On this point, although the doctor didn't mean to be too inclined just now, at most it was just a joke, but Long Zhiqiang still saw the flames of hatred in the doctor's eyes.

Now, there are only two ways to solve this problem. One is to hand over his younger brother to the doctor to completely eliminate this grievance. Desperate.

But although Long Zhiqiang is a hero, he is also a person with feelings and family ties. His younger brother is already his last relative in this world.

If even his younger brother died at "[-]", he would not even have a single family member in this world, or how can we say that people are selfish!

If you put it on someone else, you can accept it, but when you put it on yourself, you can't accept it.

In addition to this method, the remaining method is to completely eradicate the threat of the doctor.

To be honest, if it was someone else, Long Zhiqiang would not hesitate at all, and would just kill him. But when this person is a doctor, Long Zhiqiang has to think about it, because the doctor is so important.

Don't do it unless you have to.

In the end, Long Zhiqiang still decided to give the doctor a chance, and this chance was manifested in this operation.

If the doctor satisfied him, he decided not to move the doctor for the time being, at least not until he wanted to break up the team.

As for the dissolution of the team, that's out of Long Zhiqiang's control, maybe a single bullet could kill the doctor.

Long Zhiqiang felt that although his younger brother was a waste, he was still his own younger brother, and he still wanted to keep it.


As for the others, after Long Zhiqiang assigned the task, they had already gone to collect various information and materials about the black dog. This was a rare opportunity to go out, so they naturally had to grasp and cherish it.

Of course, everyone cherishes their own lives very much. They all understand what time it is now. The policemen seem to be crazy and want to catch them, but the gang of Long Zhiqiang really revealed his true colors. There are not many, as long as they are not as arrogant and unscrupulous as the black dog, and attract the attention of the poor, it is actually not a big problem.

After all, they blended in with ordinary citizens, who could tell that they had problems?

It's impossible for the policemen to be idle and have nothing to do. Every ordinary citizen has to interrogate for a while, right?

In that case, I am afraid that many people will wake up from their dreams with laughter, because it will cause a huge panic in Xiangjiang, and many people will be able to fish in troubled waters and achieve their desired goals.

A chaotic and panic-filled Xiangjiang is definitely their paradise, because it will make the police exhausted and have no time to take care of them.

No matter how stupid the poor guy is, it is impossible to do this to make some people's goals come true, not to mention that the senior officials of the Xiangjiang Police Force are not stupid.

Entrusting this matter to Wang Jin is to believe in Wang Jin's ability to solve this case with the least impact!

After disguised, Long Zhiqiang's gang members investigated the current address of the black dog.

As a tainted witness of the police, the black dog naturally received the strictest protection and strict surveillance.

This is the whole life of the black dog before he failed to testify in court!

From one cage, into another cage!

At this time, the black dog regretted it immensely. If he hadn't been so arrogant and high-profile after he came out from Long Zhiqiang, he would never have been caught by the police and arrested in one fell swoop.

But it is too late to regret now, either choose to go to jail and be completely locked in bars and prisons from now on, or choose to be a tainted witness and be free in the end, choose one of the two.

Heigou is not a fool, he naturally knows how to choose, so even though he is very impatient with this cage-like life, Heigou still chooses to endure it.

"Be patient! Just wait until everything is over!"

The black dog lying on the bed looked at the poor guy who was guarding the door like a door god, so he could only sigh and comfort himself helplessly.

As a tainted witness, the police treated the black dog well. Although it was not arranged in the police force, it was also arranged in a hotel not far away, which was very close.

The police force is also in charge of eating and drinking the black dogs. Apart from the lack of freedom, it's actually not bad.

There are police officers around him 24 hours a day, responsible for protecting the black dogs, each team has more than 12 people, and all of them are equipped with pistols...

When the food reaches the hands of the black dog, it has to go through a lot of drug tests, just to prevent the black dog from being plotted by others.

In this regard, the experience of the police force is quite rich, because they have already protected countless tainted witnesses, and they can be said to be familiar with the road.

That is to say, the identity of the black dog as a tainted witness is more important, so the police sent three teams of policemen to protect the safety of the black dog day and night. If it were an ordinary tainted witness, it would definitely not receive such strict protection.

Five or six people, divided into three teams, each team with one or two people to protect, is already amazing.

But what the messengers didn't know was that they were in the open, while Long Zhiqiang and the others were in the dark. In order to investigate the situation around the black dog more carefully, Long Zhiqiang and the others sneaked into the hotel.

Some of them dressed up as hotel service staff, some as hotel cleaners, some as hotel security guards, and some as repairmen.

In short, they all sneaked into the hotel and closely monitored the movements of Heigou and others!

