely.

The above is a thousand reminders, but don't show any disrespect to Wang sir. Although Wang Jin is not the boss of the anti-drug team, his status is also not low, he is the chief executive!

With such a status, no matter where he is in the police force, he is respected. This person in charge is just a small senior inspector, and the level difference between him and Wang Jin is outrageous!

How could he dare to show his face to Wang Jin, but he was also shocked by Wang Jin's youth. He became the chief executive at such a young age, so what about his future?

Even he suddenly had the idea of ​​wanting to change jobs and hang out with Wang Jin, which was quite normal, and no one would reject a boss with a bright future.

After all, the boss will eat meat in the future, so as the younger brother, he can drink some soup no matter what.

Maybe the boss doesn't like this soup, but as a younger brother, the belly is absolutely edible!

"I just don't know, will this Wang Jin accept my younger brother?"

The person in charge thought to himself that he didn't feel ashamed either. Although he was much older than Wang Jin, in the police force, although seniority was considered, it was for incompetent people.

Really powerful people are those who have power. It is not a shame to seek refuge with Wang Jin, a boss with a promising future and a bright future. Many people will even fight for it. How can you compare with your future status and power?

As long as you follow Wang Jin's back and do a good job, even if you don't make much credit, as long as you work hard, when Wang Jin rises to a higher level in the future, you will naturally reward your subordinates for their merits!

This is the rule!

Even if it is to win people's hearts, many people will do this, because only in this way, more people will follow you heartily!

However, in the current situation, even if the person in charge thinks so in his heart, some words cannot be said.

Right now, he has so many subordinates here, he still needs to show some face, he definitely can't say such a thing.

"What are you looking at, why don't you put away your guns? You don't have any vision at all. This is Wang Jin, Director General of the New Territories North Region! He is one of our own!"

Seeing his subordinates, who were still standing there in a daze, the person in charge quickly reprimanded them. These subordinates were an embarrassment to him, and now he wished he could find a crack in the ground to sneak in. It was really embarrassing.

All his subordinates, after hearing the reprimand from the person in charge, woke up one by one like a dream, reacted quickly, and put away the pistol.

They didn't do it on purpose just now, but they were so shocked when they heard the name Wang Jin and saw Wang Jin himself, that they forgot to react for a while.

In the police system, Wang Jin's prestige is no worse than that of any superstar, even in the hearts of many people, Wang Jin's status is even higher than that of superstars!

Wang Jin also didn't have that much time to chat with them, so he quickly turned the topic back to this case.

"How is the situation now, is there any news from inside?"

"Not yet, since the news came out just now, the opposite side has been in a state of silence! There has been no new news!" The person in charge quickly responded.

"Okay, give me the walkie-talkie, and I'll chat with the people inside!" Wang Jin ordered immediately.

"Okay! Okay!" The person in charge hastily handed the walkie-talkie to Wang Jin, as if throwing a hot potato.

Regarding this, Wang Jin didn't say much, but took over the walkie-talkie and adjusted it a little.

"Boys in the factory, listen up! I am Wang Jin, the head of the New Territories North Region. I am now assigned to take charge of this case. I order you now not to act rashly. I will also enter inside immediately. Everything will wait for me when I arrive. Make a plan! Please answer if you hear it! Over!"


After Wang Jin repeated it three times in a row, there was finally a voice responding from the walkie-talkie.

Wang Jin, who was familiar with Azu's voice, recognized Azu's voice on the other side of the walkie-talkie.

"I am Azu from the anti-narcotics team. I have received your order, Sir Wang. We will be in the factory, waiting for you to come and join us! Over!"

"it is good!"

Wang Jin casually threw the walkie-talkie in his hand to the person in charge, who hurriedly caught it.

"I'll go to the factory and walk around, and you can just stay outside, don't act rashly!" Wang Jin told the person in charge.

"Understood! Sir Wang! We will definitely guard the perimeter!" The person in charge said solemnly.

Seeing this, Wang Jin nodded, and immediately prepared to go to the factory!

Suddenly, the person in charge of the arresting team stopped Wang Jin and asked cautiously.

"Wang sir, do you want to bring two guys in? My guys are still good! Although the skills are not as good as the Flying Tigers, they are still good players who dare to fight!"

When the person in charge of the arrest team said this, everyone present subconsciously turned pale and felt ashamed.

What dare to fight, dare to fight, is this really them?

Wouldn't it be shameless if they just agreed to it like this?

Obviously those who dare to fight hard have already entered the factory. They are all the kind who are greedy for life and afraid of death, so they stay outside the factory.

Now, their heads actually praised them so much, how could they feel ashamed!

