Afterwards, Wang Jin brought the black dog back to the temporary headquarters, and then arranged for the black dog to transfer tainted witnesses, and arranged special people to protect the safety of the black dog...

Although, these messengers looked confused, I don’t know why Wang Jin took the black dog out, and he was about to turn the black dog into a tainted witness, but Wang Jin was their leader, and they only wanted to say what the leader said. Can do it is not.

Soon, the procedure of turning the black dog into a tainted witness officially came to an end, while Wang Jin was sitting in the temporary office, silently tapping his fingers on the table, with a sinister smile on his lips.

In fact, no one except Wang Jin knew that Wang Jin's turning the black dog into a tainted witness was just one of Wang Jin's tricks.

Although the information that the black dog said was useful to Wang Jin, it was not particularly useful and had no effect on solving the case.

But Wang Jin wanted to turn the black dog into a tainted witness, and at the same time, he wanted to publish this matter in newspapers, and even publicized it on TV, just to make Long Zhiqiang anxious.

Because, according to the normal procedures of the Xiangjiang Police Force, it takes a lot of credit to turn into a tainted witness.

As for the black dog becoming a tainted witness, it is obvious that he made an exchange with the Xiangjiang Police Force. He said something very valuable, and the Xiangjiang Police Force gave him the identity of a tainted witness so that he can escape from this matter. , the guilt is reduced.

What important information did the black dog say to the Xiangjiang Police Force? Is it a great threat to him?

If Long Zhiqiang didn't figure this out in 4.9, he would never be reconciled. Even Long Zhiqiang would become extremely anxious because he found that the black dog had already escaped his control.

This is Wang Jin's purpose. As long as Long Zhiqiang gets anxious, he will make mistakes, and as long as he makes a mistake and makes a wrong judgment, then Wang Jin can completely control the situation.

"Sir, the black dog's tainted witness procedure has been completed, what should we do next?" A messenger approached Wang Jin to report the situation.

Immediately, Wang Jin rolled his eyes, and said to the poor man speechlessly.

"Do you want me to teach you? Of course it is published in the newspaper, and it is widely publicized in the news. After all, this is big news. Those media people must like it, and the citizens of Xiangjiang can also get a booster, right?".

Chapter 810 This wave, Wang Jin is in the atmosphere!

"You don't understand this, so you want me to teach you? Fortunately, you are not my subordinate, please use your brain in the future! You can be a bad guy! You can't just rely on courage, IQ is also very important!"

Facing the report from his subordinates, Wang Jin leaned back on the chair, poked his temple with his fingers, and patiently lectured the poor man in front of him.

In fact, Wang Jin didn't have any bad intentions. He did this just to let these guys use his long brains.

Otherwise, everyone has the same brain, but if you don't use it, it will gradually become rigid.

It's okay to be ossified, but it will be a disaster for the police force if these ossified cops sit in high positions in the police force in the future.

No wonder the current police force seems to be getting worse and worse. Except for a very few talents, they all seem too mediocre.

This is all the result of a completely rigid mind that only obeys the orders of the boss.

Now they can listen to their bosses, but when they become inspectors, senior inspectors, general inspectors, or even directors, can they still listen to their bosses?

Do you report to your boss at any time for any matter, big or small?

If this is the case, I am afraid that the boss will shoot them to death. The boss also has the boss's affairs to deal with. How can there be so much time to care about these big and small things?

What Wang Jin is preaching now is actually a warning to them, telling them not to put their heads down.

Why, no matter what position Wang Jin is in, he is always relaxed and comfortable, and he can even be lazy all day long?

This is naturally because Wang Jin, whenever he goes to a place, the first thing to start is to brainwash, so that these subordinates can use their brains to activate, instead of doing something desperate on the waistband all day long.

In that case, there will be no future in the police force, and you will always be led by others!

When the leaders above choose talents, will they choose someone with a smart head, or a machine whose thinking is completely rigid and only knows how to execute orders?

For most leaders, they will choose the first type, because what they need is someone who can help them solve their problems.

One machine that executes orders is enough, and you don't need too many, and this kind of people are generally the leader's confidantes, people who have followed the leader very early, and others have no chance.

This is nothing more than an early investment, and it depends on the fate of each person. If the fate is good, and the leader is promoted all the way, naturally he will also rise, but if the leader is not good, the final end will be miserable.

That's why Wang Jin feels like a fish in water wherever he goes, that's because he has many flexible subordinates who help him solve problems.

Many problems can be solved without even going to Wang Jin's side, so why can't Wang Jin be relaxed and happy?

However, thinking about his coming to this place, it was only temporary, and these people were not his subordinates. No matter how much he said, whether it would work or not would depend on their own personal comprehension.

So, Wang Jin shut up. Anyway, the case is over, so he should leave. No matter how much he talks, it won't do him any good, so let's not talk about it!