Soon, Chang'e, who was dressed as a hotel service staff, went out first. Because it was time for food delivery, she knocked on the door of the room where the black dog was. She was about to deliver the food, but was stopped by the police. out the door.

"You don't need to come in, just give us the food!"

Speaking of which, the people from the police force took the dining car from Chang'e, and they were still looking at Chang'e. Although Chang'e was a woman, there was no distinction between men and women for them, the policemen who protected the 4.9 point witnesses.

Some people have only two kinds of people, one is dangerous and the other is not dangerous!

At this time, Chang'e, although she was calm on the surface, was already panicking in her heart, but in order not to show her flaws, she forced a smile, then nodded and left.

After leaving, Chang'e immediately found an empty corner, panting with her back against the wall, her legs and feet were a little weak, the scrutiny of the policeman just now was too lethal for her.

If she had shown a little flaw just now, she might have faced the ruthless muzzle of the policeman on the opposite side.

"Plan A failed!"

After panting for a long time, Chang'e told everyone through the headset in her ears that Plan A had completely failed, and she couldn't even enter the room, let alone investigate the guards around the black dog.

Chapter 810 The doctor's acting skills, spy on the truth!

Although Plan A failed, it did not discourage everyone. They already knew that under the strict protection of the police, the room of the black dog was definitely not so easy to enter.

So, they didn't just have a plan A.

Soon, everyone passed the headset, and you talked to each other, researching why the plan just now failed.

"Those scouts are too vigilant. You didn't see that. The scout looked at me like a wolf dog just now. It almost scared me to death!"

Chang'e complained in the headset, next time there is such a task, she will definitely not be on it, it is too dangerous!

As a woman, shouldn't she just do logistical work and leave all the dangerous things to men?

How come it's completely the other way around here?

What she did was the most dangerous job, and she was the first one. If she hadn't had a strong heart, she would definitely have been killed today.

"It's because you are a woman! That's why we sent you there first, because if there are 24 women, those in the police force will think you are less dangerous! In addition, you are so beautiful, men are lustful, No one is exempt, these advantages of yours can also give you a chance to get close, who knows that those bad guys will not accept this trick!"

Long Zhiqiang's voice came from the headset, and he was also a little surprised. It seems that these poor guys who protect the black dog are really too difficult to deal with. They can even suppress the nature of a man. This kind of person is definitely the most Formidable.

In the headset, Chang'e heard Long Zhiqiang boasting that she was beautiful, and a charming smile appeared on her face.

There is no woman who doesn't like others to praise her beauty, and Chang'e is the same. Hearing someone praise her beauty, Chang'e's flustered emotions just now are completely swept away, and she feels that her strength has returned to herself.

He hurriedly got up and stepped on his high heels, and left with a thump!

Since her plan failed, it would be useless to stay here. On the contrary, if she gets too close and her weird behavior is discovered, then the follow-up plan may also be affected.

Long Zhiqiang did not hesitate, and announced directly into the headset.

"Then carry out plan B!"

"The doctor went to the power supply room, cut off the electricity in the black dog's room, and then pretended to be repaired. If you still can't get in, we will find a way later!"


The doctor responded lightly in the headset, and then fell silent. He didn't know whether the doctor was going to work or doing other things.

Sitting outside the hotel, in a car, Long Zhiqiang's face suddenly became gloomy. He felt that this doctor was becoming more and more disobedient, but now was the most critical time for the plan, and he could not be affected by other factors.

Otherwise, if the plan fails and arouses the vigilance of the police force, it will be troublesome!

If people from the police force directly transfer the black dog to the police headquarters or the police station, can they still sneak into the police station and kill people?

It's easy to get in, but it's hard to get out!

His Long Zhiqiang's subordinates are not so powerful, who can fight in and out of the police headquarters or the police station.

If he had such a fierce man under his command, he would have sent out to kill the black dog long ago, so why wait until now to make various plans to test the defense force around the black dog?

This is not taking off your pants and farting, is it superfluous?

As Long Zhiqiang fell into silence in the headset, it became completely silent. When Long Zhiqiang was sitting in the car, impatiently waiting, he lit a cigar and was about to smoke while waiting. The doctor's voice suddenly came from the headset.

"I have cut off the electricity in the room where the black dog is, and now I am pretending to check the wiring. I will use the excuse of maintenance later to test the situation!"

"Pay attention to safety, report any situation at any time!"

Long Zhiqiang, who was sitting in the car, had gloomy eyes and felt that even the cigar in his hand was not fragrant, but he didn't say much, just gave a few words of advice.

Then, the headset fell into a moment of silence.

The doctor in the hotel didn't know that he had made Long Zhiqiang feel murderous at this time. It was really his behavior. He talked to himself, although the doctor's method was not much different from what they discussed , but the doctor's behavior made Long Zhiqiang feel that the doctor was out of his control.