But if they stand up and say so, if they refuse, I am afraid that they will not only face Wang Jin's problem, even if they are their leaders, I am afraid that they will be scolded bloody when they turn around.

So, choose one of the two, they still choose wisely to shut up and stop talking!

Wang Jin shook his head after listening to the other party's words, and immediately waved his hands.

"¨~ No need, I'll just go in by myself!"

Wang Jin directly rejected the person in charge of the arrest team. It is more convenient for him to do this kind of thing alone, and these people went in with him, not to protect him, but to take care of them, so Wang Jin would rather be alone. People go in, and I don't want to bring these people in, it's just that these people are too cumbersome.

Seeing that Wang Jin rejected the person in charge's proposal, the messengers breathed a sigh of relief. They were under a lot of pressure just now, and now Wang Jin has clearly rejected it, which is also a good thing.

At least, they don't have to go to the factory and risk their lives!

They are all the type who are greedy for life and afraid of death, and they don't have any big ambitions, they just want to be safe and secure as servants.

Risky things are really not suitable for them!

After rejecting the person in charge's proposal, Wang Jin stepped into the factory under the gaze of everyone.

At first glance, Wang Jin saw the maze that the person in charge and others had told him before, and it was indeed somewhat maze-like.

There are high brick-built walls, long corridors, and many openings on the cross-section walls, resulting in many intricate aisles. This cycle goes on and on, forming a huge maze.

Regarding this maze, Wang Jin didn't express any opinions, because he really didn't know much (very well) about the maze, but it didn't affect Wang Jin's ability to break through the maze.

According to Wang Jin's current strength, let alone a mere wall, even a huge stone pillar, Wang Jin can knock it down.

Therefore, regarding entering the maze, Wang Jinna really had nothing to fear, not even the slightest bit of fear, after all Wang Jin was already invincible innately.

If there is any problem, at worst, Wang Jin will directly lift the stage, and everyone will break up at once, Wang Jin also has this ability!

Wang Jin, who has good physical strength, found traces of Azu and others after wandering around in the maze!

Although Wang Jin can't decipher the route of the maze, Wang Jin knows some tracking methods. As long as he finds some traces that Azu and others passed by, Wang Jin can use these traces to catch up with Azu and others.

Soon, Wang Jin found Azu and others who were guarding around in a passage through these traces.

"I'm Wang Jin, I've contacted you outside just now!"

After making contact with Azu and the others, Wang Jin immediately reported his identity. After all, Azu and the others looked very tense now, and any disturbance would make them violent. Although Wang Jin was not afraid, he could reduce the Conflict is a good thing!

"Young sir!"

"Wang sir!"

"Wang sir!"

Seeing Wang Jin coming, everyone gathered around Wang Jin and said hello

"Okay, everyone, don't be so serious, relax a little, now I'm here to command, let's go meet those guys, and see whether we are the best, or they are stronger?"

"yes! sir!"

With Wang Jin's words, these policemen who were still a little anxious just now seemed to have a backbone at this moment, and their spirits changed instantly, and their confidence skyrocketed! .

Chapter 740 Six Want to die and live, you can figure it out!

Wang Jin's prestige can be counted in the whole Xiangjiang!

It only took a short time to go from the most ordinary policeman to where he is today.

In a short period of time, Wang Jin has already walked the road that others may have to walk in his life. He is a model of success and the goal that countless people strive for!

Wherever Wang Jin went, it was quite a calming effect, because it was Wang Jin's reputation that gave them confidence.

As the saying goes, the shadow of a tree, the name of a person, if a person's prestige is great, it will easily affect the emotions and will of others.

This is the case with Wang Jin now. Before Wang Jin came, although Azu had already made many efforts, it was just to mobilize the emotions of these poor guys so that they would not be so nervous.

But after Wang Jin came, the situation was completely different. He just said a few words, which stabilized everyone's mood and raised their fighting spirit.

Perhaps, this is the power of the banner!

Many people have heard about Azu's deeds towards Wang Jin. Such a figure who is close to a legend in the police force came here suddenly, which really made Azu feel a little at a loss as to what to say.

Azu may not be able to express other emotions, but there is one emotion that can definitely express Azu's mood now!

That is envy!

Azu, who just joined the police force, wants to be like Wang Jin after he is born. He can produce the effect of Dinghaishenzhen wherever he goes, and he can cheer people up with a shout.

This kind of spiritual thing is exactly what he lacks in his heart, and it may also be the reason why he has become what he is now!

If Wang Jin knew what Azu was thinking at this time, he would definitely tell Azu.

You lack recognition since childhood!

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