It was the lie that was reprimanded by Wang Jin. Although he lowered his head and was extremely ashamed, he really listened to Wang Jin's words in his heart.

After all, Wang Jin is now an idol in the hearts of many people in the police force. What the idol says naturally has extraordinary influence.

And when this guy was driven away by the impatient Wang Jin to carry out Wang Jin's order, he really accepted Wang Jin's criticism and started to use his own brain to think about things.

That is to say, after the end of this case, he started to think with his brain, and his road to the police force became smoother and his status gradually became higher and higher.

Even, in the future, he was promoted to the top of the police force and became one of the most intelligent guys under Wang Jin's command. As for the few words that had the greatest impact on him in his life, these were the words Wang Jin criticized him for.

However, that is all in the future. The current him has just been awakened by Wang Jin. If he wants to become what he will be in the future, he still needs continuous tempering and growth.

The current him, at most, is conscientious, to help Wang Jin complete his orders.

After Wang Jin released his words, a press conference was held immediately, and after hearing the news, many media in Xiangjiang immediately came to hear the news like a shark smelling blood.

Although Wang Jin, as the main person in charge, did not attend the press conference, he also watched it on TV.

Wang Jinna was quite satisfied with the results of the press conference.

During the press conference, many media people rushed to ask Heigou's identity, but they were only told that Heigou was a member of Long Zhiqiang's gang.

As for being turned into a tainted witness, it is because the black dog has provided very important clues for the Xiangjiang police, so the Xiangjiang police attach great importance to the black dog.

As for more, there is no comment, because it is related to the confidentiality of the police force, and it is not convenient to disclose it.

As for the Xiangjiang media, this is the most secretive news, because there are more news materials for them to dig, and even many media people are too lazy to dig, and they just start their own associations, and all kinds of brain holes are opened. , and published in newspapers.

This kind of thing is definitely what they are best at, but doesn't Wang Jin know this?

Naturally, he knew it, and it was precisely because Wang Jin knew the virtues of these Xiangjiang media people that Wang Jin asked people to hold this press conference.

The purpose is to make these media people become Wang Jin's tools and help Wang Jin make fishing boats!

The bigger and more bizarre the fishing boat was, the more it made Long Zhiqiang feel suspicious and dangerous, because Long Zhiqiang couldn't figure out what the Xiangjiang Police Force knew, so they turned the black dog into a tainted witness.

360 In order to ensure his own safety, Long Zhiqiang will definitely make a move, because the best way to save himself is to kill the black dog. As long as the black dog dies, any troubles he may have will disappear in smoke.

Moreover, killing the black dog has a greater advantage, that is, the Xiangjiang police force will be distracted and overwhelmed, which is definitely very beneficial to Long Zhiqiang.

In his other secret villa, Long Zhiqiang was also watching the news on TV, and after watching the news, he was so angry that he completely smashed the ceramic teacups on the table beside him.

Long Zhiqiang stood in front of the TV, with his hands on his waist, staring at the TV screen, his eyes flickering, his whole body was extremely cold and terrifying, no one knew what Long Zhiqiang was thinking at this moment.

"Black Dog, what the hell did you say to the police?"

"The black dog probably doesn't know many things about me, but what if?"

"What if the black dog really knows some big secret?"

At this time, Long Zhiqiang was in a state of confusion. He really smelled danger from the TV, because even he couldn't guess what the black dog said in exchange for the identity of the tainted witness!

The feeling of danger made Long Zhi strong like a thorn in his back, like a thorn in his throat, and it also made him want to get rid of the black dog in an instant.

All of this was within Wang Jin's expectations. The crowd was on the first floor, Long Zhiqiang might be on the second floor, but Wang Jin was on the atmosphere! .

Chapter 810 Add more fuel and more firewood, the more it burns, the more prosperous it is!

Everything was planned by Wang Jin!

Those media people were really happy after getting such explosive news materials. Usually, even if they waited for ten days and a half months, they would not be able to make a big news.

You can only go to the scandals of those celebrities, or the grievances and grudges of the wealthy families.

Is it because they don't want to make big news?

Of course not, they naturally want to make big news, but there is really no big news, where can they find it?

However, the melons released by the Xiangjiang Police Force this time are really delicious, and this is the big news they want, so naturally everyone is full of motivation.

Some people can't wait to finish the manuscript overnight, not daring to stop for a moment, for fear that this kind of news will be reported by others one step ahead, and then their own news and newspaper sales will plummet.

After all, this news is known to many media people in Xiangjiang, and it is not an exclusive report, so if you want to get the first bite, you have to be quick!

Only when you are fast can you seize the opportunity!

Therefore, basically every newspaper and news are released at about the same time, and this situation has also caused the news and newspapers to flood Xiangjiang.

It also made countless citizens of Xiangjiang eat melons and vomit!

All the newspapers and news were talking about the same thing, while other reports were drowned out in the overwhelming reports, not even a sound could be heard.