This is absolutely not allowed for Long Zhiqiang, who has a strong desire for control.

It's a pity that the doctor in the hotel didn't feel this.

After checking the wiring as planned, he knocked on the door of the black dog's room.

The door was opened, and a head poked out. He glanced up and down at the doctor with a calm face, and only asked after he found the repairman's uniform on the doctor's body.

"What's your business?"

"I'm the electrician of the hotel. Just now the electricity on the whole floor jumped. I suspect that there is a problem with the wiring. I have checked and repaired each room, and there is no problem. Now it's your room's turn! You see? Why don't you let me check it?"

Although the two had already struck up a conversation, the doctor still saw a hint of vigilance in each other's eyes, so he was not in a hurry, but just stood calmly outside the door, and had no desire to go in, and he didn't even look at him. Squinting, not looking into the door.

"No, we don't need electricity for now!"

The messenger obviously rejected the doctor's request, and was about to close the door, but was stopped by the doctor.

"Wait! This gentleman!"

373 And the doctor's shout immediately made the other party more vigilant, looking at the doctor's gaze, it was also full of scrutiny, and the hand was already on the holster around the waist unconsciously, if the doctor made any changes, He will definitely draw his gun and shoot the first time.

After all, protecting the safety of tainted witnesses is their top priority!

"It's like this, sir! Now the whole floor is out of electricity. If I don't check the wiring, I don't know where the problem is. If the whole floor has no electricity, the residents in other rooms will definitely be out of order." Satisfied, if other guests make a fuss and cause chaotic check-out or complaints, it will be a great loss to our hotel! It's not something I, a small electrician, can afford, you see?"

The doctor looked tangled and embarrassed, obviously he didn't want to take on this trouble and responsibility.

After listening to the doctor's words, the policeman also thought about it for a while. It is true that if it causes chaos, it will be troublesome for their security work!

So, after thinking about it for a while, he let the doctor in, but before letting the doctor into the room, the messenger checked all the doctor's tool bag and body, and after confirming that there was no danger, he put the doctor in the room. Put it in the room.

Soon, the doctor who entered the room, while pretending to check the wiring, completely found out the security forces around the black dog! .

Chapter 810 Hunters often appear as prey!

"There are twelve policemen with guns guarding the black dog, and the defense is absolutely tight. In front of the door of the black dog's room, there are two policemen guarding it. In addition, there are eight policemen in the living room. There are two policemen at the gate, and they are sitting at the door. Once there is any movement at the door, they will quickly notify the policemen in the living room for support! So if you want to break into the room and successfully kill the black dog, it may be impossible. easy!"

In Long Zhiqiang's villa, the doctor, who had successfully completed the investigation mission and successfully retreated, was using his own memory to outline with a pencil the location of the room where the black dog was located on a piece of white paper on a table.

At the same time, he also drew a few circles on the position of the room to represent the position of the policeman, and then drew a skull on the paper to represent the position of the black dog.

And the people sitting around the table shook their heads secretly after watching the doctor explain all the details clearly. How could they have the chance to kill the black dog with such a tight defense?

It seems that this plan to eradicate the traitors is completely dead!

Even Long Zhiqiang was silent for a while when he saw such a tight defense from the policeman. He rubbed his temples and felt very headache. He couldn't think of a good plan for a while.

"Do you think there is a good chance of winning with heavy firepower?"

After a long time, Long Zhiqiang still did not intend to give up, but asked the doctor a question.

Among the people present, he and the doctor were the smartest, so he wanted to ask the doctor's opinion on this matter.

After pondering for a while, the doctor shook his head and replied honestly.

"There is a chance of success, but I don't recommend it!"


At this time, Long Zhiqiang's doubts about the doctor had already increased, but he didn't show it, but asked calmly.

"Having a heavy weapon, it is true that we can storm in and kill the black dog, but it becomes a problem for us to leave. Since it is a storm, we must kill the policeman, and killing the black dog is completely different from killing the policeman! We killed Black dog, maybe the policeman will release the water and let us leave, but if we kill the policeman, it will be the power of the police force, and we will never stop dying! Don’t forget, not far from the hotel is the police The location of the police station! From the police station to the hotel, it’s only a 3-minute walk at most! 3 minutes, at most, is enough for us to kill the black dog, and it’s not enough time to evacuate! If the time is longer, then we What we are facing is the encirclement of the police force! At that time, who among us can confidently fight out of the encirclement of the police force~‖?"

Although the doctor's words were not pleasant, they were true. When he said this, all the people sitting around the table lowered their heads. They really did not have the ability to escape from the encirclement of the police force. Even if it has heavy firepower, it is the same.

After all, they are nothing, professionally trained combatants.

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