In this regard, can the citizens of Xiangjiang not eat melons until they vomit?

Although the big and small newspapers are much different in size, since they can survive in Xiangjiang, they naturally have their own set of survival skills.

Big newspapers are more inclined to report positively. Seeking truth from facts, they are what they should be. At most, there are some fringe descriptions, which give people room for imagination.

But those small newspapers are different. They can’t compare with those big newspapers in terms of sales, so they naturally have to find another way, so they write whatever attracts attention. Anyway, as long as the citizens of Xiangjiang like to read all kinds of associations, they dare to read them. Write, anyway, they are not responsible for writing.

At worst, if someone pursues it, they just run away. They are very familiar with this kind of thing. Of course, if they fail to escape, they can only consider themselves unlucky. After a while, they will change their appearance and continue to report.

It is precisely because of this unyielding spirit that these small newspapers have survived, and even the big newspapers have nothing to do with them.

Just say big newspapers report and ban these small newspapers!

People don't have any fear at all, even if it is banned, they can still publish newspapers secretly, inexhaustible, inexhaustible, just like an immortal Xiaoqiang.

Then, those big newspapers gave up completely. Anyway, they can't get rid of these guys, so let them get a share of the pie. Anyway, the big newspapers are still in the hands of these big newspapers.

It is also due to the efforts of large and small newspapers and news that the matter of the black dog has completely fermented in Xiangjiang, and various gossip speculations are flying all over the sky.

There is even an awesome TV column group, which opened a new column and released a million rewards, inviting the citizens of Xiangjiang to call the TV column group to participate in the guessing session. What did the black dog say to the Xiangjiang Police Force? What kind of secret, and every caller, said guesswork will be recorded.

When the dust of this case is settled and the Xiangjiang Police Force announces all the facts, this TV program team will come to reveal the answer, and the citizens of Xiangjiang who give the correct answer can take away 100 million cash.

If more than one answer is correct, everyone will share the cash equally!

This time, it was already overwhelming news, but it really added fuel to the fire. Who wouldn't want to get 100 million in cash for free?

Even the entire program group was completely popular. The leader of the TV station was also quite discerning. He immediately made a decision and decided that this TV program would continue to run, and the TV station would pay for the reward in the future.

Maybe this TV program will become their trump card program in the future, and compared with the money they spend, they will only get more.

As long as you guess the answer correctly, you can get 100 million in cash. Where can you find such a good thing?

The odds of winning the lottery are even higher than buying lottery tickets. There is no reason for the citizens of Xiangjiang not to be crazy.

For this reason, the TV program team was particularly urgent, and dozens of people were mobilized to answer the calls. There are dozens of phones alone, and the lines are still busy. One can imagine how popular the participation of Xiangjiang citizens is. .

As for this column, the planner behind it was none other than Wang Jin, and even the bonuses of the program group were all paid by Wang Jin secretly.

His purpose is to add fire to this matter. Since the fishing boat is going to be hyped, the more fire the better!

Wang Jin's goal has also been completely achieved, because now as long as he walks on the street, no matter whether it is a street, a shopping mall or a restaurant, as long as there are people or friends, the discussion is all about.

"¨~What answer did you think of today? Is it reliable~‖?"

"Of course it's reliable, just wait and see! I can definitely get the bonus!"

"True or not, tell me what you guessed, and I'll analyze it for you, whether it makes sense or not! The chances are high or not!"

"Damn, what the hell are you thinking about, you think I don't know, you want to steal my answer, so you can call the TV program team, and want to share my bonus? Don't even think about it!"

Afterwards, the two of them started fighting after arguing, and it was really bruised and swollen.


And this kind of fighting is not just once or twice, it can be said that it is not uncommon after the launch of the TV program.

From this, we can see how hot this matter is!

The popularity was somewhat beyond Wang Jin's expectation!

He didn't expect that just because of his own thought, let the fishing boat in this case ferment to such an extent, it can only be said that the interests are touching (good king's) heart, no one can be exempted!

Wang Jin didn't believe it either. Now that it was at this point, Long Zhiqiang could still sit on the Diaoyutai without moving like a mountain?

In fact, Long Zhiqiang couldn't sit still. Before this matter fermented, he began to feel a little flustered, and when this matter completely fermented, and even the TV programs were completely popular, Long Zhiqiang Being strong becomes an ant on a hot pan.

The ceramic teacups were broken several times a day, and Long Zhiqiang's temper was getting worse and worse, getting angry at every turn. Except for Long Zhiqiang's younger brother, no one dared to get close to Long Zhiqiang.

"No, you must not wait any longer, you must kill the black dog immediately!"

Long Zhiqiang in the villa was pacing up and down, showing the chaos in his heart.

Then, he made a decision in his heart. He originally wanted to wait for this matter to pass by himself, but it was impossible in this situation. It seemed that he was the only one who would do it himself.

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